2,611 research outputs found

    "To Resolve the Ukrainian Question Once and for All": The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in Poland, 1943-1947

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    The end of the cold war has brought a new approach to the historical study of the early postwar period. So long as the cold war lasted, the actors of its histories were states: the superpowers in the first instance, and allies and satellites on the margins. Earlier debates concerning the immediate postwar years have thus concerned the responsibility of the major powers for the origins of the cold war. The revolutions of 1989, the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and the Yugoslav conflicts since have returned attention to national questions. From this perspective, the years immediately following the Second World War are important not only as the time when Europe's states were divided into two blocs, but also as the moment when several of Europe's nations were subjected to deportations. The mass forced deportations, as a result of the way in which they were carried out, and as a result of their place in state propaganda since, did much to consolidate Polish and West Ukrainian nationalism. The approach in this report thus concerns not only the choices of states, but the fate of social groups as they became nations

    U.S. Census Explorer: A GUI and Visualization Tool for the U.S. Census Data API

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    U.S. Census Explorer is a software application that is designed to provide tools for intuitive exploration and analysis of United States census data for non-technical users. The application serves as an interface into the U.S. Census Bureau’s data API that enables a complete workflow from data acquisition to data visualization without the need for technical intervention from the user. The suite of tools provided include a graphical user interface for dynamically querying U.S. census data, geographic visualizations, and the ability to download your work to common spreadsheet and image formats for inclusion in external works

    Necessary Companions: Faith and Reason

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    Can faith and reason exist, free of mutual companionship? If we restrict ourselves to a traditional scientific method when pondering questions of the universe and close the door to theological data and human thought, we may be rendering inaccessible the majority of what exists. As a scientist, I take solace in what we can discover through science and math as we seek to understand the one percent of our physical universe that is accessible. But humans seek to know more, to learn more, to experience more. In this essay, I argue that the synthesis of faith and reason helps us to experience what can be known—in ways that neither faith nor reason alone can. As a Catholic university with a Jesuit and Marymount heritage, Loyola Marymount University (LMU) integrates faith and reason into our core curriculum for many reasons. We speak often about wanting our students to develop as whole persons, to lead lives with and for others, to be educated toward purpose. We also educate them to explore the universe with an open mind and to pursue truth with all their being. Such a pursuit requires fides et ratio, necessary companions that shepherd us in and toward infinite wonder

    Gas Turbine Engine Staged Fuel Injection Using Adjacent Bluff Body and Swirler Fuel Injectors

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    A fuel injection array for a gas turbine engine includes a plurality of bluff body injectors and a plurality of swirler injectors. A control operates the plurality of bluff body injectors and swirler injectors such that bluff body injectors are utilized without all of the swirler injectors at least at low power operation. The swirler injectors are utilized at higher power operation

    In Students We Trust: The Solidarity Generation

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    As the most diverse group in America’s history, the post-Millennial generation—often labeled “Gen Z,” but what I refer to as the Solidarity Generation—is emboldened by its profound care for one another, proclivity for purpose, and its interconnectivity and access to information. Generational theory provides a cyclical perspective wherein we can gain insights about societal shifts and patterns, while also illuminating how our current generation of students are at the forefront of a revolution. Here we explore trends of this emerging generation, focusing on the social justice activism of our students and young people across the globe. The Solidarity Generation’s zeal for unity and social justice, arising at a moment earlier than that of its predecessor generations, is challenging the status quo and holding institutions and people in power accountable in ways unprecedented. We in higher education have a responsibility to our students and to our future, and an extraordinary opportunity to meet the moment and be a partner in transformation

    Equidistribution in All Dimensions of Worst-Case Point Sets for the TSP

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    Given a set S of n points in the unit square [0, 1]d , an optimal traveling salesman tour of S is a tour of S that is of minimum length. A worst-case point set for the Traveling Salesman Problem in the unit square is a point set S(n) whose optimal traveling salesman tour achieves the maximum possible length among all point sets S ⊂ [0, 1]d , where |S| = n. An open problem is to determine the structure of S(n) . We show that for any rectangular parallelepiped R contained in [0, 1]d , the number of points in S(n) ∩ R is asymptotic to n times the volume of R. Analogous results are proved for the minimum spanning tree, minimum-weight matching, and rectilinear Steiner minimum tree. These equidistribution theorems are the first results concerning the structure of worst-case point sets like S(n)

    Equidistribution of Point Sets for the Traveling Salesman and Related Problems

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    Given a set S of n points in the unit square [0, 1)2, an optimal traveling salesman tour of S is a tour of S that is of minimum length. A worst-case point set for the Traveling Salesman Problem in the unit square is a point set S(n) whose optimal traveling salesman tour achieves the maximum possible length among all point sets S C [0, 1)2, where JSI = n. An open problem is to determine the structure of S(n). We show that for any rectangle R contained in [0, 1 F, the number of points in S(n) n R is asymptotic to n times the area of R. One corollary of this result is an 0( n log n) approximation algorithm for the worst-case Euclidean TSP. Analogous results are proved for the minimum spanning tree, minimum-weight matching, and rectilinear Steiner minimum tree. These equidistribution theorems are the first results concerning the structure of worst-case point sets like S(n)

    A Priori Bounds on the Euclidean Traveling Salesman

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    It is proved that there are constants c1c_{1}, c2c_{2}, and c3c_{3} such that for any set S of n points in the unit square and for any minimum-length tour T of S the sum of squares of the edge lengths of T is bounded by c1lognc_{1} \log n. (2) the number of edges having length t or greater in T is at most c2/t2c_{2}/t^{2}, and (3) the sum of edge lengths of any subset E of T is bounded by c3E1/2c_{3}|E|^{1/2}. The second and third bounds are independent of the number of points in S, as well as their locations. Extensions to dimensions d3˘e2d \u3e 2 are also sketched. The presence of the logarithmic term in (1) is engaging because such a term is not needed in the case of the minimum spanning tree and several analogous problems, and, furthermore, we know that there always exists some tour of S (which perhaps does not have minimal length) for which the sum of squared edges is bounded independently of n