148 research outputs found

    The Humnytsky Family of Gozdava Coat of Arms in Sanok Land in the 15-16 centuries

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    The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the history and genealogy of the noble family of Humnytsky in the 15-16 centuries on the basis of the study of the material of the Sanok Borough and District courts. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the history and genealogy of the noble family of Humnytsky in the 15-16 centuries, who belonged to the social and political elite of the Sanok land in the specified period, was thoroughly researched. Conclusions. The history of the Humnytsky family has not yet been thoroughly researched, despite the fact that the family belonged to the social elite of the Sanok land. On the basis of the study of the records of the Sanok Borough and District courts, it was possible to research and reconstruct the history of five generations of the Humnytsky family, who lived in the Sanok land in the 15-16 centuries. The composition of the property complex of the family and its evolution was investigated. The biographies of the representatives of the family were studied. The most powerful impulse to the material and socio-political well-being of the family was laid by Heorhiy Matviiovych Humnytsky. In addition to the fact that during his life he held the prestigious positions of the Przemyśl chamberlain and the Sanok castellan, Heorhiy multiplied the property complex, which included two dozen settlements at the end of his life. In subsequent generations, the Humnytsky family gradually grew and already in the last quarter of the 16 century had several families, which led to the fragmentation of the ancestral property complex. The position of the family was strengthened by successful marriages, as well as holding district positions. During the 15-16 centuries there were the Sanok castellan, a judge, a deputy district judge and a wojski (twice), a Przemysl chamberlain among the representatives of the Humnytsky clan

    Isolation and characterization of mutated alcohol oxidases from the yeast Hansenula polymorpha with decreased affinity toward substrates and their use as selective elements of an amperometric biosensor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Accurate, rapid, and economic on-line analysis of ethanol is very desirable. However, available biosensors achieve saturation at very low ethanol concentrations and thus demand the time and labour consuming procedure of sample dilution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Hansenula polymorpha </it>(<it>Pichia angusta</it>) mutant strains resistant to allyl alcohol in methanol medium were selected. Such strains possessed decreased affinity of alcohol oxidase (AOX) towards methanol: the K<sub>M </sub>values for AOX of wild type and mutant strains CA2 and CA4 are shown to be 0.62, 2.48 and 1.10 mM, respectively, whereas V<sub>max </sub>values are increased or remain unaffected. The mutant AOX alleles from <it>H. polymorpha </it>mutants CA2 and CA4 were isolated and sequenced. Several point mutations in the AOX gene, mostly different between the two mutant alleles, have been identified. Mutant AOX forms were isolated and purified, and some of their biochemical properties were studied. An amperometric biosensor based on the mutated form of AOX from the strain CA2 was constructed and revealed an extended linear response to the target analytes, ethanol and formaldehyde, as compared to the sensor based on the native AOX.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The described selection methodology opens up the possibility of isolating modified forms of AOX with further decreased affinity toward substrates without reduction of the maximal velocity of reaction. It can help in creation of improved ethanol biosensors with a prolonged linear response towards ethanol in real samples of wines, beers or fermentation liquids.</p

    Misperception: No evidence to dismiss RPE as regulator of moderate-intensity exercise

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a published work that appeared in final form in Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0000000000000748.Dear Editor-in-Chief, Shaykevich et al. (7) demonstrate the efficacy of auditory feedback anchored at 75% of age-predicted HRmax to regulate intensity (claimed as ‘‘moderate’’) during several 20-min bouts of cycling. Their technical approach is novel, but 76% HRmax is the upper limit of moderate intensity, so given the large error in age-predicted HRmax, it is unlikely that their exercise bandwidth was ‘‘moderate’’ for all participants. This is not our major concern, but it reveals one among other inaccuracies: the most serious include training, interpretation, and inferences relating to the RPE

    Construction of uricase-overproducing strains of Hansenula polymorpha and its application as biological recognition element in microbial urate biosensor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The detection and quantification of uric acid in human physiological fluids is of great importance in the diagnosis and therapy of patients suffering from a range of disorders associated with altered purine metabolism, most notably gout and hyperuricaemia. The fabrication of cheap and reliable urate-selective amperometric biosensors is a challenging task.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A urate-selective microbial biosensor was developed using cells of the recombinant thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast <it>Hansenula polymorpha </it>as biorecognition element. The construction of uricase (UOX) producing yeast by over-expression of the uricase gene of <it>H. polymorpha </it>is described. Following a preliminary screening of the transformants with increased UOX activity in permeabilized yeast cells the optimal cultivation conditions for maximal UOX yield namely a 40-fold increase in UOX activity were determined.</p> <p>The UOX producing cells were coupled to horseradish peroxidase and immobilized on graphite electrodes by physical entrapment behind a dialysis membrane. A high urate selectivity with a detection limit of about 8 μM was found.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A strain of <it>H. polymorpha </it>overproducing UOX was constructed. A cheap urate selective microbial biosensor was developed.</p


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    Summary. The purpose of the research is to introduce a documentary source from the middle of the 18th century into the scientific circulation, in particular. The document in question is the census of the Jewish population of the city of Stara Sil in the Przemysl land in 1764. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism and the use of methods acceptable for the study of microhistory, the history of local social groups. The scientific novelty – for the first time a historical source which allows reconstructing the demographic component of the history of Jews in the territory of Przemysl land of the early modern period is introduced into scientific circulation. In the absence of statistical information for the specified period and the absence of metric records, this census remains almost the only document that forms an idea of the number and family structure of the Jewish community in a particular city. The document proposed for publication can be used for demographic research, genealogy and in related scientific topics devoted to the history of the Jewish society of the Carpathian region in the early modern period. Conclusions as a result of archival searches, a historical source was discovered and introduced into scientific circulation. This historical source is the census of the Jewish population of the Przemysl land in the mid-18th century. The information in it allows you to find out certain aspects of the life and activities of the Jewish community of Stara Sil and the Przemysl land of early modern times.Анотація. Мета дослідження – впровадження до наукового обігу документального джерела середини XVIII ст., зокрема поіменного перепису єврейського населення міста Старої Солі у Перемишльській землі 1765 р. Методологія ґрунтується на принципах історизму й використанням підходів, властивих дослідженню мікроісторії, історії локальних соціальних груп. Наукова новизна – уперше до науково обігу впроваджується історичне джерело, котре дає змогу реконструювати демографічну складову історії євреїв на теренах Перемишльської землі періоду ранньомодерного часу. За умови відсутності статистичних відомостей за вказаний період та брак метричних записів, означений перепис залишається чи не єдиним документом, що формує уявлення про кількість та сімейну структуру єврейської громади в окремо взятому місті. Запропонований до публікації документ можна використати для демографічних студій, генеалогії та у суміжній науковій тематиці, присвяченій історії єврейського соціуму Прикарпаття у ранньомодерний період. Висновки: в результаті архівних пошуків виявлене та впроваджується до наукового обігу історичне джерело – поіменний перепис єврейського населення Перемишльської землі середини XVIII ст. Уміщена у ньому інформація дає змогу з’ясувати окремі аспекти життя та діяльності єврейської спільноти Старої Солі та загалом Перемишльської землі ранньомодерного часу


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    The purpose of the research – the reconstruction of the judicial system in king board manors of Rus province in the XVIth – XVIIIth centuries. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity. The following methods were used while carrying out the research: historical, problem-chronological, component-analysis. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the fact that the reconstructed model of the judicial system within the limits of a separate administrative-territorial complex. It has been illustrated how the lower institutions functioned, which were intended to ensure the efficiency of legal proceedings in the everyday life of the population. It has been clarified how they interacted with judicial and administrative institutions located at one or more stages above. Сonclusions. In the XVIth – XVIIIth centuries the judicial system in king board manors created a multilevel hierarchical model. Such kind of the multilevel hierarchical model was to a certain extent the reflection of the administrative apparatus since the government officials and the institutions were entrusted with the governing functions and were engaged in the legal proceedings. The civil courts, kraynyk courts, the collegiate courts formed the lower link of the judicial system in king board manors. They were the embodiment of the public administration relics, were based on the customary practice of the active involvement of the population in the legal field. The upper levels of the court system in king board manors consisted of the pidzhupnytskyi courts, the Vice-Administrative Courts and the Administrative Courts. They were organized by the administration as the castle courts (Sąd grodzki ) and the dominical courts in private estates