4,424 research outputs found

    Decay estimates for variable coefficient wave equations in exterior domains

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    In this article we consider variable coefficient, time dependent wave equations in exterior domains. We prove localized energy estimates if the domain is star-shaped and global in time Strichartz estimates if the domain is strictly convex.Comment: 15 pages. In the new version, some typos are fixed and a minor correction was made to the proof of Lemma 1

    Responses of four shrub species to four levels of irrigation in a semi-arid environment

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    2012 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.In response to a severe regional drought that afflicted much of Colorado in 2002, Colorado State University initiated a study to determine the impacts of progressively decreasing irrigation treatments on some common shrub species. Irrigation treatments were based on the evapotranspiration of a short reference crop (ETo). In 2008, four shrub species were planted for trialing: Cornus sericea L. 'Isanti' (redosier dogwood), Hydrangea arborescens L. 'Annabelle' (smooth hydrangea), Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. 'Monlo' (Diablo® ninebark) and, Salix pupurea L. 'Nana' (arctic blue willow). In addition to the shrubs, Poa pratensis L. (Kentucky bluegrass) was used as a control. After giving the shrubs and turf one growing season to establish, treatments were applied in 2009 and 2010. The study was comprised of a field component and a lysimeter component. The field component had four treatments based on ETo (0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%) and the lysimeter component had three treatments (25%, 50%, and 100%). All four species were planted in the field component and only the redosier dogwood and smooth hydrangea were planted in the lysimeter component due to space limitations. Data collection in both components included canopy height and width, visual ratings, predawn leaf water potentials, end of season leaf area, and end of season leaf fresh/dry weights. The field component also included soil moisture readings, osmolality, and infrared readings of the Kentucky bluegrass. The lysimeter component required daily weight measurements during dry down periods. As watering amounts increased for the field dogwoods, ninebarks, and willows various characteristics (overall stress, aesthetic appeal, size, osmolality) were also positively affected. However, all tested replicates of these three species in the 0% treatment appeared acceptable for landscape use, as well. The hydrangeas in the 100% treatment had the highest visual ratings. In addition, the water potentials were more negative in the 100% treatment. Due to the visual ratings and water potential data, it suggests that smooth hydrangea needs more than 100% ETo to improve growth and performance. All of the field hydrangeas in the 0% treatment were unacceptable for landscape use and were close to death, however, 80% of the replications survived until the conclusion of the experiment. As such, the smooth hydrangea can survive a short period without water and should recover when water becomes available. The lysimeter dogwoods and hydrangeas adjusted their growth habits based on water availability. Water was used on a daily basis at a faster rate as the irrigation treatments increased. The lysimeter shrubs in the 100% treatment used more water on a daily basis than the 50% treatment and the 50% treatment used more than the 25% treatment. The increased water use affected plant growth and if more water was available to the dogwood and hydrangea, a larger plant resulted

    Cow-Calf Producer Interest in Retained Ownership

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    The beef industry’s share of domestic meat demand continues to decline, as increasing vertical coordination in pork and poultry contribute to these industries’ ability to offer convenient, consistent, and less expensive products. For such vertical coordination to be effective, incentives must be properly aligned so that those responsible for making the most important investments for system profitability are appropriately compensated. This study demonstrates that cow-calf producers who invest in quality registered cattle and those who are interested in incorporating feedlot and carcass data into herd management decisions are also more interested in retained ownership.beef cattle, property rights theory, retained ownership, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing, Q13,

    Full stress tensor measurement using colour centres in diamond

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    Stress and strain are important factors in determining the mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of materials, relating to each other by the material's elasticity or stiffness. Both are represented by second rank field tensors with, in general, six independent components. Measurements of these quantities are usually achieved by measuring a property that depends on the translational symmetry and periodicity of the crystal lattice, such as optical phonon energies using Raman spectroscopy, the electronic band gap using cathodoluminescence, photoelasticity via the optical birefringence, or Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (EBSD). A reciprocal relationship therefore exists between the maximum sensitivity of the measurements and the spatial resolution. Furthermore, of these techniques, only EBSD and off-axis Raman spectroscopy allow measurement of all six components of the stress tensor, but neither is able to provide full 3D maps. Here we demonstrate a method for measuring the full stress tensor in diamond, using the spectral and optical polarization properties of the photoluminescence from individual nitrogen vacancy (NV) colour centres. We demonstrate a sensitivity of order 10 MPa, limited by local fluctuations in the stress in the sample, and corresponding to a strain of about 10^-5, comparable with the best sensitivity provided by other techniques. By using the colour centres as built-in local sensors, the technique overcomes the reciprocal relationship between spatial resolution and sensitivity and offers the potential for measuring strains as small as 10^-9 at spatial resolution of order 10 nm. Furthermore it provides a straightforward route to volumetric stress mapping. Aside from its value in understanding strain distributions in diamond, this new approach to stress and strain measurement could be adapted for use in micro or nanoscale sensors.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures - supplementary informations included in appendi

    Acute alcohol administration dampens central extended amygdala reactivity.

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    Alcohol use is common, imposes a staggering burden on public health, and often resists treatment. The central extended amygdala (EAc)-including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (Ce)-plays a key role in prominent neuroscientific models of alcohol drinking, but the relevance of these regions to acute alcohol consumption in humans remains poorly understood. Using a single-blind, randomized-groups design, multiband fMRI data were acquired from 49 social drinkers while they performed a well-established emotional faces paradigm after consuming either alcohol or placebo. Relative to placebo, alcohol significantly dampened reactivity to emotional faces in the BST. To rigorously assess potential regional differences in activation, data were extracted from unbiased, anatomically predefined regions of interest. Analyses revealed similar levels of dampening in the BST and Ce. In short, alcohol transiently reduces reactivity to emotional faces and it does so similarly across the two major divisions of the human EAc. These observations reinforce the translational relevance of addiction models derived from preclinical work in rodents and provide new insights into the neural systems most relevant to the consumption of alcohol and to the initial development of alcohol abuse in humans

    A FAP46 Mutant Provides New Insights into the Function and Assembly of the C1d Complex of the Ciliary Central Apparatus

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    Virtually all motile eukaryotic cilia and flagella have a \u279+2\u27 axoneme in which nine doublet microtubules surround two singlet microtubules. Associated with the central pair of microtubules are protein complexes that form at least seven biochemically and structurally distinct central pair projections. Analysis of mutants lacking specific projections has indicated that each may play a unique role in the control of flagellar motility. One of these is the C1d projection previously shown to contain the proteins FAP54, FAP46, FAP74 and FAP221/Pcdp1, which exhibits Ca(2+)-sensitive calmodulin binding. Here we report the isolation and characterization of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii null mutant for FAP46. This mutant, fap46-1, lacks the C1d projection and has impaired motility, confirming the importance of this projection for normal flagellar movement. Those cells that are motile have severe defects in phototaxis and the photoshock response, underscoring a role for the C1d projection in Ca(2+)-mediated flagellar behavior. The data also reveal for the first time that the C1d projection is involved in the control of interdoublet sliding velocity. Our studies further identify a novel C1d subunit that we term C1d-87, give new insight into relationships between the C1d subunits, and provide evidence for multiple sites of calmodulin interaction within the C1d projection. These results represent significant advances in our understanding of an important but little studied axonemal structure

    The Oxford dodo. Seeing more than ever before : X-ray micro-CT scanning, specimen acquisition and provenance

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    The Oxford Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) has been in the collections of the University of Oxford since 1683, first in the Ashmolean Museum and latterly in Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Prior to this the specimen was part of the collections of the Tradescants, father and son, and likely acquired between 1634 and 1656, in the Musæum Tradescantianum in what is now Vauxhall, south London. It has been thought probable that this specimen was once the live bird recorded in London by Sir Hamon L’Estrange in around 1638, but X-ray CT scanning of the skull for anatomical investigation has cast doubt on the provenance of the Oxford Dodo. The 3D visualisation revealed 115 metal particles embedded within the bone of the skull, concentrated in the left side of the skull. All but five of the particles are less than 1 mm in diameter and their location leads to the conclusion that they represent lead shot consistent with the bird being shot from the rear right of the head, perhaps with a ventral component. This forensic discovery leaves the provenance of the Oxford specimen uncertain but illustrates the value of non-invasive visualisation techniques in determining the potentially complex histories of unique museum objects
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