3,561 research outputs found

    How explicit are the barriers to failure in safety arguments?

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    Safety cases embody arguments that demonstrate how safety properties of a system are upheld. Such cases implicitly document the barriers that must exist between hazards and vulnerable components of a system. For safety certification, it is the analysis of these barriers that provide confidence in the safety of the system. The explicit representation of hazard barriers can provide additional insight for the design and evaluation of system safety. They can be identified in a hazard analysis to allow analysts to reflect on particular design choices. Barrier existence in a live system can be mapped to abstract barrier representations to provide both verification of barrier existence and a basis for quantitative measures between the predicted barrier behaviour and performance of the actual barrier. This paper explores the first stage of this process, the binding between explicit mitigation arguments in hazard analysis and the barrier concept. Examples from the domains of computer-assisted detection in mammography and free route airspace feasibility are examined and the implications for system certification are considered

    The minimal nilpotent orbit, the Joseph ideal, and differential operators

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    AbstractFix a simple complex Lie algebra g, not of type G2, F4, or E8. Let Ōmin denote the Zariski closure of the minimal non-zero nilpotent orbit in g, and let g = n+ ⊕ h ⊕ n− be a triangular decomposition. We proveTHEOREM. (1) If g is not of type An then there exists an irreducible component X̄ of Ōmin ∩ n+ such that U(g)/Jo = D(X̄), where Jo is the Joseph ideal and D(X̄) denotes the ring of differential operators on X̄. (2) If g is of type An then for n − 2 of the n irreducible components X̄i of Ōmin∩ n+ there exist (distinct) maximal ideals Ji of U(g) such that U(g)/Ji= D(X̄i)

    Gender-based navigation stereotype improves men’s search for a hidden goal

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    While a general stereotype exists that men are better at navigating than women, experimental evidence indicates that men and women differ in their use of spatial strategies, and this preference determines gender-differences. When both environmental geometry and landmark cues are available, men appear to learn to navigate using both types of cues, while women show a preference for using landmarks. Using a computer-generated task, 80 undergraduate students from North-East England learned to navigate to a hidden goal. Activating the general navigation stereotype improved the performance of men, compared to the control condition, both when only geometric cues and only landmark cues were present (stereotype lift), suggesting that activating a general stereotype can affect tasks both with (geometry) and without (landmark) established gender-differences in preference. In addition, in the test trial (hidden goal removed) women who learned to navigate using only landmarks spent longer in the correct location of the hidden goal than those who learned to navigate using only geometry. In contrast, the opposite result was found for men, suggesting that when only one cue-type is available, gender-differences still occur, with women better able to navigate using landmarks than geometry, while men seemed to learn more about the location of the goal with reference to geometric than landmark cues

    Are we teaching our students what they need to know about ageing? Results from the National Survey of Undergraduate Teaching in Ageing and Geriatric Medicine

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    Introduction - Learning about ageing and the appropriate management of older patients is important for all doctors. This survey set out to evaluate what medical undergraduates in the UK are taught about ageing and geriatric medicine and how this teaching is delivered. Methods – An electronic questionnaire was developed and sent to the 28/31 UK medical schools which agreed to participate. Results – Full responses were received from 17 schools. 8/21 learning objectives were recorded as taught, and none were examined, across every school surveyed. Elder abuse and terminology and classification of health were taught in only 8/17 and 2/17 schools respectively. Pressure ulcers were taught about in 14/17 schools but taught formally in only 7 of these and examined in only 9. With regard to bio- and socio- gerontology, only 9/17 schools reported teaching in social ageing, 7/17 in cellular ageing and 9/17 in the physiology of ageing. Discussion – Even allowing for the suboptimal response rate, this study presents significant cause for concern with UK undergraduate education related to ageing. The failure to teach comprehensively on elder abuse and pressure sores, in particular, may be significantly to the detriment of older patients

    Amphibia: Anura: Hylidae Scarthyla vigilans (Solano 1971): Range Extension and New Country Record for Trinidad, W.I. With Notes on Tadpoles, Habitat, Behaviour and Biogeographical Significance.

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    We report a range extension and new country record for Scarthyla vigilans in Trinidad, West Indies. The species was previously known only from populations on mainland South America. We include notes on behavior, habitat and tadpole development, and discuss the biogeographical significance of the species’ presence in Trinidad, particularly with respect to consequences for understanding colonization events on this Caribbean island

    Artemisinin-based combination therapy does not measurably reduce human infectiousness to vectors in a setting of intense malaria transmission

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    <p>Background: Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for treating malaria has activity against immature gametocytes. In theory, this property may complement the effect of terminating otherwise lengthy malaria infections and reducing the parasite reservoir in the human population that can infect vector mosquitoes. However, this has never been verified at a population level in a setting with intense transmission, where chronically infectious asymptomatic carriers are common and cured patients are rapidly and repeatedly re-infected.</p> <p>Methods: From 2001 to 2004, malaria vector densities were monitored using light traps in three Tanzanian districts. Mosquitoes were dissected to determine parous and oocyst rates. Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite rates were determined by ELISA. Sulphadoxinepyrimethamine(SP) monotherapy was used for treatment of uncomplicated malaria in the contiguous districts of Kilombero and Ulanga throughout this period. In Rufiji district, the standard drug was changed to artesunate co-administered with SP (AS + SP) in March 2003. The effects of this change in case management on malaria parasite infection in the vectors were analysed.</p> <p>Results: Plasmodium falciparum entomological inoculation rates exceeded 300 infective bites per person per year at both sites over the whole period. The introduction of AS + SP in Rufiji was associated with increased oocyst prevalence (OR [95%CI] = 3.9 [2.9-5.3], p < 0.001), but had no consistent effect on sporozoite prevalence (OR [95%CI] = 0.9 [0.7-1.2], p = 0.5). The estimated infectiousness of the human population in Rufiji was very low prior to the change in drug policy. Emergence rates and parous rates of the vectors varied substantially throughout the study period, which affected estimates of infectiousness. The latter consequently cannot be explained by the change in drug policy.</p> <p>Conclusions: In high perennial transmission settings, only a small proportion of infections in humans are symptomatic or treated, so case management with ACT may have little impact on overall infectiousness of the human population. Variations in infection levels in vectors largely depend on the age distribution of the mosquito population. Benefits of ACT in suppressingtransmission are more likely to be evident where transmission is already low or effective vector control is widely implemented.</p&gt

    Relative and Absolute Mappings for Rotating Remote 3D Objects on Multi-Touch Tabletops

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    The use of human fingers as an object selection and manipulation tool has raised significant challenges when interacting with direct-touch tabletop displays. This is particularly an issue when manipulating remote objects in 3D environments as finger presses can obscure objects at a distance that are rendered very small. Techniques to support remote manipulation either provide absolute mappings between finger presses and object transformation or rely on tools that support relative mappings t o selected objects. This paper explores techniques to manipulate remote 3D objects on direct-touch tabletops using absolute and relative mapping modes. A user study was conducted to compare absolute and relative mappings in support of a rotation task. Overall results did not show a statistically significant difference between these two mapping modes on both task completion time and the number of touches. However, the absolute mapping mode was found to be less efficient than the relative mapping mode when rotating a small object. Also participants preferred relative mapping for small objects. Four mapping techniques were then compared for perceived ease of use and learnability. Touchpad, voodoo doll and telescope techniques were found to be comparable for manipulating remote objects in a 3D scene. A flying camera technique was considered too complex and required increased effort by participants. Participants preferred an absolute mapping technique augmented to support small object manipulation, e.g. the voodoo doll technique

    Rationally designed anionic diblock copolymer worm gels are useful model systems for calcite occlusion studies

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    Binary mixtures of anionic and non-ionic macromolecular chain transfer agents (macro-CTAs) are utilized in order to rationally design diblock copolymer nanoparticles with tunable morphologies and anionic character via pseudo-living radical polymerization. More specifically, poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) and poly(glycerol monomethacrylate) (PGMA) macro-CTAs are pre-mixed prior to reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) aqueous dispersion polymerization of 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA). This strategy facilitates the formation of PHPMA-based diblock copolymer spheres, worm-like micelles and vesicles via polymerization-induced self-assembly (PISA). The presence of the anionic PMAA stabilizer block has a dramatic impact on the resulting copolymer morphology, particularly if the degree of polymerization (DP) of the PMAA stabilizer chains is longer than that of the PGMA. Two phase diagrams have been constructed to investigate the effect of the relative proportion and molar mass of the two macro-CTAs. Such a systematic approach is essential for the reproducible synthesis of pure worm-like micelles, which occupy relatively narrow phase space. The rheological behavior of a series of soft, free-standing worm gels is investigated. Finally, such gels are examined as model matrices for the growth of biomimetic calcite crystals and the role of the anionic PMAA stabilizer chains in directing crystal growth is evaluated

    Waterlogging and its effect on cotton growth and yield

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    Watterlogging is an important cause of yield loss on the cracking grey clays. We conducted a field experiment to quantify its impact on growth and yield. In terms of management, the results demonstrates the importance of ensuring adequate bed height and allowing excess water to leave the field quickly, definitely not later than 48 hours after irrigation

    Roles of Fast-Cyclotron and Alfven-Cyclotron Waves for the Multi-Ion Solar Wind

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    Using linear Vlasov theory of plasma waves and quasi-linear theory of resonant wave-particle interaction, the dispersion relations and the electromagnetic field fluctuations of fast and Alfven waves are studied for a low-beta multi-ion plasma in the inner corona. Their probable roles in heating and accelerating the solar wind via Landau and cyclotron resonances are quantified. We assume that (1) low-frequency Alfven and fast waves have the same spectral shape and the same amplitude of power spectral density; (2) these waves eventually reach ion cyclotron frequencies due to a turbulence cascade; (3) kinetic wave-particle interaction powers the solar wind. The existence of alpha particles in a dominant proton/electron plasma can trigger linear mode conversion between oblique fast-whistler and hybrid alpha-proton cyclotron waves. The fast-cyclotron waves undergo both alpha and proton cyclotron resonances. The alpha cyclotron resonance in fast-cyclotron waves is much stronger than that in Alfven-cyclotron waves. For alpha cyclotron resonance, an oblique fast-cyclotron wave has a larger left-handed electric field fluctuation, a smaller wave number, a larger local wave amplitude, and a greater energization capability than a corresponding Alfven-cyclotron wave at the same wave propagation angle \theta, particularly at 80∘80^\circ < \theta < 90∘90^\circ. When Alfven-cyclotron or fast-cyclotron waves are present, alpha particles are the chief energy recipient. The transition of preferential energization from alpha particles to protons may be self-modulated by differential speed and temperature anisotropy of alpha particles via the self-consistently evolving wave-particle interaction. Therefore, fast-cyclotron waves as a result of linear mode coupling is a potentially important mechanism for preferential energization of minor ions in the main acceleration region of the solar wind.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Solar Physic
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