168,496 research outputs found

    Electric propulsion for near-Earth space missions

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    A set of missions was postulated that was considered to be representative of those likely to be desirable/feasible over the next three decades. The characteristics of these missions, and their payloads, that most impact the choice/design of the requisite propulsion system were determined. A system-level model of the near-Earth transportation process was constructed, which incorporated these mission/system characteristics, as well as the fundamental parameters describing the technology/performance of an ion bombardment based electric propulsion system. The model was used for sensitivity studies to determine the interactions between the technology descriptors and program costs, and to establish the most cost-effective directions for technology advancement. The most important factor was seen to be the costs associated with the duration of the mission, and this in turn makes the development of advanced electric propulsion systems having moderate to high efficiencies ( 50 percent) at intermediate ranges of specific impulse (approximately 1000 seconds) very desirable

    Development of a spectroscopic photoelectric imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer preliminary observational results

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    In order to observe extended astronomical objects at high spatial and spectral resolution, a spectroscopic photoelectric imaging Fabry-Perot interferometer was constructed. Among the properties chosen for the instrument are an air-spaced, piezoelectrically scanned design allowing an accurately settable free spectral range and employing a single etalon of high finesse. Careful design of the etalon mountings and optical train preserves high ligh throughput. Spectra of single spatial elements with a photomultiplier were obtained, and an SEC vidicon detector was used to record a series of images through the interferometer while scanning the wavelength in discrete steps. The latter procedure yields sufficient information to reconstruct spectral features over the entire object, and for the conditions assumed, either series of observations requires only a small fraction of a rotational period for Jupiter or Saturn. An electronic control system was also constructed which permits rapid and flexible variation of the operational mode of the Fabry-Perot and its ancilliary devices so as to minimize loss of observational time

    The structure of correlation tensors in homogeneous anisotropic turbulence

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    The study of turbulence with spatially homogeneous but anisotropic statistical properties has applications in space physics and laboratory plasma physics. The first step in the systematic study of such fluctuations is the elucidation of the kinematic properties of the relevant statistical objects, which are the correlation tensors. The theory of isotropic tensors, developed by Robertson, Chandrasekhar and others, is reviewed and extended to cover the general case of turbulence with a pseudo-vector preferred direction, without assuming mirror reflection invariance. Attention is focused on two point correlation functions and it is shown that the form of the decomposition into proper and pseudo-tensor contributions is restricted by the homogeneity requirement. It is also shown that the vector and pseudo-vector preferred direction cases yield different results. An explicit form of the two point correlation tensor is presented which is appropriate for analyzing interplanetary magnetic fluctuations. A procedure for determining the magnetic helicity from experimental data is presented

    Study made of interaction between sound fields and structural vibrations

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    Study analyzes structural vibrations and the interactions between them and sound fields. It outlines a conceptual framework to analyze the vibrations of systems and their interactions, incorporating the results of earlier studies and establishing a unified basis for continuing research

    Low cost ablative heat shields for space shuttles Final report

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    Fabrication of prototype low density ablative heat shield panels for space shuttles with production cost estimate

    Effects of liquid slosh on rendezvous dynamics

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    Mathematical model using Euler-Lagrange equation to investigate liquid slosh effects on rendezvous dynamic

    Lower bounds to energy eigenvalues for the stark effect in a rigid rotator

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    Lower bounds to energy eigenvalues for rigid rotator in electric field Stark effect calculation - Schroedinger equatio

    The chemistry of Venus' atmosphere

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    A model for the Venus atmosphere involving photochemistry of oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine and sulfur species is presented. Sulfur reaction schemes and hydrogen and chlorine reaction schemes were included. The impact of sulfur on the oxygen budget and the subsequent production of H2SO4 molecules for the Venus cloud deck were explored. A major new reaction scheme for production of H2SO4 molecules involving sulfur and oxygen chemistry was established shown to dominate over the odd hydrogen scheme proposed earlier. The efficiency of the scheme in formation of H2SO4 is only about 50%, with the remaining sulfur residing in SO2 molecules. The calculated downward flux of H2SO4 may be sufficient to maintain a steady state sulfuric acid cloud if the resident time of H2SO4 droplets in the cloud is as long as a few years. If however, the resident time is half a year or shorter, additional chemistry capable of more efficient conversion of SO2 to SO3 is required

    Long-term CF6 engine performance deterioration: Evaluation of engine S/N 451-479

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    The performance testing and analytical teardown of CF6-6D engine is summarized. This engine had completed its initial installation on DC-10 aircraft. The investigative test program was conducted inbound prior to normal overhaul/refurbishment. The performance testing included an inbound test, a test following cleaning of the low pressure turbine airfoils, and a final test after leading edge rework and cleaning the stage one fan blades. The analytical teardown consisted of detailed disassembly inspection measurements and airfoil surface finish checks of the as received deteriorated hardware. Included in this report is a detailed analysis of the test cell performance data, a complete analytical teardown report with a detailed description of all observed hardware distress, and an analytical assessment of the performance loss (deterioration) relating measured hardware conditions to losses in both SFC (specific fuel consumption) and EGT (exhaust gas temperature)