13 research outputs found

    Motywy wyboru kszta艂cenia na kierunku piel臋gniarstwo w opinii student贸w Pa艅stwowej Medycznej Wy偶szej Szko艂y Zawodowej w Opolu

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    Wst臋p. Bardzo wa偶nym momentem w 偶yciu ka偶dego cz艂owieka jest wyb贸r kierunku studi贸w oraz zawodu. Wyborem tym najcz臋艣ciej kieruj膮 motywy, kt贸re mo偶na podzieli膰 na dwie聽 grupy: motywy wewn臋trzne聽 (podmiotowe) i zewn臋trzne (sytuacyjne).Cel. Okre艣lenie motyw贸w jakimi kieruj膮 si臋 osoby wybieraj膮ce kszta艂cenie na kierunku piel臋gniarstwo w PMWSZ w Opolu.Materia艂 i metody. Badaniem聽 obj臋to 181 student贸w kierunku piel臋gniarstwo PMWSZ w聽 Opolu. Zastosowano metod臋 sonda偶u diagnostycznego z technik膮 ankiety, do kt贸rej opracowano聽 autorski kwestionariusz ankiety.Wyniki. O wyborze kierunku piel臋gniarstwo w聽 PMWSZ w Opolu przez badanych student贸w decydowa艂y: ch臋膰 niesienia pomocy ludziom (76,2%) oraz perspektywa 艂atwego聽 znalezienia聽 pracy聽 (92,8%). Ponowny wyb贸r tego kierunku kszta艂cenia potwierdzi艂o 89,8% respondent贸w. Wyb贸r PMWSZ w Opolu na uczelni臋, w kt贸rej kszta艂c膮 si臋 respondenci, podyktowany jest blisko艣ci膮 miejsca zamieszkania (67,4%).Wnioski. Wyb贸r kierunku studi贸w by艂 z regu艂y wyborem 艣wiadomym, a g艂贸wne motywy, kt贸rymi w tym wyborze kierowali si臋 badani studenci nie odbiega艂y od oczekiwanych.S艂owa kluczowe: piel臋gniarka/piel臋gniarz,聽 motywacja,聽 edukacja,聽 zaw贸d

    Plany zawodowe student贸w kierunku piel臋gniarstwo Pa艅stwowej Medycznej Wy偶szej Szko艂y Zawodowej w Opolu

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    Wst臋p. Proces globalizacji, przeobra偶enia spo艂eczno-gospodarcze, deficyt kadry medycznej w innych krajach, mo偶liwo艣膰 podj臋cia pracy zawodowej dla piel臋gniarek/piel臋gniarzy poza聽 obszarem Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej zauwa偶alnie determinuje plany zawodowe student贸w聽 kierunku聽 piel臋gniarstwo Pa艅stwowej Medycznej Wy偶szej Szko艂y Zawodowej w Opolu.Cel. Poznanie plan贸w zawodowych student贸w studi贸w pierwszego stopnia na kierunku piel臋gniarstwo kszta艂c膮cych si臋 w Pa艅stwowej Medycznej Wy偶szej Szkole Zawodowe w Opolu.Materia艂 i metody. Badaniem聽 obj臋to 181 student贸w kierunku piel臋gniarstwo PMWSZ w聽 Opolu. Zastosowano metod臋 sonda偶u diagnostycznego z technik膮 ankiety, do kt贸rej opracowano聽 autorski kwestionariusz ankiety.Wyniki. Podj臋cie pracy w wyuczonym聽 zawodzie planuje 92,3% respondent贸w. Natomiast32,9% ankietowanych student贸w planuje podj膮膰 prac臋 w wyuczonym zawodzie poza granicami Polski.Wnioski. Migracja zawodowa jest mocno akcentowanym scenariuszem przysz艂ej kariery zawodowej student贸w piel臋gniarstwa, a gwarancja lepszego uposa偶enia jest dominuj膮cym czynnikiem wp艂ywaj膮cym na podjecie takiej decyzji

    The Impact of Carrot Enriched in Iodine through Soil Fertilization on Iodine Concentration and Selected Biochemical Parameters in Wistar Rats.

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    Iodine is one of the trace elements which are essential for mammalian life. The major objective of iodine biofortification of plants is to obtain food rich in this trace element, which may increase its consumption by various populations. Additionally, it may reduce the risk of iodine deficiency diseases. In this research for the first time we have assessed the bioavailability of iodine from raw or cooked carrot biofortified with this trace element on iodine concentration in selected tissues and various biochemical parameters as well as mRNA expression of some genes involved in iodine metabolism in Wistar rats. Statistically, a significantly higher iodine level was determined in urine, faeces and selected tissues of rats fed a diet containing biofortified raw carrot as compared to a diet without iodine and a diet containing control cooked carrot. Biofortified raw carrot significantly increased triiodothyronine concentration as compared to animals from other experimental groups. The highest thyroid stimulating hormone level was determined in rats fed control cooked carrots. mRNA expression of selected genes was affected by different dietary treatment in rats' hearts. Biofortified raw and cooked carrot could be taken into account as a potential source of iodine in daily diets to prevent iodine deficiency in various populations

    The effect of preliminary processing and different methods of cooking on the iodine content and selected antioxidative properties of carrot (Daucus carota L.) biofortified with (potassium) iodine

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    Carrot is a vegetable that contains many nutrients and has strong antioxidant activity as well as pro-health potential. The level of bioactive compounds is strongly connected with the production chain. The thermal treatment of food products induces several biological, physical and chemical changes. In this study, changes in the levels of iodine, total carotenoids, total polyphenols as well as the antioxidant activity of unpeeled and peeled controls and carrots biofortified with (potassium) iodine (KJ) during cultivation due to the cooking and steaming process were investigated. The use of thermal processes resulted in a lower concentration of iodine in the roots of the control as well as in carrots biofortified with (potassium) iodine. In addition, peeling carrots caused higher losses of this trace element in the control and the biofortified carrots cooked or steamed for various times. In this study, a significant growth of the total carotenoids in peeled carrots biofortified with (potassium) iodine and of the total polyphenols in unpeeled carrots biofortified with (potassium) iodine under the influence of the cooking and steaming processes was observed compared with raw peeled and unpeeled biofortified carrots, respectively. Antioxidant activity significantly increased in the unpeeled and peeled carrots biofortified with (potassium) iodine under all thermal treatments in comparison with the raw unpeeled and peeled biofortified carrots

    Transcriptome Profiling of Caco-2 Cancer Cell Line following Treatment with Extracts from Iodine-Biofortified Lettuce (<i>Lactuca sativa</i> L.)

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    <div><p>Although iodization of salt is the most common method used to obtain iodine-enriched food, iodine deficiency disorders are still a global health problem and profoundly affect the quality of human life. Iodine is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are crucial regulators of human metabolism, cell growth, proliferation, apoptosis and have been reported to be involved in carcinogenesis. In this study, for the first time, we evaluated the effect of iodine-biofortified lettuce on transcriptomic profile of Caco-2 cancer cell line by applying the Whole Human Genome Microarray assay. We showed 1326 differentially expressed Caco-2 transcripts after treatment with iodine-biofortified (BFL) and non-fortified (NFL) lettuce extracts. We analysed pathways, molecular functions, biological processes and protein classes based on comparison between BFL and NFL specific genes. Iodine, which was expected to act as a free ion (KI-NFL) or at least in part to be incorporated into lettuce macromolecules (BFL), differently regulated pathways of numerous transcription factors leading to different cellular effects. In this study we showed the inhibition of Caco-2 cells proliferation after treatment with BFL, but not potassium iodide (KI), and BFL-mediated induction of mitochondrial apoptosis and/or cell differentiation. Our results showed that iodine-biofortified plants can be effectively used by cells as an alternative source of this trace element. Moreover, the observed differences in action of both iodine sources may suggest a potential of BFL in cancer treatment.</p></div