172 research outputs found

    Intrusive growth of sclerenchyma fibers

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    Intrusive growth is a type of cell elongation when the rate of its longitudinal growth is higher than that of surrounding cells; therefore, these cells intrude between the neighboring cells penetrating the middle lamella. The review considers the classical example of intrusive growth, e.g., elongation of sclerenchyma fibers when the cells achieve the length of several centimeters. We sum the published results of investigations of plant fiber intrusive growth and present some features of intrusive growth characterized by the authors for flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) fibers. The following characteristics of intrusive growth are considered: its rate and duration, relationship with the growth rate of surrounding cells, the type of cell elongation, peculiarities of the fiber primary cell wall structure, fibers as multinucleate cells, and also the control of intrusive growth. Genes, which expression is sharply reduced at suppression of intrusive growth, are also considered. Arguments for separation of cell elongation and secondary cell wall formation in phloem fibers and also data indicating diffuse type of cell enlargement during intrusive growth are presented

    Redundancy of pseudo-innovations - the factor destabilizations of the educational environment

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    Рассматривается проблема формального использования инновационных методов в образованииThe article deals with the problem of the formal use of innovative methods in educatio

    On the academic freedoms and impact teaching activities

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    The article deals with the bureaucratization and formalization of relations in the educational environment, the shortcomings of the Code of Professional Ethics, which replaced the concept of ethics and scope of the employment relationship, the author proposed a draft code of academic freedom, underlined the need for transparency, an atmosphere of trust in the institutionВ статье рассматриваются бюрократизация и формализация отношений в образовательной среде, недостатки кодекса профессиональной этики, в котором подменяются понятия этики и сферы трудовых отношений, предложен авторский проект кодекса с академическими свободами, подчёркнута необходимость открытости, атмосферы доверия в вуз

    Legal and political culture of educators

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    The article emphasizes that teachers need to use the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws in their activitiesСтатья подчёркивает, что преподавателям нужно использовать в деятельности Конституцию РФ и федеральные закон

    Legal values in legal education: changes in conditions of geopolitical and ideological transformation

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    In the article stresses the importance for the Russian society of legal values and ethical representations which urged rally the authorities and the public; the need for the youth of today to understand the geopolitical processes and ideological transformations taking place today in the country and the world, to improve the legal and political cultureПодчеркивается важность для российского общества правовых ценностей и этических представлений, которые призваны сплачивать население и власть; необходимость для современной молодежи разбираться в геополитических процессах и идеологических трансформациях, происходящих в стране и мире, повышать правовую и политическую культур

    AI, NI and national languages: interaction possible?

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    References 1. CIUTI Forum (2017). Short- and long-term impact of artificial intelligence on language professionals. Who is afraid of AI in language professionals? Retrieved from: https://cls-communication.comWe always seem to live in interesting and exciting times, the times of change. This current junction is a rather unique one. It seems that never before in all of its history the humankind had to make a choice between AI/ robotization and human-bondage retainment scenarios. Even in the times of the First Industrial Revolution the newly developed automatic machines exercised a lesser effect onto people’s lives, minds, ways of life, and became indispensable at narrower territorial expanses

    Status of english in the EU: post-Brexit landscape

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    References O. Caollai, E (2016), "European Commission rejects claim English will not be EU language", The Irish Times, 28 June. European Union (2006), Special Eurobarometer 243: Europeans and their languages.Post-Brexit status of the English language has been igniting dispute and commotion of attitudes across Europe for several years now. Opinion is divided on the subject: after Brexit, can or cannot English retain its status as one of the EU official or working languages? On the one hand, preserving English as an official language of the EU can be problematic after Brexit. In the EU, every member-state enjoys the right to choose one official native language. Malta and Ireland are the only two countries in which English is official, but when they joined the Union, Malta chose Maltese and Ireland chose Irish as their official languages. This means that after the UK finally “brexits”, there remain no member-states that have opted for English as their official EU language

    Efficiency analysis and productivity of socioeconomic activities of the municipal museums on the basis of factorial communications

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    The urgency of the problem under investigation due to the fact that in most municipal districts with a deficit of financial and other resources are troubled almost all areas of museum activity. The article focused on the study of factor socioeconomic relations of municipal museums. The leading method to the study of this problem is the correlation and regression analysis, allowing to identify the linkages in the form of statistical regularities. On the basis of the study concluded that the indicators of social efficiency of municipal museums play the most prominent role in shaping the performance of museum activities in the municipalities of the Samara region. Article Submissions may be useful in the development of programs for socio-economic development of regions. © 2016 Nuykina, Polyanskova and Snegireva

    Использование региональных и субрегиональных туристских ресурсов и проблемы методологии их оценки

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    The main objective in given article is research the tourist resources category of the subregions the tourism and recreation specialization. Sochi is a typical example of subregion given type, where the duty with reproduction of tourism resources on local budget is essential. It should be compensated by additional incomes of the budget. For realization of the above-stated purpose the is standard-legal base, scientific and educationl-help sources on this point in question have been in details analysed. Definitions and criteria of tourist services and the tourist activity are as a result generated. This application will give the chance to indemnification of additional budgetary expenses in the conditions of not market release of collective budgetary services.Исследуется категория туристских ресурсов регионов и субрегионов туристско-рекреационной специализации. Город Сочи - типичный пример субрегиона данного типа, где существена нагрузка на местный бюджет в связи с воспроизводством ресурсов туристского назначения, а это должно компенсироваться дополнительными доходами бюджета. Проанализирована нормативно-правовая база, научные и учебно-справочные источники по данному вопросу. Сформированы определения и критерии туристских услуг и туристской деятельости, применение которых даст возможность компенсации дополнительных бюджетных расходов в условиях нерыночного выпуска коллективных бюджетных услуг

    Prospects for the use of sweeteners in the production of pastille confectionery

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    Data on the current health condition of the population convincingly proves the need to reduce the caloric content of the diet, reducing the amount of added sugar and animal fats in products. However, people cannot give up confectionery and sweet dishes, which have a positive effect on the feeling of completion of a meal and mood. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop a recipe and marshmallow technology with a full replacement of sugar for erythritol. Moreover, the author partially replaced the traditional mashed apple with black currant puree in the marshmallow recipe to improve organoleptic characteristics and increase the content of essential nutrients. The author also studied the effect of erythritol and black currant puree on the marshmallow mass and finished products quality parameters. The author carried out the research using commonly accepted methods. The author experimentally proved a positive effect of replacing apple puree with 40% black currant puree on the quality indicators of semi-finished and finished products. The author substantiated the possibility of replacing sugar with erythritol and investigated the addition of the FitParad No. 10 sweetener mixture to enhance the sweetness of the finished product. Considering the results of the research, the author has developed a recipe and technology for sugar- free white marshmallows. It is proved that marshmallow based on erythritol as a sugar substitute is not available according to literature data and market analysis of pastry confectionery products