255 research outputs found

    Pre-Clinical Assessment of Novel Multivalent MSP3 Malaria Vaccine Constructs

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    BACKGROUND: MSP3 has been shown to induce protection against malaria in African children. The characterization of a family of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) antigens sharing a similar structural organization, simultaneously expressed on the merozoite surface and targeted by a cross-reactive network of protective antibodies, is intriguing and offers new perspectives for the development of subunit vaccines against malaria. METHODS: Eight recombinant polyproteins containing carefully selected regions of this family covalently linked in different combinations were all efficiently produced in Escherichia coli. The polyproteins consisted of one monovalent, one bivalent, one trivalent, two tetravalents, one hexavalent construct, and two tetravalents incorporating coiled-coil repeats regions from LSA3 and p27 vaccine candidates. RESULTS: All eight polyproteins induced a strong and homogeneous antibody response in mice of three distinct genotypes, with a dominance of cytophilic IgG subclasses, lasting up to six months after the last immunization. Vaccine-induced antibodies exerted a strong monocyte-mediated in vitro inhibition of P. falciparum growth. Naturally acquired antibodies from individuals living in an endemic area of Senegal recognized the polyproteins with a reactivity mainly constituted of cytophilic IgG subclasses. CONCLUSIONS: Combination of genetically conserved and antigenically related MSP3 proteins provides promising subunit vaccine constructs, with improved features as compared to the first generation construct employed in clinical trials (MSP3-LSP). These multivalent MSP3 vaccine constructs expand the epitope display of MSP3 family proteins, and lead to the efficient induction of a wider range of antibody subclasses, even in genetically different mice. These findings are promising for future immunization of genetically diverse human populations

    A Novel Inactivated Intranasal Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine Promotes Viral Clearance without Th2 Associated Vaccine-Enhanced Disease

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in young children worldwide, and no vaccine is currently available. Inactivated RSV vaccines tested in the 1960's led to vaccine-enhanced disease upon viral challenge, which has undermined RSV vaccine development. RSV infection is increasingly being recognized as an important pathogen in the elderly, as well as other individuals with compromised pulmonary immunity. A safe and effective inactivated RSV vaccine would be of tremendous therapeutic benefit to many of these populations.In these preclinical studies, a mouse model was utilized to assess the efficacy of a novel, nanoemulsion-adjuvanted, inactivated mucosal RSV vaccine. Our results demonstrate that NE-RSV immunization induced durable, RSV-specific humoral responses, both systemically and in the lungs. Vaccinated mice exhibited increased protection against subsequent live viral challenge, which was associated with an enhanced Th1/Th17 response. In these studies, NE-RSV vaccinated mice displayed no evidence of Th2 mediated immunopotentiation, as has been previously described for other inactivated RSV vaccines.These studies indicate that nanoemulsion-based inactivated RSV vaccination can augment viral-specific immunity, decrease mucus production and increase viral clearance, without evidence of Th2 immune mediated pathology

    Use of chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) to detect transcription factor binding to highly homologous promoters in chromatin isolated from unstimulated and activated primary human B cells

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    The Chromatin Immunoprecipiation (ChIP) provides a powerful technique for identifying the in vivo association of transcription factors with regulatory elements. However, obtaining meaningful information for promoter interactions is extremely challenging when the promoter is a member of a class of highly homologous elements. Use of PCR primers with small numbers of mutations can limit cross-hybridization with non-targeted sequences and distinguish a pattern of binding for factors with the regulatory element of interest. In this report, we demonstrate the selective in vivo association of NF-κB, p300 and CREB with the human Iγ1 promoter located in the intronic region upstream of the Cγ1 exons in the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. These methods have the ability to extend ChIP analysis to promoters with a high degree of homology

    An Anaerobic-Type α-Ketoglutarate Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase Completes the Oxidative Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Aerobic organisms have a tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle that is functionally distinct from those found in anaerobic organisms. Previous reports indicate that the aerobic pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis lacks detectable α-ketoglutarate (KG) dehydrogenase activity and drives a variant TCA cycle in which succinyl-CoA is replaced by succinic semialdehyde. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis expresses a CoA-dependent KG dehydrogenase activity, albeit one that is typically found in anaerobic bacteria. Unlike most enzymes of this family, the M. tuberculosis KG: ferredoxin oxidoreductase (KOR) is extremely stable under aerobic conditions. This activity is absent in a mutant strain deleted for genes encoding a previously uncharacterized oxidoreductase, and this strain is impaired for aerobic growth in the absence of sufficient amounts of CO2. Interestingly, inhibition of the glyoxylate shunt or exclusion of exogenous fatty acids alleviates this growth defect, indicating the presence of an alternate pathway that operates in the absence of β-oxidation. Simultaneous disruption of KOR and the first enzyme of the succinic semialdehyde pathway (KG decarboxylase; KGD) results in strict dependence upon the glyoxylate shunt for growth, demonstrating that KG decarboxylase is also functional in M. tuberculosis intermediary metabolism. These observations demonstrate that unlike most organisms M. tuberculosis utilizes two distinct TCA pathways from KG, one that functions concurrently with β-oxidation (KOR-dependent), and one that functions in the absence of β-oxidation (KGD-dependent). As these pathways are regulated by metabolic cues, we predict that their differential utilization provides an advantage for growth in different environments within the host

    Correlation of Group C Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Response with B- and T-Lymphocyte Activity

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    Despite the success of conjugate vaccination against meningococcal group C (MenC) disease, post-vaccination, some individuals still exhibit rapid waning of initially protective bactericidal antibody levels. The mechanism of this relative loss of humoral protection remains undetermined. In this report we have investigated the relationship between T- and B-cell activation and co-stimulation and the loss of protective antibody titers. We have found that healthy volunteers who lose protective MenC antibody levels one year after receipt of glycoconjugate vaccine exhibit no detectable cellular defect in polyclonal B- or T-cell activation, proliferation or the B-memory pool. This suggests that the processes underlying the more rapid loss of antibody levels are independent of defects in either initial T- or B-cell activation

    The extract of syngeneic keratinocytes enhances IgE production from BALB/c mouse splenic lymphocytes in vitro.

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    Background: The increase of serum IgE levels is closely associated with atopic dermatitis. We have previously revealed that cellular extract of PAM212 cells (PAM-extract), BALB/c mouse keratinocyte cell line, induced a remarkable increase of serum IgE levels, in vivo, when subcutaneously injected into BALB/c mice. However, precise mechanism of IgE-increasing activity was unclear. Objective: To elucidate the mechanism of IgE-increase in sera of BALB/c mice induced by PAM-extract, we explored the direct influence of PAM-extract on immunoglobulin production and class-switching in the culture of splenic lymphocytes and purified B-cells, in vitro. Methods: Splenic lymphocytes or purified B-cells obtained from BALB/c mice were cultured with various combinations of IL-4, anti-CD40 antibody, and PAM-extract for seven days. IgE and IgG concentrations of culture supernatants were measured by ELISA. Epsilon germ-line transcriptions were assessed by RT-PCR from the cultured cells. Results: IgE and IgG concentrations in culture supernatant of splenic lymphocytes were increased by an addition of PAM-extract in the presence of both IL-4 and anti-CD40 antibody. Epsilon germ-line transcript was also induced in parallel to the increase of IgE production. Similar results were obtained when purified B-cells were employed in stead of whole splenic lymphocytes. Conclusion: The cellular extract of keratinocyte promotes immunoglobulin class-switching to IgE and IgE production from mouse splenic B-cells in an IL-4- and CD40-stimuli-dependent manner. Such enhancement may account for the increase of serum IgE in patients with dermatitis in association with a Th2 microenvironment

    Comparison of the pathogenesis of the highly passaged MCMV Smith strain with that of the low passaged MCMV HaNa1 isolate in BALB/c mice upon oronasal inoculation

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    Murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) Smith strain is widely used in mouse models to study HCMV infections. Due to high serial passages, MCMV Smith has acquired genetic and biological changes. Therefore, a low passaged strain would be more relevant to develop mouse models. Here, the pathogenesis of an infection with MCMV Smith was compared with that of an infection with a low passaged Belgian MCMV isolate HaNa1 in BALB/c adult mice following oronasal inoculation with either a low (10(4) TCID50/mouse) or high (10(6) TCID50/mouse) inoculation dose. Both strains were mainly replicating in nasal mucosa and submandibular glands for one to two months. In nasal mucosa, MCMV was detected earlier and longer (1-49 days post inoculation (dpi)) and reached higher titers with the high inoculation dose compared to the low inoculation dose (14-35 dpi). In submandibular glands, a similar finding was observed (high dose: 7-49 dpi; low dose: 14-42 dpi). In lungs, both strains showed a restricted replication. In spleen, liver and kidneys, only the Smith strain established a productive infection. The infected cells were identified as olfactory neurons and sustentacular cells in olfactory epithelium, macrophages and dendritic cells in NALT, acinar cells in submandibular glands, and macrophages and epithelial cells in lungs for both strains. Antibody analysis demonstrated for both strains that IgG(2a) was the main detectable antibody subclass. Overall, our results show that significant phenotypic differences exist between the two strains. MCMV HaNa1 has been shown to be interesting for use in mouse models in order to get better insights for HCMV infections in immunocompetent humans

    Characterization of a Conserved Interaction between DNA Glycosylase and ParA in Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. tuberculosis

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    The chromosome partitioning proteins, ParAB, ensure accurate segregation of genetic materials into daughter cells and most bacterial species contain their homologs. However, little is known about the regulation of ParAB proteins. In this study, we found that 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase I MsTAG(Ms5082) regulates bacterial growth and cell morphology by directly interacting with MsParA (Ms6939) and inhibiting its ATPase activity in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Using bacterial two-hybrid and pull-down techniques in combination with co-immunoprecipitation assays, we show that MsTAG physically interacts with MsParA both in vitro and in vivo. Expression of MsTAG under conditions of DNA damage induction exhibited similar inhibition of growth as the deletion of the parA gene in M. smegmatis. Further, the effect of MsTAG on mycobacterial growth was found to be independent of its DNA glycosylase activity, and to result instead from direct inhibition of the ATPase activity of MsParA. Co-expression of these two proteins could counteract the growth defect phenotypes observed in strains overexpressing MsTAG alone in response to DNA damage induction. Based on protein co-expression and fluorescent co-localization assays, MsParA and MsTAG were further found to co-localize in mycobacterial cells. In addition, the interaction between the DNA glycosylase and ParA, and the regulation of ParA by the glycosylase were conserved in M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis. Our findings provide important new insights into the regulatory mechanism of cell growth and division in mycobacteria

    Functional Characterization of Aquaporin-4 Specific T Cells: Towards a Model for Neuromyelitis Optica

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    Antibodies to the water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP4), which is expressed in astrocytic endfeet at the blood brain barrier, have been identified in the serum of Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) patients and are believed to induce damage to astrocytes. However, AQP4 specific T helper cell responses that are required for the generation of anti-AQP4 antibodies and most likely also for the formation of intraparenchymal CNS lesions have not been characterized. specific T cells were present in the natural T cell repertoire of wild type C57BL/6 mice and T cell lines were raised. However, active immunization with these AQP4 peptides did not induce signs of spinal cord disease. Rather, sensitization with AQP4 peptides resulted in production of IFN-γ, but also IL-5 and IL-10 by antigen-specific T cells. Consistent with this cytokine profile, the AQP4 specific antibody response upon immunization with full length AQP4 included IgG1 and IgG2, which are associated with a mixed Th2/Th1 T cell response. restricted AQP4 specific T cell epitopes will allow us to investigate how AQP4 specific autoimmune reactions are regulated and to establish faithful mouse models of NMO that include both cellular and humoral responses against AQP4
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