504 research outputs found

    Metacognition is Prior

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    We agree with Carruthers that evidence for metacognition in species lacking mindreading provides dramatic evidence in favor of the metacognition-is-prior account and against the mindreading-is-prior account. We discuss this existing evidence and explain why an evolutionary perspective favors the former account and poses serious problems for the latter account

    Frequent activity on Vulcano (Italy) spanning the last 80 ky: New insights from the chemo-stratigraphy of the Brown Tuffs

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    The Brown Tuffs (BT) are widespread reddish-brown to grey, ash-rich pyroclastic deposits recognized in the stratigraphic sequences of the Aeolian Islands and Capo Millazzo peninsula (Sicily) that span the last 80 ky. They have very homogeneous lithological, textural and sedimentological features which make it difficult to reliably correlate units on the islands to proximal units in the source areas. Here we carefully re-interpret the stratigraphic profiles of the BT on Vulcano and Lipari where the deposits are thickest and present the most complete succession. The investigation is based on a large dataset of major and minor element geochemistry of juvenile glass components for the majority of the recognized BT depositional units, whilst also providing new radiocarbon ages. The distinctive chemical groupings observed within the glass analyses, both temporally and spatially, allow us to fingerprint the three main stratigraphically defined macro-units in which the BT succession can be sub-divided using prominent tephra marker beds, the Ischia Tephra (Monte Epomeo Green Tuff; 56 ky) and Monte Guardia pyroclastics from Lipari (herein radiocarbon dated to 27\u201326 ky). The Lower (80\u201356 ky; LBT), Intermediate (56\u201327 ky; IBT) and Upper BT (here dated at 24\u20136 ky; UBT) macro-units display K-series volcanic glasses ranging from basaltic trachy-andesites, through trachy-andesites, to more evolved trachytes, all consistent with an origin on Vulcano. The UBT are clearly distinguished from the lower macro units by their higher-SiO2 trachy-andesite to trachytic glasses, which extend to noticeably lower TiO2, CaO and MgO contents. These features make it possible to re-define the geochemical-evolutionary boundary between IBT and UBT as corresponding to the 24 ky Spiaggia Lunga scoria bed on Vulcano, which is stratigraphically higher (and younger) than the previous boundary marker (Monte Guardia). The glass compositions of the LBT, IBT and UBT are used to: (1) assess links to known proximal eruption units outcropping on Vulcano; (2) validate medial-distal BT occurrences across the Aeolian archipelago (Salina, Filicudi and Panarea) and on Capo Millazzo; (3) confirm that the BT are responsible for distal volcanic ash layers preserved in Central Mediterranean marine sedimentary archives. Interestingly, the glass compositions of the UBT are very similar to those of the Punte Nere unit, the earliest pyroclastic products erupted from the currently active La Fossa cone on Vulcano, indicating the corresponding magmatic system has likely erupted similar melts and products over the last 24 ky and thus extending its life cycle. Such information is crucial for evaluating the long-term eruption scenarios underpinning hazard assessment of the La Fossa caldera magmatic system

    Animal Metacognition: Problems and Prospects

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    Researchers have begun to evaluate whether nonhuman animals share humans’ capacity for metacognitive monitoring and self-regulation. Using perception, memory, numerical, and foraging paradigms, they have tested apes, capuchins, a dolphin, macaques, pigeons, and rats. However, recent theoretical and formal-modeling work has confirmed that some paradigms allow the criticism that low-level associative mechanisms could create the appearance of uncertainty monitoring in animals. This possibility has become a central issue as researchers reflect on existing phenomena and pause to evaluate the area’s current status. The present authors discuss the associative question and offer our evaluation of the field. Associative mechanisms explain poorly some of the area’s important results. The next phase of research in this area should consolidate the gains achieved by those results and work toward a theoretical understanding of the cognitive and decisional (not associative) capacities that animals show in some of the referent experiments

    Hot-Wire Measurements of the Influence of Surface Steps on Transition in Favorable Pressure Gradient Boundary Layers

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    An examination of the effects of surface step excrescences on boundary layer transition was performed, using a unique experimental facility. The objective of the work was to characterize the variation of transition Reynolds numbers with measurable step size and boundary layer parameters, with the specific goal of specifying new tolerance criteria for laminar flow airfoils, alongside a fundamental investigation of boundary layer transition mechanisms. This paper focuses on interpretation of hot-wire measurements, including supporting stability calculations, undertaken as part of the study. The results for both forward and aft-facing steps indicated a substantial stabilizing effect of favorable pressure gradient on excrescence-induced boundary layer transition. These findings suggest that manufacturing tolerances for laminar flow aircraft could be loosened in areas where even mild favorable pressure gradients exist

    Structure and composition of the incisor enamel of extant and fossil mammals with tooth pigmentation

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    The inclusion of iron compounds in teeth, which impart a red to orange colour to them, is a phenomenon shown by several groups of vertebrates in different periods of their evolution. Incisors from fossil and extant shrews and from extant rodents were sectioned and studied with the techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to compare their structure and the distribution of Fe. The enamel in white- and red-toothed soricids has three layers; two of them are divided into two zones in the red-toothed species. However, the most external layer varies among taxa; it is well defined in Sorex but difficult to identify in the Early Pleistocene genera Beremendia or Dolinasorex. In the arvicoline rodent Terricola, only two layers can be defined, the outer of which is divided into two zones depending on the presence or absence of Fe. The Fe proportions in the larger soricids reach up to 45%, but in rodents only up to 10% (weight % with respect to Fe + Ca + P). The STEM study shows that in a fossil soricid the Fe phases form clusters of nanometric particles of very poor crystalline oxides or hydroxides surrounding the apatite crystals that form the enamel

    RNA-Seq profiling of neutrophil-derived microvesicles in Alzheimer’s disease patients identifies a miRNA signature that may impact blood–brain barrier integrity

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    (1) Background: Systemic infection is associated with increased neuroinflammation and accelerated cognitive decline in AD patients. Activated neutrophils produce neutrophil-derived microvesicles (NMV), which are internalised by human brain microvascular endothelial cells and increase their permeability in vitro, suggesting that NMV play a role in blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity during infection. The current study investigated whether microRNA content of NMV from AD patients is significantly different compared to healthy controls and could impact cerebrovascular integrity. (2) Methods: Neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood samples of five AD and five healthy control donors without systemic infection were stimulated to produce NMV. MicroRNAs isolated from NMV were analysed by RNA-Seq, and online bioinformatic tools were used to identify significantly differentially expressed microRNAs in the NMV. Target and pathway analyses were performed to predict the impact of the candidate microRNAs on vascular integrity. (3) Results: There was no significant difference in either the number of neutrophils (p = 0.309) or the number of NMV (p = 0.3434) isolated from AD donors compared to control. However, 158 microRNAs were significantly dysregulated in AD NMV compared to controls, some of which were associated with BBB dysfunction, including miR-210, miR-20b-5p and miR-126-5p. Pathway analysis revealed numerous significantly affected pathways involved in regulating vascular integrity, including the TGFβ and PDGFB pathways, as well as Hippo, IL-2 and DNA damage signalling. (4) Conclusions: NMV from AD patients contain miRNAs that may alter the integrity of the BBB and represent a novel neutrophil-mediated mechanism for BBB dysfunction in AD and the accelerated cognitive decline seen as a result of a systemic infection

    Evidence for a large-magnitude Holocene eruption of Mount Rittmann (Antarctica): A volcanological reconstruction using the marine tephra record

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    In Antarctica, the near-source exposures of volcanic eruption deposits are often limited as they are not well preserved in the dynamic glacial environment, thus making volcanological reconstructions of explosive eruptions extremely challenging. Fortunately, pyroclastic deposits from explosive eruptions are preserved in Southern Ocean sediments surrounding Antarctica, and the tephrostratigraphy of these sequences offers crucial volcanological information including the timing and tempo of past eruptions, their magnitude, and eruption dynamics. Here we report the results of a tephrostratigraphy and tephrochronology study focused on four sediment cores recovered from the Wood Bay area in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. In all these sedimentary sequences, we found a well-stratified primary tephra of considerable thickness, up to 80 cm, hereafter named the Aviator Tephra (AVT). According to the characteristics of the tephra deposit and its distribution, the AVT was associated with an eruption of considerable intensity, potentially representing one of the largest Holocene eruptions recorded in Antarctica. Based on the major and trace element geochemistry and the mineral assemblage of the tephra, Mount Rittmann was identified as the source of the AVT. A Holocene age of ∼11 ka was determined by radiocarbon dating organic material within the sediments and 40Ar-39Ar dating of alkali-feldspar crystals included in the tephra. Eruption dynamics were initially dominated by hydromagmatic magma fragmentation conditions producing a sustained, relatively wet and ash-rich eruptive cloud. The eruption then evolved into a highly energetic, relatively dry magmatic Plinian eruption. The last phase was characterized by renewed efficient magma-water interaction and/or collapse of the eruptive column producing pyroclastic density currents and associated co-ignimbritic plumes. The distal tephra deposits might be linked to the widespread lag breccia layer previously identified on the rim of the Mount Rittmann caldera which share the same geochemical composition. Diatoms found in the sediments surrounding the AVT and the primary characteristics of the tephra indicate that the Wood Bay area was open sea at the time of the eruption, which is much earlier than previously thought. AVT is also an excellent tephrostratigraphic marker for the Wood Bay area, in the Ross Sea, and a useful marker for future synchronization of continental ice and marine archives in the region