35 research outputs found

    Drawing technology of non-rotary parts

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    Téma bakalářské práce je zaměřeno na technologii tažení nerotačních součástí. V práci je uvedena problematika tažení jednoduchých i složitých součástí. Cílem této práce je vytvoření přehledu metod pro zhotovení nerotačních výtažků.The theme of bachelor’s thesis is concentrated on drawing technology of non-rotary parts. There is named problems of drawing technologie of simple and complicated parts in this work.. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is creation the summary of methods for the construction non-rotary extrakt.

    Production single parts from sheet metal

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    PETR SMUTNÝ: Výrob součásti plošným tvářením. Diplomová práce prezenčního studia magisterského studijního programu STROJÍRENSTVÍ. Obor strojírenská technologie. 2. stupeň, 2. ročník LS, akademický rok 2010/2011, studijní skupina 60. FSI VUT Brno, ÚST odbor tváření kovů a plastů, květen 2011, 65 stran, 9 tabulek, 3přílohy. Téma diplomové práce je návrh technologie výroby výlisku s přírubou plošným tvářením. Výtažek je vyroben z ocelového plechu 17240 tloušťky 1,5 mm, výchozí polotovar je tabule plechu o rozměrech 2000 x 1000 mm, při sérii výroby 50000 ks/rok. Pro výrobu jsou navrženy dvě varianty tažení. Součástka bude vyráběna ve dvou krocích na lisu CTH 250. Cílem diplomové práce je navržení vhodného technologického postupu výroby pro zadanou součástku včetně technické dokumentacePETR SMUTNÝ: Production single parts from sheet metal. Diploma assert of daily magisterial`s studies, study programme INDUSTRY. The branch manufacturing technology, level 2, 2nd form, academical year 2010/2011, study group 60. FME of Brno University of Technology, department of forming and plastics, May 2011, 65 pages, 9 tables, 3supplements. The theme of this diploma assert is suggestion technology of production drawn part with plange by plat forming. The component is made from the steel sheet 17240 width 1,5 mm. Drawn part is made from sheet about proportion 2000 x 1000 mm, by set of production 50 000 ps/year. For production is designed two variants of deep drawing. The komponent will be made on press CTH250 in two steps. The aim of this diploma assert is designing of suitable technology progression of production including technical documetation.

    The relationship between managerial skills and managerial effectiveness in a Managerial simulation game

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    The study explores the relationship between managerial skills and managerial effectiveness, measuring managerial effectiveness by four different methods. Evaluation of 96 top managers of fictitious companies by a group of 1,746 subordinates took place after three months of intensive cooperation during a managerial simulation game. All respondents were college students. Results show that different managerial effectiveness indicators have different sets of managerial skills predictors: Group performance (profit of company) is predicted by motivational skills; perceived effectiveness (evaluation by subordinates) is predicted by organizational skills and by motivational skills; organizational skills, communicational skills, and cooperativeness predict leadership emergence (assessed by subordinates); and evaluation and supervisory skills are the only predictor for leadership self-efficacy (self-evaluation of the manager). According to the results it is possible to recommend focusing especially on manager’s motivational skills in order to enhance team performance and on organizational skills for reinforcing manager’s position.The study explores the relationship between managerial skills and managerial effectiveness, measuring managerial effectiveness by four different methods. Evaluation of 96 top managers of fictitious companies by a group of 1,746 subordinates took place after three months of intensive cooperation during a managerial simulation game. All respondents were college students. Results show that different managerial effectiveness indicators have different sets of managerial skills predictors: Group performance (profit of company) is predicted by motivational skills; perceived effectiveness (evaluation by subordinates) is predicted by organizational skills and by motivational skills; organizational skills, communicational skills, and cooperativeness predict leadership emergence (assessed by subordinates); and evaluation and supervisory skills are the only predictor for leadership self-efficacy (self-evaluation of the manager). According to the results it is possible to recommend focusing especially on manager’s motivational skills in order to enhance team performance and on organizational skills for reinforcing manager’s position

    Life cycle costs like a factor affecting system economical lifetime - choice of motorcar recovery optimal time.

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    katedra: RSS; přílohy: cd; rozsah: 56Cílem této bakalářské práce je zjištění vlivu a určení nákladů na životní cyklus osobního automobilu a na jeho ekonomickou životnost a jak z těchto nákladů určit optimální dobu jeho náhrady. K určení optimální doby náhrady osobního automobilu byla zvolena metoda adverzního minima. Tato metoda umožňuje určit průměrné náklady za definovaná časová období. Dílčí období byla určena dvojím způsobem: časovými intervaly provozu automobilu bez ohledu na intenzitu provozu a intervaly stanovenými podle frekvence provozu (ujeté vzdálenosti). Předpokladem úspěšného řešení je získání a zpracování potřebných informací o zvolených automobilech. Výsledkem práce je analýza jednotlivých variant, tj. porovnání čtyř vybraných osobních automobilů od dvou výrobců a určení jejich optimální doby náhrady. Závěr práce tvoří porovnání výsledků jednotlivých automobilů.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify and determine the influence of life-cycle cost of a passenger car on its economic operating life and how these costs determine the optimal duration of compensation. To determine the optimal time for reimbursement of a car was chosen method of adverse minimum. This method allows determining the average cost for a defined time period. Sub-periods were determined in two ways, which is the time interval motor, regardless of the intensity and frequency of operation according to the frequency of operation (distance). Prerequisite for a successful solution is obtaining and processing all necessary information on selected cars. The outcome of this work is the analysis of the various options, i.e., comparing the four selected cars from two different manufacturers and to determining their optimal time for a refund. The conclusion consists of the comparison of the results of each car

    Dominance as a moderator in the relationship between leader's warmth and effectiveness

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    The study examines the relationship between a leader’s warmth, dominance and three different indicators of leader effectiveness in the environment of a four-month long Managerial Simulation Game. Data about 184 CEOs were gained via self-reports, from the results of the simulation game, and from 3,340 of their followers. Each CEO completed an Interpersonal Checklist (ICL) and was evaluated, on average, by 18 followers in terms of her leadership emergence and perceived leader effectiveness. Group performance was assessed based on the results of game companies. Neither leader warmth nor leader dominance correlated with any of the three indicators of leader’s effectiveness. The analysis of moderation effect however revealed a significant effect of interaction of leader warmth and dominance on group performance, perceived leader effectiveness, and leadership emergence. CEOs with greater warmth are less effective when possessing a low degree of dominance. On the contrary, the relationship between warmth and leader effectiveness is positive when the degree of dominance is high. An effective leader therefore has to be both warm and dominant. A low degree of dominance combined with excessive warmth might yield a counterproductive effect. The results of the study elucidate an underexplored relationship between leader warmth and effectiveness and illustrate the importance of examining various antecedents of leadership simultaneously.Studie se zabývá vlivem interpersonálních rysů leadera vztahovost a dominance na tři indikátory efektivity leadera v prostředí čtyři měsíce trvající manažerské simulační hry. Pro studii byla získána data z výsledků 184 podniků v simulační hře, ze sebehodnocení 184 generálních ředitelů těchto podniků a z hodnocení jejich 3 340 podřízených. Každý generální ředitel vyplnil Learyho interpersonální dotazník (ICL) a v průměru 18 podřízených hodnotilo jeho leadership emergence a vnímanou efektivitu. Objektivní výkon leaderem vedené skupiny byl posuzován na základě výsledků podniků v manažerské simulační hře. Vztahovost ani dominance nekorelovaly s žádným indikátorem efektivity leadera. Analýza interakce mezi vztahovostí a dominancí ale prokázala signifikantní moderační efekt dominance ve vztahu mezi vztahovostí a výkonem skupiny, vnímanou efektivitou leadera i leadership emergence. Více vztahoví leadeři jsou málo efektivní, pokud jsou zároveň i málo dominantní. Naopak při vysoké úrovni dominance je vztah mezi vztahovostí a efektivitou leadera pozitivní. Efektivní leader tedy musí být jak vztahový, tak dominantní. Naopak při nízké dominanci je přílišná vztahovost kontraproduktivní. Výsledky studie vysvětlují dosud nejasný vztah mezi vztahovostí a efektivitou leadera a ukazují na nutnost zkoumat faktory ovlivňující leadership ve vzájemném kontextu.The study examines the relationship between a leader’s warmth, dominance and three different indicators of leader effectiveness in the environment of a four-month long Managerial Simulation Game. Data about 184 CEOs were gained via self-reports, from the results of the simulation game, and from 3,340 of their followers. Each CEO completed an Interpersonal Checklist (ICL) and was evaluated, on average, by 18 followers in terms of her leadership emergence and perceived leader effectiveness. Group performance was assessed based on the results of game companies. Neither leader warmth nor leader dominance correlated with any of the three indicators of leader’s effectiveness. The analysis of moderation effect however revealed a significant effect of interaction of leader warmth and dominance on group performance, perceived leader effectiveness, and leadership emergence. CEOs with greater warmth are less effective when possessing a low degree of dominance. On the contrary, the relationship between warmth and leader effectiveness is positive when the degree of dominance is high. An effective leader therefore has to be both warm and dominant. A low degree of dominance combined with excessive warmth might yield a counterproductive effect. The results of the study elucidate an underexplored relationship between leader warmth and effectiveness and illustrate the importance of examining various antecedents of leadership simultaneously

    Competencies and leadership effectiveness: Which skills predict effective leadership?

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    This study explores the relationship between leadership effectiveness and generic and stable competencies. Task- related, people-related and self-related competencies were examined as predictors of leadership effectiveness as measured by four different criteria: group performance, leader effectiveness, leadership emergence and leadership self–efficacy. 134 top managers were evaluated by 2,482 subordinates after a four-month management simulation game. Task-related competencies were shown to be the best predictor of leadership effectiveness; they were a very strong predictor of leadership emergence, a strong predictor of leadership self–efficacy and perceived leadership effectiveness, medium strong predictor of group performance. People-related and self-related competencies weakly predicted leadership emergence. The results can be applied when selecting leaders for working groups that have short-term durations and do not require frequent personal contact.Studie se zaměřuje na vztah mezi efektivitou leadera a jeho stabilními generickými kompetencemi. Kompetence řešení problémů, vztahové kompetence a kompetence sebeřízení byly ověřovány jako prediktory efektivity leadershipu měřené čtyřmi různými ukazateli – objektivně měřeným výkonem skupiny, vnímanou efektivitou leadera, leadership emergence a leadership self–efficacy. Výzkum probíhal v prostředí tříměsíční manažerské simulační hry. Zúčastnilo se ho 134 leaderů a 2 446 následovníků, kteří leadery hodnotili. Všichni respondenti byli vysokoškolskými studenty. Nejlepším prediktorem efektivity leadera jsou kompetence řešení problémů, které jsou středně silným prediktorem výkonu skupiny, silným prediktorem vnímané efektivity leadera, velmi silným prediktorem leadership emergence a silným prediktorem leadership self–efficacy. Vztahové kompetence a kompetence sebeřízení predikují slabě pouze leadership emergence. Kompetenční model obecně nejlépe predikuje leadership emergence a nejhůře výkon skupiny. Výsledky lze využít při výběru leaderů pracovních týmů, které fungují krátkodobě, a vzájemná spolupráce nevyžaduje častý osobní kontakt.This study explores the relationship between leadership effectiveness and generic and stable competencies. Task- related, people-related and self-related competencies were examined as predictors of leadership effectiveness as measured by four different criteria: group performance, leader effectiveness, leadership emergence and leadership self–efficacy. 134 top managers were evaluated by 2,482 subordinates after a four-month management simulation game. Task-related competencies were shown to be the best predictor of leadership effectiveness; they were a very strong predictor of leadership emergence, a strong predictor of leadership self–efficacy and perceived leadership effectiveness, medium strong predictor of group performance. People-related and self-related competencies weakly predicted leadership emergence. The results can be applied when selecting leaders for working groups that have short-term durations and do not require frequent personal contact

    Efektivní vůdcovství: Integrující přístup

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    Příspěvek prezentuje postup a výsledky tříletého projektu z oblasti psychologie práce a managementu, jehož cílem bylo popsat proměnné vysvětlující efektivitu leadera a jejich vzájemný vztah. Výzkum probíhal ve standardizovaném prostředí manažerské simulační hry. Vzorek zahrnoval 210 manažerů a 3 766 podřízených. V sedmi studiích jsme zkoumali devatenáct charakteristik leadera a čtyři ukazatele efektivity leadera. Studie se zaměřují na vztah manažerských dovedností, kompetencí a osobnostních charakteristik leadera a efektivity leadera a na mediační roli, kterou při tom hraje transformační leadership. V tomto příspěvku shrnujeme nejzajímavější zjištěné vztahy.Příspěvek prezentuje postup a výsledky tříletého projektu z oblasti psychologie práce a managementu, jehož cílem bylo popsat proměnné vysvětlující efektivitu leadera a jejich vzájemný vztah. Výzkum probíhal ve standardizovaném prostředí manažerské simulační hry. Vzorek zahrnoval 210 manažerů a 3 766 podřízených. V sedmi studiích jsme zkoumali devatenáct charakteristik leadera a čtyři ukazatele efektivity leadera. Studie se zaměřují na vztah manažerských dovedností, kompetencí a osobnostních charakteristik leadera a efektivity leadera a na mediační roli, kterou při tom hraje transformační leadership. V tomto příspěvku shrnujeme nejzajímavější zjištěné vztahy.The paper presents the procedure and results of the three-year long project in the field of work psychology and management, whose aim was to describe factors of leader effectiveness and their relationship. The research was conducted in a standardized environment of managerial simulation game. The sample included 210 managers and 3,766 subordinates. In seven studies, we investigated 19 characteristics of the leaders and 4 indicators of leaders’ effectiveness. The studies focus on the relationship between skills, competencies and personality characteristics of the leaders and leader effectiveness and on the mediating role of transformational leadership. In this paper, we present the most interesting findings of these studies

    Developing managerial competency model

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    Competency models help us to understand, discuss and apply competencies. This study describes the process of creating a generic managerial competency model. Information from advertisements offering managerial jobs was used for analysis. Generic managerial competency model is developed, which we use for the purpose of research into leadership effectiveness. Results shown in this study are applicable to Czech managerial reality.Competency models help us to understand, discuss and apply competencies. This study describes the process of creating a generic managerial competency model. Information from advertisements offering managerial jobs was used for analysis. Generic managerial competency model is developed, which we use for the purpose of research into leadership effectiveness. Results shown in this study are applicable to Czech managerial reality.Competency models help us to understand, discuss and apply competencies. This study describes the process of creating a generic managerial competency model. Information from advertisements offering managerial jobs was used for analysis. Generic managerial competency model is developed, which we use for the purpose of research into leadership effectiveness. Results shown in this study are applicable to Czech managerial reality