11 research outputs found

    Water Sorption And Glass Transition Of Freeze-dried Camu-camu (myrciaria Dubia (h.b.k.) Mc Vaugh) Pulp

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    Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to determine phase transitions of freeze-dried camu-camu pulp in a wide range of moisture content. Samples were equilibrated at 25°C over saturated salt solutions in order to obtain water activities (a w) between 0.11-0.90. Samples with a w>0.90 were obtained by direct water addition. At the low and intermediate moisture content range, Gordon-Taylor model was able to predict the plasticizing effect of water. In samples, with a w>0.90, the glass transition curve exhibited a discontinuity and T g was practically constant (-58.8°C), representing the glass transition temperature of the maximally concentrated phase (T' g). © 2006 Akadémiai Kiadó.842435439Justi, K.C., Visentainer, J.V., Souza, N.E., Matsushita, M., (2000) Arch. Latinoamer. Nutr., 50, p. 405Zapata, S.M., Dufour, J.P., (1993) J. Sci. Food Agri., 61, p. 349Rodrigues, R.B., Menezes, H.C., Cabral, L.M.C., Dornier, M., Rios, G.M., Reynes, M., (2004) J. Food Eng., 63, p. 97Slade, L., Levine, H., (1991) Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 30, p. 115White, G.W., Cakebread, S.H., (1966) J. Food Technol., 1, p. 73Raemy, A., (2003) J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 71, p. 273Roos, Y.H., (1995) J. Food Eng., 24, p. 339Roos, Y., Karel, M., (1991) J. Food Sci., 56, p. 266Levine, H., Slade, L., (1986) Carbohydr. Polym., 6, p. 213Collares, F.P., Kieckbusch, T.G., Finzer, J.R.D., (2002) Braz. J. Food Technol., 5, p. 117Bhandari, B.R., Howes, T., (1999) J. Food Eng., 40, p. 71Bell, L.N., Hageman, M.J., (1994) J. Agri. Food Chem., 42, p. 2398Roos, Y.H., (2003) J. Therm. Anal. Cal., 71, p. 197Moraga, G., Martinéz-Navarrete, N., Chiralt, A., (2004) J. Food Eng., 62, p. 315(1985) Normas Analíticas do Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 1. , 3 rd Ed., Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo(1995) Official Methods of Analysis, p. 1141. , WashingtonPearson, D., (1970) The Chemical Analysis of Foods, 6 th Ed., , J. Churchill and A. Churchill, LondonSpiess, W.E.L., Wolf, W.R., (1983) Physical Properties of Foods, p. 65. , F. Escher, B. Hallstrom, H. S. Meffert, W. E. L. Spiess and G. Voss (Eds), Applied Science Publishers, New YorkTelis, V.R.N., Sobral, P.J.A., (2001) Lebensm. Wiss. U- Technol., 34, p. 199Roos, Y.H., (1995) Phase Transitions in Foods, 1 st Ed., p. 360. , Academic Press Inc., CaliforniaSa, M.M., Sereno, A.M., (1994) Thermochim. Acta, 246, p. 285Telis, V.R.N., Gabas, A.L., Menegalli, F.C., Telis-Romero, J., (2000) Thermochim. Acta, 343, p. 49Roos, Y.H., (1987) J. Food Sci., 52, p. 146Sobral, P.J.A., Telis, V.R.N., Habitante, A.M.Q.B., Sereno, A., (2001) Thermochim. Acta, 376, p. 83Goff, H.D., Sahagian, M.E., (1996) Thermochim. Acta, 280-281, p. 449Bellows, R.J., King, C.J., (1973) AlChe Symp. Series, 69, p. 33Roos, Y.H., Karel, M., Kokini, J.L., (1996) Food Technol., 50, p. 95Sa, M.M., Figueredo, A.M., Sereno, A.M., (1999) Thermochim. Acta, 329, p. 31Telis, V.R.N., Sobral, P.J.A., (2002) Food Res. Int., 35, p. 43

    State Diagrams Of Freeze-dried Camu-camu (myrciaria Dubia (hbk) Mc Vaugh) Pulp With And Without Maltodextrin Addition

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    The state diagram for freeze-dried natural camu-camu pulp and for pulp with 30% maltodextrin DE 20 were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Freeze-dried samples were equilibrated at 25 °C over saturated salt solutions in order to achieve water activities between 0.11 and 0.90. Higher water activities were obtained by direct water addition on the freeze-dried product. Gordon-Taylor model was able to predict the plasticizing effect of water in the low and intermediate moisture content range. In the high moisture domain (a w > 0.90), T g was practically constant, representing the glass transition temperature of the maximally concentrated phase (T g ′), which were -58.8 °C and -40.1 °C for natural pulp and pulp with maltodextrin, respectively. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.773426432AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemistry), (1995) Official methods of analysis. 12th ed., , Association of Official Analytical Chemistry, WashingtonAndersen, A.B., Skibsted, L.H., Glass transition of freeze-concentrated aqueous solution of ascorbic acid as studied by alternating differential scanning calorimetry (1998) Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie, 31, pp. 69-73Bhandari, B.R., Howes, T., Implication of glass transition for the drying and stability of dried foods (1999) Journal of Food Engineering, 40, pp. 71-79Collares, F.P., Finzer, J.R.D., Kieckbusch, T.G., Glass transition control of the detachment of food pastes dried over glass plates (2004) Journal of Food Engineering, 61, pp. 262-267Goff, H.D., Sahagian, M.E., Glass transitions in aqueous carbohydrate solutions and their relevance to frozen food stability (1996) Thermochimica Acta, 280-281, pp. 449-464Levine, H., Slade, L., A polymer physico-chemical approach to the study of commercial starch hydrolysis products (SHPs) (1986) Carbohydrate Polymers, 6, pp. 213-244Lu, Q., Zografi, G., Properties of citric acid at the glass transition (1997) Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 86 (12), pp. 1374-1378Pearson, D., (1970) The chemical analysis of foods. 6th ed., , J.A. Churchill, London pp. 228-229Roos, Y.H., Effect of moisture on the thermal behavior of strawberries studied using differential scanning calorimetry (1987) Journal of Food Science, 52 (1), pp. 146-149Roos, Y.H., (1995) Phase transitions in foods. 1st ed., , Academic Press Inc., San DiegoRoos, Y.H., Characterization of food polymers using state diagrams (1995) Journal of Food Engineering, 24 (3), pp. 339-360Roos, Y., Karel, M., Phase transitions of amorphous sucrose and frozen sucrose solutions (1991) Journal of Food Science, 56 (1), pp. 266-267Sá, M.M., Sereno, A.M., Glass transitions and state diagrams for typical natural fruits and vegetables (1994) Thermochimica Acta, 246, pp. 285-297Slade, L., Levine, H., Beyond water activity: recent advances based on an alternative approach to the assessment of food quality and safety (1991) Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 30 (2-3), pp. 115-360Sobral, P.J.A., Telis, V.R.N., Habitante, A.M.Q.B., Sereno, A., Phase diagram for freeze-dried persimmon (2001) Thermochimica Acta, 376, pp. 83-89Spiess, W.E.L., Wolf, W.R., The results of the COST 90 project on water activity (1983) Physical properties of foods, pp. 65-87. , Escher F., Hallstrom B., Meffert H.S., Spiess W.E.L., and Voss G. (Eds), Applied Science Publishers, New YorkTelis, V.R.N., Sobral, P.J.A., Glass transitions and state diagram for freeze-dried pineapple (2001) Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und- Technologie, 34, pp. 199-205Telis, V.R.N., Sobral, P.J.A., Glass transitions for freeze-dried and air-dried tomato (2002) Food Research International, 35 (5), pp. 435-443White, G.W., Cakebread, S.H., The glassy state in certain sugar-containing food products (1966) Journal of Food Technology, 1, pp. 73-82Zapata, S.M., Dufour, J.P., Camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (HBK) Mc Vaugh): chemical composition of fruit (1993) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 61, pp. 349-35

    Desorption Isotherms Of Osmotically Dehydrated And Smoked Atlantic Bonito (sarda Sarda) Fillets [isotermas De Dessorçc̃o De Filé De Bonito (sarda Sarda) Desidratado Osmoticamente E Defumado]

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    The main objetive of this work was to obtain the desorption isotherms of Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda) fillets, previously subjected to an immersion impregnation process with NaCl solutions and smoked in liquid smoke. The isotherms were obtained at four temperatures (5, 25, 40 and 60 °C), using the static method with saturated salt solutions. The experimental data were fitted to four models (linearized BET, GAB, Henderson and modified Oswin). The results showed that a type II sigmoidal isotherm, with GAB equation, gave the best fit. The isosteric heat of desorption was also calculated and a simple empirical equation has been proposed to represent this heat, as a function of equilibrium moisture content.133305311Alves, R.M.V., Milanez, C.R., Padula, M., (2000) Embalagens alternativas para café solúvel Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 20 (2), pp. 204-211Anderson, R.B., Modifications of the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller equation Journal of American Chemistry Society, 68Official methods of analysis (1997) Galthersburg: Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 2, p. 40. , AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 16.edAriahu, C.C., Kaze, S.A., Achem, C.D., Moisture sorption characteristics of tropical fresh water crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) (2006) Journal of Food Engineering, 75, pp. 355-363Brunauer, S., Emmett, P.H., Teller, E., Adsorption of gases in multimolecular layers (1938) Journal of American Chemistry Society, 60, pp. 309-319Chen, C., (2006) Obtaining the Isosteric Sorption Heat Directly by Sorption Isotherm Equations Journal of Food Engineering, 74, pp. 178-185Chiralt, A., Fito, P., Barat, J.M., Andres, A., Gonzales-Martinez, C., Escriche, I., Camacho, M.M., Use of vacuum impregnation in food salting process (2001) Journal of Food Engineering, 40, pp. 141-151Doe, P.E., Fish drying & smoking: Production and quality (1998) Lancaster: Editorial Technomic, p. 250. , 1.edGal, S., The need for, and practical applications of sorption data (1983) Physical Properties of Foods, pp. 13-25. , In: Jowitt, R.;. Escher, F.Hallstrom, B.Meffert, H.F. T.Spiess, W.E.LVos, G. (ed.), London: Applied Science Publishers, cap.1Greenspan, L., Humidity fixed points of binary satured aqueous solutions (1977) Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards-A. Physics and Chemistry, 81 A (1), pp. 89-96Henderson, S.M.A., A basic concept of equilibrium moisture (1952) Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 33, pp. 9-32Igbeka, J.C., Blaisdell, J.L., Moisture isotherms of a processed meat product-Bologna (1982) Food Technology, 17, pp. 37-46Iglesias, H.A., Chirife, J., Isosteric heat of water vapor sorption on dehydrated foods. Part I (1976) Analysis of the differential heat curves. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 9, pp. 116-122Keachou, N., Maalej, M., Desorption isotherm of imported banana: Application of the GAB theory (1999) Drying Technology, 17 (6), pp. 1201-1213Kitic, D., Jardim, D., Favetto, G., Resnik, S., Chirife, J., Theoretical prediction of the water activity of satured salt sodium solutions at various temperatures (1986) Journal of Food Science, 51 (4), pp. 1037-1041Labuza, T.P., Ball, L.N., Moisture sorption-practical aspects of isotherm measurement and use (2000) Egan: American Association of Cereal Chemist, p. 122. , 2 nd edLabuza, T.P., Kaane, A., Chen, J.Y., (1985) Effect of Temperature on Moisture Sorption Isotherms and Water Activity Shift of Two Dehydrated Foods Journal of Food Science, 50, pp. 15-24Molina-Filho, L., Pedro, M.A.M., Telis-Romero, J., Barboza, R.H.R., Influência da temperatura e da concentração de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) nas isotermas de sorção da carne de tambaqui (Colossoma macroparum) (2006) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 26 (2), pp. 453-458Rucklod, S., Isengard, H.D., Hanss, J., Grobecker, K.H., (2003) The Energy of Interaction between Water and Surfaces of Biological Reference Materials Food Chemistry, 82, pp. 51-59Sabadini, E., Carvalho, C.B., Sobral, P., Hubinger, M., Mass transfer and diffusion coefficient determination in wet and dry salting of meat pieces (1998) Drying Technology, 16 (9-10), pp. 2095-2115Sablani, S.S., Myhara, R.M., Mahgoub, Z.H., Al-Attabi, M.M., Al-Mugheir, Y., W ater sorption isotherms of freeze dried fish sardines (2001) Drying Technology, 9 (3-4), pp. 673-680Saravacos, G.D., Tsiourvas, D.A., Tsami, E., Effect of temperature on water adsorption isotherms of sultana raisins (1986) Journal of Food Science, 51 (2), pp. 381-387Veltchev, Z.N., Menkov, N.D., Desorption isotherms of apples at several temperatures (2000) Drying Technology, 18 (4-5), pp. 1127-1137Vidal, D., (1983) Estudio de la maduración artificial y deshidratación de dátiles españoles, p. 158. , Valencia: UPV, Tese DoutoradoVivanco-Pezantes, D., (2006) Estudo das operações combinadas da desi- dratação osmótica a vácuo, defumação líquida e secagem em filés de bonito (Sarda sarda), p. 223. , Campinas: UNICAMP, Tese Doutorad

    Protein Extracted From Castor Bean (ricinus Communis L.) Cake In High Ph Results In Films With Improved Physical Properties

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    Castor bean plant (Ricinus communis L.) is a very important crop worldwide because it can be produced under severe climate conditions. Also, it gained importance last year because of the increasing industrial demand of biodiesel. The objective of this study was to study the effect of the pH (10, 11 and 12) of extraction of proteins from castor bean cake on some physical properties of films based on these proteins modified by tannin. Increasing pH improved the protein extraction yield without affecting their amino acid profile. The films prepared using these proteins by casting process showed a structural matrix sufficiently cohesive, intense total color difference (δ. E*. = 83-85) and relatively high opacity (8-15%). The values of tensile strength, elongation at break, Young Modulus, water vapor permeability and hydrophobicity of films were affected by the protein extraction pH. The protein extraction in pH. = 12 resulted in more rigid, more resistant, with enhanced extensibility, a lower rate of water diffusion and less hydrophilic films. The films showed homogeneous surfaces and dense internal microstructure. FT-IR spectra of all films showed characteristic bands and peaks typical of proteins with no differences in positions and intensity due to pH variations. It is possible to produce films from proteins extracted from castor bean cake by casting process. These films may be used in agriculture, specifically for planting seedlings. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.61217224(2005) Official Methods of Analysis, , AOAC Virginia, USAAyhllon-Meixueiro, F., Vaca-Garcia, C., Silvestre, F., Biodegradable films from isolate of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) proteins (2000) J. Agric. Food Chem., 48, pp. 3032-3036Bamdad, F., Goli, A.H., Kadivar, M., Preparation and characterization of proteinous film from lentil (Lens culinaris) (2006) Food Res. 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Trans., 37, pp. 751-756Bruno, M., Giancone, T., Torrieri, E., Masi, P., Moresi, M., Engineering properties of edible transglutaminase cross-linked caseinate-based films (2007) Food Bioprocess Technol., 1, pp. 393-404Cerqueira, M.A., Souza, B.W.S., Teixeira, J.A., Vicente, A.A., Utilization of galactomannan from Gleditsia triacanthos in polysaccharide-based films: effects of interactions between film constituents on film properties (2011) Food Bioprocess Technol., 6, pp. 1600-1608Chakravartula, S.V.S., Guttarla, N., Identification and characterization of phenolic compounds in castor seed (2007) Nat. Prod. Res., 21, pp. 1073-1077Chambi, H., Grosso, C., Edible films with gelatin and casein cross-linked with transglutaminase (2006) Food Res. Int., 39, pp. 458-466Chambi, H., Grosso, C., Effect of surfactants on the functional properties of gelatin-polysaccharide-based films (2011) Eur. Food Res. 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    Properties of chemically modified gelatin films

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    Edible and/or biodegradable films usually have limited water vapor barriers, making it difficult to use them. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a chemical reticulation treatment with formaldehyde and glyoxal on the mechanical properties, water vapor permeability, solubility and color parameters of gelatin-based films. Formaldehyde and glyoxal were added to the filmogenic solution in concentrations ranging from 3.8 to 8.8 mmoles/100 mL of filmogenic solution and 6.3 to 26.3 mmoles/100 mL of filmogenic solution, respectively. The treatments caused a reduction in permeability to water vapor and in solubility. Only the treatment with formaldehyde caused a significant increase in rupture tension for concentrations above 6.3 mmoles/100 mL of filmogenic solution. Scanning electron microscopy indicated a loss of matrix orientation due to the chemical reticulation treatment