31 research outputs found

    The latest reports on biomarkers used in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer

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    Introduction: Ovarian cancer ranks seventh in terms of incidence and eighth in terms of mortality among women worldwide. It is divided into several subtypes. The epithelial type of ovarian cancer is responsible for 90% of cases. The clinical picture is usually an appendage tumor detected by palpation or during pelvic imaging. Symptoms are usually non-specific such as abdominal pushing or bloating.  State of knowledge: Ovarian cancer is usually detected at an advanced stage due to the long duration of absence of symptoms. Therefore, there is an urgent need to look at existing and identify potential biomarkers that can lead to the development of new and more effective predictors for the diagnosis and prognosis of ovarian cancer. The ability of these biomarkers to predict the existence and stages of ovarian cancer could improve early diagnosis and survival of ovarian cancer patients. Currently, the biomarkers CA-125 and HE4 play the most important role in diagnosis. However, there are an increasing number of reports on other biomarkers such as kallikreins, bikunin, VEGF, and mesothelin.  Summary: Partly due to the lack of effective screening, ovarian cancer is usually diagnosed in the final stages. This is why ongoing research into new biomarkers that could contribute to faster detection of the disease is so important. They would also increase the effectiveness of the therapies used and enable a better prognosis of the course of the disease.  &nbsp

    Health benefits of hormonal contraception used by symptoms associated with acne vulgaris and hirsutism

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    Hormonal contraception in reproductive age is used not only as a birth control method but also for other indications like acne vulgaris and hirsutism. Acne vulgaris and hirsutism are important signs related to hyperandrogenaemia and provide a serious medical problem for the patients. Reduction of numerous existing symptoms leads to an improvement in the quality of women’s life. The aim of the study is to present author’s statistical data and to compare it to available data on non-contraceptive benefits

    The effect of hormonal contraception on symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle

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    Nowadays, there exist a large number of methods that allow to prevent unintended pregnancy. One of the most common technique in Poland is hormonal contraception in the form of contraceptive pills. This method is effective, easy to use, and more importantly it does not cause permanent sterility. Moreover, hormonal contraception comes with plenty of additional health benefits that are not related to contraception alone, such as: reduction of menstrual pain, regular cycles and lack of menorrhagia. Due to the beneficial effect on the body, hormonal contraception is used in the treatment of certain diseases, such as acne and endometriosis. Reduction of numerous existing symptoms leads to an improvement in the quality of women’s lives

    Systemic sclerosis – review of current data and latest reports

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    Introduction: Systemic scleroderma (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs, vasculopathy and dysregulation of the immune system. It has the highest mortality rate among rheumatologic diseases. SSc causes high economic and social costs. Aim of the study: The purpose of this review is to present the current state of knowledge and recent reports on the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation and treatment of SSc. Materials and methods: A search was conducted using PubMed and GoogleScholar databases. Articles were searched in English using the following keywords: "systemic sclerosis", "scleroderma", "treatment", "symptoms", "pathophysiology". Conclusions: Although the prognosis of SSc remains poor, optimized patient diagnosis along with ongoing advances in therapy could significantly impact the effectiveness of disease management in the near future. It is anticipated that there will be a growing need for further development of combination therapies to better treat this complex disease

    The problem of HIV infections and AIDS in the world in relation to WHO activities

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    The Problem of HIV infections and AIDS has been known for years. Effective prevention and treatment is a challenge of modern medicine. Studies conducted by the WHO show that Africa, in terms of morbidity and deaths, is the first among the regions included in this study. Nowadays, diagnosis of HIV infections is highly developed. This allows for quick and easy testing to confirm the infection, even in pregnant women. Across the globe, 59% of people infected with HIV receive antiretroviral treatment that allows them to function normally in society. Early and appropriate use of antiretroviral drugs significantly reduces the transmission of infection to other people and reduces the risk of having a child with HIV. Awareness of this infection among the general public and especially among young people is limited, which is why social campaigns play an important role in prevention

    The impact of coffee on human health

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    Introduction: Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It contains lots of biologically active ingredients. These compounds not only have aromatic properties, but many of them also have antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and relaxing smooth muscle properties. The aim of the study: The purpose of the study is to collect and review scientific publications about the impact of coffee on health. Material and method: The paper uses standard criteria as the research method. Additionally, during the literature review on PubMed and Google Scholar platforms, keywords such as coffee, caffeine, health, impact were used. Description of the state of knowledge: Numerous studies suggest that coffee impact on the long-term functioning of the organism is negligible and is associated with the consumption of coffee for a longer period of time. Chlorogenic acid, caffeine and trigoneline are primarily responsible for the positive effect. They have a hypoglycemic, bactericidal and antioxidant effect. Diterpenes, such as kahweol and cafestol may have negative influence on health. Research also suggests that coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes. Summary: The results show that coffee ingredients can have both positive and negative effects on health. However, before these observations can be used to create nutritional advice, further research is needed. They will allow a better understanding of the mechanisms of action of the compounds responsible for reduced risk of diabetes mellitus or Parkinson's disease. Keywords: coffee, caffeine, health, cardiovascula

    Influence of vegetarian diet on human body

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    All over the world there are more vegetarians than in previous years due to many reasons. One of them is positive influence on health what is shown in the latest research. The aim of the article is to review the influence of vegetarian diet on frequent diseases such as: hypertension, obesity,osteoporosis.An analysis of scientific papers from Pubmed and Google Scholar was performed, which most accurately described the issue of impact vegetarian diet on human health. The following keywords have been used in the search:Vegetarian, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis:vegetarian, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis.The researchers shown than vegetarians have lover systolic blood pressure  and diastolic blood pressure by 10 and 5 mmHg, they also lower overall mortality by 10-15%, risk of heart failure and by ~40%,  stroke by~35% and coronary events by 20%. Vegetarians also have statistically  lower body mass index. What’s more in this diet is more energy efficient thanks too low food energy density and helps keeping leptin on adequate level. Research has shown than vegetarians have lower mineral bone density than non-vegetarian, although some studies has shown that  risk of fractures in vegetarians and non-vegetarians was not affected by diet alternation. Based on the results of the studies above vegetarian diet contributes to lower blood pressure and preventing from cardiovascular diseases. It helps to avoid obesity and  to get rid of weights also doesn’t have negative impact on osteoporosis

    Raising awareness about the importance of chickenpox vaccination in children

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    Introduction: Varicella is an acute infectious disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus. It is among one of the most contagious infectious diseases. The main symptoms of the disease are an itchy, papular and vesicular rash on the trunk, face, scalp, extremities, mucous membranes. In addition, there is fever, malaise, headache and muscle aches, enlargement of lymph nodes. In most cases, varicella is mild, but 2-6% of patients may develop dangerous complications. The most common complications include bacterial skin infections, neurological symptoms and acute thrombocytopenia. Aim: The purpose of this study is to present the severe and complicated course of varicella in a 12-month-old patient. Results: On the day of admission, the patient presented symptoms of an exacerbation of the course of varicella. The main symptoms were smallpox eruptions, increasing fever track, and enlarged and painful lymph nodes. During his stay, the patient's condition indicated a severe course of varicella. It was complicated by infection of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and lymph nodes. In addition, tests showed Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and positivity for cat scratch disease. He also developed zoster during his hospitalization. Throughout his stay in the hospital, many tests and consultations were carried out to clarify his symptoms.  With appropriate treatment, the patient's condition improved and he was able to be discharged home after a 3-week hospitalization. Conclusions: The presented case shows the severe course of varicella. Due to recommendations and the patient's too young age, he could not be vaccinated against VZV. In each patient, the course of the disease is unpredictable. Vaccination protects against severe symptoms, and also reduces the risk of developing zoster in the future. In addition, long-term immunity can be acquired through vaccination

    The problem of obesity and overweight among children and youth in the world

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    Childhood obesity is one of the most difficult public health issues. According to "The Lancet" magazine, there are 124 million obese children in the world. The frequency of this disease in developed countries, including Poland, is constantly increasing. We can already talk about the obesity epidemic. Despite additional diseases, obesity has an economic impact in terms of combating its complications. Therefore, it is necessary to search for unknown risk factors as well as methods of their treatment. In order to obviate this disease, more and more preventive actions are being organised. However, education is not enough - joint actions undertaken by the authorities, society and representatives of the food industry are needed

    Uniwersalność, nie epickość: Współczesna interpretacja wątków miłosnych epopei Pan Tadeusz Adama Mickiewicza w przekładzie Billa Johnstona

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    Celem pracy jest pokazanie szczególnego wpływu, jaki może wywrzeć na czytelnika współczesny angielski przekład „Pana Tadeusza” Adama Mickiewicza opracowany przez Billa Johnstona. Przedmiotem badawczym są fragmenty epopei, które prezentują miłosne zmagania głównych bohaterów. Ze względu na fakt, iż wybrane sceny przedstawiają czytelnikowi ponadczasowe obrazy, które nie są osadzone w epickiej konwencji literackiej, ani ściśle jej nie podlegają, ich analiza stylistyczna ma zobrazować szczególną atrakcyjność, która wiąże się z uniwersalnością tychże wątków. W pierwszym rozdziale pracy czytający zapoznaje się z najbardziej widocznymi zmianami gatunkowymi „Pana Tadeusza”, głównymi motywami autora, które skłoniły go do stworzenia dzieła, jak i z refleksją nad dotychczasową angielską serią przekładową epopei. Drugi rozdział prezentuje zarys wybranych aspektów specyfiki przekładu literackiego, porównuje różnice w znaczeniu „Pana Tadeusza” dla polskiej i angielskiej publiczności oraz inicjuje właściwy przedmiot badawczy pracy, prezentując przegląd angielskiego przekładu Billa Johnstona. W trzecim rozdziale refleksję rozpoczyna zwięzły komentarz dotyczący wątków miłosnych w epopei Mickiewicza oraz stylu i strategii tłumaczenia Johnstona. Następnie praca przedstawia analizę porównawczą wybranych fragmentów oryginalnego dzieła oraz jego współczesnego przekładu.This dissertation aims to show the influence of the contemporary English rendition of Adam Mickiewicz’s "Pan Tadeusz" composed by Bill Johnston on its target readers. The research focuses on passages presenting love struggles of the main protagonists. As such fragments introduce their audience to the universal images that are not embedded in and strictly dependent on the epic’s peculiar genre, their stylistic analysis aims to reveal the particular appeal they may have. In the first chapter, the reader is introduced to the alterations to the epic genre introduced in "Pan Tadeusz", to Mickiewicz’s motives for creating the poem and to an overview of the English translation series of the epic. The second chapter shows an outline of chosen literary translation aspects; it compares the differences in the significance and meaning of "Pan Tadeusz" for the Polish and the English audiences and begins with introducing the proper subject of the research, presenting an overview of Bill Johnston’s latest translation of the epic. The third chapter starts with a brief note on the love affairs in "Pan Tadeusz" and presents Johnston’s translation style. Subsequently, it puts forward an analysis of the chosen passages of the original epic and its contemporary English rewriting