9 research outputs found


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    Composite panel walls with both combustible and non-combustible cores were subjected to fire resistance test to EN 1364-1. The results revealed that the combustible-core panels started emitting smoke on the unexposed side due to the presence of joints between panels. In some cases the smoke emission started early after the start for the fire exposure. The start of the smoke production period appeared to depend on the fixation of the panels to the furnace frame; three or four sides fixed as per EN 1364-1. The amounts of smoke released indicate that although smoke leakage/production criterion is not currently part of the standard fire-resistance testing protocol it should be assessed when construction elements with combustible components are tested. Otherwise such a barrier may not be considered as a smoke-safe separating element, because model FED calculations indicate a potential threat to the occupants on the unexposed side at a certain set of conditions

    Semi-detached Building in Dřevnice

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    Projekt se zabývá stavbou polyfunkčního bytového domu s 5-ti byty, prodejnou a advokátní kanceláří. Objekt se nachází v obci Želechovicích nad Dřevnicí na rovinatém terénu. Dům je navržen v konstrukčním systému Porotherm, zastřešený sedlovou střechou 45°. Bytový dům je navržen v souladu s územním plánem obce Želechovice nad Dřevnicí, svým charakterem navazuje na okolní zástavbu a v práci jsou respektovány všechny právní předpisy, které se týkají projektování staveb. Výkresová část byla zpracována počítačem v programu AutoCad. Součástí projektové dokumentace je část výkresová, textová a výpočtová. K projektu je přiřazeno tepelně technické posouzení a požární ochrana objektu.The project deals with the construction of a multifunctional residential building with 5 apartments, shop offices and law. The building is located in the village of Želechovice Dřevnicí on flat terrain. The house is designed in a structural system Porotherm, covered gable roof 45 °. The building is designed in accordance with the master plan of the municipality of Želechovice Dřevnicí, its character builds on the surrounding buildings and at work are respected by all laws and regulations relating to the design of buildings. The drawing part was processed by computer in AutoCad. Part of the project documentation is part of the drawing, text and calculation. The project is assigned a technical assessment of thermal and fire protection of the building.


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    Composite panel walls with both combustible and non-combustible cores were subjected to fire resistance test to EN 1364-1. The results revealed that the combustible-core panels started emitting smoke on the unexposed side due to the presence of joints between panels. In some cases the smoke emission started early after the start for the fire exposure. The start of the smoke production period appeared to depend on the fixation of the panels to the furnace frame; three or four sides fixed as per EN 1364-1. The amounts of smoke released indicate that although smoke leakage/production criterion is not currently part of the standard fire-resistance testing protocol it should be assessed when construction elements with combustible components are tested. Otherwise such a barrier may not be considered as a smoke-safe separating element, because model FED calculations indicate a potential threat to the occupants on the unexposed side at a certain set of conditions

    Semi-natural test methods to evaluate fire safety of wall claddings

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    External walls and their components are subjected to a number of fire safety requirements. Fire resistance and reaction to fire are the harmonised requirements in the EU. These cover two fire scenarios: contribution of internal wall linings to an intermediate-size developing fire inside a fire compartment, and resistance of external walls to post-flashover fire inside a fire compartment (resistance to an external fire may also be required). The spread of fire along the external surface is not part of this European evaluation system and remains subjected to national fire safety codes and regulations. A number of test methods covering this scenario exist in Europe and North America at national levels as well as at the international level (ISO). These test methods and associated criteria differ in fire size, test duration, test specimen size and configuration. This paper presents principles of major existing test methods and comparison of test results on comparable test specimens where they are available

    Semi-natural test methods to evaluate fire safety of wall claddings

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    External walls and their components are subjected to a number of fire safety requirements. Fire resistance and reaction to fire are the harmonised requirements in the EU. These cover two fire scenarios: contribution of internal wall linings to an intermediate-size developing fire inside a fire compartment, and resistance of external walls to post-flashover fire inside a fire compartment (resistance to an external fire may also be required). The spread of fire along the external surface is not part of this European evaluation system and remains subjected to national fire safety codes and regulations. A number of test methods covering this scenario exist in Europe and North America at national levels as well as at the international level (ISO). These test methods and associated criteria differ in fire size, test duration, test specimen size and configuration. This paper presents principles of major existing test methods and comparison of test results on comparable test specimens where they are available

    P Colony Robot Controller

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    Summary. P colonies were introduced in 2004 (see [7]) as an abstract computing device composed of independent single membrane agents, reactively acting and evolving in a shared environment. Each agent is equip with set of rules which are structured into simple programs. We use this very simple symbol processing computational device to build complex robot controllers. Moreover, we group agents into the modules (see [1]). Each module fulfils particular function. This allows us to easily extend our controller or change its function without rebuilding whole P colony. In this paper we introduce simple controller for passing the maze using right-hand rule.

    Semi-natural test methods to evaluate fire safety of wall claddings: Update

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    There are a number of test methods worldwide to evaluate fire safety of facades. An overview of available test methods implemented in fire safety codes was presented at the 1st Conference of Fire Safety of Facades in 2013. [1] Since then, a number of changes and developments occurred. The purpose of this paper is to present the updated global overview of facade fire spread test methods made for building regulations

    Semi-natural test methods to evaluate fire safety of wall claddings: Update

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    There are a number of test methods worldwide to evaluate fire safety of facades. An overview of available test methods implemented in fire safety codes was presented at the 1st Conference of Fire Safety of Facades in 2013. [1] Since then, a number of changes and developments occurred. The purpose of this paper is to present the updated global overview of facade fire spread test methods made for building regulations