97 research outputs found

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    Oratie uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de Observationele Astrofysica aan de Universiteit LeidenStars and planetary system

    Resolving chemical gradients in exoplanet atmospheres with high-resolution spectroscopy

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    Laboratory astrophysics and astrochemistryStars and planetary system

    A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL

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    Stars and planetary system

    VLT/CRIRES science verification observations: A hint of C18O in the young brown dwarf 2M0355

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    Stars and planetary system

    A weak spectral signature of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 179949 b at high spectral resolution in the L band

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    High-resolution spectroscopy (⁠R⩾20000⁠) is currently the only known method to constrain the orbital solution and atmospheric properties of non-transiting hot Jupiters. It does so by resolving the spectral features of the planet into a forest of spectral lines and directly observing its Doppler shift while orbiting the host star. In this study, we analyse VLT/CRIRES (⁠R=100000⁠) L-band observations of the non-transiting giant planet HD 179949 b centred around 3.5 μm⁠. We observe a weak (3.0σ, or S/N = 4.8) spectral signature of H2O in absorption contained within the radial velocity of the planet at superior-conjunction, with a mild dependence on the choice of line list used for the modelling. Combining this data with previous observations in the K band, we measure a detection significance of 8.4 σ for an atmosphere that is most consistent with a shallow lapse-rate, solar C/O ratio, and with CO and H2O being the only major sources of opacity in this wavelength range. As the two sets of data were taken 3 yr apart, this points to the absence of strong radial-velocity anomalies due, e.g. to variability in atmospheric circulation. We measure a projected orbital velocity for the planet of KP = (145.2 ± 2.0) km s−1 (1σ) and improve the error bars on this parameter by ∼70 per cent. However, we only marginally tighten constraints on orbital inclination (⁠66.2+3.7−3.1 deg) and planet mass (⁠0.963+0.036−0.031 Jupiter masses), due to the dominant uncertainties of stellar mass and semimajor axis. Follow ups of radial-velocity planets are thus crucial to fully enable their accurate characterization via high-resolution spectroscopy

    Distant FR I radio galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field: implications for the cosmological evolution of radio-loud AGN

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    Deep and high resolution radio observations of the Hubble Deep Field and flanking fields have shown the presence of two distant edge-darkened FR I radio galaxies, allowing for the first time an estimate of their high redshift space density. If it is assumed that the space density of FR I radio galaxies at z>1 is similar to that found in the local universe, then the chance of finding two FR I radio galaxies at these high radio powers in such a small area of sky is 1 than at present, effectively ruling out the possibility that FR I radio sources undergo no cosmological evolution. We suggest that FR I and FR II radio galaxies should not be treated as intrinsically distinct classes of objects, but that the cosmological evolution is simply a function of radio power with FR I and FR II radio galaxies of similar radio powers undergoing similar cosmological evolutions. Since low power radio galaxies have mainly FR I morphologies and high power radio galaxies have mainly FR II morphologies, this results in a generally stronger cosmological evolution for the FR IIs than the FR Is. We believe that additional support from the V/Vmax test for evolving and non-evolving populations of FR IIs and FR Is respectively is irrelevant, since this test is sensitive over very different redshift ranges for the two classes.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 3 figs. To appear in MNRA