14,498 research outputs found

    Detection, amplification and control of free-electron nearfields

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    We use SNOM-like optical fiber tips functionalized with plasmonic and metamaterial nanostructures to detect, amplify and control the near-field of free electrons in the spectral range from 450 to 850 THz

    Deep sub-wavelength nanofocusing of UV-visible light by hyperbolic metamaterials

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    Confining light into a sub-wavelength area has been challenging due to the natural phenomenon of diffraction. In this paper, we report deep sub-wavelength focusing via dispersion engineering based on hyperbolic metamaterials. Hyperbolic metamaterials, which can be realized by alternating layers of metal and dielectric, are materials showing opposite signs of effective permittivity along the radial and the tangential direction. They can be designed to exhibit a nearly-flat open isofrequency curve originated from the large-negative permittivity in the radial direction and small-positive one in the tangential direction. Thanks to the ultraflat dispersion relation and curved geometry of the multilayer stack, hyperlens can magnify or demagnify an incident beam without diffraction depending on the incident direction. We numerically show that hyperlens-based nanofocusing device can compress a Gaussian beam down to tens-of-nanometers of spot size in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible frequency range. We also report four types of hyperlenses using different material combinations to span the entire range of visible frequencies. The nanofocusing device based on the hyperlens, unlike conventional lithography, works under ordinary light source without complex optics system, giving rise to practical applications including truly nanoscale lithography and deep sub-wavelength scale confinement.1165Nsciescopu

    Plasmonic amplifier of the evanescent field of free electrons

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    We show experimentally for the first time that free electron evanescent fields can be amplified by a plasmonic nanolayer in much that same way as optical evanescent fields are amplified in the poor-man's super-lens

    Joint Antenna Selection and Spatial Switching for Energy Efficient MIMO SWIPT System

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    In this paper, we investigate joint antenna selection and spatial switching for quality-of-service-constrained energy efficiency (EE) optimization in a multiple-input multiple-output simultaneous wireless information and power transfer system. A practical linear power model taking into account the entire transmit-receive chain is accordingly utilized. The corresponding fractional-combinatorial and non-convex EE problem, involving joint optimization of eigenchannel assignment, power allocation, and active receive antenna set selection, subject to satisfying minimum sum-rate and power transfer constraints, is extremely difficult to solve directly. In order to tackle this, we separate the eigenchannel assignment and power allocation procedure with the antenna selection functionality. In particular, we first tackle the EE maximization problem under fixed receive antenna set using Dinkelbach-based convex programming, iterative joint eigenchannel assignment and power allocation, and low-complexity multi-objective optimization-based approach. On the other hand, the number of active receive antennas induces a tradeoff in the achievable sum-rate and power transfer versus the transmit-independent power consumption. We provide a fundamental study of the achievable EE with antenna selection and accordingly develop dynamic optimal exhaustive search and Frobenius-norm-based schemes. Simulation results confirm the theoretical findings and demonstrate that the proposed resource allocation algorithms can efficiently approach the optimal EE

    Amplifying free-electron evanescent fields

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    We show experimentally for the first time that free-electron evanescent fields can be amplified by a plasmonic nanolayer in a manner analogous to the way in which optical fields are amplified in the poor-man's superlens

    Reasoning with comparative moral judgements: an argument for Moral Bayesianism

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    The paper discusses the notion of reasoning with comparative moral judgements (i.e judgements of the form “act a is morally superior to act b”) from the point of view of several meta-ethical positions. Using a simple formal result, it is argued that only a version of moral cognitivism that is committed to the claim that moral beliefs come in degrees can give a normatively plausible account of such reasoning. Some implications of accepting such a version of moral cognitivism are discussed

    Drone Mobile Networks: Performance Analysis Under 3D Tractable Mobility Models

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    Reliable wireless communication networks are a significant but challenging mission for post-disaster areas and hotspots in the era of information. However, with the maturity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, drone mobile networks have attracted considerable attention as a prominent solution for facilitating critical communications. This paper provides a system-level analysis for drone mobile networks on a finite three-dimensional (3D) space. Our aim is to explore the fundamental performance limits of drone mobile networks taking into account practical considerations. Most existing works on mobile drone networks use simplified mobility models (e.g., fixed height), but the movement of the drones in practice is significantly more complicated, which leads to difficulties in analyzing the performance of the drone mobile networks. Hence, to tackle this problem, we propose a stochastic geometry-based framework with a number of different mobility models including a random Brownian motion approach. The proposed framework allows to circumvent the extremely complex reality model and obtain upper and lower performance bounds for drone networks in practice. Also, we explicitly consider certain constraints, such as the small-scale fading characteristics relying on line-of-sight (LOS) and non line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation, and multi-antenna operations. The validity of the mathematical findings is verified via Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations for various network settings. In addition, the results reveal some design guidelines and important trends for the practical deployment of drone networks

    An Incremental Learning Method to Support the Annotation of Workflows with Data-to-Data Relations

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    Workflow formalisations are often focused on the representation of a process with the primary objective to support execution. However, there are scenarios where what needs to be represented is the effect of the process on the data artefacts involved, for example when reasoning over the corresponding data policies. This can be achieved by annotating the workflow with the semantic relations that occur between these data artefacts. However, manually producing such annotations is difficult and time consuming. In this paper we introduce a method based on recommendations to support users in this task. Our approach is centred on an incremental rule association mining technique that allows to compensate the cold start problem due to the lack of a training set of annotated workflows. We discuss the implementation of a tool relying on this approach and how its application on an existing repository of workflows effectively enable the generation of such annotations

    Stochastic Geometric Analysis of Energy-Efficient Dense Cellular Networks

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    Dense cellular networks (DenseNets) are fast becoming a reality with the large scale deployment of base stations aimed at meeting the explosive data traffic demand. In legacy systems, however, this comes at the cost of higher network interference and energy consumption. In order to support network densification in a sustainable manner, the system behavior should be made “load-proportional” thus allowing certain portions of the network to activate on-demand. In this paper, we develop an analytical framework using tools from stochastic geometry theory for the performance analysis of DenseNets where load-awareness is explicitly embedded in the design. The proposed model leverages on a flexible cellular network architecture where there is a complete separation of the data and signaling communications functionalities. Using this stochastic geometric framework, we identify the most energy-efficient deployment solution for meeting certain minimum service criteria and analyze the corresponding power savings through dynamic sleep modes. According to state-of-the-art system parameters, a homogeneous pico deployment for the data plane with a separate layer of signaling macro-cells is revealed to be the most energy-efficient solution in future dense urban environments

    Transfer of Dicamba Tolerance from Sinapis arvensis to Brassica napus via Embryo Rescue and Recurrent Backcross Breeding

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    Citation: Jugulam M, Ziauddin A, So KKY, Chen S, Hall JC (2015) Transfer of Dicamba Tolerance from Sinapis arvensis to Brassica napus via Embryo Rescue and Recurrent Backcross Breeding. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0141418. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0141418Auxinic herbicides (e.g. dicamba) are extensively used in agriculture to selectively control broadleaf weeds. Although cultivated species of Brassicaceae (e.g. Canola) are susceptible to auxinic herbicides, some biotypes of Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard) were found dicamba resistant in Canada. In this research, dicamba tolerance from wild mustard was introgressed into canola through embryo rescue followed by conventional breeding. Intergeneric hybrids between S. arvensis (2n = 18) and B. napus (2n = 38) were produced through embryo rescue. Embryo formation and hybrid plant regeneration was achieved. Transfer of dicamba tolerance from S. arvensis into the hybrid plants was determined by molecular analysis and at the whole plant level. Dicamba tolerance was introgressed into B. napus by backcrossing for seven generations. Homozygous dicamba-tolerant B. napus lines were identified. The ploidy of the hybrid progeny was assessed by flow cytometry. Finally, introgression of the piece of DNA possibly containing the dicamba tolerance gene into B. napus was confirmed using florescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This research demonstrates for the first time stable introgression of dicamba tolerance from S. arvensis into B. napus via in vitro embryo rescue followed by repeated backcross breeding. Creation of dicamba-tolerant B. napus varieties by this approach may have potential to provide options to growers to choose a desirable herbicide-tolerant technology. Furthermore, adoption of such technology facilitates effective weed control, less tillage, and possibly minimize evolution of herbicide resistant weeds