4,482 research outputs found

    The respiration of photosynthetic carbon in eutrophic areas of the ocean

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    The respiration of photosynthetic carbon by phytoplankton populations from upwelling regions was calculated from the difference in 6- and 24-h productivity incubations after the light intensity received in the 6-h incubations had been normalized to the light intensity received in 24 h. The results indicate that the phytoplankton off Northwest Africa respired 13.4% of the previously fixed photosynthetic carbon. A direct experimental test of the results confirms the calculations...

    A balanced nitrogen budget of the surface layer of the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    To understand marine biogeochemical cycles, it is critical to quantitatively balance organic matter transformations within the euphotic zone. Such an assessment for nitrogen is difficult because of lateral advection, uncertainties in individual measurements, the complexity of elemental transformations (including nitrification and denitrification), and the difficulty of collecting data on appropriate space and time scales. Two cruises were conducted to the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica, to understand the time-varying fluxes of nitrogen into its various pools. From these data a balanced inventory was constructed. Nitrate removal in the upper 200 m was balanced by particulate and dissolved organic nitrogen production, ammonification, and vertical flux. In austral spring nearly all (92%) of the new production remained as particulate nitrogen, but this percentage decreased markedly (52%) by mid-summer, when nitrogen regeneration, PN flux, and DON production were 23, 13 and 12% of net production, respectively. The organic matter budget in this coastal Antarctic site is dominated by particle transformations

    Primary productivity measurements in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: a regional synthesis

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    Polar systems are undersampled due to the difficulty of sampling remote and challenging environments; however, these systems are critical components of global biogeochemical cycles. Measurements on primary productivity in specific areas can quantify the input of organic matter to food webs and so are of critical ecological importance as well. However, long-term measurements using the same methodology are available only for a few polar systems. Primary productivity measurements using 14C-uptake incubations from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, are synthesized, along with chlorophyll concentrations at the same depths and locations. A total of 19 independent cruises were completed and 449 stations occupied where measurements of primary productivity (each with seven depths) were completed. The incubations used the same basic simulated in situ methodology for all. Integrated water column productivity for all stations averaged 1.10 ± 1.20 g C m−2 d−1, and the maximum was 13.1 g C m−2 d−1. Annual productivity calculated from the means throughout the growing season equalled 146 g C m−2 yr−1. The mean chlorophyll concentration in the euphotic zone (the 1 % irradiance level) was 2.85 ± 2.68 mg m−3 (maximum observed concentration was 19.1 mg m−3). Maximum photosynthetic rates above the 30 % isolume (normalized to chlorophyll) averaged 0.98 ± 0.71 mg C (mg chl)−1 h−1, similar to the maximum rate found in photosynthesis–irradiance measurements. Productivity measurements are consistent with the temporal patterns of biomass found previously, with biomass and productivity peaking in late December; mixed layers were at a minimum at this time as well. Estimates of plankton composition also suggest that pre-January productivity was largely driven by the haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica and summer productivity by diatoms. The data set (https://doi.org/10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.863815.2, Smith, 2021) will be useful for a comparison to other Antarctic regions and provide a basis for refined bio-optical models of regional primary productivity and biogeochemical models for the Southern Ocean

    Primary productivity measurements in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: a regional synthesis

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    Polar systems are undersampled due to the difficulty of sampling remote and challenging environments; however, these systems are critical components of global biogeochemical cycles. Measurements on primary productivity in specific areas can quantify the input of organic matter to food webs and so are of critical ecological importance as well. However, long-term measurements using the same methodology are available only for a few polar systems. Primary productivity measurements using 14C-uptake incubations from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, are synthesized, along with chlorophyll concentrations at the same depths and locations. A total of 19 independent cruises were completed and 449 stations occupied where measurements of primary productivity (each with seven depths) were completed. The incubations used the same basic simulated in situ methodology for all. Integrated water column productivity for all stations averaged 1.10 ± 1.20 g C m−2 d−1, and the maximum was 13.1 g C m−2 d−1. Annual productivity calculated from the means throughout the growing season equalled 146 g C m−2 yr−1. The mean chlorophyll concentration in the euphotic zone (the 1 % irradiance level) was 2.85 ± 2.68 mg m−3 (maximum observed concentration was 19.1 mg m−3). Maximum photosynthetic rates above the 30 % isolume (normalized to chlorophyll) averaged 0.98 ± 0.71 mg C (mg chl)−1 h−1, similar to the maximum rate found in photosynthesis–irradiance measurements. Productivity measurements are consistent with the temporal patterns of biomass found previously, with biomass and productivity peaking in late December; mixed layers were at a minimum at this time as well. Estimates of plankton composition also suggest that pre-January productivity was largely driven by the haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica and summer productivity by diatoms. The data set (https://doi.org/10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.863815.2, Smith, 2021) will be useful for a comparison to other Antarctic regions and provide a basis for refined bio-optical models of regional primary productivity and biogeochemical models for the Southern Ocean.</p

    Size-fractionated photosynthesis/irradiance relationships during Phaeocystis antarctica-dominated blooms in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    In the Ross Sea, there are two major phytoplankton functional groups: diatoms and prymnesiophytes (dominated by Phaeocystis antarctica). Phaeocystis antarctica often occurs in colonial form, but also as solitary cells, and the two forms have distinct ecological roles. A comparison of the growth characteristics of solitary and colonial forms of Phaeocystis sp. is essential to understanding the differential impact each has on biogeochemical and ecological processes, and to allow parameterization of each form in numerical models. We measured the biomass and photosynthetic responses of two size fractions (\u3e 20 and \u3c 20 mu m), representing colonies and solitary cells, at locations dominated by P. antarctica to assess the relative photosynthetic potential of the two forms. While the relative contribution of each form to total P. antarctica biomass differed among years, there were no significant differences between maximum photosynthetic rates of colonial and solitary forms within years. Substantial interannual variations in biomass and maximum photosynthetic rates normalized to chlorophyll a (PmB) and initial light-limited rates of photosynthesis (alpha) were observed among years for the colonial fractions; however, interannual variations in maximum rates of photosynthesis or alpha of solitary cells were not observed. A laboratory experiment with P. antarctica, together with field data, showed that growth stage of colonies strongly affected the maximum photosynthetic rates. Under nutrient-replete conditions and exponential growth, colonial cells had higher maximum photosynthetic rates than solitary cells, but as growth rate declined and senescence began, the solitary cells\u27 rates became greater. This may be a reason for the high abundance of colonies that is often found in the Ross Sea during austral spring. Our results suggest that photosynthetic rates may influence the composition of the morphotypes of Phaeocystis, but do not appear to be the sole factor in regulating this critical biological variable

    Photosynthesis-irradiance responses in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: a meta-analysis

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    A meta-analysis of photosynthesis-irradiance measurements was completed using data from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, using a total of 417 independent measurements. P-m(B), the maximum, chlorophyll-specific, irradiancesaturated rate of photosynthesis, averaged 1.1 +/- 0.06 mu gC (mu g Chl)(-1) h(-1). Light-limited, chlorophyll-specific photosynthetic rates (alpha(B)) averaged 0.030 +/- 0.023 mu gC (mu g Chl)(-1) h(-1) (mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1))(-1). Significant variations in P-m(B) and alpha(B) were found as a function of season, with spring maximum photosynthetic rates being 60% greater than those in summer. Similarly, alpha values were 48% greater in spring. There was no detectable effect of sampling location on the photosynthetic parameters, and temperature and macronutrient (NO3) concentrations also did not have an influence. However, irradiance and carbon dioxide concentrations, when altered under controlled conditions, exerted significant influences on photosynthetic parameters. Specifically, reduced irradiance resulted in significantly decreased P-m(B) and increased alpha(B) values, and increased CO2 concentrations resulted in significantly increased P-m(B) and alpha(B) values. Comparison of photosynthetic parameters derived at stations where iron concentrations were above and below 0.1nM indicated that reduced iron levels were associated with significantly increased P-m(B) values, confirming the importance of iron within the photosynthetic process. No significant difference was detected between stations dominated by diatoms and those dominated by the haptophyte Phaeocystis antarctica. The meta-analysis confirms the photosynthetic rates predicted from global analyses that are based solely on temperature and irradiance availability, but suggests that, for more accurate predictions of productivity in polar systems, a more detailed model that includes temporal effects of photosynthetic parameters will be required

    Vertical mixing, critical depths, and phytoplankton growth in the Ross Sea

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    Phytoplankton growth and biomass accumulation vary spatially and temporally in the Ross Sea, largely as a function of ice concentrations, vertical mixing depths, and iron concentrations. To assess the role of vertical mixing in bloom initiation, we used a high-resolution numerical model to estimate changes in mixed layer depths from October 1 through early December, the period where phytoplankton growth begins and biomass accumulates, and estimate critical depths for this period. Mixed layers in October ranged from the complete water column (\u3e600 m) to ca. 200 m; over a 60-day period, the mixed layers decreased on average by 70%. Estimated critical depths were exceeded in October, but would allow growth to proceed in late October due to shoaling of mixed layer depths, consistent with the known onset of the spring bloom in the Ross Sea. We also analysed a series of stations sampled near the Ross Ice Shelf during January 2012. Mean vertical profiles for the stations indicated deep vertical mixing; mixed layer depths averaged 60 m and ranged up to 96 m. Chlorophyll concentrations within the mixed layer averaged 6.60 mu g l(-1), and the pigment contributions were dominated by Phaeocystis antarctica. We suggest that this mesoscale region near the ice shelf is elevated in phytoplankton biomass due to frequent mixing events that redistribute biomass to depth and replenish nutrients, which in turn are utilized by an assemblage capable of utilizing low mean irradiance levels. Thus, the deep mixed layers and high biomass concentrations represent growth over long periods under reduced mixing punctuated by short periods of deeper vertical mixing that redistribute biomass. Water column vertical mixing and phytoplankton biomass in the Ross Sea are consistent with the critical depth concept as originally proposed by Sverdrup

    Contrasting Photo-physiological Responses of the Haptophyte Phaeocystis Antarctica and the Diatom Pseudonitzschia sp. in the Ross Sea (Antarctica)

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    The Antarctic is a unique environment in which substantial variations in irradiance occur over a number of time scales, and as a result phytoplankton need to acclimate and adapt to these changes. We conducted field and laboratory manipulations in the Ross Sea, Antarctica to examine photophysiological differences between Phaeocystis antarctica and Pseudonitzschia sp. a diatom that commonly occurrs in the Ross Sea, since these are the two functional groups that dominate abundance and productivity. Both exhibited reduced quantum yields due to high irradiances. P. antarctica, a haptophyte, displays a distinct photophysiological response to irradiance when compared to diatoms. P. antarctica showed a rapid recovery from high light exposure, as indicated by the rapid return to initial, high quantum yields, in contrast to diatoms, which responded more slowly. Absorption cross sections were high in both forms, but those in P. antarctica were significantly higher. Both organisms recovered within 24 h to initial quantum yields, suggesting that high irradiance exposure does not have a permanent effect on these organisms. Among all micronutrient additions (iron, cobalt, zinc and vitamin B-12), only iron additions resulted in rapid impacts on quantum yields. Iron limitation also can result in reduced photosynthetic efficiency. Understanding these photophysiologial responses and the impact of oceanographic conditions provides constraints on modeling efforts of photosynthesis and primary productivity in the Antarctic

    Marine Ecosystem Research at the Weddell Sea Ice Edge: The AMERIEZ Program

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    The explorers and naturalists who first visited Antarctica were struck by the large numbers of whales, seals and seabirds in such a harsh environment (summarized in Everson, 1977). Scientific expeditions in the twentieth century confirmed these observations, and also established that an even greater abundance of many different trophic levels occurred at the ice edge. Hart (1942) noted that phytoplankton were more abundant near the ice edge mad suggested that there was a distinct ice-edge flora, and Marr (1962) noted that krill (Euphausia superba) were concentrated at the interface between pack ice and open water. Routh (1949) observed that seabirds were very abundant at the ice edge and suggested that the enhancement was due to the high plankton concentrations found in the area. All of these observations suggested that the ice edge played a potentially important role in the ecology of the southern ocean

    The MAREDAT global database of high performance liquid chromatography marine pigment measurements

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    A global pigment database consisting of 35 634 pigment suites measured by high performance liquid chromatography was assembled in support of the MARine Ecosytem DATa (MAREDAT) initiative. These data originate from 136 field surveys within the global ocean, were solicited from investigators and databases, compiled, and then quality controlled. Nearly one quarter of the data originates from the Laboratoire d\u27Oceanographie de Villefranche (LOV), with an additional 17% and 19% stemming from the US JGOFS and LTER programs, respectively. The MAREDAT pigment database provides high quality measurements of the major taxonomic pigments including chlorophylls a and b, 19\u27-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin, 19\u27-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, alloxanthin, divinyl chlorophyll a, fucoxanthin, lutein, peridinin, prasinoxanthin, violaxanthin and zeaxanthin, which may be used in varying combinations to estimate phytoplankton community composition. Quality control measures consisted of flagging samples that had a total chlorophyll a concentration of zero, had fewer than four reported accessory pigments, or exceeded two standard deviations of the log-linear regression of total chlorophyll a with total accessory pigment concentrations. We anticipate the MAREDAT pigment database to be of use in the marine ecology, remote sensing and ecological modeling communities, where it will support model validation and advance our global perspective on marine biodiversity. The original dataset together with quality control flags as well as the gridded MAREDAT pigment data may be downloaded from PANGAEA: http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.793246
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