154,699 research outputs found

    Flight experience with altitude hold and Mach hold autopilots on the YF-12 aircraft at Mach 3

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    The altitude hold mode of the YF-12A airplane was modified to include a high-pass-filtered pitch rate feedback along with optimized inner loop altitude rate proportional and integral gains. An autothrottle control system was also developed to control either Mach number or KEAS at the high-speed flight conditions. Flight tests indicate that, with the modified system, significant improvements are obtained in both altitude and speed control, and the combination of altitude and autothrottle hold modes provides the most stable aircraft platform thus far demonstrated at Mach 3 conditions

    A growth path for deep space communications

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    Increased Deep Space Network (DPN) receiving capability far beyond that now available for Voyager is achievable through a mix of increased antenna aperture and increased frequency of operation. In this note a sequence of options are considered: adding midsized antennas for arraying with the existing network at X-band; converting to Ka-band and adding array elements; augmenting the DSN with an orbiting Ka-band station; and augmenting the DSN with an optical receiving capability, either on the ground or in space. Costs of these options are compared as means of achieving significantly increased receiving capability. The envelope of lowest costs projects a possible path for moving from X-band to Ka-band and thence to optical frequencies, and potentially for moving from ground-based to space-based apertures. The move to Ka-band is clearly of value now, with development of optical communications technology a good investment for the future

    Results from flight and simulator studies of a Mach 3 cruise longitudinal autopilot

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    At Mach numbers of approximately 3.0 and altitudes greater than 21,300 meters, the original altitude and Mach hold modes of the YF-12 autopilot produced aircraft excursions that were erratic or divergent, or both. Flight data analysis and simulator studies showed that the sensitivity of the static pressure port to angle of attack had a detrimental effect on the performance of the altitude and Mach hold modes. Good altitude hold performance was obtained when a high passed pitch rate feedback was added to compensate for angle of attack sensitivity and the altitude error and integral altitude gains were reduced. Good Mach hold performance was obtained when the angle of attack sensitivity was removed; however, the ride qualities remained poor

    Auxiliary propulsion requirements for large space systems

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    An insight into auxiliary propulsion systems (APS) requirements for large space systems (LSS) launchable by a single shuttle is presented. In an effort to scope the APS requirements for LSS, a set of generic LSSs were defined. For each generic LSS class a specific structural configuration, representative of that most likely to serve the needs of the 1980's and 1990's was defined. The environmental disturbance forces and torques which would be acting on each specific structural configuration in LEO and GEO orbits were then determined. Auxiliary propulsion requirements were determined as a function of: generic class specific configuration, size and openness of structure, orbit, angle of orientation, correction frequency, duty cycle, number and location of thrusters and direction of thrusters and APS/LSS interactions. The results of this analysis were used to define the APS characteristics of: (1) number and distribution of thrusters, (2) thruster modulation, (3) thrust level, (4) mission energy requirements, (5) total APS mass component breakdown, and (6) state of the art adequacy/deficiency

    Collective Interview on the History of Town Meetings

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    As illustrated in the introduction, the special issue ends with a ‘collective interview’ to some distinguished scholars that have given an important contribution to the study of New England Town Meetings. The collective interview has been realized by submitting three questions to our interviewees, who responded individually in written. The text of the answers has not been edited, if not minimally. However, the editors have broken up longer individual answers in shorter parts. These have been subsequently rearranged in an effort to provide, as much as possible, a fluid structure and a degree of interaction among the different perspectives provided by our interviewees on similar issues. The final version of this interview has been edited and approved by all interviewees

    Materials Review

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    MHD‐driven kinetic dissipation in the solar wind and corona

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    Mechanisms for the deposition of heat in the lower coronal plasma are discussed, emphasizing recent attempts to reconcile the fluid and kinetic perspectives. Structures at magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) scales may drive a nonlinear cascade, preferentially exciting high perpendicular wavenumber fluctuations. Relevant dissipative kinetic processes must be identified that can absorb the associated energy flux. The relationship between the MHD cascade and direct cyclotron absorption, including cyclotron sweep, is discussed. We conclude that for coronal and solar wind parameters the perpendicular cascade cannot be neglected and may be more rapid than cyclotron sweep. Solar wind observational evidence suggests the relevance of the ion inertial scale, which is associated with current sheet thickness during reconnection. We conclude that a significant fraction of dissipation in the corona and solar wind likely proceeds through a perpendicular cascade and small-scale reconnection, coupled to kinetic processes that act at oblique wavevectors

    How to protect a wind turbine from lightning

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    Techniques for reducing the chances of lightning damage to wind turbines are discussed. The methods of providing a ground for a lightning strike are discussed. Then details are given on ways to protect electronic systems, generating and power equipment, blades, and mechanical components from direct and nearby lightning strikes

    Evidence of sympathetic cooling of Na+ ions by a Na MOT in a hybrid trap

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    A hybrid ion-neutral trap provides an ideal system to study collisional dynamics between ions and neutrals. This system provides a general cooling method that can be applied to optically inaccessible species and can also potentially cool internal degrees of freedom. The long range polarization potentials (Vα/r4V\propto-\alpha/r^4) between ions and neutrals result in large scattering cross sections at cold temperatures, making the hybrid trap a favorable system for efficient sympathetic cooling of ions by collisions with neutral atoms. We present experimental evidence of sympathetic cooling in a hybrid trap of \ce{Na+} ions, which are closed shell and therefore do not have a laser induced atomic transition, by equal mass cold Na atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT).Comment: 7 figure