279 research outputs found

    Saúde e saneamento no município de Galinhos-RN

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    The state of health and sanitation in the city de Galinhos/RN is alarming, considering that access to public water supply and sanitation is absent. This condition is further exacerbated by the demand of that area as a tourist destination, especially to celebrate the festivities as the carnival, catholic festival and activities of summer. The city population growth, at times above cited, carries the collapse of poor sanitation system. The work now directs the foregoing discussion to the links between health, sanitation and environment, understood as built environment. In this context, the understanding of socio-sanitary conditions of the council is essential in the process of examining the actions of human rebut on the quality of life of local people. Thus, we developed the analysis of primary and secondary data, to conduct a holistic analysis of the health and sanitation in the city in the existing scenario. We verified, in the course of the research, that the conditions for solve part of the problem are already evident. However, the lack of political and popular demobilization contribute to the maintenance of the status quoA situação da saúde e do saneamento básico no município de Galinhos/RN é alarmante, tendo em vista que o acesso ao sistema público de abastecimento de água e esgotamento sanitário inexiste. Essa condição é agravada ainda mais pela procura da referida área como destino turístico, principalmente em comemoração a festejos como o carnaval, festa da padroeira e atividades de veraneio. O crescimento da população do município em foco, nos momentos supracitados, provoca um colapso no deficitário sistema de saneamento básico. O trabalho ora exposto direciona a discussão para as relações existentes entre saúde, saneamento e meio ambiente, entendido como meio ambiente construído. Nesse contexto, a compreensão das condições sócio-sanitárias do município é essencial no processo de análise dos rebatimentos das ações antrópicas sobre a qualidade de vida da população local. Assim, desenvolvemos a análise dos dados secundários e primários, procurando realizar uma análise holística das condições de saúde e saneamento existentes no município em tela. Constatamos, no decorrer da pesquisa, que as condições para equacionamento de parte do problema evidenciado já existem. Todavia, a falta de interesse político e a desmobilização popular contribuem para a manutenção do status qu

    More than trees: Stand management can be used to improve ecosystem diversity, structure and functioning 20 years after forest restoration in drylands

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    In Mediterranean drylands, extensive areas have been restored by reforestation over the past decades to improve diversity, soil fertility, and tree natural regeneration, contributing to halting desertification and land degradation. However, evaluating reforestation success usually relies on tree survival, while holistic and long-term evaluations of reforestation success based on ecosystem diversity, structure and functioning are scarce. In this work, we provide the first assessment that combines the evaluation of planted trees and indicators of ecosystem diversity, structure, and functioning in established reforestations with three native Mediterranean species along a climatic gradient. We sampled 43 20-year-old stands with umbrella pine, holm oak and cork oak in Portugal, and tested the effects of tree species composition, stand management (i.e., differences in tree density and shrub cover), and edaphoclimatic conditions, on the size of planted trees, species diversity, structural complexity and indicators of ecosystem functioning related to productivity, soil nutrients and tree natural regeneration. Our results show that, after 20 years of reforestation, stand management was an essential driver of plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. Higher tree density, particularly of oaks, and higher shrub cover improved plant diversity, ecosystem productivity, and oak regeneration. The latter was also improved by structural complexity. Tree composition effects highlighted the importance of pine management to avoid competition. Since we evaluated these reforestations along a climatic gradient, we also conclude that climate influenced pine and holm oak size, ecosystem productivity, and soil C/N. Our research, by being based on assessing the long-term reforestation success in a more holistic way, highlighted the importance of stand management for improving ecosystem diversity and functioning in these restored systems. Practices such as increasing tree density up to ~800 trees/ha and allowing a shrub cover of ca. 30 %, may improve the ecological condition of future and currently reforested areas across the Mediterranean region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Primeiro registro de madeira de annonaceae para o neógeno da América do Sul, Bacia do Amazonas, Brasil

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    The relief of the regions of Manaus and Itacoatiara,Central Amazon, is supported by Neogene siliciclastic rocks, boundedat the base and top by lateritic paleosols and covered by quaternary sedimentarydeposits from the Solimões-Amazon river system. This unitis informally assigned to the Novo Remanso Formation, consists ofusually reddish and ferruginized sandstones, conglomerates and pelites,with few identified fossil records, a fact that has hindered its stratigraphicposition, and the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the lastphase of the Amazon Basin settling. This study describes, for the firsttime, the occurrence of fossil wood in outcroppings of the left bank ofthe Amazon River, where anatomical and morphological data has enabledits characterization to the species level. Thus, the data marks therecord of the Annonaceae in South America, as well as the depositionalprocesses related to incorporation of organic material in the sandylayer and the fossilization processes that allowed its preservation. In anunprecedented way, this study has described Duguetiaxylon amazonicumnov. gen and sp. and provided information on the anatomical andsystematic character, as well as data on plant-insect interaction, and abetter understanding of the family.O relevo das regiões de Manaus e Itacoatiara, na Amazônia Central, é suportado por rochas siliciclásticas neogênicas, delimitadas na base e no topo por paleossolos lateríticos e cobertas por depósitos sedimentares quaternários do sistema fluvial Solimões-Amazonas. Essa unidade é informalmente atribuída à Formação Novo Remanso, constituída geralmente de arenitos avermelhados e ferruginizados, conglomerados e pelitos, com poucos registros fósseis identificados, fato que tem impedido sua posição estratigráfica e a reconstrução paleoambiental da última fase do assentamento da Bacia Amazônica. Este estudo descreve, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de madeira fóssil em afloramentos da margem esquerda do Rio Amazonas, onde dados anatômicos e morfológicos possibilitaram sua caracterização ao nível da espécie. Assim, os dados marcam o registro de Annonaceae na América do Sul, bem como os processos deposicionais relacionados à incorporação de material orgânico na camada arenosa e os processos de fossilização que permitiram sua preservação. De modo sem precedentes, este estudo descreve Duguetiaxylon amazonicum nov. gen e sp. e fornece informações sobre as características anatômicas e sistemáticas, bem como dados sobre a interação planta-inseto e melhor compreensão da família.Fil: Amaral Soares, Emilio Alberto. Universidade Federal Do Amazonas; BrasilFil: Cabral Kloster, Adriana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Gnaedinger, Silvia Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Riker, Silvio Roberto. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; BrasilFil: Da Cruz Lima, Felipe José. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil ; BrasilFil: Motta, Marcelo Batista. Serviço Geológico Do Brasil; Brasi

    Características da compreensão textual por alunos portadores da Síndrome de Asperger: um estudo exploratório

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    This study had the purpose of investigating the textual comprehension of students with Asperger’s Syndrome. The textual comprehension was analyzed according to Kintsch and van Dijk’s Textual Comprehension Model (1978). The participants were twenty students who responded the textual comprehension assessment instrument. The instrument was made up of a text and a questionnaire associated with 14 questions, four of them related to macrostructure, three concerning argumentation, three related to detail, and four involving inference. The results of the study show that the students may have a general comprehension of the subject read, even though they present certain deficiencies in the relation between the narratives that sustain the developed subject. They lack the processes that allow for the establishment of matches between the stimulus read and previous knowledge. Therefore they are incapable of making sufficient inference to help out with a more efficient comprehension of the textEste estudio tuvo el propósito de investigar la comprensión de textos en alumnos portadores del Síndrome de Asperger. La comprensión textual fue analizada de acuerdo con el Modelo de Comprensión Textual de Kintsch e van Dijk (1978). Participaron de el veinte alumnos que respondieron a un instrumento de comprensión textual. Este incluya un texto y un cuestionario con 14 preguntas. Cuatro eran preguntas de macroestructura, tres de argumentación, tres relacionadas a detalles y cuatro involucrando inferencias. Los resultados de este estudio indican que los alumnos pueden alcanzar una comprensión general del asunto tratado, aun que con deficiencias en las relaciones existentes entre las narrativas que sostienen el asunto desarrollado. Carecen de procesos que les permitan el establecimiento de emparejamientos entre el estímulo leído y los conocimientos anteriores y por eso no tienen la capacidad de realizar inferencias suficientes que les auxilien en la comprensión más eficaz del texto.Este estudo teve o propósito de investigar a compreensão textual em alunos portadores da Síndrome de Asperger. A compreensão textual foi analisada segundo o Modelo de Compreensão Textual de Kintsch e van Dijk (1978). Participaram vinte alunos que responderam a um instrumento de compreensão textual. O instrumento constava de um texto e um questionário associado com 14 perguntas, sendo quatro perguntas de macroestrutura, três de argumentação, três relacionadas a detalhes e quatro envolvendo inferências.   Os resultados deste estudo indicam que os alunos podem ter uma compreensão geral do assunto lido, ainda que com deficiências nas relações existentes entre as narrativas que sustentam o assunto desenvolvido. Carecem de processos que permitam o estabelecimento de emparelhamentos entre o estímulo lido e os conhecimentos anteriores e, portanto, não são capazes de realizar inferências suficientes que os auxiliem na compreensão mais eficaz do texto


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    Social problem solving is a cognitive behavioral process in which the individual learns effective behaviors that make him more likely to select the most effective ones and to evaluate and understand the implications of each action. This study aimed to adapt and validate the Social Problem Solving Inventory and to evaluate its relationship with the Coping Modes Scale. Six hundred students participated in two samples: one with 381 and another with 219, of both sexes, and varied ages undergraduate courses. The results showed a factorial structure of three dimensions and 16 items for the Problem Solving Scale for University Students and a positive association with the Coping Modes Scale. The study contributes to the identification of profiles of Brazilian university students in the process of coping with problems. It is suggested that the scale be applied to other samples, especially to students with low school performance and dropout history.La resolución de problemas sociales es un proceso cognitivo conductual en el que el individuo aprende comportamientos efectivos, con mayor probabilidad de seleccionar los más efectivos y evaluar y comprender las implicaciones de cada acción. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar y validar el Inventario de Resolución de Problemas Sociales y evaluar la relación con la Escala de Modos de Afrontamiento. Participaron 600 estudiantes en dos muestras: una con 381 y otra con 219, de ambos sexos, edades y varios cursos de pregrado. Los resultados mostraron una estructura factorial de tres dimensiones y 16 ítems para la Escala de Resolución de Problemas para Estudiantes Universitarios y una asociación positiva con la Escala de Modos de Afrontamiento. El estudio contribuye a la identificación de perfiles de estudiantes universitarios brasileños en el proceso de afrontamiento de problemas. Se sugiere que la escala se aplique a otras muestras, especialmente a estudiantes con bajo rendimiento escolar e historial de abandono escolar.A resolução de problemas sociais é um processo cognitivo-comportamental em que o indivíduo aprende comportamentos efetivos, com maior chance de selecionar os mais eficazes e de avaliar e compreender as implicações de cada ação. Este estudo teve o objetivo de adaptar e validar o Inventário de Resolução de Problemas Sociais e avaliar a relação com a Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento. Participaram 600 estudantes em duas amostras: uma com 381 e outra com 219, de ambos os sexos, idades e cursos de graduação variados. Os resultados apontaram uma estrutura fatorial de três dimensões e 16 itens para a Escala de Resolução de Problemas para Universitários e uma associação positiva com a Escala de Modos de Enfrentamento. O estudo contribui para a identificação de perfis dos universitários brasileiros no processo de enfrentamento de problemas. Sugere-se que a escala seja aplicada em outras amostras, especialmente em estudantes com baixo rendimento escolar e histórico de evasão

    Gastroenterite aguda por Campylobacter spp. no Serviço de Urgência Pediátrica de um hospital de nível II

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    Introduction: Campylobacter spp. is the main cause of pediatric acute bacterial gastroenteritis (ABG) in the European Union, with greater incidence in children under five years old. Most patients present complete recovery within days of infection, with no associated comorbidities. Antibiotic therapy should be reserved for severe cases. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology, symptoms, treatment, and complications of Campylobacter spp. infection in pediatric patients with ABG. Material and methods: Case-by-case review of the clinical records of patients evaluated in the Pediatric Emergency Department of a level II hospital with a diagnosis of ABG and Campylobacter spp. isolated from stool samples over a five-year period (2013-2017). Results: Of the 1990 stool tests performed, 637 (32%) were positive for the presence of bacteria. Campylobacter spp. was identified in the samples of 459 patients (72%). Eighteen patients were excluded for insufficient data, making up a final sample of 441 patients, with a mean age of three years old. Clinically, patients presented with aqueous diarrhea (59.6%), bloody diarrhea (43.8%), bloody and mucus diarrhea (15.4%), mucus diarrhea (3.9%), vomiting (36.3%), abdominal pain (24.3%), fever (63%), seizures (0.9%), and rash (0.2%). Eighty-nine patients were hospitalized. Eleven patients received antibiotic therapy. Discussion: This study represents the largest national case-by-case review of ABG by Campylobacter spp. in the pediatric population. Campylobacter was the main bacteria identified, mostly associated with self-limited disease. Conclusion: A judicious use of stool tests allows etiological identification in ABG. The growing number of cases of ABG by Campylobacter spp. reinforces the need for better hygiene procedures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ações de solidariedade feminista: relato de uma prática internacionalista da Marcha Mundial das Mulheres

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     O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma breve discussão acerca da força, articulação e capacidade organizativa das ações internacionais do movimento feminista Marcha Mundial das Mulheres. Para tal, focalizamos a ação “24 horas de solidariedade internacional feminista Somos Todas Apodi”, realizada na Chapada do Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, em 10 de dezembro de 2012

    Demonstrations and necessities on the death and dying process: perspective of the person with cancer

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    Objective: To know the manifestations and needs concerning the process of death and dying of the person with cancer at the end of their lives. Methods: This paper is a qualitative and descriptive case study. The scenario was the participants’ homes, who were also bound to the Interdisciplinary Homecare Program, in Pelotas/RS. Five persons with cancer at the end of their lives participated, four were male and one female. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and participant observation, from August to September 2015. Three or four meetings happened in their homes and thematic analysis was applied. Results: Four categories emerged: Emotional demonstrations and necessities; Social demonstrations and necessities; Physical demonstrations and necessities; Spiritual demonstrations and necessities. Conclusion: Cancer modifies patients and relatives’ lives, which demands skill and sensitive look from health professionals, when aiming to completely assist patients, considering their physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions