8,262 research outputs found

    On Nonlinear Generalizations of the KdV and BBM Equations from Long Range Water Wave Theory

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    A generalization of the famous KdV and BBM equation are considered with a new nonlinear term. Sufficient conditions of solvability, existence and uniqueness are established

    On Existence and Uniqueness Results for the BBM Equation with Arbitrary Forcing Terms

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    The problem of classical solutions for the regularized long-wave equation is considered where various additional forcing terms are introduced which are often required for physical modifications in the wave theory. Sufficient conditions of solvability and existence are established and then these conditions are related to the structure of the forcing terms under consideration

    Review of duloxetine in the management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain

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    Duloxetine is a balanced selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) which, in 2004, became the first agent to receive regulatory approval for the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy in the US. This compound has no other significant receptor or channel activities other than the serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition mechanisms and works to diminish or control the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. Duloxetine has no known neuroprotective or other effects which prevent the development of neuropathy in patients with diabetes. The purpose of this review article is to discuss the background of painful diabetic neuropathy, the pharmacology of duloxetine, and its safety and efficacy in clinical trials and long-term observations. The authors will also comment on its use in clinical practice. Results from controlled clinical trials reveal that duloxetine administered at 60 mg qd or 60 mg bid is efficacious in treating diabetic neuropathic pain relative to placebo. Positive treatment outcomes are also seen for other measures of pain and quality of life. A minor but statistically significant increase in blood glucose compared with placebo treated patients has been observed in controlled clinical trials. Otherwise, controlled and open-label clinical studies have demonstrated a high degree of safety and tolerability for the compound. These findings provide support for the proposed role of serotonin and norepinephrine as key mediators of the descending pain inhibition pathways of the brain stem and spinal cord

    A Regression Model to Predict Stock Market Mega Movements and/or Volatility Using Both Macroeconomic Indicators & Fed Bank Variables

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    In finance, regression models or time series moving averages can be used to determine the value of an asset based on its underlying traits. In prior work we built a regression model to predict the value of the S&P 500 based on macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product, money supply, produce price and consumer price indices. In this present work this model is updated both with more data and an adjustment in the input variables to improve the coefficient of determination. A scheme is also laid out to alternately define volatility rather than using common tools such as the S&P’s trailing volatility index (VIX). As it is well known during times of increased volatility models like the Black-Scholes will be less reliable, hence, this work can be used to identify such times in a forward moving timeframe rather than using trailing economic indicators

    An Economic Regression Model to Predict Market Movements

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    In finance, multiple linear regression models are frequently used to determine the value of an asset based on its underlying traits. We built a regression model to predict the value of the S&P 500 based on economic indicators of gross domestic product, money supply, produce price and consumer price indices. Correlation between the error in this regression model and the S&P’s volatility index (VIX) provides an efficient way to predict when large changes in the price of the S&P 500 may occur. As the true value of the S&P 500 deviates from the predicted value, obtained by the regression model, a growth in volatility can be seen that implies models like the Black-Scholes will be less reliable. During these periods of changing volatility we suggest that the user apply a regime switching approach and/or seek alternative prediction methods

    Les conséquences développementales de la maltraitance des filles

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    Objet : L’étude traite des conséquences des mauvais traitements, corroborés par des instances officielles, sur le comportement antisocial et sur d’autres indicateurs connexes chez les femmes d’un échantillon longitudinal et représentatif de la ville de Rochester aux États-Unis.Méthodologie : Les données proviennent de l’étude de Rochester sur le développement des jeunes, une étude de cohortes portant sur l’apparition de problèmes comportementaux à partir d’un échantillon de 1 000 jeunes suivis de l’âge de 13 ans jusqu’à l’âge adulte. Les analyses se concentrent uniquement sur les 271 adolescentes d’origine afro-américaine ou hispanique de l’échantillon. La consultation des registres du Service de protection de l’enfance du comté a permis de découvrir 74 (27 %) filles ayant subi des mauvais traitements. Les conséquences qui seront analysées sont les arrestations, la délinquance et la violence autorapportées, la consommation de drogues, les problèmes liés à la consommation d’alcool, la violence subie et manifestée dans les relations de couple, les symptômes dépressifs et les risques de contracter des maladies transmises sexuellement (MTS) et le SIDA au début de l’âge adulte (20-22 ans).Résultats : Les analyses bivariées indiquent que la maltraitance est associée à plusieurs conséquences négatives au début de l’âge adulte. La régression logistique, qui contrôle les variables sociodémographiques et la délinquance juvénile, confirme que la maltraitance augmente les risques d’apparition de plusieurs conséquences négatives. Les résultats suggèrent également que l’abus sexuel peut avoir des répercussions particulièrement graves chez les jeunes femmes.Implications : La présente recherche vise l’amélioration des programmes de prévention et de traitement pour les jeunes femmes ayant été abusées et négligées au cours de l’enfance.Purpose: The current study investigates the impact of substantiated maltreatment on antisocial behavior and other outcomes among young adult women in a representative community sample followed longitudinally.Methods: Data come from the Rochester Youth Development Study (RYDS), a cohort study of the development of problem behaviors in a sample of 1,000 urban youth followed from age 13 into adulthood. Subjects include 68% African American, 17% Hispanic, and 15% White youth. This analysis focuses only on the 271 young women in the panel. County Child Protective Service records were searched and 74 (27%) of the young women experienced substantiated maltreatment. Outcomes include arrest, self-reported general and violent offending, drug use, problem alcohol use, partner violence perpetration and victimization, depressive symptoms, and STD/HIV risk in early adulthood (ages 20-22).Results: We find that experiencing substantiated maltreatment increases the risk of most outcomes at the bivariate level. Employing logistic regression, maltreatment increases the odds of several negative consequences after controlling for confounding sociodemographic variables including poverty, family structure, parental education, race/ethnicity, and adolescent delinquency. Results also suggest that sex abuse may be particularly problematic for these young women in emerging adulthood.Implications: We discuss implications for understanding pathways and processes, and for improving prevention and treatment for abused and neglected young women

    The cost of environmental lead (Pb) poisoning in Nigeria

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    The pervasiveness of human health impacts and ecosystem effects of lead (Pb) is not controversial, but there are serious arguments about the pace at which Pb should be eliminated from consumer products. Presumably, these arguments can be resolved by converting costs and benefits of Pb use to similar units, a notorious methodological challenge for health impacts in developing countries. To estimate the costs of Pb poisoning attributable to petrochemicals in Nigeria, we conducted a meta-analysis of measured blood lead levels (BLL) and we used published Relative Risk values for disease categories to estimate the proportion of overall disease burden attributable to Pb. We modeled the health costs of Pb exposure and we compared this to the cost of banning Pb. We estimate that Pb exposure accounts for 7 - 25% of the disease burden among Nigerian children, costing the health and education sectors 0.38– 1.15billionyear1forevery1μg/dLincreaseinBLL.Incomparison,weestimatethataPbabatement programinNigeriawillcost0.38 – 1.15 billion year-1 for every 1 μg/dL increase in BLL. In comparison, we estimate that a Pb abatement program in Nigeria will cost 0.076 – 0.23 billion year-1. If a Pb phase-out program is instituted now to lower the national BLL to 1 μg/dL by 2020, a savings of $2.7-8.0 billion would be realized.Keywords: Lead (Pb) poisoning, Cost-benefit analysis, Diseases, Petrochemicals Afric

    Supporting Interethnic and Interracial Friendships Among Youth to Reduce Prejudice and Racism in Schools: The Role of the School Counselor

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    Supporting interethnic and interracial friendships in schools among children and adolescents is an important part of a progressive educational agenda informed in equity, social justice frameworks, and critical multicultural education that leads to a reduction in racial prejudice. Positive intergroup contact is a necessary condition in prejudice reduction and the development of positive racial attitudes among ethnically and racially diverse groups of children and adolescents. School counseling initiatives focused on promoting interethnic and interracial friendships can have significant individual and systemic consequences such as: improving social, emotional, and cultural competence among youth; prejudice reduction; and the creation of equitable educational spaces informed in multicultural and social justice worldviews

    Principles and Application of RF System for Hyperthermia Therapy

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    Transparency, Efficiency and the Distribution of Economic Welfare in Pass-Through Investment Trust Games

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    We design an experiment to examine welfare and behavior in a multi-level trust game representing a pass through investment in an intermediated market. In a repeated game, an Investor invests via an Intermediary who lends to a Borrower. A pre-experiment one-shot version of the game serves as a baseline and to type each subject. We alter the transparency of exchanges between non-adjacent parties. We find transparency of the exchanges between the investor and intermediary does not significantly affect welfare. However, transparency regarding exchanges between the intermediary and borrower promotes trust on the part of the investor, increasing welfare. Further, this has asymmetric effects: borrowers and intermediaries achieve greater welfare benefits than investors. We discuss implications for what specific aspects of financial market transparency may facilitate more efficiency.financial intermediation, financial market transparency, pass through securities, multi-level trust games, experiments