932 research outputs found

    Determining quality of early childhood education programmes in Spaina case study

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    This paper presents a case study where a specific protocol for assessing the quality of education programmes for children from newborn to age three was used. The article opens with a statement of the problem and a historical overview of Spanish educational policy which suggest that one of the main purposes of current legislation (LOE, 2006) is to ensure that centres provide high quality educational experiences. The paper goes on to describe the research that has been done in order to develop a protocol designed to assess educational programmes for children from newborn through age three. Finally, the article presents the results of a pilot project in which this protocol was applied in a case study. The information gathered and the conclusions derived from two stakeholders, parents and teachers, over two academic years is analyzed

    Cambios en la representación polínica de los ecosistemas fluvio-marinos de transición del entorno de la Ría de Vigo durante los últimos 1500 años

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Weaknesses and strenghts in assessing early childhood programmes: an assessment of an early childhood spanish trilingual priogramme in two- to three- year- old children

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    This article gives an account of the results from an assessment of an early childhood education programme, conducted over the course of two academic years (1999–2000 and 2000–2001), in a centre in northeastern Spain. The purpose of the assessment was to discover how a particular educational programme contributed to the short‐term competency levels of children aged from two to three years old. The programme’s curriculum encompassed different areas of development, including physical exercise and motor movement and social and linguistic development, using a unique teaching methodology that exposes the children to three different languages at the same time. The article includes a discussion of the weaknesses and strengths in implementing evaluation in early childhood education programmes, and concludes with some guiding principles that may prove useful in the evaluation of the appropriateness of any given assessment method used within an early childhood educational programme

    Reconstrucción de la dinámica del sistema barrera-lagoon del Parque Nacional de las Islas Cíes a partir de su registro sedimentario

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    La evaluación como garantía de calidad en educación preescolar

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    Este trabajo analiza la evaluación como el modo que tiene el educador de la etapa de preescolar de garantizar la calidad en sus intervenciones. Con este propósito, en primer lugar, en este artículo se analizan las razones por las que tiene sentido evaluar las intervenciones educativas en preescolar. En segundo lugar se enuncian los beneficios que parecen estar relacionados con la calidad de sus intervenciones y los beneficios que le reporta al niño un programa educativo de calidad

    First high-resolution multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental record of the Late Glacial to Early Holocene transition in the Ría de Arousa (Atlantic margin of NW Iberia)

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    A 322-cm-long sedimentary sequence obtained in the shallow marine basin of the Ría de Arousa—a submerged unglaciated river valley on the Atlantic margin of northwestern Iberia—was analysed using a multi-proxy approach to study how climatic and sea level changes affected the coastal ecosystems during the Last Glacial–Interglacial Transition. Past sedimentation, vegetation and marine productivities were inferred from palynological, radiocarbon, seismic and lithological data. A substantial reduction in the pollen and dinoflagellate cyst accumulation rates is observed at ∼12,700 to 11,700 cal a BP, suggesting lower marine and vegetation productivities likely as a response to the Younger Dryas cooling event. Overall, the regional vegetation changed from cold-tolerant open woodlands (Pinus sylvestris/P. nigra and Betula) dominating before ∼10,200 cal a BP to coastal wetlands and the regional spread of Quercus-dominated forests after ∼9800 cal a BP. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis allowed the identification of several small environmental oscillations, such as the 11.4 ka and 10.5 ka cooling events. After that, a conspicuous heath expansion was likely favoured by the palaeotopography, the increased precipitation and the relative sea level rise, which might have caused a profound change in the coastal configuration. Concurrently, both the dinoflagellate cyst and non-pollen palynomorph records reveal variations in the marine productivity and coastal hydrodynamics that also agree with a period of marked marine transgression, warming and increasing river flow. New sedimentary data highlight the high sensitivity of the ria's ecosystems to environmental oscillations and show a close temporal correspondence between terrestrial and marine responses to climate change