1,309 research outputs found

    Report on indigenous fishing rights in the seas with case studies from Australia and Norway

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    At its eighth session, in May 2009, the Permanent Forum appointed Carsten Smith and Michael Dodson, members of the Permanent Forum, as special rapporteurs to prepare a study on indigenous fishing rights in the seas, and requested that the report be submitted to the Permanent Forum at its ninth session, in April 2010. The study includes an analysis of the potential protection of indigenous fishing rights in the seas provided by the existing international framework, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Labour Organization Convention No. 169 and Apirana Mahuika et al. versus New Zealand. Case studies from Australia and Norway, with reference to conventions and States in those two respective regions (vis. Papua New Guinea in relation to the Torres Strait Treaty; Sweden and Finland in relation to the Nordic Saami Convention), are presented to enable comparison between these States and with international law

    Functional Behavioral Analysis and Social Scripting for the Older Patient with Schizophrenia: A Staff Development Program

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    Executive functioning is the ability to plan, strategize, organize, and focus on details. Impaired executive functioning plays a significant role in behavior disturbances. Lack of inhibition, impaired abstract reasoning, thought perseverance, rigidity in routine, and lack of insight disrupt social skills and daily life. Autism and schizophrenia present some similar behaviors, including impaired executive functioning, often resulting in pharmacological management as many healthcare professionals receive limited training in executive functioning. Non-pharmacological tools used in autism for behavior management include functional behavioral analysis and social scripting, which help to identify causes of behavior and teach more appropriate behavioral responses. Described here is an educational program for healthcare workers in a long-term care skilled nursing facility, to help them understand the basis for behaviors in individuals with impaired executive function, to use these same tools for behavioral modification techniques, and to help patients learn more appropriate social skills. Program evaluation suggested the educational program was successful in increasing the staff\u27s knowledge and comfort level in addressing the behavioral issues that arise with this population and staff also reported less use of medication as first-line treatment for behavioral issues

    Deep Ecology: What is Said and (to be) Done?

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    Attacked by anthropocentric social, cultural, and political theorists deep ecology has been relatively wary of engaging with the theories that underpin such critiques. This socio-theoretical lacuna does, however, leave deep ecology open to the charge of being ecologically reductive. Despite the difficulties they present many of these socio-theoretical theories offer diverse insights into our current environmental predicaments and creative opportunities for rethinking what it might mean to constitute a community of life on Earth. The development of such views, which we might term ecologically oriented social theory (EOST) is, I argue, a key task for radical ecosophies

    Investigating the impact of database choice on the accuracy of metagenomic read classification for the rumen microbiome

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    The Roslin Institute forms part of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh. This project was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC; BB/S006680/1, BB/R015023/1), including institute strategic program grant BBS/E/D/30002276. R.H.S. is supported by an EASTBIO studentship funded by BBSRC (BB/M010996/1). A.W.W. and the Rowett Institute receive core financial support from the Scottish Government Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services (SG-RESAS). We would like to thank all of those who were involved in creating and publicly sharing both the Hungate Collection data and the RUG data.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Making Common Causes: Crises, Conflict, Creation, Conversations: Offerings from the Biennial ALECC Conference Queen’s University, Kingston 2016

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    At ALECC’s biennial gathering at Queen’s University in June 2016, participants came together to explore the possibilities of “making common causes” from a host of angles, yet all were anchored in an acknowledgement of the diverse more-than-human relationships that make up our common worlds. The following collection of short essays, authored by some of the gathering’s keynote speakers, explores specific aspects of making common causes. In this special section of The Goose, we deliberately invoke the plural of conversation. We understand the effort to make common causes as a process, rather than a “one and done” act. It is multifaceted and messy; it invites imagination and critique. Most importantly, it needs to cultivate the common ground whereupon these difficult conversations can be engaged

    Video counselling and psychotherapy:a critical commentary on the evidence base

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    Pre-pandemic research has suggested that video counselling is as effective as face-to-face practice. However, the mass migration of therapy to the online video domain as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic makes it essential to interrogate the evidence base. This paper provides a critical commentary on how video therapy is defined/labelled, the current evidence about whether video therapy is effective, and whether the working alliance and therapeutic relationship functions differently in video counselling. The paper concludes that while the evidence to date is promising, it is limited in quantity and applicability and hence generalisability. Lack of evidence is not evidence that video therapy is ineffective, but the large gaps in understanding highlight the importance, both ethically and empirically, of further research in this area.</p
