1,461 research outputs found

    Automatic construction of robust spherical harmonic subspaces

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    In this paper we propose a method to automatically recover a class specific low dimensional spherical harmonic basis from a set of in-the-wild facial images. We combine existing techniques for uncalibrated photometric stereo and low rank matrix decompositions in order to robustly recover a combined model of shape and identity. We build this basis without aid from a 3D model and show how it can be combined with recent efficient sparse facial feature localisation techniques to recover dense 3D facial shape. Unlike previous works in the area, our method is very efficient and is an order of magnitude faster to train, taking only a few minutes to build a model with over 2000 images. Furthermore, it can be used for real-time recovery of facial shape

    Disentangling the modes of variation in unlabelled data

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    Statistical methods are of paramount importance in discovering the modes of variation in visual data. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is probably the most prominent method for extracting a single mode of variation in the data. However, in practice, visual data exhibit several modes of variations. For instance, the appearance of faces varies in identity, expression, pose etc. To extract these modes of variations from visual data, several supervised methods, such as the TensorFaces relying on multilinear (tensor) decomposition (e.g., Higher Order SVD) have been developed. The main drawbacks of such methods is that they require both labels regarding the modes of variations and the same number of samples under all modes of variations (e.g., the same face under different expressions, poses etc.). Therefore, their applicability is limited to well-organised data, usually captured in well-controlled conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel general multilinear matrix decomposition method that discovers the multilinear structure of possibly incomplete sets of visual data in unsupervised setting (i.e., without the presence of labels). We also propose extensions of the method with sparsity and low-rank constraints in order to handle noisy data, captured in unconstrained conditions. Besides that, a graph-regularised variant of the method is also developed in order to exploit available geometric or label information for some modes of variations. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method in several computer vision tasks, including Shape from Shading (SfS) (in the wild and with occlusion removal), expression transfer, and estimation of surface normals from images captured in the wild

    Learning the multilinear structure of visual data

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    Statistical decomposition methods are of paramount importance in discovering the modes of variations of visual data. Probably the most prominent linear decomposition method is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which discovers a single mode of variation in the data. However, in practice, visual data exhibit several modes of variations. For instance, the appearance of faces varies in identity, expression, pose etc. To extract these modes of variations from visual data, several supervised methods, such as the TensorFaces, that rely on multilinear (tensor) decomposition (e.g., Higher Order SVD) have been developed. The main drawbacks of such methods is that they require both labels regarding the modes of variations and the same number of samples under all modes of variations (e.g., the same face under different expressions, poses etc.). Therefore, their applicability is limited to well-organised data, usually captured in well-controlled conditions. In this paper, we propose the first general multilinear method, to the best of our knowledge, that discovers the multilinear structure of visual data in unsupervised setting. That is, without the presence of labels. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method in two applications, namely Shape from Shading (SfS) and expression transfer

    Face flow

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    In this paper, we propose a method for the robust and efficient computation of multi-frame optical flow in an expressive sequence of facial images. We formulate a novel energy minimisation problem for establishing dense correspondences between a neutral template and every frame of a sequence. We exploit the highly correlated nature of human expressions by representing dense facial motion using a deformation basis. Furthermore, we exploit the even higher correlation between deformations in a given input sequence by imposing a low-rank prior on the coefficients of the deformation basis, yielding temporally consistent optical flow. Our proposed model-based formulation, in conjunction with the inverse compositional strategy and low-rank matrix optimisation that we adopt, leads to a highly efficient algorithm for calculating facial flow. As experimental evaluation, we show quantitative experiments on a challenging novel benchmark of face sequences, with dense ground truth optical flow provided by motion capture data. We also provide qualitative results on a real sequence displaying fast motion and occlusions. Extensive quantitative and qualitative comparisons demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art optical flow and dense non-rigid registration techniques, whilst running an order of magnitude faster

    Teaching and Learning Issues in the Disciplines: Leisure Studies

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    This report is submitted to the Higher Education Academy (HEA) on behalf of the Leisure Studies Association (LSA). The LSA aims to foster research in Leisure Studies; to promote interest in Leisure Studies and advance education in this field; to encourage debate through publications, and an international journal Leisure Studies; to stimulate the exchange of ideas on contemporary leisure issues; to disseminate knowledge of Leisure Studies to create the conditions for better-informed decisions by policy makers. The LSA is a member society of the Academy of Social Sciences

    Learning the multilinear structure of visual data

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    Statistical decomposition methods are of paramount im- portance in discovering the modes of variations of visual data. Probably the most prominent linear decomposition method is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which discovers a single mode of variation in the data. However, in practice, visual data exhibit several modes of variations. For instance, the appearance of faces varies in identity, ex- pression, pose etc. To extract these modes of variations from visual data, several supervised methods, such as the Ten- sorFaces, that rely on multilinear (tensor) decomposition (e.g., Higher Order SVD) have been developed. The main drawbacks of such methods is that they require both labels regarding the modes of variations and the same number of samples under all modes of variations (e.g., the same face under different expressions, poses etc.). Therefore, their ap- plicability is limited to well-organised data, usually cap- tured in well-controlled conditions. In this paper, we pro- pose the first general multilinear method, to the best of our knowledge, that discovers the multilinear structure of visual data in unsupervised setting. That is, without the presence of labels. We demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method in two applications, namely Shape from Shading (SfS) and expression transfer

    NMR shim coil design utilising a rapid spherical harmonic calculation method

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    A rapid spherical harmonic calculation method is used for the design of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance shim coils. The aim is to design each shim such that it generates a field described purely by a single spherical harmonic. By applying simulated annealing techniques, coil arrangements are produced through the optimal positioning of current-carrying circular arc conductors of rectangular cross-section. This involves minimizing the undesirable harmonies in relation to a target harmonic. The design method is flexible enough to be applied for the production of coil arrangements that generate fields consisting significantly of either zonal or tesseral harmonics. Results are presented for several coil designs which generate tesseral harmonics of degree one