943 research outputs found

    Design and development of a high-stiffness, high-resolution torque sensor

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    A sensor has been designed and tested for precise pointing applications. The device is able to sense extremely small rotary motion and is immune to cross-axis forces. The hardware and design characteristics of the torque sensor are presented. Test data, integrated control methodology, and future applications are included

    Ways religious orientations work : a Polish replication of measurement of religious orientations

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    Comparative analysis of the psychometric features of the 6 measures of individual religion, Extrinsic, Intrinsic, External, Internal, Quest, and either Orthodoxy or an Individual Religiousness scale (IRS), has been accomplished for Americans (investigated by Batson and his associates), and for two Polish samples. Extrinsic, Intrinsic, External, Internal, and Quest were evaluated for all samples; Orthodoxy was evaluated for the American sample only, and the IRS was evaluated for the Polish samples only. Reliability, correlations between the scales, and several kinds of factor analyses are described. Hypotheses about the essential replicability in Polish of three dimensions of religious orientation, Means, End, and Quest, were mostly supported. However, there were also some differences, supposedly associated with both cultural difference (religion in Polish Catholics seems to represent the "true and social believer" character) and sample difference (high positive correlation between the Extrinsic and Intrinsic scales in the sample consisting mostly of persons coping with serious problems). There is also some evidence that the Quest items regarding doubts as positive do not work in the Polish participants in the way designed by Batson. The analysis is followed by some suggestions for the future development of Religious Orientations Scales, such as being more grounded in psychological theories


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    Melting ice in the Arctic Circle is opening international shipping lanes and exposing new resources. The 2022 National Strategy for the Arctic Region, Department of the Navy Strategic Blueprint for the Arctic, and U.S. Navy Arctic Roadmap 2014–2030 call for an increase in maritime presence. The region has the same operational requirements as any maritime environment, but the difficult climate makes systems less effective or incapable. A reliable system with exceptional endurance is required to patrol the vast region and conduct multiple missions. The Airlander 10, a hybrid aircraft manufactured by Hybrid Air Vehicles in the United Kingdom, is a promising platform that could meet the regional demand. This thesis utilizes Office of Management and Budget guidelines to conduct an analysis of alternatives by developing a trade space analysis and Evaluation of Alternatives for the Airlander 10. The analysis investigates multiple Department of Defense systems that are currently in use and compares them to the Airlander 10. The results confirm the utility of the Airlander 10 in the Arctic and conclude there is a cost-to-benefit ratio surpassing its alternatives. The outcome is a baseline for Title 10 milestone decision authority requirements for Milestone A acquisition of the Airlander 10.Outstanding ThesisCaptain, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Spirituality : explicit and implicit : hindrances to the scientific status of research on spirituality?

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    Mimo że duchowość jest dziś popularnym obiektem badań w wielu dziedzinach nauk o człowieku, ciągle istnieją kłopoty z jej definiowaniem. Wśród ich przyczyn, przynajmniej w psychologii, choć nieuzasadnione, są skrzywienia odzwierciedlające osobiste uwikłanie naukowca: z jednej strony apologetyczne, z drugiej – anty-fideistyczne. Skrzywienie pierwszego typu jest często powodowane wykraczającymi poza paradygmat nauki przekonaniami twórcy koncepcji. Odnosi się to do dwu koncepcji uznających istnienie duchowego wymiaru człowieka jako substancjalnie innego niż psychologiczny: logoteoria Viktora Frankla, czyli koncepcja wymiaru duchowego jako źródła potrzeby sensu oraz koncepcja Daniela Helminiaka, według której duchowość jest realizacją zasady autentycznej transcendencji siebie. Takie koncepcje określone są jako jawne. Jednak istnieją też jawne koncepcje duchowości, możliwe do akceptacji w ramach psychologii akademickiej; omówiony przykład to koncepcja duchowości opracowana przez Jamesa Averilla. Skrzywienie drugiego typu zdominowało zachodnią psychologię na długo. Może być ono powodem nieużywania pojęcia duchowości przez twórców koncepcji, których wyróżniające się cechy pojawiają się w tym artykule. Są to ukryte koncepcje duchowości. Trzy ich przykłady to: teoria opanowywania trwogi zainicjowana przez Thomasa Pyszczynskiego, Jeffa Greenberga i Sheldona Solomona, model podtrzymywania sensu, którego autorami są głównie Travis Proulx i Steven Heine, oraz transgresyjna koncepcja człowieka Józefa Kozieleckiego. Występują w nich podobne wątki, jednak koncepcja transgresyjna jawi się jako najbardziej przydatna. W zakończeniu znajdują się propozycje badań wykorzystujących idee sensu, radzenia sobie z absurdalnością i formy transgresji jako prowadzące do duchowej przemiany

    Antiamoebic Properties of the Actinomycete Metabolites Echinomycin A and Tirandamycin A

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    Entamoeba histolytica infects 50 million people per year, causing 100,000 deaths worldwide. The primary treatment for amoebiasis is metronidazole. However, increased pathogen resistance combined with the drug’s toxic side effects encourages a search for alternative therapeutic agents. Secondary metabolites from marine bacteria are a promising resource for antiprotozoan drug discovery. In this study, extracts from a collection of marine-derived actinomycetes were screened for antiamoebic properties, and the activities of antibiotics echinomycin A and tirandamycin A are shown. Both antibiotics inhibited the in vitro growth of a E. histolytica laboratory strain (HM-1:IMSS) and a clinical isolate (Colombia, Col) at 30- to 60-μM concentrations. EIC50 (estimated inhibitory concentration) values were comparable for both antibiotics (44.3–46.3 μM) against the E. histolytica clinical isolate

    Influence of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Ecosystem CO2 Exchange in a Restored Temperate Grassland

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    Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) affect the structure and function of grasslands by altering plant competitive interactions, shifting patterns of above- and belowground biomass allocation, and by increasing net primary production. However, the influence of N and P on net ecosystem productivity is poorly understood. In the context of a field-based factorial N- and P-addition experiment, I measured soil moisture, leaf area index and component fluxes of ecosystem CO2 exchange throughout the growing season in a restored temperate grassland near Buffalo, New York. I predicted that N-addition would enhance ecosystem CO2 uptake (GEE) while P-addition would stimulate ecosystem respiration (Re). As predicted, N-addition increased GEE and correspondingly amplified net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) to increase ecosystem CO2 uptake. In contrast, P-addition did not significantly increase Re. However, N- and P-addition interacted to significantly reduce NEE in comparison with plots that received N alone. Moreover, water limitation and phenological constraints during the middle and late growing season appear to limit autotrophic responses to nutrient addition. These results suggest that influences of N- and P-addition on ecosystem processes are seasonally dynamic and that the availability of N and P in soils may interact to weaken the strength of the terrestrial carbon sink

    Move! Development of a Wellness Program for 18-24 Year-old Adults

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    A capstone submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the College of Education at Morehead State University by Tonia M. Socha-Mower on November 11, 2022

    Out of cite, out of mind: the current state of practice, policy, and technology for the citation of data

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    PREFACE The growth in the capacity of the research community to collect and distribute data presents huge opportunities. It is already transforming old methods of scientific research and permitting the creation of new ones. However, the exploitation of these opportunities depends upon more than computing power, storage, and network connectivity. Among the promises of our growing universe of online digital data are the ability to integrate data into new forms of scholarly publishing to allow peer-examination and review of conclusions or analysis of experimental and observational data and the ability for subsequent researchers to make new analyses of the same data, including their combination with other data sets and uses that may have been unanticipated by the original producer or collector. The use of published digital data, like the use of digitally published literature, depends upon the ability to identify, authenticate, locate, access, and interpret them. Data citations provide necessary support for these functions, as well as other functions such as attribution of credit and establishment of provenance. References to data, however, present challenges not encountered in references to literature. For example, how can one specify a particular subset of data in the absence of familiar conventions such as page numbers or chapters? The traditions and good practices for maintaining the scholarly record by proper references to a work are well established and understood in regard to journal articles and other literature, but attributing credit by bibliographic references to data are not yet so broadly implemented


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    The aim of the work is to elucidate if there is a significant difference between the ability to maintain balance with or without the biofeedback while standing and identify specific segments that takes place of motion solutions of postural problems. We measured postural parameters using 6 tri-axial accelerometers placed in 6 places: 2× lower leg, 2× thigh, processus spinosus vertebrae L5 and C7. Probands absolved 3 postural tasks and 3 dynamic tasks. Postural: quiet standing with feet apart with eyes open, quiet standing with feet together with eye closed, quiet standing with feet apart with eyes open and with visual biofeedback. We used system Homebalance - interactive system for providing of balance training with visual biofeedback. Results show no significant difference between C7 and L5 for task without VBF (visual biofeedback) and with VBF, but SD VPG (sum of scatter of the acceleration) for thigh and ankle show significant difference between each task on every level. We detected that in open eyes majority of probands used ankle-strategy for maintaining balance. In eyes closed they preferred knee and hip strategy. The biggest accelerations were detected in C7 in eyes closed. Due to visual biofeedback patients are more motivated and they improve their skills faster than without visual biofeedback exercise. Strategy of maintaining balance during tasks with open eyes and eyes closed is different