44 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistance of Two-Dimensional Fermions in a Random Magnetic Field

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    We perform a semiclassical calculation of the magnetoresistance of spinless two-dimensional fermions in a long-range correlated random magnetic field. In the regime relevant for the problem of the half filled Landau level the perturbative Born approximation fails and we develop a new method of solving the Boltzmann equation beyond the relaxation time approximation. In absence of interactions, electron density modulations, in-plane fields, and Fermi surface anisotropy we obtain a quadratic negative magnetoresistance in the weak field limit.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, no figures, Nordita repor

    Competition between quantum-liquid and electron-solid phases in intermediate Landau levels

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    On the basis of energy calculations we investigate the competition between quantum-liquid and electron-solid phases in the Landau levels n=1,2, and 3 as a function of their partial filling factor. Whereas the quantum-liquid phases are stable only in the vicinity of quantized values 1/(2s+1) of the partial filling factor, an electron solid in the form of a triangular lattice of clusters with a few number of electrons (bubble phase) is energetically favorable between these fillings. This alternation of electron-solid phases, which are insulating because they are pinned by the residual impurities in the sample, and quantum liquids displaying the fractional quantum Hall effect explains a recently observed reentrance of the integral quantum Hall effect in the Landau levels n=1 and 2. Around half-filling of the last Landau level, a uni-directional charge density wave (stripe phase) has a lower energy than the bubble phase.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; calculation of exact exchange potential for n=1,2,3 included, energies of electron-solid phases now calculated with the help of the exact potential, and discussion of approximation include

    Rotating spin-1 bosons in the lowest Landau level

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    We present results for the ground states of a system of spin-1 bosons in a rotating trap. We focus on the dilute, weakly interacting regime, and restrict the bosons to the quantum states in the lowest Landau level (LLL) in the plane (disc), sphere or torus geometries. We map out parts of the zero temperature phase diagram, using both exact quantum ground states and LLL mean field configurations. For the case of a spin-independent interaction we present exact quantum ground states at angular momentum LNL\leq N. For general values of the interaction parameters, we present mean field studies of general ground states at slow rotation and of lattices of vortices and skyrmions at higher rotation rates. Finally, we discuss quantum Hall liquid states at ultra-high rotation.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, RevTe

    Bloch bundles, Marzari-Vanderbilt functional and maximally localized Wannier functions

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    We consider a periodic Schroedinger operator and the composite Wannier functions corresponding to a relevant family of its Bloch bands, separated by a gap from the rest of the spectrum. We study the associated localization functional introduced by Marzari and Vanderbilt, and we prove some results about the existence and exponential localization of its minimizers, in dimension d < 4. The proof exploits ideas and methods from the theory of harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. V2: the appendix has been completely rewritten. V3: final version, to appear in Commun. Math. Physic

    Global Phase Diagram of the Kondo Lattice: From Heavy Fermion Metals to Kondo Insulators

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    We discuss the general theoretical arguments advanced earlier for the T=0 global phase diagram of antiferromagnetic Kondo lattice systems, distinguishing between the established and the conjectured. In addition to the well-known phase of a paramagnetic metal with a "large" Fermi surface (P_L), there is also an antiferromagnetic phase with a "small" Fermi surface (AF_S). We provide the details of the derivation of a quantum non-linear sigma-model (QNLsM) representation of the Kondo lattice Hamiltonian, which leads to an effective field theory containing both low-energy fermions in the vicinity of a Fermi surface and low-energy bosons near zero momentum. An asymptotically exact analysis of this effective field theory is made possible through the development of a renormalization group procedure for mixed fermion-boson systems. Considerations on how to connect the AF_S and P_L phases lead to a global phase diagram, which not only puts into perspective the theory of local quantum criticality for antiferromagnetic heavy fermion metals, but also provides the basis to understand the surprising recent experiments in chemically-doped as well as pressurized YbRh2Si2. We point out that the AF_S phase still occurs for the case of an equal number of spin-1/2 local moments and conduction electrons. This observation raises the prospect for a global phase diagram of heavy fermion systems in the Kondo-insulator regime. Finally, we discuss the connection between the Kondo breakdown physics discussed here for the Kondo lattice systems and the non-Fermi liquid behavior recently studied from a holographic perspective.Comment: (v3) leftover typos corrected. (v2) Published version. 32 pages, 4 figures. Section 7, on the connection between the Kondo lattice systems and the holographic models of non-Fermi liquid, is expanded. (v1) special issue of JLTP on quantum criticalit

    Exciton swapping in a twisted graphene bilayer as a solid-state realization of a two-brane model

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    It is shown that exciton swapping between two graphene sheets may occur under specific conditions. A magnetically tunable optical filter is described to demonstrate this new effect. Mathematically, it is shown that two turbostratic graphene layers can be described as a "noncommutative" two-sheeted (2+1)-spacetime thanks to a formalism previously introduced for the study of braneworlds in high energy physics. The Hamiltonian of the model contains a coupling term connecting the two layers which is similar to the coupling existing between two braneworlds at a quantum level. In the present case, this term is related to a K-K' intervalley coupling. In addition, the experimental observation of this effect could be a way to assess the relevance of some theoretical concepts of the braneworld hypothesis.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, final version published in European Physical Journal

    Stripes and holes in a two-dimensional model of spinless fermions and hardcore bosons

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    We consider a Hubbard-like model of strongly-interacting spinless fermions and hardcore bosons on a square lattice, such that nearest neighbor occupation is forbidden. Stripes (lines of holes across the lattice forming antiphase walls between ordered domains) are a favorable way to dope this system below half-filling. The problem of a single stripe can be mapped to a spin-1/2 chain, which allows understanding of its elementary excitations and calculation of the stripe's effective mass for transverse vibrations. Using Lanczos exact diagonalization, we investigate the excitation gap and dispersion of a hole on a stripe, and the interaction of two holes. We also study the interaction of two, three, and four stripes, finding that they repel, and the interaction energy decays with stripe separation as if they are hardcore particles moving in one (transverse) direction. To determine the stability of an array of stripes against phase separation into particle-rich phase and hole-rich liquid, we evaluate the liquid's equation of state, finding the stripe-array is not stable for bosons but is possibly stable for fermions.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure

    Pairing and Density Correlations of Stripe Electrons in a Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnet

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    We study a one-dimensional electron liquid embedded in a 2D antiferromagnetic insulator, and coupled to it via a weak antiferromagnetic spin exchange interaction. We argue that this model may qualitatively capture the physics of a single charge stripe in the cuprates on length- and time scales shorter than those set by its fluctuation dynamics. Using a local mean-field approach we identify the low-energy effective theory that describes the electronic spin sector of the stripe as that of a sine-Gordon model. We determine its phases via a perturbative renormalization group analysis. For realistic values of the model parameters we obtain a phase characterized by enhanced spin density and composite charge density wave correlations, coexisting with subleading triplet and composite singlet pairing correlations. This result is shown to be independent of the spatial orientation of the stripe on the square lattice. Slow transverse fluctuations of the stripes tend to suppress the density correlations, thus promoting the pairing instabilities. The largest amplitudes for the composite instabilities appear when the stripe forms an antiphase domain wall in the antiferromagnet. For twisted spin alignments the amplitudes decrease and leave room for a new type of composite pairing correlation, breaking parity but preserving time reversal symmetry.Comment: Revtex, 28 pages incl. 5 figure

    Search for nucleon decay into charged antilepton plus meson in 0.316 megaton . years exposure of the Super-Kamiokande water Cherenkov detector

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    We have searched for proton decays into a charged antilepton (e+, μ+) plus a meson (η, ρ0, ω) and for neutron decays into a charged antilepton (e+, μ+) plus a meson (π−, ρ−) using Super-Kamiokande I-IV data, corresponding to 0.316  megaton⋅years of exposure. This measurement updates the previous published result by using 2.26 times more data and improved analysis methods. No significant evidence for nucleon decay is observed and lower limits on the partial lifetime of the nucleon are obtained. The limits range from 3×1031 to 1×1034  years at 90% confidence level, depending on the decay mode

    Search for Boosted Dark Matter Interacting with Electrons in Super-Kamiokande

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    A search for boosted dark matter using 161.9 kt yr of Super-Kamiokande IV data is presented. We search for an excess of elastically scattered electrons above the atmospheric neutrino background, with a visible energy between 100 MeV and 1 TeV, pointing back to the Galactic center or the Sun. No such excess is observed. Limits on boosted dark matter event rates in multiple angular cones around the Galactic center and Sun are calculated. Limits are also calculated for a baseline model of boosted dark matter produced from cold dark matter annihilation or decay. This is the first experimental search for boosted dark matter from the Galactic center or the Sun interacting in a terrestrial detector