83 research outputs found

    Thermocapillary marangoni flows in Azopolymers

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    It is well known that light-induced multiple trans-cis-trans photoisomerizations of azobenzene derivatives attached to various matrices (polymeric, liquid crystalline polymers) result in polymer mass movement leading to generation of surface reliefs. The reliefs can be produced at small as well as at large light intensities. When linearly polarized light is used in the process, directional photo-induced molecular orientation of the azo molecules occurs, which leads to the generation of optical anisotropy in the system, providing that thermal effects are negligible. On the other hand, large reliefs are observed at relatively strong laser intensities when the optofluidization process is particularly effective. In this article, we describe the competitive thermocapillary Marangoni effect of polymer mass motion. We experimentally prove that the Marangoni effect occurs simultaneously with the optofluidization process. It destroys the orientation of the azopolymer molecules and results in cancelation of the photo-induced birefringence. Our experimental observations of polymer surface topography with atomic force microscopy are supported by suitable modelings

    The impact of coffee on human health

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    Introduction: Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It contains lots of biologically active ingredients. These compounds not only have aromatic properties, but many of them also have antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral and relaxing smooth muscle properties. The aim of the study: The purpose of the study is to collect and review scientific publications about the impact of coffee on health. Material and method: The paper uses standard criteria as the research method. Additionally, during the literature review on PubMed and Google Scholar platforms, keywords such as coffee, caffeine, health, impact were used. Description of the state of knowledge: Numerous studies suggest that coffee impact on the long-term functioning of the organism is negligible and is associated with the consumption of coffee for a longer period of time. Chlorogenic acid, caffeine and trigoneline are primarily responsible for the positive effect. They have a hypoglycemic, bactericidal and antioxidant effect. Diterpenes, such as kahweol and cafestol may have negative influence on health. Research also suggests that coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease and type 2 diabetes. Summary: The results show that coffee ingredients can have both positive and negative effects on health. However, before these observations can be used to create nutritional advice, further research is needed. They will allow a better understanding of the mechanisms of action of the compounds responsible for reduced risk of diabetes mellitus or Parkinson's disease. Keywords: coffee, caffeine, health, cardiovascula

    Sonic hedgehog pathway dysregulation in skin basal-cell carcinoma of a Polish population

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway impairment plays a key role in the pathogenesis of basal-cell carcinomas (BCC), the most frequent skin tumor among Caucasians. Shh, Smo, and Gli2 family proteins are necessary for adequate and controlled cell proliferation. The aim of this study was to evaluate Shh, Smo, and Smo expression in BCC skin biopsies taken from sun-exposed areas. 41 BCC skin biopsies and 22 healthy skin specimens (the control group) taken from the same areas served as material for the study. All specimens were immunohistochemically stained with monoclonal antibodies directed against the chosen proteins. Shh and Smo expression (cytoplasmic pattern) were recorded semiquantitatively using a four-grade score (0–3). Gli2 expression (nuclear pattern) was determined using an image analysis system (semiautomatic function). The immunoexpression of the Shh and Smo proteins significantly increased in the BCC group, as compared with the normal controls (for Shh, the mean intensity was 1.67 in BCC vs. 1.17 in the control group, p < 0.001; for Smo, the mean intensity was 1.46 in BCC vs. 0.99 in the control group, p < 0.001). The staining for Gli2 in the BCC group was completely negative, but indicated the presence of Gli2 in the control patients (1.15 Gli2+ cells/100 cells). Sonic hedgehog pathway dysregulation may play an important role in skin cancerogenesis leading to BCC development

    Therapeutic hypothermia in asphyxiated newborns: selective head cooling vs. whole body cooling — comparison of short term outcomes

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    Objectives: Therapeutic hypothermia TH became broadly used in the management of the asphyxiated newborns. Although two cooling methods are used, so far the superiority of none of them has been established. The purpose of the study is to compare two cooling methods: selective head cooling (SHC) and whole body cooling (WBC) Material and methods: We conducted a prospective observational study in newborns with HIE. The patients received one of methods: SHC or WBC. The eligibility criteria were similar to previous studies. Stability of cardio-respiratory parameters and short term outcomes were analyzed. Results: 78 neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy due to perinatal asphyxia were involved in this study. The SHC group consisted of 51 newborns, the WBC group consisted of 27 patients. Both study groups had similar baseline characteristics and condition at birth. There were no significant differences in hospital course, neurological status and adverse effects associated with cooling procedure between groups. Analyzing the rate of thrombocytopenia and the number of transfusions of blood components no statistically significant differences were found between the groups. Conclusions: Results of our study indicate that two compared methods of TH despite varied target core temperature ranges do not differ significantly according to clinical course and risk of adverse events. Further observations are conducted and we look forward to the results of the long neurodevelopmental care

    Probing extreme black-hole outflows on short timescales via high spectral-resolution X-ray imagers

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    We investigate outflows and the physics of super-Eddington versus sub-Eddington regimes in black hole systems. Our focus is on prospective science using next-generation high-resolution soft X-ray instruments. We highlight the properties of black hole ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) systems in particular. Owing to scale invariance in accreting black holes, ULX accretion properties including their outflows, inform our understanding not only of the closely-related population of (similar-mass) X-ray binary systems, but also of tidal disruption events (TDEs) around supermassive black holes. A subsample of TDEs are likely to transcend super-Eddington to sub-Eddington regimes as they evolve, offering an important unifying analog to ULXs and sub-Eddington X-ray binaries. We demonstrate how next-generation soft X-ray observations with resolving power > 1000 and collecting area > 1000 cm^2 can simultaneously identify ultrafast and more typical wind components, distinguish between different wind mechanisms, and constrain changing wind properties over characteristic variability timescales.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Alarming behaviour of preschool children and their mothers' stress coping style

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    The aim of the study was to assess correlations between disturbing behaviour of preschool children and their mothers’ styles of coping with stress. It was not the authors’ intention to analyse mothers’ attitudes towards their children, but to explore constant, personality dependent pattern of coping with situations requiring adaptation. Material and method: Coping styles were assessed using the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS). Behaviours divergent from normal were assessed using the Alarming Behaviour Questionnaire (ANZ). The study encompassed children aged 3 to 7 and their mothers from randomly chosen kindergartens located in all districts of Krakow, Poland. Final analysis included 325 children (162 girls and 163 boys) and their mothers. The children’s mean age at the time of study was 4.84 years (SD 1.188; range: 3-7 years). Results: Excessive mobility of children, aggression and excessive mobility combined with aggression correlate positively with their mothers’ stress coping style focused on avoidance (SSU). The same disturbing behaviours correlate with the subscale “engagement in surrogate activity” and, in the case of hyperactivity – with the subscale “seeking of social contacts”. In the case of hyperactive girls, we observed a positive correlation with maternal coping style focused on avoidance (SSU), with subscale “engagement in surrogate activity” (ACZ) and “seeking of social contacts” (PKT). Hyperactivity combined with aggression correlated positively with the subscale “engagement in surrogate activities” (ACZ). It turned out that in boys avoidance of eating and avoidance of certain dishes correlate positively with the subscale “seeking of social contacts” (PKT) in their mothers. Most correlations were subsequently confirmed by the t-test, where specific dichotomised ANZ scales [ANZ (-): alarming behaviour absent; ANZ (+): alarming behaviour present] were used as grouping variable. Conclusions: It appears that maternal coping style, going beyond the scope of mother-child relationship and being a manifestation of a particular personality trait, is correlated with occurrence of specific types of alarming behaviours in preschool children. Possible interpretations of these correlations are discussed.Celem badania była ocena powiązania niepokojących zachowań dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym ze stylami radzenia sobie ze stresem ich matek. W swoim zamierzeniu badanie nie obejmowało postaw wobec dziecka, ale stałą osobowościową tendencję do radzenia sobie w sytuacjach wymagających adaptacji. Materiał i metoda: Do badania stylów radzenia sobie został użyty Kwestionariusz Radzenia Sobie w Sytuacjach Stresowych (Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, CISS). Do badania zachowań odbiegających od normy wykorzystano Ankietę Niepokojących Zachowań (ANZ). Badaniem objęto dzieci w wieku od 3 do 7 lat, z losowo wybranych przedszkoli, z wszystkich dzielnic Krakowa, oraz ich matki. Ostatecznej analizie poddano dane 325 dzieci (162 dziewcząt i 163 chłopców) i ich matek. Średni wiek wyniósł 4,84 roku (SD 1,188; min. 3, maks. 7). Wyniki: Nadmierna ruchliwość dzieci, agresja oraz nadmierna ruchliwość połączona z agresją korelują dodatnio z prezentowanym przez matki stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem skoncentrowanym na unikaniu (SSU). Te same niepokojące zachowania korelują z podskalą angażowania się w czynności zastępcze (ACZ) oraz w wypadku nadmiernej ruchliwości z podskalą poszukiwania kontaktów towarzyskich (PKT). U dziewcząt z nadmierną ruchliwością obserwowano dodatnią korelację ze stylem radzenia sobie matki ze stresem skoncentrowanym na unikaniu (SSU), podskalą angażowania się w czynności zastępcze (ACZ) oraz poszukiwania kontaktów towarzyskich (PKT). Nadmierna ruchliwość z agresją wykazała dodatnią korelację z podskalą angażowania się w czynności zastępcze (ACZ). Okazało się, iż u chłopców unikanie jedzenia, unikanie określonych potraw korelują dodatnio z podskalą poszukiwania kontaktów towarzyskich (PKT) przez matki. Większość otrzymanych wyników korelacyjnych potwierdziła się w analizach testem t, gdzie zmienną grupującą stanowiły poszczególne zdychotomizowane skale ANZ [ANZ (-) - brak niepokojących zachowań, ANZ (+) - niepokojące zachowania obecne]. Wnioski: Wydaje się, że styl radzenia sobie ze stresem właściwy matce, wykraczający poza stosunek do dziecka i będący przejawem pewnej cechy osobowościowej, powiązany jest z występowaniem niektórych niepokojących zachowań u dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. W tekście przedstawione zostały możliwe interpretacje obserwowanych zależności

    New insight of parenteral nutrition in children – short review

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    Abstract Admission. Parenteral nutrition (parenteral) is the supply of all essential nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, electrolytes, vitamins, trace elements and water intravenously. Parenteral nutrition is a generally available method of nutritional treatment used when the supply of food through the gastrointestinal tract is impossible, insufficient or contraindicated. Complete parenteral nutrition should be replaced as soon as possible with feeding to the gastrointestinal tract. Chronic diseases in children are often complicated by serious nutritional deficiencies

    Molecular and Functional Characterization of MobK Protein—A Novel-Type Relaxase Involved in Mobilization for Conjugational Transfer of Klebsiella pneumoniae Plasmid pIGRK

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    Conjugation, besides transformation and transduction, is one of the main mechanisms of horizontal transmission of genetic information among bacteria. Conjugational transfer, due to its essential role in shaping bacterial genomes and spreading of antibiotics resistance genes, has been widely studied for more than 70 years. However, new and intriguing facts concerning the molecular basis of this process are still being revealed. Most recently, a novel family of conjugative relaxases (Mob proteins) was distinguished. The characteristic feature of these proteins is that they are not related to any of Mobs described so far. Instead of this, they share significant similarity to tyrosine recombinases. In this study MobK—a tyrosine recombinase-like Mob protein, encoded by pIGRK cryptic plasmid from the Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical strain, was characterized. This study revealed that MobK is a site-specific nuclease and its relaxase activity is dependent on both a conserved catalytic tyrosine residue (Y179) that is characteristic of tyrosine recombinases and the presence of Mg2+ divalent cations. The pIGRK minimal origin of transfer sequence (oriT) was also characterized. This is one of the first reports presenting tyrosine recombinase-like conjugative relaxase protein. It also demonstrates that MobK is a convenient model for studying this new protein family