4 research outputs found

    Selection for Non-Amyloidogenic Mutants of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (IAPP) Identifies an Extended Region for Amyloidogenicity

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    The aggregation of the 37-residue polypeptide IAPP, as either insoluble amyloid or as small oligomers, appears to play a direct role in the death of pancreatic β-islet cells in type II diabetes. While IAPP has been known to be the primary component of type II diabetes amyloid, the molecular interactions responsible for this aggregation have not been identified. To identify the aggregation-prone region(s), we constructed a library of randomly generated point mutants of IAPP. This mutant IAPP library was expressed in E. coli as genetic fusions to the reporter protein enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Because IAPP aggregates rapidly, both independently and when fused to EGFP, the fusion protein does not yield a functional, fluorescent EGFP. However, mutations of IAPP that result in non-amyloidogenic sequences remain soluble and allow EGFP to fold and fluoresce. Using this screen, we identified 22 single mutations, 4 double mutations and 2 triple mutations of IAPP that appear to be less amyloidogenic than wild type human IAPP. A comparison of these sequences suggests residues 13 and 15–17 comprise an additional aggregation-prone region outside of the main amyloidogenic region of IAPP

    Identification de nouveaux régulateurs des corps nucléaires PML

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    La protéine Promyelocytic Leukemia (PML) est impliquée dans de nombreux processus cellulaires, et identifiée comme un suppresseur de tumeur. Cette protéine est le composant structural des Corps Nucléaires PML (CNs-PML) dont l'intégrité, compromise dans certaines leucémies, dépend strictement de sa SUMOylation. Ce projet de thèse visait à identifier de nouveaux régulateurs des CNs-PML, et par extension de la voie SUMO, en utilisant comme 'read-out' l'anatomie des CNs-PML, laquelle est extrêmement sensible au niveau de SUMOylation cellulaire globale. Ces travaux sont basés sur un criblage siARNs à grande échelle qui a conduit à l'identification de deux candidats SKP1et RBX1, tous deux faisant partie intégrante d'un complexe d'ubiquitine E3 ligase appelé " SKP1-CUL1-F-Box containing complex " (SCF). Nous avons pu démontrer l'implication de SKP1 et RBX1 dans la stabilité de la protéine PML avec des expériences de gain et perte de fonction. Nous avons également identifié FBXO9 comme la protéine F-Box capable de reconnaitre spécifiquement PML, causant son ubiquitination par le complexe SCFFBXO9, suivie de sa dégradation par le protéasome. En revanche, le site d'interaction de FBXO9 sur PML -tout comme la kinase impliquée dans ce processus de reconnaissance- restent encore à identifier. PML étant dégradé dans de nombreux cancers, il apparait essentiel d'avoir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes post-traductionnels menant à sa dégradation. Ces travaux devraient à long terme permettre de révéler de nouveaux régulateurs des CNs-PML, et potentiellement permettre le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques, visant à moduler les CNs-PML dans la cellule tumorale.ProMyelocytic Leukemia (PML) protein is implicated in a number of key cellular processes, and was identified as a tumor suppressor. This protein is one of the main structural components forming the PML Nuclear Bodies (PML-NBs) whose integrity -compromised in some leukemias- is strictly dependent on PML SUMOylation. The goal of this thesis project was to identify new regulators of PML Nuclear Bodies, and by extension of the SUMO pathway, using PML-NBs, which are extremely sensitive to global cellular SUMOylation level, as a read out. This work is based on a high throughput siRNA screen, which led to the identification of two proteins, SKP1a and RBX1, which are both part of an Ubiquitin E3 ligase complex called SKP-Cullin-F-Box containing complex (SCF). We were able to show the involvement of SKP1 and RBX1 in PML protein stability through gain and loss of function experiments. We also identified FBXO9 as the F-Box capable of specifically recognizing PML, causing its ubiquitination by SCFFBXO9 complex and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. However, FBXO9 site of interaction on PML and the identity of the kinase implicated in this recognition processes are yet to be discovered. PML being degraded in numerous cancers, it is essential to acquire a better understanding of post-translational mechanism leading to the degradation of this tumour suppressor. In the long term, this work should, allow the discovery of new PML Nuclear Body regulators and potentially allow the development of new strategies aiming to modulate PML Nuclear Bodies in tumoral cells

    Identification de nouveaux régulateurs des corps nucléaires PML

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    ProMyelocytic Leukemia (PML) protein is implicated in a number of key cellular processes, and was identified as a tumor suppressor. This protein is one of the main structural components forming the PML Nuclear Bodies (PML-NBs) whose integrity -compromised in some leukemias- is strictly dependent on PML SUMOylation. The goal of this thesis project was to identify new regulators of PML Nuclear Bodies, and by extension of the SUMO pathway, using PML-NBs, which are extremely sensitive to global cellular SUMOylation level, as a read out. This work is based on a high throughput siRNA screen, which led to the identification of two proteins, SKP1a and RBX1, which are both part of an Ubiquitin E3 ligase complex called SKP-Cullin-F-Box containing complex (SCF). We were able to show the involvement of SKP1 and RBX1 in PML protein stability through gain and loss of function experiments. We also identified FBXO9 as the F-Box capable of specifically recognizing PML, causing its ubiquitination by SCFFBXO9 complex and subsequent degradation by the proteasome. However, FBXO9 site of interaction on PML and the identity of the kinase implicated in this recognition processes are yet to be discovered. PML being degraded in numerous cancers, it is essential to acquire a better understanding of post-translational mechanism leading to the degradation of this tumour suppressor. In the long term, this work should, allow the discovery of new PML Nuclear Body regulators and potentially allow the development of new strategies aiming to modulate PML Nuclear Bodies in tumoral cells.La protéine Promyelocytic Leukemia (PML) est impliquée dans de nombreux processus cellulaires, et identifiée comme un suppresseur de tumeur. Cette protéine est le composant structural des Corps Nucléaires PML (CNs-PML) dont l'intégrité, compromise dans certaines leucémies, dépend strictement de sa SUMOylation. Ce projet de thèse visait à identifier de nouveaux régulateurs des CNs-PML, et par extension de la voie SUMO, en utilisant comme 'read-out' l'anatomie des CNs-PML, laquelle est extrêmement sensible au niveau de SUMOylation cellulaire globale. Ces travaux sont basés sur un criblage siARNs à grande échelle qui a conduit à l'identification de deux candidats SKP1et RBX1, tous deux faisant partie intégrante d'un complexe d'ubiquitine E3 ligase appelé " SKP1-CUL1-F-Box containing complex " (SCF). Nous avons pu démontrer l'implication de SKP1 et RBX1 dans la stabilité de la protéine PML avec des expériences de gain et perte de fonction. Nous avons également identifié FBXO9 comme la protéine F-Box capable de reconnaitre spécifiquement PML, causant son ubiquitination par le complexe SCFFBXO9, suivie de sa dégradation par le protéasome. En revanche, le site d'interaction de FBXO9 sur PML -tout comme la kinase impliquée dans ce processus de reconnaissance- restent encore à identifier. PML étant dégradé dans de nombreux cancers, il apparait essentiel d'avoir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes post-traductionnels menant à sa dégradation. Ces travaux devraient à long terme permettre de révéler de nouveaux régulateurs des CNs-PML, et potentiellement permettre le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques, visant à moduler les CNs-PML dans la cellule tumorale

    BDNF-Dependent Plasticity Induced by Peripheral Inflammation in the Primary Sensory and the Cingulate Cortex Triggers Cold Allodynia and Reveals a Major Role for Endogenous BDNF As a Tuner of the Affective Aspect of Pain

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    International audiencePainful experiences are multilayered, composed of sensory, affective, cognitive and behavioral facets. Whereas it is well accepted that the development of chronic pain is due to maladaptive neuronal changes, the underlying molecular mechanisms, their relationship to the different pain modalities, and indeed the localization of these changes are still unknown. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an activity-dependent neuromodulator in the adult brain, which enhances neuronal excitability. In the spinal cord, BDNF underlies the development and maintenance of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Here, we hypothesized that BDNF could be a trigger of some of these plastic changes. Our results demonstrate that BDNF is upregulated in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the primary sensory cortex (S1) in rats with inflammatory pain. Injections of recombinant BDNF (into the ACC) or a viral vector synthesizing BDNF (into the ACC or S1) triggered both neuronal hyperexcitability, as shown by elevated long-term potentiation, and sustained pain hypersensitivity. Finally, pharmacological blockade of BDNF-tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) signaling in the ACC, through local injection of cyclotraxin-B (a novel, highly potent, and selective TrkB antagonist) prevented neuronal hyperexcitability, the emergence of cold hypersensitivity, and passive avoidance behavior. These findings show that BDNF-dependent neuronal plasticity in the ACC, a structure known to be involved in the affective-emotional aspect of pain, is a key mechanism in the development and maintenance of the emotional aspect of chronic pain