200 research outputs found

    The role of oyster in nitrous oxide emissions from oyster reefs

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    Oyster microbiomes may play a significant role in the biogeochemical N cycle and N2O emissions in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Rates of denitrification and N2O production were measured from live oysters and oyster shells collected at a coastal lagoon and a tidal estuary in the Chesapeake Bay. Live oysters had the highest rates of denitrification and N2O production in both study sites. This indicates that oysters are an import N remover and a N2O source in coastal ecosystems

    Alterations in Nitrogen Cycling Resulting From Oyster Mediated Benthic-Pelagic Coupling

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    Human activities have resulted in an array of stressors to coastal ecosystems. In the context of ecosystem function, two prominent changes have been nutrient enrichment and precipitous declines in the population of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Although historically valued as a fishery, oysters provide broader ecological functions, which include filtering water thereby reducing turbidity as they feed and providing habitat for fish and crabs. Despite decades of oyster research, we lack a comprehensive understanding of how oysters influence nitrogen biogeochemistry in estuarine ecosystems. My research directly assessed the role of oysters in enhancing sediment denitrification and the efficacy of oyster reef restoration in alleviating nutrient pollution. I measured net N2 fluxes from five major estuarine habitats: salt marshes, seagrass beds, oyster reefs and intertidal and subtidal flats. Given the current habitat distribution in this study system, denitrification (N2 production) removed approximately 76% of the estimated watershed nitrogen load. Microcosm experiments were conducted to examine the direct effects of individual oysters on nitrogen dynamics. Results indicated that biodeposit production and excretion shifted sediments from a nitrogen source to a nitrogen sink. Experimental plots of live oysters, oyster shells and mud flats were used to distinguish between the effects of oyster feeding and reef structure on sediment denitrification. The production and accumulation of biotic material accounted for 60% of denitrification from oyster reef sediments while 40% was attributed to the abiotic effects of the reef structure. Fluxes measured from restored intertidal oyster reef sediments demonstrated that oyster reefs prime sediments for enhanced denitrification in response to anthropogenic nitrogen loading; however, the magnitude of this effect is dependent on the habitat setting of the oyster reef. This research identified mechanisms by which oysters alter sediment nitrogen dynamics and enhanced our understanding of oyster reef impacts on ecosystem function. This information is critical for determining where to focus reef restoration and preservation efforts to produce the greatest benefit. Results from my research will inform management strategies, restoration projects and policies aimed at improving water quality and sustaining healthy estuarine ecosystems.Doctor of Philosoph

    Differential effects of bivalves on sediment nitrogen cycling in a shallow coastal bay

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    In coastal ecosystems, suspension-feeding bivalves can remove nitrogen though uptake and assimilation or enhanced denitrification. Bivalves may also retain nitrogen through increased mineralization and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA). This study investigated the effects of oyster reefs and clam aquaculture on denitrification, DNRA, and nutrient fluxes (NOx, NH4 6 +, O2). Core incubations were conducted seasonally on sediments adjacent to restored oyster reefs (Crassostrea virginica), clam aquaculture beds (Mercenaria mercenaria) which contained live clams, and bare sediments from Smith Island Bay, Virginia, USA. Denitrification was significantly higher at oyster reef sediments and clam aquaculture site than bare sediment in the summer; however DNRA was not enhanced. The clam aquaculture site had the highest ammonium production due to clam excretion. While oyster reef and bare sediments exhibited seasonal differences in rate processes, there was no effect of season on denitrification, DNRA or ammonium flux at the clam aquaculture site. This suggests that farm management practices or bivalve metabolism and excretion may override seasonal differences. When water column nitrate concentration was elevated, denitrification increased in clam aquaculture site and oyster reef sediments but not in bare sediment; DNRA was only stimulated at the clam aquaculture site. This, along with a significant and positive relationship between denitrification and sediment organic matter, suggests that labile carbon limited nitrate reduction at the bare sediment site. Bivalve systems can serve as either net sinks or sources of nitrogen to coastal ecosystems, depending mainly on the type of bivalve, location and management practices

    Soil Oxygen Dynamics: Patterns and Lessons from Six Years of High Frequency Monitoring

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    Soil oxygen (O2) is a fundamental control on terrestrial biogeochemical cycles including processes producing and consuming greenhouse gases (GHG), yet it is rarely measured. Instead, soil O2 is assumed to be proportional to soil moisture and physical soil properties. For example, soil O2 is often inferred from a 25-year old steady-state diffusion model; however, few data exist to test this model in stochastic systems. The variability of soil O2 may be particularly important to GHG emissions from aquatic-terrestrial interface zones because of the convergence of variable hydrology and rapid biogeochemical processing. Our objective is to gain a better understanding of soil O2 variation and its role in controlling GHG emissions across aquatic-terrestrial interface zones. Specifically, we hypothesize that in aquatic-terrestrial interface ecosystems, soil moisture predicts O2 concentration under stable conditions, but under dynamic conditions (e.g., water table fluctuations or precipitation) heterogeneous distributions of water-filled soil pore space complicate this prediction. Furthermore, we hypothesize that GHG emissions will correspond to variation in soil O2. Twenty-four near-continuous (30-minute frequency) soil O2 and moisture sensors were monitored for more than six years. The sensors were installed at 10 cm of depth across an aquatic-terrestrial interface of a constructed wetland in April 2012 and removed in July 2018. Diurnal, precipitation and drainage events, seasonal, and longer-term patterns were in soil O2 observed. Drought conditions (2012) resulted in minimal soil O2 variation; however, a diurnal pattern of lower soil O2 during the day was observed. When precipitation increases within and among sensor soil O2 variation increases. The relationship between soil moisture and soil O2 was non-linear during periods of soil drainage and precipitation. Commonly, a rapid (change of 10% over <24 hours) increase in soil O2 occurred during soil drainage near a common threshold. As soil moisture increased due to precipitation, soil O2 decreased slower than predicted by simple diffusion models. Soil O2 was an important predictor of weekly methane and nitrous oxide emissions correspond to variation in soil O2. These soil O2 data will be useful for understanding multiple soil biogeochemical functions

    Biological activity exceeds biogenic structure in influencing sediment nitrogen cycling in experimental oyster reefs

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    Oysters are estuarine ecosystem engineers, in that their physical structure and biological function affect ecosystem processes such as organic matter and nutrient cycling. Oysters deliver material to the sediments through biodeposition and sedimentation caused by modification of flow around the reef. We conducted an experiment to distinguish between biotic effects and physical structure of oyster reefs on sediment nitrogen cycling. Experimental reefs consisting of live oysters, oyster shells alone and mudflats (controls) were sampled for a period of 4 wk for sediment organic matter, C and N content and fluxes of nitrogen (NH4 +, NOX and N2) and oxygen (O2). We hypothesized that the biological activity of the oyster would deposit more, higher quality organic matter compared to deposition from flow modification alone, thus facilitating denitrification and having a larger impact on sediment nitrogen cycling. Compared to the controls, the live oyster experimental reefs increased sediment denitrification by 61% and the shell experimental reefs showed a 24% increase. The live oyster experimental reef also had the largest O2 demand and NH4 + production. Reef structure likely increased organic matter deposition, but the higher quality and larger quantity of organic matter associated with live oysters increased denitrification and microbial respiration. This experiment shows that the ecosystem service of nitrogen removal provided by oysters is primarily driven by the biological function of the oysters and secondarily from the physical structure of the reef. Our increased understanding of how oysters engineer ecosystems and modify nutrient cycling can help guide future oyster restoration effort

    A critique of game-based definitions of receipt-freeness for voting

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    We analyse three game-based definitions of receipt-freeness; uncovering soundness issues with two of the definitions and completeness issues with all three. Hence, two of the definitions are too weak, i.e., satisfiable by voting schemes that are not intuitively receipt-free. More precisely, those schemes need not even satisfy ballot secrecy. Consequently, the definitions are satisfiable by schemes that reveal how voters\u27 vote. Moreover, we find that each definition is limited in scope. Beyond soundness and completeness issues, we show that each definition captures a different attacker model and we examine some of those differences

    Feasibility study to inform the design of a randomised controlled trial to eradicate Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in individuals with Cystic Fibrosis

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    There are controversies about the most effective treatment to eradicate first growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P aeruginosa) from the lower airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). UK guidelines recommend oral treatment, but some advocate intravenous (IV) treatment. The objective of this study was to assess the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial comparing two treatment strategies to eradicate P aeruginosa in CF patients

    Are coastal habitats important nurseries? A meta-analysis

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    Nearshore‐structured habitats—including underwater grasses, mangroves, coral, and other biogenic reefs, marshes, and complex abiotic substrates—have long been postulated to function as important nurseries for juvenile fishes and invertebrates. Here, we review the evolution of the “nursery habitat hypothesis” and use \u3e11,000 comparisons from 160 peer‐reviewed studies to test whether and which structured habitats increase juvenile density, growth, and survival. In general, almost all structured habitats significantly enhanced juvenile density—and in some cases growth and survival—relative to unstructured habitats. Underwater grasses and mangroves also promoted juvenile density and growth beyond what was observed in other structured habitats. These conclusions were robust to variation among studies, although there were significant differences with latitude and among some phyla. Our results confirm the basic nursery function of certain structured habitats, which lends further support to their conservation, restoration, and management at a time when our coastal environments are becoming increasingly impacted. They also reveal a dearth of evidence from many other systems (e.g., kelp forests) and for responses other than density. Although recent studies have advocated for increasingly complex approaches to evaluating nurseries, we recommend a renewed emphasis on more straightforward assessments of juvenile growth, survival, reproduction, and recruitment

    Calcification-driven CO2emissions exceed blue Carbon sequestration in a carbonate seagrass meadow

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    Long-term Blue Carbon burial in seagrass meadows is complicated by other carbon and alkalinity exchanges that shape net carbon sequestration. We measured a suite of such processes, including denitrification, sulfur, and inorganic carbon cycling, and assessed their impact on air-water CO2 exchange in a typical seagrass meadow underlain by carbonate sediments. Eddy covariance measurements reveal a consistent source of CO2 to the atmosphere at an average rate of 610 ± 990 Όmol m-2 hour-1 during our study and 700 ± 660 Όmol m-2 hour-1 (6.1 mol m-2 year-1) over an annual cycle. Net alkalinity consumption by ecosystem calcification explains \u3e95% of the observed CO2 emissions, far exceeding organic carbon burial and anaerobic alkalinity generation. We argue that the net carbon sequestration potential of seagrass meadows may be overestimated if calcification-induced CO2 emissions are not accounted for, especially in regions where calcification rates exceed net primary production and burial
