391 research outputs found

    Learning from a building:The Philharmonic Hall

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    Organic produce from the Republic of South Africa. Exploring the conditions for enhancing trade in organic vegetables, fruit and wine

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    Conditions for enhancing the trade in organic products between the Netherlands and the Republic of South Africa were assessed by means of a SWOT analysis, based on information acquired through interviews and desk research. There is a large potential to enhance the trade in organic products between the two countries, although the following issues need to be addressed: the finalisation of the RSA legislation on organic production (which will enable large enough volumes to be produced and traded), skills development and the presence of an effective platform for organic production in the RS

    Lessons learned : evaluatie van logistieke bundelingsprojecten in de praktijk

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    GOVERA is een samenwerkingsverband waarin overheid en bedrijfsleven werken aan een gemeenschappelijke aanpak en oplossing van de goederenvervoer problematiek in de Randstad. GOVERA heeft haar netwerkvisie omgezet in praktijkgerichte (samenwerkings- en/of bundelings) pilots. Dit rapport evalueert o.a. deze pilots aan de hand van de theorie, de beschikbare rapportages en interviews met betrokkenen. Met als doelstelling dat er een analyse plaats moet vinden van de uitgevoerde bundelingsprojecten die in opdracht van GOVERA uitgevoerd en beschikbaar zijn, om te komen tot het achterhalen van de leerervaringen (lessons learned) en te komen tot ‘reflectie’ zowel kwalitatief als kwantitatie

    A fast algorithm to remove proper and homogeneous pairs of cliques (while preserving some graph invariants)

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    We introduce a family of reductions for removing proper and homogeneous pairs of cliques from a graph G. This family generalizes some reductions presented in the literature, mostly in the context of claw-free graphs. We show that these reductions can be embedded in a simple algorithm that in at most jE(G)j steps builds a new graph G0 such that G0 has no proper and homogeneous pairs of cliques, and G and G0 agree on the value of some relevant invariant (or property)
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