71 research outputs found

    Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e

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    In comparison to other sectors of the marine system, the palaeoceanography of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean is poorly constrained. New diatom isotope records of δ13C, δ18O δ30Si (δ13Cdiatom, δ18Odiatom and δ30Sidiatom) are presented alongside existing geochemical and isotope records to document changes in photic zone conditions, including nutrient supply and the efficiency of the soft-tissue biological pump, between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and MIS 5e. Peaks in opal productivity in MIS 5b/c and MIS 5e are both associated with the breakdown of the regional halocline stratification and increased nutrient supply to the photic zone. Whereas the MIS 5e peak is associated with low rates of nutrient utilisation, the MIS 5b/c peak is associated with significantly higher rates of nutrient utilisation. Both peaks, together with other smaller increases in productivity in MIS 4 and 5a, culminate with a significant increase in freshwater input which strengthens/re-establishes the halocline and limits further upwelling of sub-surface waters to the photic zone. Whilst δ30Sidiatom and previously published records of diatom δ15N (δ15Ndiatom) (Brunelle et al., 2007, 2010) show similar trends until the latter half of MIS 5a, the records become anti-correlated after this juncture and into MIS 4, suggesting a possible change in photic zone state such as may occur with a shift to iron or silicon limitation

    Isotope sample preparation of diatoms for paleoenvironmental research

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    Isotopes in diatoms are increasingly used in palaeoenvironmental studies in both lacustrine and marine settings, enabling the reconstruction of a range of variables including temperature, precipitation, salinity, glacial discharge, carbon dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. This protocol details an optimised methodology for extracting diatoms for isotope analysis from sediment samples, using a range of chemical and density separation techniques that minimise sample loss and avoids the need for expensive equipment. Whilst designed for the extraction of diatoms for oxygen, silicon and carbon isotope analysis, additional stages are outlined for the analysis of other isotopes that are of increasing interest to the palaeo community (e.g., boron and zinc). The protocol also includes procedures for assessing sample purity, to ensure that analysed samples produce robust palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Overall, the method aims to improve the quality of palaeoenvironmental research derived from isotopes in diatoms by maximising sample purity and the efficiency of the extraction process

    Women’s perceptions of COVID-19 and their healthcare experiences: a qualitative thematic analysis of a national survey of pregnant women in the United Kingdom

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    Background The aim of this national survey was to explore pregnant women’s perceptions of COVID-19 and their healthcare experiences. Methods Through patient and public involvement, a questionnaire was developed and advertised via the BBC website, Twitter and other online media during May 2020. The findings were analysed by qualitative thematic analysis. Women who are currently pregnant, or who have delivered during the COVID-19 pandemic were invited to partake in a national online survey. Results One thousand four hundred fifty-one participants replied to the online questionnaire. Participants provided significant insight into the perceived barriers to seeking healthcare during this pandemic. These include ‘not wanting to bother anyone’, ‘lack of wider support from allied healthcare workers’ and the influence of the media. Other concerns included the use of virtual clinics antenatally and their acceptability to patients, the presence of birthing partners, and the way in which information is communicated about rapidly changing and evolving services. The influence of the media has also had a significant impact on the way women perceive hospital care in light of COVID-19 and for some, this has shaped whether they would seek help. Conclusions This is the first ever reported study in the United Kingdom to explore pregnant women’s perceptions of COVID-19 and their subsequent healthcare experiences. It has also provided insight into perceived barriers into seeking care as well as maternal concerns antenatally, intrapartum and postpartum

    A Study to Explore the Impact of Endometriosis in the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Content Analysis

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    Objective To gain insight into the areas that impact women with endometriosis. Design A qualitative content analysis of an online survey. Setting Online questionnaire via Endometriosis UK. Population Women diagnosed with endometriosis of any age range. Methods Free-text online questionnaire through Endometriosis UK completed by women. Results were analysed using NVivo version 9, qualitative analysis software. The software creates links between common words (codes), and these links allow data to be placed in nodes (called themes) which are then developed into categories. Content analysis was used to understand this data.  Main outcome measures  Impact of endometriosis on women’s lives. Results In total, 1872 questionnaires were returned but not everyone was able to identify ten separate features that affected them. As such, 1872 women provided at least one area that affected them, 1800 provided two areas, 1770 provided three areas and 1600 provided four areas. The results show that the main areas of concern for these women were pain (53%), heavy menstrual bleeding (11%), low mood (8%) and the perceived lack of understanding displayed by other people (7%). Other important factors were fertility concerns, impact on employment, problems with the medical team and uncertainty. These then impacted on their daily life whereby some women felt “guilty” for not ‘being a normal mother’. A key term that resonated was that endometriosis is an “invisible disease”. Conclusion This analysis provides us with insight into the complex psycho-social factors that interact with bio-physical symptoms. Further research is required in sub-population groups such as teenagers and ethnic minority women to explore any differences in impact and how care can be guided accordingly

    A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene?

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    Recognition of intimate feedback mechanisms linking changes across the atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere demonstrates the pervasive nature of humankind's influence, perhaps to the point that we have fashioned a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene. To what extent will these changes be evident as long-lasting signatures in the geological record? To establish the Anthropocene as a formal chronostratigraphical unit it is necessary to consider a spectrum of indicators of anthropogenically induced environmental change, and to determine how these show as stratigraphic signals that can be used to characterize an Anthropocene unit and to recognize its base. It is important to consider these signals against a context of Holocene and earlier stratigraphic patterns. Here we review the parameters used by stratigraphers to identify chronostratigraphical units and how these could apply to the definition of the Anthropocene. The onset of the range of signatures is diachronous, although many show maximum signatures which post-date1945, leading to the suggestion that this date may be a suitable age for the start of the Anthropocene

    A multi-proxy approach to identifying short-lived marine incursions in the Early Carboniferous

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    This study is a contribution to the TW:eed Project (Tetrapod World: early evolution and diversification), which examines the rebuilding of Carboniferous ecosystems following a mass extinction at the end of the Devonian. The project focuses on the Tournaisian Ballagan Formation of Scotland and the Borders, which contains rare fish and tetrapod material. The Ballagan Formation is characterised by sandstones, dolomitic cementstones, paleosols, siltstones and gypsum deposits. The depositional environment ranges from fluvial, alluvial-plain to marginal-marine environments, with fluvial, floodplain and lacustrine deposition dominant

    Understanding influence and action in Learning and Action Alliances: Experience from the Newcastle Blue‐Green vision

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    The Learning and Action Alliance (LAA) framework is increasingly valued as an approach to facilitate social learning and action by enabling collaboration within and between organisations, breaking down barriers to information sharing and facilitating co‐development of innovative visions to address key environmental and societal challenges. While the social learning potential of LAAs has been documented in detail, the role of ‘action’ is relatively unexplored and there is little research into how LAAs might evolve over time to ensure longevity. Here, we explore the key achievements and limitations of the Newcastle LAA (established in 2014) through interviews with 15 LAA members. We find that interpretations of the concept of ‘action’ influences perceptions of the LAA's success. We update the structural framework of the LAA and expand the implementation phase to better reflect the agents of change that impact the LAAs' ability to apply their vision to demonstration projects. Finally, we explore the longevity of the Newcastle LAA and conclude that after running for 8 years, there may be a cyclical nature to whole‐group visioning and a move towards greater intra‐organisational learning. This demonstrates a shift in the primary role of the LAA over time, from learning towards greater influence and action

    Polymorphic organization in a planktonic graptoloid (Hemichordata: Pterobranchia) colony of Late Ordovician age

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    Graptolites are common fossils in Early Palaeozoic strata, but little is known of their soft-part anatomy. However, we report a long-overlooked specimen of Dicranograptus aff. ramosus from Late Ordovician strata of southern Scotland that preserves a strongly polymorphic, recalcitrant, organic-walled network hitherto unseen in graptoloid graptolites. This network displays three morphologies: proximally, a strap-like pattern, likely of flattened tubes; these transform distally into isolated, hourglass-shaped structures; then, yet more distally, revert to a (simpler) strap-like pattern. The network most likely represents a stolon-like system, hitherto unknown in graptoloids, that connected individual zooids. Its alternative interpretation, as colonial xenobionts that infested a graptoloid colony and mimicked its architecture, is considered less likely on taphonomic and palaeobiological grounds. Such polymorphism is not known in non-graptolite pterobranchs, which are less diverse and morphologically more conservative: a division of labour between graptoloid zooids for such functions as feeding, breeding and rhabdosome construction may have been the key to their remarkable evolutionary success

    Understanding influence and action in Learning and Action Alliances: Experience from the Newcastle Blue‐Green vision

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    The Learning and Action Alliance (LAA) framework is increasingly valued as an approach to facilitate social learning and action by enabling collaboration within and between organisations, breaking down barriers to information sharing and facilitating co‐development of innovative visions to address key environmental and societal challenges. While the social learning potential of LAAs has been documented in detail, the role of ‘action’ is relatively unexplored and there is little research into how LAAs might evolve over time to ensure longevity. Here, we explore the key achievements and limitations of the Newcastle LAA (established in 2014) through interviews with 15 LAA members. We find that interpretations of the concept of ‘action’ influences perceptions of the LAA's success. We update the structural framework of the LAA and expand the implementation phase to better reflect the agents of change that impact the LAAs' ability to apply their vision to demonstration projects. Finally, we explore the longevity of the Newcastle LAA and conclude that after running for 8 years, there may be a cyclical nature to whole‐group visioning and a move towards greater intra‐organisational learning. This demonstrates a shift in the primary role of the LAA over time, from learning towards greater influence and action

    Understanding past climatic and hydrological variability in the Mediterranean from Lake Prespa sediment isotope and geochemical record over the Last Glacial cycle

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    Here we present stable isotope and geochemical data from Lake Prespa (Macedonia/Albania border) over the Last Glacial cycle (Marine Isotope Stages 5–1) and discuss past lake hydrology and climate (TIC, oxygen and carbon isotopes), as well as responses to climate of terrestrial and aquatic vegetation (TOC, Rock Eval pyrolysis, carbon isotopes, pollen). The Lake Prespa sediments broadly fall into 5 zones based on their sedimentology, geochemistry, palynology and the existing chronology. The Glacial sediments suggest low supply of carbon to the lake, but high summer productivity; intermittent siderite layers suggest that although the lake was likely to have mixed regularly leading to enhanced oxidation of organic matter, there must have been within sediment reducing conditions and methanogenesis. MIS 5 and 1 sediments suggest much more productivity, higher rates of organic material preservation possibly due to more limited mixing with longer periods of oxygen-depleted bottom waters. We also calculated lakewater δ18O from siderite (authigenic/Glacial) and calcite (endogenic/Holocene) and show much lower lakewater δ18O values in the Glacial when compared to the Holocene, suggesting the lake was less evaporative in the Glacial, probably as a consequence of cooler summers and longer winter ice cover. In the Holocene the oxygen isotope data suggests general humidity, with just 2 marked arid phases, features observed in other Eastern and Central Mediterranean lakes
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