4,938 research outputs found

    Observations of attenuation at 20.6, 31.65 and 90.0 GHz: Preliminary results from Wallops Island, VA

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    Ground based radiometric observations of atmospheric attenuation at 20.6, 31.65, and 90.0 GHz were made at Wallops Island, Virginia during April and May 1989. Early results from the analysis of the data set are compared with previous observations from California and Colorado. The relative attenuation ratios observed at each frequency during clear, cloudy, and rainy conditions are shown. Plans for complete analysis of the data are described

    Optical particle counter measurement of marine aerosol hygroscopic growth

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    International audienceA technique is developed for the determination of the hygroscopic growth factor of dry particles with diameter between 0.3 and 0.6 ?m and is applied to measurements made during the second Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus experiment (DYCOMS-II). Two optical particle counters are utilized, one measures the aerosol size spectrum at ambient relative humidity and the other simultaneously dries the aerosol prior to light scattering detection. Growth factors are based on measurements made in the region of the Mie scattering curve where scattered light intensity increases monotonically with dry and wet particle diameter, i.e. D<0.9 ?m. Factors influencing the accuracy of the measurement are evaluated, including particle drying, refractive index and shape. Growth factors at 90±3% ambient relative humidity in marine airmasses 400 km west of San Diego, California range between 1.5 and 1.8. This suggests that a significant fraction of the particle mass, between 40 and 70%, is either non-hygroscopic or weakly hygroscopic

    Bers-ERK Schwann Cells Coordinate Nerve Regeneration

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    In this issue of Neuron, Napoli et al. (2012) demonstrate that elevated ERK/MAPK signaling in Schwann cells is a crucial trigger for Schwann cell dedifferentiation in vivo. Moreover, the authors show that dedifferentiated Schwann cells have the potential to coordinate much of the peripheral nerve response to injury

    Taking Off the SOCS: Cytokine Signaling Spurs Regeneration

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    Strategies to improve function after CNS injuries must contend with the failure of axons to regrow after transection in adult mammals. In this issue of Neuron, Smith et al. provide an important advance by demonstrating that SOCS3 acts as a key negative regulator of adult optic nerve regeneration

    Comparison of OLYMPUS beacon and radiometric attenuation measurements at Blacksburg, Virginia

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    Measurements of attenuation of the 20 and 30 GHz beacons onboard the OLYMPUS satellite are compared to simultaneous observations of atmospheric attenuation by a multichannel microwave radiometer along the same path. Departures from high correlation between the two measurements are believed to be related to differences in antenna beamwidths. Mean equivalent zenith attenuations derived from the slant path data are compared to zenith observations made at previous locations

    ERK/MAPK Signaling Is Required for Pathway-Specific Striatal Motor Functions

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    The ERK/MAPK intracellular signaling pathway is hypothesized to be a key regulator of striatal activity via modulation of synaptic plasticity and gene transcription. However, prior investigations into striatal ERK/MAPK functions have yielded conflicting results. Further, these studies have not delineated the cell-type-specific roles of ERK/MAPK signaling due to the reliance on globally administered pharmacological ERK/MAPK inhibitors and the use of genetic models that only partially reduce total ERK/MAPK activity. Here, we generated mouse models in which ERK/MAPK signaling was completely abolished in each of the two distinct classes of medium spiny neurons (MSNs). ERK/MAPK deletion in D1R-MSNs (direct pathway) resulted in decreased locomotor behavior, reduced weight gain, and early postnatal lethality. In contrast, loss of ERK/MAPK signaling in D2R-MSNs (indirect pathway) resulted in a profound hyperlocomotor phenotype. ERK/MAPK-deficient D2R-MSNs exhibited a significant reduction in dendritic spine density, markedly suppressed electrical excitability, and suppression of activity-associated gene expression even after pharmacological stimulation. Our results demonstrate the importance of ERK/MAPK signaling in governing the motor functions of the striatal direct and indirect pathways. Our data further show a critical role for ERK in maintaining the excitability and plasticity of D2R-MSNs

    Analysis of small-diameter wood supply in northern Arizona - Final report

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    Forest management to restore fire-adapted ponderosa pine ecosystems is a central priority of the Southwestern Region of the USDA Forest Service. Appropriately-scaled businesses are apt to play a key role in achieving this goal by harvesting, processing and selling wood products, thereby reducing treatment costs and providing economic opportunities. The manner in which treatments occur across northern Arizona, with its multiple jurisdictions and land management areas, is of vital concern to a diversity of stakeholder groups. To identify a level of forest thinning treatments and potential wood supply from restoration byproducts, a 20-member working group representing environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), private forest industries, local government, the Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University (NAU), and state and federal land and resource management agencies was assembled. A series of seven workshops supported by Forest Ecosystem Restoration Analysis (ForestERA; NAU) staff were designed to consolidate geographic data and other spatial information and to synthesize potential treatment scenarios for a 2.4 million acre analysis area south of the Grand Canyon and across the Mogollon Plateau. A total of 94% of the analysis area is on National Forest lands. ForestERA developed up-to-date remote sensing-based forest structure data layers to inform the development of treatment scenarios, and to estimate wood volume in three tree diameter classes of 16" diameter at breast height (dbh, 4.5' above base). For the purposes of this report, the group selected a 16" dbh threshold due to its common use within the analysis landscape as a break point differentiating "small" and "large" diameter trees in the ponderosa pine forest type. The focus of this study was on small-diameter trees, although wood supply estimates include some trees >16" dbh where their removal was required to meet desired post-treatment conditions.4 There was no concurrence within the group that trees over 16" dbh should be cut and removed from areas outside community protection management areas (CPMAs)..

    Effective Kinetic Theory for High Temperature Gauge Theories

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    Quasiparticle dynamics in relativistic plasmas associated with hot, weakly-coupled gauge theories (such as QCD at asymptotically high temperature TT) can be described by an effective kinetic theory, valid on sufficiently large time and distance scales. The appropriate Boltzmann equations depend on effective scattering rates for various types of collisions that can occur in the plasma. The resulting effective kinetic theory may be used to evaluate observables which are dominantly sensitive to the dynamics of typical ultrarelativistic excitations. This includes transport coefficients (viscosities and diffusion constants) and energy loss rates. We show how to formulate effective Boltzmann equations which will be adequate to compute such observables to leading order in the running coupling g(T)g(T) of high-temperature gauge theories [and all orders in 1/logg(T)11/\log g(T)^{-1}]. As previously proposed in the literature, a leading-order treatment requires including both 2222 particle scattering processes as well as effective ``1212'' collinear splitting processes in the Boltzmann equations. The latter account for nearly collinear bremsstrahlung and pair production/annihilation processes which take place in the presence of fluctuations in the background gauge field. Our effective kinetic theory is applicable not only to near-equilibrium systems (relevant for the calculation of transport coefficients), but also to highly non-equilibrium situations, provided some simple conditions on distribution functions are satisfied.Comment: 40 pages, new subsection on soft gauge field instabilities adde

    Reservoir Computing Approach to Robust Computation using Unreliable Nanoscale Networks

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    As we approach the physical limits of CMOS technology, advances in materials science and nanotechnology are making available a variety of unconventional computing substrates that can potentially replace top-down-designed silicon-based computing devices. Inherent stochasticity in the fabrication process and nanometer scale of these substrates inevitably lead to design variations, defects, faults, and noise in the resulting devices. A key challenge is how to harness such devices to perform robust computation. We propose reservoir computing as a solution. In reservoir computing, computation takes place by translating the dynamics of an excited medium, called a reservoir, into a desired output. This approach eliminates the need for external control and redundancy, and the programming is done using a closed-form regression problem on the output, which also allows concurrent programming using a single device. Using a theoretical model, we show that both regular and irregular reservoirs are intrinsically robust to structural noise as they perform computation