778 research outputs found

    The Effects of Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices on Bycatch in the Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

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    Thousands of floating objects, known as drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs), are released every year by commercial tropical tuna purse seine vessels in the three equatorial oceans to aggregate tuna and increase catch. The escalation in the number of dFADs deployed over the last three decades has caused changes in fishing effort that are poorly reflected in traditional indices of purse seine effort and catch per unit of effort (CPUE). In addition, concerns have been raised regarding the impacts of such high numbers of dFADs being deployed on both catch and bycatch species. I studied two aspects of dFAD deployments in order to clarify how dFADs are used by purse seiners and how they affect the magnitude of bycatch. My specific goals were to determine how often purse seine vessels fish on the dFADs they deploy and how regional dFAD density affects the magnitude of bycatch and catch. I analyzed commercial data, independent observer data, satellite buoy trajectories, and estimated floating object densities from the French tropical tuna purse seine fisheries in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans to examine these relationships. My results indicate that only 2.7-20.6% of dFAD fishing sets were on the dFADs that French purse seiners deployed over the period 2007-2013. Although this percentage increased over time, such a low percentage suggests that French vessels do not primarily increase CPUE by using the dFADs they deploy for directed fishing. If French purse seiners are not mainly using their own dFADs in this manner, then using a metric of nominal effort based on individual vessel activity is unlikely to produce reliable CPUE estimates for the fishery. While information about how often purse seiners fish on their own dFADs could be incorporated into indices of fishing effort, it may be just as important, if not more so, to quantify the collective component of dFAD releases for overall fishing effort. The results for the second objective showed that average dFAD density had a relatively weak relationship with total bycatch biomass. There was no statistically significant effect on mean total bycatch biomass, but dFAD density was related to heteroscedasticity in bycatch biomass. In particular, there was a significant negative relationship between dFAD density and the upper quantiles of the bycatch biomass distribution, suggesting that dFAD density determines the upper bound for bycatch biomass caught per set. These relationships were not constant across species, however, as the five most prevalent bycatch species (i.e., those caught in the greatest number of sets) showed a mix of positive, negative, or no relationships to dFAD density. The total biomass of catch increased significantly as average dFAD density increased both at the mean and throughout the majority of the distribution, although this effect only explained a small fraction of the total variance in catch biomass. at this time, the low amount of variance explained and the inconsistent impact of average dFAD density on bycatch and target species indicate that it would be ineffective to mitigate bycatch levels in these fisheries by attempting to control regional dFAD densities

    Algunas cuestiones relativas al origen del Islam

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    Traducción de "Some Points Concerning the Origin of Islam", Mohammedanism; lectures on its origin, its religious and political growth, and its present state, C. Snouck Hurgronje, New York, G. P. Putnam's sons [1937] (pages 1-54).Snouck Hurgronje da a luz unas notas sobre el nacimiento de la islamología occidental y analiza la conversión del Islam en una religión universal

    Tanah Gayo dan Penduduknya

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    330 hal; 24,5 c

    Verspreide Geschriften : II-III-IV,I-IV,II-V-VI

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    The Acehnese, Vol I dan Vol II

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    Kumpulan karangan Snouck Hurgronje jilid IV

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    Judul asli: Verspreide geschriften. Jilid 4201 p.; 23 cm

    Het Gajoland en Zijne Bewners

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    Aceh Di Mata Kolonialis Jilid II

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    21 cm; 447 ha

    Aceh: Dimata kolonialis Jilid 1

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    Buku ini adalah karya terjemahan The Achehnese edisi bahasa Inggris dari buku De Atjehers karangan Dr. C. Snocuck Hurgronje (1857-1936) yang ditulis dalam bahasa Belanda. Snouck Hurgronje adalah seorang orientalis Belanda dan dimasa lalu beranggapan “sangat bertanggung jawab untuk membawa peradaban kepada bangsa-bangsa Timur”, buku ini merupakan pandangan dan tafsiran serta bertitik tolak untuk kepentingan imperalis kolonialis. Informasi mengenai lika-liku kehidupan di kerajaan dan suku bangsa Aceh dalam buku ini dapat menjadi pengetahuan bagi generasi muda yang bertanggung jawab untuk merubah dan menyusun kembali peta antropologi budaya yang lebih luas dan menyeluruh. Sekaligus mempunyai argumen untuk membantah dan menyatakan analisis serta kesimpulan Snouck Hurgronje tidak benar. Salah satu pandangan Snouck Hurgronje tentang agama Islam hanya mempelajari sejumlah besar dogma yang menyangkut kebencian terhadap orang asing. Kata kunci: Aceh, Islam, koloniali

    Kumpulan karangan Snouck Hurgroje : karangan-karangan mengenai ilmu bahasa dan kesusasteraan

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    Jilid 5Judul asli: Verspreide geschriften167 [4] p.; 23 cm