6 research outputs found

    Route Towards a Label-free Optical Waveguide Sensing Platform Based on Lossy Mode Resonances

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    According to recent market studies of the North American company Allied Market Research, the field of photonic sensors is an emerging strategic field for the following years and it is expected to garner $18 billion by 2021. The integration of micro and nanofabrication technologies in the field of sensors has allowed the development of new technological concepts such as lab-on-a-chip, which have achieved extraordinary advances in terms of detection and applicability, for example in the field of biosensors. This continuous development has allowed that equipment consisting of many complex devices that occupied a whole room a few years ago, at present it is possible to handle them in the palm of the hand; that formerly long duration processes are carried out in a matter of milliseconds and that a technology previously dedicated solely to military or scientific uses is available to the vast majority of consumers. The adequate combination of micro and nanostructured coatings with optical fiber sensors has permitted us to develop novel sensing technologies, such as the first experimental demonstration of lossy mode resonances (LMRs) for sensing applications, with more than one hundred citations and related publications in high rank journals and top conferences. In fact, fiber optic LMR-based devices have been proven as devices with one of the highest sensitivity for refractometric applications. Refractive index sensitivity is an indirect and simple indicator of how sensitive the device is to chemical and biological species, topic where this proposal is focused. Consequently, the utilization of these devices for chemical and biosensing applications is a clear opportunity that could open novel and interesting research lines and applications as well as simplify current analytical methodologies. As a result, on the basis of our previous experience with LMR based sensors to attain very high sensitivities, the objective of this paper is presenting the route for the development of label-free optical waveguide sensing platform based on LMRs that enable to explore the limits of this technology for bio-chemosensing applications

    Ultrahigh Sensitive Detection of Tau Protein as Alzheimer's Biomarker via Microfluidics and Nanofunctionalized Optical Fiber Sensors

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative illnesses displaying the highest death rate in the elderly. However, the existing AD diagnostic system remains elusive due to lack of a technology that may ensure enough sensitivity and reproducibility, detection accuracy, and specificity. Herein, a straightforward approach is reported to realize lab-on-fiber (LoF) technology for AD biomarker detection based on a D-shaped single-mode fiber combined with nanometer-scale metal-oxide film. The proposed sensing system, which permits the generation of lossy-mode resonance (LMR), remarkably increases the evanescent field of light guided through the fiber, and hence the fiber-surrounding medium interaction. Moreover, such optical sensors are highly repeatable in results and can safely be embedded into a compact and stable microfluidic system. Herein, the specific detection of Tau protein (as one of the classical AD biomarkers that is highly correlated with AD progression) in a complex biofluid with a detection limit of 10(-12) M and over a wide concentration range (10(-3)-10 mu gmL(-1)) is successfully demonstrated. The proposed LoF biosensor is an appealing solution for rapid, sub-microliter dose and highly sensitive detection of analytes at low concentrations, hereby having the potential toward early screening and personalized medicine in AD

    Divergência genética entre acessos de açaizeiro fundamentada em descritores morfoagronômicos Genetic divergence among accessions of assai palm based on morphoagronomic descriptors

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a divergência genética entre acessos de açaizeiro conservados na coleção de germoplasma da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em Belém, PA, por meio de descritores morfoagronômicos. A avaliação foi realizada em 87 acessos, com base em 22 caracteres: sete relativos à planta, três à floração, três a frutos e nove à produção de frutos, no período de 1995 a 2001. Foram efetuadas análises univariadas e multivariadas, com estimativas das dissimilaridades obtidas pela distância euclidiana média padronizada, e formação dos agrupamentos obtida pelos métodos UPGMA e Tocher. Os acessos apresentaram alto índice de variação na maioria dos caracteres. As distâncias genéticas entre os pares de acessos variaram de 0,09 a 1,87, com média de 1,39. O método UPGMA dividiu os acessos em cinco grupos, enquanto o de Tocher formou 24 agrupamentos. Os cinco acessos indicados como mais divergentes devem compor programas de intercruzamentos, para obtenção de genótipos superiores.<br>The objective of this research was to estimate the genetic divergence among accessions of the assai palm, sampled in the germplasm collection of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental based on morphoagronomic traits, at Belém, PA. The 22 morphoagronomic traits were evaluated in 87 accessions, from 1995 to 2001. Among the 22 traits, seven were relative to the plant, three to the flowering, three to the fruit, and nine to the fruit production. The traits were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. The estimates of the dissimilarities were obtained by the average Euclidian distance with standardized data, and the groupings by UPGMA and Tocher methods. The accessions presented high variation index in the majority of the characters. Genetic distances among accession pair varied from 0.09 to 1.87, with average of 1.39. The method UPGMA divided the accessions into five groups, while the Tocher method formed 24 groupings. The five accessions indicated as more divergent must be used in breeding programs aiming at the obtention of superior genotypes

    Chemical Composition and Microhardness of Human Enamel Treated with Fluoridated Whintening Agents. A Study in Situ

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    BACKGROUND: Dental whitening has been increasingly sought out to improve dental aesthetics, but may cause chemical and morphological changes in dental enamel surfaces. OBJECTIVE: Assess in situ the effects of high-concentration hydrogen peroxide with and without fluoride on human dental enamel using the ion chromatography test (IC) and the Knoop hardness test (KHN). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Nineteen enamel specimens were prepared using third human molars. These specimens were fixed on molars of volunteers and were divided into groups: OP38-Opalescence Boost PF38%, PO37-Pola Office 37.5% and CO-Control group. For chemical analysis (n= 3), the dentin layer was removed, keeping only the enamel, which was subjected to acidic digestion by microwave radiation. It was necessary to perform sample dilutions for the elements fluorine (F), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) for quantification using the IC test. The KHN (n= 5) was performed before and after the treatments. Five indentations were made, separated by 100 µm, for each specimen using a load of 25 gf for 5 seconds in the microdurometer. The data were analyzed using ANOVA with a 5% significance level. RESULTS: The OP38 group had the largest concentrations of F, Ca and P ions. The PO37 group showed the lowest concentrations of F and Ca ions. The average KHN was not significantly different between the OP38 and PO37 groups. CONCLUSION: Enamel whitened with hydrogen peroxide containing fluoride had greater concentrations of F, Ca and P ions. The presence of fluoride in the whitening agent did not influence the enamel microhardness