52 research outputs found

    An extension of a Bourgain--Lindenstrauss--Milman inequality

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    Let || . || be a norm on R^n. Averaging || (\eps_1 x_1, ..., \eps_n x_n) || over all the 2^n choices of \eps = (\eps_1, ..., \eps_n) in {-1, +1}^n, we obtain an expression ||| . ||| which is an unconditional norm on R^n. Bourgain, Lindenstrauss and Milman showed that, for a certain (large) constant \eta > 1, one may average over (\eta n) (random) choices of \eps and obtain a norm that is isomorphic to ||| . |||. We show that this is the case for any \eta > 1

    Real eigenvalues in the non-Hermitian Anderson model

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    The eigenvalues of the Hatano--Nelson non-Hermitian Anderson matrices, in the spectral regions in which the Lyapunov exponent exceeds the non-Hermiticity parameter, are shown to be real and exponentially close to the Hermitian eigenvalues. This complements previous results, according to which the eigenvalues in the spectral regions in which the non-Hermiticity parameter exceeds the Lyapunov exponent are aligned on curves in the complex plane.Comment: 21 pp., 2 fig; to appear in Ann. Appl. Proba

    On the Measure of the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum for Jacobi Matrices

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    We apply the methods of classical approximation theory (extreme properties of polynomials) to study the essential support Σac\Sigma_{ac} of the absolutely continuous spectrum of Jacobi matrices. First, we prove an upper bound on the measure of Σac\Sigma_{ac} which takes into account the value distribution of the diagonal elements, and implies the bound due to Deift-Simon and Poltoratski-Remling. Second, we generalise the differential inequality of Deift-Simon for the integrated density of states associated with the absolutely continuous spectrum to general Jacobi matrices.Comment: 18pp, fixed typos (incl. one in title

    An isoperimetric inequality for uniformly log-concave measures and uniformly convex bodies

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    We prove an isoperimetric inequality for the uniform measure on a uniformly convex body and for a class of uniformly log-concave measures (that we introduce). These inequalities imply (up to universal constants) the log-Sobolev inequalities proved by Bobkov--Ledoux as well as the isoperimetric inequalities due to Bakry-Ledoux and Bobkov--Zegarlinski. We also recover a concentration inequality for uniformly convex bodies, similar to that proved by Gromov--Milman.Comment: 39 page

    An isoperimetric inequality on the p\ell_p balls

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    The normalised volume measure on the pn\ell_p^n unit ball (1p21\leq p\leq 2) satisfies the following isoperimetric inequality: the boundary measure of a set of measure aa is at least cn1/pa~log11/p(1/a~)cn^{1/p}\tilde{a}\log^{1-1/p}(1/\tilde{a}), where a~=min(a,1a)\tilde{a}=\min(a,1-a).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AIHP121 the Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e - Probabilit\'es et Statistiques (http://www.imstat.org/aihp/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org