36 research outputs found

    Impact of passive and active promotional strategies on patient acceptance of medication therapy management services

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    Objectives To assess the impact of passive and active promotional strategies on patient acceptance of medication therapy management (MTM) services, and to identify reasons for patient acceptance or refusal. Methods Four promotional approaches were developed to offer MTM services to eligible patients, including letters and bag stuffers (“passive” approaches), and face-to-face offers and telephone calls (“active” approaches). Thirty pharmacies in a grocery store chain were randomized to one of the four approaches. Patient acceptance rates were compared among the four groups, and between active and passive approaches using hierarchical logistic regression techniques. Depending on their decision to accept or decline the service, patients were invited to take part in one of two brief telephone surveys. Results No significant differences were identified among the four promotional methods or between active and passive methods in the analyses. Patients’ most frequent reasons for accepting MTM services were potential cost savings, review of how the medications were working, the expert opinion of the pharmacist, and education about medications. Patients’ most frequent reasons for declining MTM services were that the participant already felt comfortable with their medications and felt their pharmacist provides these services on a regular basis. Conclusion No significant difference was found among any of the four groups or between active or passive approaches. Further research is warranted to identify strategies for improving patient engagement in MTM services

    Predictors of medication-related problems among medicaid patients participating in a pharmacist-provided telephonic medication therapy management program

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    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of medication-related problems (MRPs) among Medicaid patients participating in a telephonic medication therapy management (MTM) program. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of data from patients enrolled in a previously published study. DATA SOURCES: Two Medicaid administrative claims file databases (for health care utilization and prescription dispensing information) and one pharmacy organization file for MTM program information. PATIENTS: Seven hundred twelve adult Medicaid patients who participated in a statewide pharmacist-provided telephone-based MTM program and who received an initial medication therapy review. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The primary dependent variable was the number of MRPs detected during the initial medication therapy review. Secondary dependent variables were the detection of one or more MRPs related to indication, effectiveness, safety, and adherence. Predictor variables were selected a priori that, from the literature and our own practice experiences, were hypothesized as being potentially associated with MRPs: demographics, comorbidities, medication use, and health care utilization. Bivariate analyses were performed, and multivariable models were constructed. All predictor variables with significant associations (defined a priori as p<0.1) with the median number of MRPs detected were then entered into a three-block multiple linear regression model. The overall model was significant (p<0.001, R(2) = 0.064). Significant predictors of any MRPs (p<0.05) were total number of medications, obesity, dyslipidemia, and one or more emergency department visits in the past 3 months. For indication-related MRPs, the model was significant (p<0.001, R(2) = 0.049), and predictors included female sex, obesity, dyslipidemia, and total number of medications (p<0.05). For effectiveness-related MRPs, the model was significant (p<0.001, R(2) = 0.054), and predictors included bone disease and dyslipidemia (p<0.05). For safety-related MRPs, the model was significant (p<0.001, R(2) = 0.046), and dyslipidemia was a predictor (p<0.05). No significant predictors of adherence-related MRPs were identified. CONCLUSION: This analysis supports the relative importance of number of medications as a predictor of MRPs in the Medicaid population and identifies other predictors. However, given the models' low R(2) values, these findings indicate that other unknown factors are clearly important and that criteria commonly used for determining MTM eligibility may be inadequate in identifying appropriate patients for MTM in a Medicaid population

    Experience Developing a Community Pharmacy Practice-based Research Network

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    In 2010, the Purdue University College of Pharmacy established the Medication Safety Research Network of Indiana (Rx-SafeNet), the first practice-based research network (PBRN) in Indiana comprised solely of community pharmacies. In the development of Rx-SafeNet and through our early project experiences, we identified several "lessons learned." We share our story and what we learned in an effort to further advance the work of the greater PBRN community. We have formed the infrastructure for Rx-SafeNet, including an Executive Committee, Advisory Board, member pharmacies/site coordinators, and Project Review Team. To date, 22 community pharmacies have joined and we have recently completed data collection for the network's first project. Lessons learned during the development of Rx-SafeNet may benefit PBRNs nationally. Although community pharmacy PBRNs are not yet commonplace in the U.S., we believe their development and subsequent research efforts serve as an important avenue for investigating medication use issues. &nbsp; Type:&nbsp;Idea Pape

    Experience Developing a Community Pharmacy Practice-based Research Network

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    In 2010, the Purdue University College of Pharmacy established the Medication Safety Research Network of Indiana (Rx-SafeNet), the first practice-based research network (PBRN) in Indiana comprised solely of community pharmacies. In the development of Rx-SafeNet and through our early project experiences, we identified several "lessons learned." We share our story and what we learned in an effort to further advance the work of the greater PBRN community. We have formed the infrastructure for Rx-SafeNet, including an Executive Committee, Advisory Board, member pharmacies/site coordinators, and Project Review Team. To date, 22 community pharmacies have joined and we have recently completed data collection for the network's first project. Lessons learned during the development of Rx-SafeNet may benefit PBRNs nationally. Although community pharmacy PBRNs are not yet commonplace in the U.S., we believe their development and subsequent research efforts serve as an important avenue for investigating medication use issues. &nbsp; Type:&nbsp;Idea Pape

    Characterization of Actions Taken During the Delivery of Medication Therapy Management: A Time-and-Motion Approach

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    OBJECTIVES: To characterize actions performed by pharmacists and support staff during provision of medication therapy management (MTM) and to compare actions performed according to practice characteristics. METHODS: A purposeful sample of 7 MTM practices (2 call centers and 5 community practices) was identified and visited by investigators. Pharmacists and support staff were observed during their routine provision of MTM. Investigators characterized "major" (e.g., preparation for a comprehensive medication review) and "minor" (i.e., specific steps in overarching major action) actions with the use of a time-and-motion approach. RESULTS: A total of 32 major and 469 minor actions were observed. Practices were characterized as Later Maturity Level or Early Maturity Level on the basis of their self-reported MTM appointment volume, self-assessment of the extent of integration of chronic care model principles, and payer mix. Later Maturity Level practices were more likely to deliver follow-up medication therapy reviews and comprehensive medication reviews (CMRs) as opposed to targeted medication reviews (TMRs) and to receive physician referrals for MTM. Later Maturity Level practices were also more likely to use paid interns than pharmacy rotation students. CMR activities observed at Later Maturity Level practices lasted a median of 30.8 minutes versus 20.3 minutes for CMR activities at Early Maturity Level practices. Similarly, TMR activities observed at Later Maturity Level practices were longer: a median of 31.0 minutes versus 12.3 minutes. At Later Maturity Level practices, pharmacists spent a greater proportion of time providing patient education, while support staff spent a greater proportion of time on tasks such as capturing demographics and introducing or explaining MTM. CONCLUSION: MTM activities were longer at Later Maturity Level practices, and these practices were more likely to use paid pharmacy interns and to receive physician referrals for MTM. This work provides a foundation for future research

    Lesson Learned in the Growth and Maturation Stages of a Community Pharmacy Practice-Based Research Network: Experiences of the Medication Safety Research Network of Indiana (Rx-SafeNet)

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    Community pharmacy practice-based research networks (CP PBRNs) are a relatively new arena for pharmacists. While some lessons may be gleaned from primary care PBRNs, the experiences of CP PBRNs have much to offer the profession in terms of organization and practice. In 2012, we reported on our early experiences developing the Medication Safety Research Network of Indiana (RxSafeNet) after establishing the Network in 2010. Over the past 3 years, our CP PBRN of approximately 180 members has managed further growth by revisiting policies and procedures, maintaining CP PBRN member relationships, and preparing for financial sustainability. We look forward to furthering our CP PBRN projects in the coming years and collaborating with other CP PBRNs to enhance medication safety in Indiana and beyond. &nbsp; Type:&nbsp;Original Researc

    Factors associated with comprehensive medication review completion rates: A national survey of community pharmacists

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    Background Completion rates for medication therapy management (MTM) services have been lower than desired and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has added MTM comprehensive medication review (CMR) completion rates as a Part D plan star measure. Over half of plans utilize community pharmacists via contracts with MTM vendors. Objectives The primary objective of this survey study was to identify factors associated with the CMR completion rates of community pharmacies contracted with a national MTM vendor. Methodsl Representatives from 27,560 pharmacy locations contracted with a national MTM vendor were surveyed. The dependent variable of interest was the pharmacies' CMR completion rate. Independent variables included the pharmacy's progressiveness stratum and number of CMRs assigned by the MTM vendor during the time period, as well as self-reported data to characterize MTM facilitators, barriers, delivery strategies, staffing, selected items from a modified Assessment of Chronic Illness Care, and pharmacist/pharmacy demographics. Univariate negative binomial models were fit for each independent variable, and variables significant at p < 0.05 were entered into a multivariable model. Results Representatives from 3836 (13.9%) pharmacy locations responded; of these, 90.9% (n = 3486) responses were useable. The median CMR completion rate was 0.42. Variables remaining significant at p < 0.05 in the multivariable model included: progressiveness strata; pharmacy type; scores on the facilitators scale; responses to two potential barriers items; scores on the patient/caregiver delivery strategies sub-scale; providing MTM at multiple locations; reporting that the MTM vendor sending the survey link is the primary MTM vendor for which the respondent provides MTM; and the number of hours per week that the pharmacy is open. Conclusions Factors at the respondent (e.g., responses to facilitators scale) and pharmacy (e.g., pharmacy type) levels were associated with CMR completion rates. These findings could be used by MTM stakeholders to improve CMR completion rates

    Practice Change in Community Pharmacy: A Case Study of Multiple Stakeholders' Perspectives

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    Objective: To obtain a multi-stakeholder perspective of community pharmacy practice change. Design: Qualitative study. Setting: Community pharmacy in rural Mississippi. Participants: Fourteen key stakeholders of the patient care practice including pharmacists (n=4), support staff (n=2), collaborating providers (n=4), patients (n=3), and a payer (n=1). Intervention: Semi-structured interviews and participant-observation techniques were used. Main outcome measures: Description of the community pharmacy's practice and business model and identification of practice change facilitators. Results: Change facilitators for this practice included: a positive reputation in the community, forming solid relationships with providers, and convenience of patient services. Communication in and outside of the practice, adequate reimbursement, and resource allocation were identified as challenges. Conclusions: This case study is a multi-stakeholder examination of community pharmacy practice change and readers are provided with a real-world example of a community pharmacy's successful establishment of a patient care practice. &nbsp; Type:&nbsp;Case Stud

    Fellowships in Community Pharmacy Research: Experiences of Five Schools and Colleges of Pharmacy

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    Objective To describe common facilitators, challenges, and lessons learned in 5 schools and colleges of pharmacy in establishing community pharmacy research fellowships. Setting: Five schools and colleges of pharmacy in the United States. Practice description: Schools and colleges of pharmacy with existing community partnerships identified a need and ability to develop opportunities for pharmacists to engage in advanced research training. Practice innovation: Community pharmacy fellowships, each structured as 2 years long and in combination with graduate coursework, have been established at the University of Pittsburgh, Purdue University, East Tennessee State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and The Ohio State University. Evaluation: Program directors from each of the 5 community pharmacy research fellowships identified common themes pertaining to program structure, outcomes, and lessons learned to assist others planning similar programs. Results: Common characteristics across the programs include length of training, prerequisites, graduate coursework, mentoring structure, and immersion into a pharmacist patient care practice. Common facilitators have been the existence of strong community pharmacy partnerships, creating a fellowship advisory team, and networking. A common challenge has been recruitment, with many programs experiencing at least one year without filling the fellowship position. All program graduates (n = 4) have been successful in securing pharmacy faculty positions. Conclusion: Five schools and colleges of pharmacy share similar experiences in implementing community pharmacy research fellowships. Early outcomes show promise for this training pathway in growing future pharmacist-scientists focused on community pharmacy practice