103 research outputs found

    Estimation of the number of contributors of theoretical mixture profiles based on allele counting: Does increasing the number of loci increase success rate of estimates?

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    DNA mixtures are more frequently encountered in casework due to increased kit sensitivity, protocols with increased cycle number, and requests for low copy number DNA samples to be tested. Generally, the first step in mixture interpretation is determining the number of contributors, with the most common approach of maximum allele count. Although there are previous studies regarding the accuracy of this approach, none have evaluated the accuracy with the newly expanded U.S. core STR loci. In this work, 4,976,355 theoretical mixture combinations were generated with the PowerPlex® Fusion 6C system which includes 23 autosomal STR loci and three Y-STR loci. The number of contributors could be correctly assumed for 100% two-person and 99.99% three-person mixtures, whereas, four-, five-, and six-person mixtures were correctly assumed in 89.7%, 57.3%, and 7.8% of mixtures, respectively. Y-STR analysis showed the 3 Y-STR markers are only accurate for two-person male mixtures (96.7%). This work demonstrates that maximum allele count using the expanded U.S. core loci is not much improved from previous smaller panels, reiterating that this method is not as accurate beyond three contributors

    The molecular profile in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia is dynamic and correlates with disease’s phenotype

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    IntroductionPolycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) are diseases driven by canonical mutations in JAK2, CALR, or MPL gene. Previous studies revealed that in addition to driver mutations, patients with PV and ET can harbor other mutations in various genes, with no established impact on disease phenotype. We hypothesized that the molecular profile of patients with PV and ET is dynamic throughout the disease.MethodsIn this study, we performed a 37-gene targeted next-generation sequencing panel on the DNA samples collected from 49 study participants in two-time points, separated by 78-141 months. We identified 78 variants across 37 analyzed genes in the study population.ResultsBy analyzing the change in variant allele frequencies and revealing the acquisition of new mutations during the disease, we confirmed the dynamic nature of the molecular profile of patients with PV and ET. We found connections between specific variants with the development of secondary myelofibrosis, thrombotic events, and response to treatment. We confronted our results with existing conventional and mutation-enhanced prognostic systems, showing the limited utility of available prognostic tools.DiscussionThe results of this study underline the significance of repeated molecular testing in patients with PV and ET and indicate the need for further research within this field to better understand the disease and improve available prognostic tools

    Minimizing the Negative Impacts of Airport Construction

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    Airfield infrastructure projects are critical to ensure facilities are safe, in good condition and meet current standards. However, these airfield construction and reconstruction activities are usually conducted on an active airfield, which impose operational and human factors challenges for all users, including pilots, air traffic controllers, airport operations personnel, construction workers, and emergency responders. FAA recognizes the potential safety challenges, and provides supporting guidance and regulation as described in AC 150/5370-2G, Operational Safety on Airports During Construction. While this guidance is valuable and enhances safety, there remain human factors issues that are worthy of investigation and discussion

    Reglamentacja dostępu do pasa drogowego a koszty przełożenia sieci na drogach publicznych

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    Traffic lanes, as one of the components of public property, are subject to special protection, which is expressed in the regulation of their use for purposes other than road management or road traffic. An example of this regulation is the need to obtain a permit to occupy a traffic lane, that is, to repeal the general prohibition in an individual case. However, an entity with the appropriate permit to occupy a traffic lane does not have full rights to this public asset, but only the so-called right to someone else’s thing. This has a number of practical consequences.Pas drogowy jako jeden ze składników majątku publicznego podlega szczególnej ochronie, która wyraża się w reglamentacji wykorzystywania go na cele inne niż potrzeby zarządzania drogą lub potrzeby ruchu drogowego. Wyrazem tej reglamentacji jest konieczność uzyskania zezwolenia na zajęcie pasa drogowego, a więc uchylenia generalnego zakazu w indywidualnym przypadku. Przy tym podmiot posiadający stosowne zezwolenie na zajęcie pasa drogowego nie ma pełni praw do tego składnika majątku publicznego, a jedynie tak zwane prawo na rzeczy cudzej. Wynika z tego wiele konsekwencji praktycznych

    Rozwój instytucji wznowienia postępowania administracyjnego: od totalitaryzmu do demokracji

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    The purpose of the paper is to present the evolution of the legal shape the institution of resuming administrative proceedings has undergone, starting from the classic regulation in the second decade of the 20th century, through the Polish People’s Republic period, to the present day. The main function of the discussed procedural institution is to verify the final resolution of an individual case if the already completed procedure was affected by what qualified as procedural defect. The resumption of administrative proceedings in the present formula, mainly regulated by the Code of Administrative Procedure, was shaped mainly during the totalitarian rule of the Polish United Workers’ Party of the PRL period. As a consequence, the way the discussed procedural institution formed was influenced by such circumstances as: the one-party system, the lack of social consultations before its passing, or the imposition of the communist ideology adopted in advance, affecting the legal understanding of individual premises for the resumption of proceedings. Due to the lack of administrative judiciary until 1980, which could independently control the public administration activities in the context of correctly interpreting and applying the provisions on resuming administrative proceedings, it was entirely dominated by the communist authorities. Importantly, the administrative law system during the existence of the so-called Polish People’s Republic — which was de facto a non-sovereign state strongly influenced by the Soviet Union — made it impossible for individual legal institutions, including the institution of resuming administrative proceedings, to settle into social and economic realities naturally and free from extra-legal influences. Establishing the administrative judiciary in the form of the Supreme Administrative Court on September 1, 1980 was the first announcement of the system transformation planned for the Polish Republic and democratic changes that were to affect the resumption of administrative proceedings institution by introducing an independent control of its application and interpretation. Due to the changes initiated in 1980 and continued in 1989, 1997, and 2002, the institution of resuming administrative proceedings was separated from political influence and totalitarian values in favor of a democratic state ruled by law.The purpose of the paper is to present the evolution of the legal shape the institution of resuming administrative proceedings has undergone, starting from the classic regulation in the second decade of the 20th century, through the Polish People’s Republic period, to the present day. The main function of the discussed procedural institution is to verify the final resolution of an individual case if the already completed procedure was affected by what qualified as procedural defect. The resumption of administrative proceedings in the present formula, mainly regulated by the Code of Administrative Procedure, was shaped mainly during the totalitarian rule of the Polish United Workers’ Party of the PRL period. As a consequence, the way the discussed procedural institution formed was influenced by such circumstances as: the one-party system, the lack of social consultations before its passing, or the imposition of the communist ideology adopted in advance, affecting the legal understanding of individual premises for the resumption of proceedings. Due to the lack of administrative judiciary until 1980, which could independently control the public administration activities in the context of correctly interpreting and applying the provisions on resuming administrative proceedings, it was entirely dominated by the communist authorities. Importantly, the administrative law system during the existence of the so-called Polish People’s Republic — which was de facto a non-sovereign state strongly influenced by the Soviet Union — made it impossible for individual legal institutions, including the institution of resuming administrative proceedings, to settle into social and economic realities naturally and free from extra-legal influences. Establishing the administrative judiciary in the form of the Supreme Administrative Court on September 1, 1980 was the first announcement of the system transformation planned for the Polish Republic and democratic changes that were to affect the resumption of administrative proceedings institution by introducing an independent control of its application and interpretation. Due to the changes initiated in 1980 and continued in 1989, 1997, and 2002, the institution of resuming administrative proceedings was separated from political influence and totalitarian values in favor of a democratic state ruled by law

    Racjonalny ustawodawca a konstrukcja prawna sprawy sÄ…dowoadministracyjnej

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    I accept that the statics of the administrative court case, i.e. the real subject of the proceeding (trial) of the administrative court, is the administrative case (in positive and negative terms). It constitutes an emanation of an objectively existing administrative-legal relationship, usually of a material nature, more specific in the form of a legal form of action. The boundaries of this legal relationship set the limits of the administrative case, which is the subject of a court case in the ad-ministrative court case.Przedmiotem rozpoznania w sprawie sądowoadministracyjnej (postępowaniu sądowoad-ministracyjnym) jest sprawa administracyjna. W konsekwencji można uznać, że granice podmiotowe i przedmiotowe sprawy administracyjnej, wyznaczone co do zasady ramami stosunku materialno-prawnego, wytyczają podmiotowe i przedmiotowe granice rozpoznania sprawy sądowoadministra-cyjnej

    Wykonanie orzeczenia sądu administracyjnego stwierdzającego nieważność aktu prawa miejscowego

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    The constitutional right to the court is the right to effective legal protection. It may be exercised if the law provides for the legal measures to ensure enforceability of the judgments. Local law enacted by the local government authority constitutes the source of universally binding law. Polish administrative courts exercise the control over hierarchical compatibility of a local legal act with the higher-order acts. This control is of comprehensive character, as the administrative court is not bound by the objectives indicated in the complaint, nor by the legal basis presented by the complainant. If the complaint against an act of local law is accepted, the administrative court renders its judgment declaring this act invalid. Frequently, a local law act which is invalidated constitutes the legal basis for an administrative decision (tax decision) or an order. Therefore, the enforcement of the judgment of the administrative court declaring a local law act invalid relates to an individual act. The legislator indicated that such acts may be challenged in accordance with the procedure determined in the administrative proceedings or specific proceedings. The author formulates and justifies the thesis that the most appropriate procedure of the enforcement of the described court ruling in the case of a specific decision is the reopening of the administrative proceedings (tax proceedings)


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