242 research outputs found

    The Soteriological Design of Miracles

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    The eighteenth century marked a critical point in the history of the biblical subject of miracles , It ushered in the Enlightenment move­ment which initiated and fostered a scientific mentality. Under the guise of deism, the movement cl aimed that, in a scientific age, so-called divine revelation was inadequate for values, faith and conduct. On the other hand , the Church contended that divine revelation was indeed ade­quate and that reason and science did not in any way invalidate that claim. This response by the Church did very little to quench the escal­ating heat of biblical criticism. The critics\u27 assault continued even over into the twentieth century. It predetermined. the scope of concentration and study by the pro-miracle advocates, The result was the development of a limited scriptural view of miracles which was chiefly apologetic. The view asserts that miracles as supernatural deeds are designed to authenticate and to distinguish Christianity as the sole guardian of religious truth and faith , Like the critics, such a view undermines miracles, but unwittingly. It suggests that there is no need for miracles now that Christianity has been universally recognized, This undoubtedly is erroneous and constitutes the underlying motive for the burden of this study, The study is an attempt to show then that miracles serve some wider design --an apologetical as well as a soteriological one. They are employed by the Godhead to implement his redemptive plan, to unfold it and to conclude it. Also, they are employed for the purpose of enlisting followers and adherents into the kingdom of faith. As such they served an evangelistic end. The accomplishment of this task is facilitated by a simple structure. The study is divided into two main parts for proper development. The biblical dimension surveys and explains both the con­cept and deeds of miracles, while the theological analyzes and develops the main conclusions on the soteriological value of miracles. Out of this study emerged a number of important themes or major findings. Dominant among them is the doctrine of revelation. In this respect, it is observed that miracles are utilized as a medium. They serve to mediate divine truth pertinent to God\u27s saving work for mankind. Thus, they reveal salvation as deliverance from sin, darkness and death. Also they serve to signal the time and arrival of salvation. They reveal to the Jews the fulfillment of prophecy and thus conform to their expec­tation and hopes. In addition, miracles reveal God as the author and means necessary for man\u27s salvation. Secondly, redemption as a theme is very prominent. This is con­nected with the more spectacular and famous miracles such as the incarna­tion, the crucifixion and the resurrection. The primary role of these miracles consists of providing and effecting the main acts of redemption. The incarnation provides the divine agent, the Lamb of God. The cruci­fixion slays him and accomplishes the act of atonement, while the resur­rection defeats death, despair and their powerful agent the Devil. Lastly, it is quite evident that miracles are associated with the themes of evan­gelism and discipleship. They call upon men to accept God\u27s offer of salvation and to surrender to him in faith. Finally, the writer believes that this extensive and strategic use of miracles declares their indispensable and fundamental character to salvation . He believes that it is an error to ignore or reject their relevance , and that instead they must be given a place of prominence in the doctrine of salvation . He believes also, that they must be allowed to play their catechitical and didactic roles, both in the life and con­duct of the Church

    Development-induced displacement and resettlement : a narrative inquiry into the experiences of community members physically displaced from a farm to a town in Mpumalanga, South Africa.

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    Although expected to be beneficial to society, development projects, such as dam construction and mining, often result in the physical displacement of marginalized groups. This is known as Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement (DIDR) and often has far-reaching negative consequences for the affected peoples (APS). These include further marginalization, increased poverty, identity deprivation and socio-psychological stress. While decades of knowledge inform theory and practice on the mitigation of these consequences, the psycho-socio-cultural (PSC) impoverishment that may result from DIDR is often left unaddressed. Furthermore, qualitative knowledge of the experiences of people affected by DIDR is lacking. This research study aimed to produce an in-depth understanding of how DIDR affects the PSC well-being and identity construction of APS. The research took the form of a qualitative case study, whereby a social constructionist, narrative method of inquiry was used to analyse and gather data. This involved undertaking in-depth, individual interviews with a small sample of APS who had been resettled from a farm to a town in Mpumalanga by a mining house. Briefly, it was found that, contrary to the prevalent finding that DIDR causes further impoverishment, the resettlement actually resulted in development for the APS and as such enhanced their PSC well-being and contributed positively to their identity construction. However, the complexity inherent in resettlement was highlighted, as the participants revealed that the resettlement had not come without some socio-economic costs. It is believed that the findings from this study will complement existing knowledge on DIDR, and inform the design and implementation of Relocation Action Plans (RAPs) that better mitigate the negative PSC effects of DIDR

    Schulschriften in der Lippischen Landesbibliothek zu Detmold : Umfang und Profil der Sammlung Möglichkeiten der Erschließung

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    Die Bachelor-Arbeit „Schulschriften in der Lippischen Landesbibliothek zu Detmold: Umfang und Profil der Sammlung, Möglichkeiten der Erschließung“ hält eine Bestandsaufnahme der in der Lippischen Landesbibliothek zu Detmold vorhandenen Schulschriften bereit. Es handelt sich um eine gesammelt und geschlossen aufgestellte, nicht frei zugängliche Bestandsgruppe der Landesbibliothek, die abgesehen von einem gesonderten Zettelkatalog nicht weiter erschlossen ist. Bei der Erstellung der Bachelor-Arbeit ist ein neuer Katalog der Schriften entstanden, der als Präsenzexemplar in der Landesbibliothek zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Der aus 1.609 Schulschriften bestehende Bestand wird in der Bachelor-Arbeit formal und inhaltlich analysiert. Gleichzeitig werden neue Erschließungsmöglichkeiten aus bibliothekarischer und forschungsgeschichtlicher Perspektive aufgezeigt. Um dem Leser eine Möglichkeit zu geben die Schulschriften zeitlich einordnen zu können, wird die Geschichte der Schulprogramme von ihren Anfängen etwa ab 1600 und dann mit der Pflichteinführung anhand der preußischen Erlasse 1824 bis zu ihrem Ende im Jahre 1942 dargestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang gibt es zwei Exkurs-Kapitel die einen Einblick über die zu der Zeit der Schulprogramme gängigen Schulformen und über die Lehrerausbildung der damaligen Zeit geben. Auch eine Charakteristik der Lippischen Landesbibliothek zu Detmold ist angeschlossen.The Bachelor thesis “School library journals in the Lippische Landesbibliothek Detmold: Volume and profile of the collection, possibilities for development” includes an inventory of existing school library journals in the Lippische Landesbibliothek Detmold. It is a non-public collection, not freely accessible, which apart from the separate card catalog has not been further developed. In preparation for the Bachelor thesis a new catalog of publications has been collated. The catalogue provides an inventory of all the school journals within the Lippische Landesbibliothek Detmold. All 1,609 school journals have been analyzed according to their format and content and at the same time opens up new research possibilities for perspective historical librarian research. The Bachelor thesis historically classifies the school programs from approximately anno 1600 and their compulsory introduction by the Prussian decree of 1824 until the end of 1942. In this context there are two additional chapters which reveal an insight into the different school systems and their educational program and about the training of the teachers of that period. There is also enclosed a historical description of the Lippische Landesbibliothek Detmold

    Recovering from destruction: the conservation, reintegration and perceptual analysis of a flood-damaged painting by John Martin

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    This paper describes treatment issues surrounding John Martin’s epic Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum (1821). The painting experienced such extensive structural damage following the 1928 Thames flood that it was considered destroyed. Despite major water damage affecting all layers of the painting and the loss of approximately one-fifth of the canvas, recent examination revealed the work to be in restorable condition. However, the extreme nature of the damages necessitates special ethical and technical considerations with regard to treatment, especially for the reintegration of the large missing portion. A consideration of viewer perception of the digitally simulated options for reintegration and their influence on viewer gaze behaviour, monitored via novel eye-tracking methods, was used to inform the treatment process

    Novel roles for RANK, ERK and Akt in sensory and sympathetic neuronal populations

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    A PCR screen, conducted in a previous study, to identify novel candidates involved in regulating the survival and growth of developing neurons, identified transcripts for the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily member receptor activator of NF-kB (RANK) in the experimentally tractable sensory neurons of the mouse nodose, trigeminal and superior cervical ganglia. Immunohistochemistry revealed coexpression of RANK, together with its ligand, RANKL, and osteoprotegerin (OPG), a decoy receptor, in all nodose, trigeminal and superior cervical gangia neurons in neonates. Over-expressing RANK inhibited BDNF- and CNTF-promoted neurite growth in nodose neurons, and NGF-promoted neurite growth in SCG and trigeminal neurons, without affecting neuronal survival. This effect was seen across a range of developmental ages, from embryonic timepoints, to postnatal ages, suggesting a fundamental role for this receptor in regulating neurotrophin-mediated neurite growth. Investigations revealed the requirement of TRAF2, NIK, IKKp and NF-kB, but not TRAF6 or IKKa, for RANK-mediated inhibition of BDNF-mediated neuritic outgrowth from nodose neurons at a time when neurons are extending axons and ramifying in their targets. Exploration of other possible RANK signalling mediators revealed a role for the important intracellular kinases, MEK and Akt, in the regulation of BDNF- mediated neuritic outgrowth from early postnatal nodose neurons. Akt was found to positively regulate BDNF-mediated neuritic outgrowth, while MEK negatively regulates the outgrowth mediated by this neurotrophin

    Combined Photodynamic Therapy and Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection for the Treatment of Adult Coats' Disease: A Case Report

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    A 68-year-old woman presented with a visual field defect in her right eye. The fundus of her right eye showed multiple telangiectatic vessels, retinal hemorrhages, and subretinal exudates in the inferior peripheral retina. Nine months later, the subretinal exudates extended to the fovea despite treatment with laser photocoagulation. Cryotherapy was not possible at the time because of the posterior location of the retinal telangiectatic vessels. She was treated with a combination of photodynamic therapy (PDT) and intravitreal bevacizumab injection: three injections were given at 2-month intervals. After this combined therapy, her right fundus revealed a significant regression of abnormal retinal vessels and subretinal exudates. A fluorescein angiography showed no leakage from the abnormal retinal vessels. At 9 months after the combined therapy, she was able to maintain a stable visual acuity and visual field. This is the first case report that demonstrates the efficacy of the combined treatment of PDT and intravitreal bevacizumab injection in Coats's disease. This combined therapy is a kind of treatment modality for adult Coats' disease in cases which cryotherapy cannot be employed and are refractory to laser photocoagulation

    Recovering From Destruction: The Conservation, Reintegration and Perceptual Analysis of a Flood-Damaged Painting by John Martin

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    This paper describes treatment issues surrounding John Martin’s epic Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum (1821). The painting experienced such extensive structural damage following the 1928 Thames flood that it was considered destroyed. Despite major water damage affecting all layers of the painting and the loss of approximately one-fifth of the canvas, recent examination revealed the work to be in restorable condition. However, the extreme nature of the damages necessitates special ethical and technical considerations with regard to treatment, especially for the reintegration of the large missing portion. A consideration of viewer perception of the digitally simulated options for reintegration and their influence on viewer gaze behaviour, monitored via novel eye-tracking methods, was used to inform the treatment process