4,796 research outputs found

    Columnar aerosol properties in a northeastern atlantic site (plymouth united kingdom) by means of ground based skyradiometer data during years 2000-2008.

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    Between 2000 and 2008, columnar optical and radiative properties were measured at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK (50° 21.95′N, 4° 8.85′W) using an automatic Prede POM01L sun–sky photometer. The database was analyzed for aerosol optical properties using the SKYRAD radiative inversion algorithm and calibrated using the in situ SKYIL calibration method. Retrievals include aerosol optical depth, Ångström wavelength exponent, aerosol volume distribution, refractive index and single scattering albedo. The results show that the Plymouth site is characterized by low values of aerosol optical depth with low variability (0.18 ± 0.08 at 500 nm) and a mean annual Ångström exponent of 1.03 ± 0.21. The annual mean of the single scattering albedo is 0.97, indicative of non-absorbing aerosols. The aerosol properties were classified in terms of air mass back trajectories: the area is mainly affected by Atlantic air masses and the dominant aerosol type is a mixture of maritime particles, present in low burdens with variable size. The maritime air masses were defined by annual mean values for the AOD (at 500 nm) of 0.13–0.14 and a wavelength exponent of 0.96–1.03. Episodic anthropogenic and mineral dust intrusions occasionally occur, but they are sporadic and dilute (AOD at 500 nm about 0.20). Tropical continental air masses were characterized by the highest AOD at 500 nm (0.34) and the lowest wavelength exponent (0.83), although they were the least represented in the analysis

    Autonomous marine hyperspectral radiometers for determining solar irradiances and aerosol optical properties

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    We have developed two hyperspectral radiometer systems which require no moving parts, shade rings or motorised tracking, making them ideally suited for autonomous use in the inhospitable remote marine environment. Both systems are able to measure direct and diffuse hyperspectral irradiance in the wavelength range 350–1050 nm at 6 nm (Spectrometer 1) or 3.5 nm (Spectrometer 2) resolution. Marine field trials along a 100� transect (between 50� N and 50� S) of the Atlantic Ocean resulted in close agreement with existing commercially available instruments in measuring (1) photosynthetically available radiation (PAR), with both spectrometers giving regression slopes close to unity (Spectrometer 1: 0.960; Spectrometer 2: 1.006) and R2 �0.96; (2) irradiant energy, with R2�0.98 and a regression slope of 0.75 which can be accounted for by the difference in wavelength integration range; and (3) hyperspectral irradiance where the agreement on average was between 2 and 5 %. Two long duration land-based field campaigns of up to 18 months allowed both spectrometers to be well calibrated. This was also invaluable for empirically correcting for the wider field of view (FOV) of the spectrometers in comparison with the current generation of sun photometers (�7.5� compared with �1�). The need for this correction was also confirmed and independently quantified by atmospheric radiative transfer modelling and found to be a function of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and solar zenith angle. Once Spectrometer 2 was well calibrated and the FOV effect corrected for, the RMSE in retrievals of AOD when compared with a CIMEL sun photometer were reduced to �0.02–0.03 with R2 > 0.95 at wavelengths 440, 500, 670 and 870 nm. Corrections for the FOV as well as ship motion were applied to the data from the marine field trials. This resulted in AOD500 nm ranging between 0.05 in the clear background marine aerosol regions and �0.5 within the Saharan dust plume. The RMSE between the handheld Microtops sun photometer and Spectrometer 2 was between 0.047 and 0.057 with R2 > 0.94

    On Certain Kähler Quotients of Quaternionic Kähler Manifolds

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    We prove that, given a certain isometric action of a two-dimensional Abelian group A on a quaternionic Kähler manifold M which preserves a submanifold N ⊂ M, the quotient M′ =N/A has a natural Kähler structure. We verify that the assumptions on the group action and on the submanifold N ⊂ M are satisfied for a large class of examples obtained from the supergravity c-map. In particular, we find that all quaternionic Kähler manifolds M in the image of the c-map admit an integrable complex structure compatible with the quaternionic structure, such that N ⊂ M is a complex submanifold. Finally, we discuss how the existence of the Kähler structure on M′ is required by the consistency of spontaneous N=2{\mathcal{N} = 2} to N=1{\mathcal{N} = 1} supersymmetry breakin

    Unsteady undular bores in fully nonlinear shallow-water theory

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    We consider unsteady undular bores for a pair of coupled equations of Boussinesq-type which contain the familiar fully nonlinear dissipationless shallow-water dynamics and the leading-order fully nonlinear dispersive terms. This system contains one horizontal space dimension and time and can be systematically derived from the full Euler equations for irrotational flows with a free surface using a standard long-wave asymptotic expansion. In this context the system was first derived by Su and Gardner. It coincides with the one-dimensional flat-bottom reduction of the Green-Naghdi system and, additionally, has recently found a number of fluid dynamics applications other than the present context of shallow-water gravity waves. We then use the Whitham modulation theory for a one-phase periodic travelling wave to obtain an asymptotic analytical description of an undular bore in the Su-Gardner system for a full range of "depth" ratios across the bore. The positions of the leading and trailing edges of the undular bore and the amplitude of the leading solitary wave of the bore are found as functions of this "depth ratio". The formation of a partial undular bore with a rapidly-varying finite-amplitude trailing wave front is predicted for ``depth ratios'' across the bore exceeding 1.43. The analytical results from the modulation theory are shown to be in excellent agreement with full numerical solutions for the development of an undular bore in the Su-Gardner system.Comment: Revised version accepted for publication in Phys. Fluids, 51 pages, 9 figure


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    The pancreas reduced to 4 or 10 gm. weeks or months previously by partial resection, is able to maintain a normal glycemic level in dogs of about 10 kilos in good condition. When the pancreas is reduced to 4 gm. the capacity for secreting insulin under certain conditions of strain is diminished whereas a pancreas reduced to 10 gm. may have a normal or decreased capacity. This decreased functional capacity is shown: (1) by a longer hyperglycemic curve after the intravenous injection of 1 gm. of glucose per kilo; (2) by the requirement of smaller doses of extract of anterior hypophysis to produce diabetes; and (3) by the longer time required to correct the diabetic hyperglycemia if reduced pancreas is grafted in the neck of pancreatectomized animals. The time to recover is in inverse ratio to the weight of the transplanted pancreatic tissue

    Kinetic recoupling of dark matter

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    We study the possibility that dark matter re-enters kinetic equilibrium with a radiation bath after kinetic decoupling, a scenario we dub kinetic recoupling. This naturally occurs, for instance, with certain types of resonantly-enhanced interactions, or as the result of a phase transition. While late kinetic decoupling damps structure on small scales below a cutoff, kinetic recoupling produces more complex changes in the power spectrum that depend on the nature and extent of the recoupling period. We explore the features that kinetic recoupling imprints upon the matter power spectrum, and discuss how such features can be traced to dark matter microphysics with future observations.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Surface potential at a ferroelectric grain due to asymmetric screening of depolarization fields

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    Nonlinear screening of electric depolarization fields, generated by a stripe domain structure in a ferroelectric grain of a polycrystalline material, is studied within a semiconductor model of ferroelectrics. It is shown that the maximum strength of local depolarization fields is rather determined by the electronic band gap than by the spontaneous polarization magnitude. Furthermore, field screening due to electronic band bending and due to presence of intrinsic defects leads to asymmetric space charge regions near the grain boundary, which produce an effective dipole layer at the surface of the grain. This results in the formation of a potential difference between the grain surface and its interior of the order of 1 V, which can be of either sign depending on defect transition levels and concentrations. Exemplary acceptor doping of BaTiO3 is shown to allow tuning of the said surface potential in the region between 0.1 and 1.3 V.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    Comment on ``Conduction states in oxide perovskites: Three manifestations of Ti3+^{3 +} Jahn-Teller polarons in barium titanate''

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    In this comment to [S. Lenjer, O. F. Schirmer, H. Hesse, and Th. W. Kool, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 66}, 165106 (2002)] we discuss the electronic structure of oxygen vacancies in perovskites. First principles computations are in favour of rather deep levels in these vacancies, and Lenjer et al suggest that the electrons' interaction energy is negative, but data on electroconductivity are against.Comment: 2 pages, no figure


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    Of all the anterior hypophyses tested, those of the human produced the most marked diabetogenic action in the dog with its pancreatic tissue reduced to 4 gm., and in the hypophysectomized and pancreatectomized toad. The human hypophysis also produced diabetogenic action in the normal dog on daily doses of 1.26 mg. per kilo per day for 2 days. The hypophysectomized dog with its pancreas reduced to 4 gm. is very sensitive to the anterior hypophyseal diabetogenic action and is the best test animal for demonstrating such action in mammals. The anterior hypophysis of man, toad, rat, and chicken produces in such animals a diabetogenic action with doses of from 10 to 15 mg. per kilo per day. The bovine anterior hypophysis has identical action in 20 mg. doses. That of canine origin was much less active in a few though inconclusive experiments. It was impossible to demonstrate a diabetogenic action with either guinea pig hypophysis or with that of fish probably because insufficient doses were injected. The diabetogenic action was not obtained by the injection of other organ extracts of toads, dogs and oxen, of corticosterone (30, 40, and 60 mg. in 4 days) or of desoxycorticosterone (80 mg. and 200 mg. in 4 days). The toad (Bufo arenarum Hensel), deprived of its hypophysis and pancreas is the most sensitive biological reactor for testing the diabetogenic action. In this animal the diabetogenic action of anterior hypophyses from varied sources decreased in the following order: man, dog, toad (Bufo arenarum Hensel), white rat, guinea pig, chicken (whole hypophysis), ox, serpent (Constrictor constrictor (L.)), the fish "corvina" Micropogon opercularis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824), and "merluza" Merlucius hubbsi (Marini, 1933)

    Abrupt appearance of the domain pattern and fatigue of thin ferroelectric films

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    We study the domain structure in ferroelectric thin films with a `passive' layer (material with damaged ferroelectric properties) at the interface between the film and electrodes within a continuous medium approximation. An abrupt transition from a monodomain to a polydomain state has been found with the increase of the `passive' layer thickness dd. The domain width changes very quickly at the transition (exponentially with d−2d^{-2}). We have estimated the dielectric response dP/dEdP/dE (the slope of the hysteresis loop) in the `fatigued' multidomain state and found that it is in agreement with experiment, assuming realistic parameters of the layer. We derive a simple universal relation for the dielectric response, which scales as 1/d1/d, involving only the properties of the passive layer. This relation qualitatively reproduces the evolution of the hysteresis loop in fatigued samples and it could be tested with controlled experiments. It is expected that the coercive field should increase with decreasing lateral size of the film. We believe that specific properties of the domain structure under bias voltage in ferroelectrics with a passive layer can resolve the long-standing `paradox of the coercive field'.Comment: 5 pages, REVTeX 3.1 with two eps-figures. Minor amendments. To appear in Phys. Rev. Letter
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