93 research outputs found

    Modifications of physical properties of coconut oil and anhydrous milk fat as a result of blending

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    The role of fats in food technology is mainly to develop the desired consistency. The simplest way to reach this goal is the blending of different fats. The aim of our work was to study the solidification and melting properties of blends of coconut oil and anhydrous milk fat. Pure fats and their 25–75%, 50–50%, and 75–25% blends were investigated. Melting profile and isotherm crystallization were measured by pNMR. Non-isotherm melting and solidification were detected by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Possible applications of the blends were established. Results show that AMF and coconut oil has limited miscibility, which is dependent on the temperature. Below 22 °C AMF is the softening component, above 22 °C the effect is inverse. Coconut oil accelerates solidification of AMF, however, basic crystal forms of AMF remained

    Signal-integrity measurements on VME320 backplane

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    Presentation made at the 4th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments, INFN Rome, 21-25 September 1998.Using high-speed buses in data-acquisition systems is very much widespread. The bus topology and performance is one of the key factor in the overallperformance of the whole system. The limitation of the speed which can be achieved on a backplane-like bus is determined by the signal-integritybehavior of the bus and the driver and receiver of the daughter cards. This paper deals with the evaluation of one of the latest VME-like backplanes.Measurement results are presented for the impedance profile, frequency-domain response, skew, eye-diagram and BER of the transactions

    A közösségi életre nevelés speciális pedagógiai eszközei

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    Az ember szellemi és lelki értelemben szociális lény. A közösség egyidejűleg életének mind eszköze, mind értelme és célja. Minden emberi cselekedet a csoporthoz, egy adott közösséghez viszonyítva történik. A túlélés előfeltételei a kooperáció és közösségi érzés. Az együttélés vaslogikája alól senki sem tudja magát kivonni. A személyiség fejlődése, az önmegvalósítás csak mintegy az én és a te közötti interakcióként szemlélhető, illetve az összetartozás által strukturált csoportban, közösségben képzelhető el. E fontos alapvetésekre építve, tanulmányunkban a közösségi életre nevelés speciális pedagógiai eszközeinek megismertetését célzó, szakirányú pedagógiai továbbképzésre kidolgozott tananyagok főbb tartalmi elemeit ismertetjük

    The effect of fine lees as a reducing agent in sur lie wines, aged with various sulphur dioxide concentrations

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    During the ageing in barrels, the contact with the fine lees triggers several processes in wine. Lees has a reductive effect by absorbing dissolved oxygen and reducing the amount, which will remain in the wine. At present, minimizing the addition of sulphur dioxide is the trend in all viticultural areas. In this study, the effect of various sulphur dioxide levels was monitored in presence of the lees to determine which dose is appropriate to provide the protection of susceptible white wine against oxidation. Without SO2 protection, the rH and redox potential changed slightly, so the level of dissolved oxygen seemed to be controlled during the ageing period by the lees, though the antioxidant effect of lees in itself was not appropriate to protect the polyphenol content from chemical oxidation, which led to considerable browning. With the addition of a lower amount of SO2 — 40 mg l2, the lees is already able to protect the white wine samples in all aspects