8,120 research outputs found

    Model compounds for the phytochrome chromophore

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    Nutrient timing, metabolism, and health in humans

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    Circular No. 80 - Domestic Slaughtering, Cutting, and Curing of Pork

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    The practice of slaughtering hogs on the farm is being followed rather extensively by the farmers of this state. It is an economic practice and should be more generally followed because by this practice a supply of meat is available throughout the year. In all ages meat has been the principal article of diet of the ruling races. It is a natural and necessary part of man\u27s diet. The races of people who have not included meat in their diet are today numbered among the weaker and more backward nations

    Some Proposed Experiments Relating to Taxation

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    Jesus Training for His Disciplines for Their Work

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    This paper is to study training with which our Lord prepared His twelve disciples for their job as Apostles

    Corporatised identities ≠ digital identities: algorithmic filtering on social media and the commercialisation of presentations of self

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    Goffman’s (The presentation of self in everyday life. Anchor Books, 1959) dramaturgical identity theory requires modification when theorising about presentations of self on social media. This chapter contributes to these efforts, refining a conception of digital identities by differentiating them from ‘corporatised identities’. Armed with this new distinction, I ultimately argue that social media platforms’ production of corporatised identities undermines their users’ autonomy and digital well-being. This follows from the disentanglement of several commonly conflated concepts. Firstly, I distinguish two kinds of presentation of self that I collectively refer to as ‘expressions of digital identity’. These digital performances (boyd, Youth, identity, and digital media. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007) and digital artefacts (Hogan, Bull Sci Technol Soc 30(6): 377–386, 2010) are distinct, but often confused. Secondly, I contend this confusion results in the subsequent conflation of corporatised identities – poor approximations of actual digital identities, inferred and extrapolated by algorithms from individuals’ expressions of digital identity – with digital identities proper. Finally, and to demonstrate the normative implications of these clarifications, I utilise MacKenzie’s (Autonomy, oppression, and gender. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014; Women’s Stud Int Forum 72:144–151, 2019) interpretation of relational autonomy to propose that designing social media sites around the production of corporatised identities, at the expense of encouraging genuine performances of digital identities, has undermined multiple dimensions of this vital liberal value. In particular, the pluralistic range of authentic preferences that should structure flourishing human lives are being flattened and replaced by commercial, consumerist preferences. For these reasons, amongst others, I contend that digital identities should once again come to drive individuals’ actions on social media sites. Only upon doing so can individuals’ autonomy, and control over their digital identities, be rendered compatible with social media

    Performance of Upland Cotton (Gossypium Hirusutum) in Reniform (Rotylenchulus Reniformis) Nematode Infested Soils as affected by Variety and Seed Treatment

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    Reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira) currently infests about 36% of the Mississippi G. hirsutum acres causing economic losses of $130 million annually. For more than 40 years nematodes, including R. reniformis, have been managed using an at-planting treatment of Temik 15G or with soil fumigants like Telone II. With the label loss of Temik 15G and expense of soil fumigants, there is a need to develop an integrated nematode management program centered around nematicide seed treatments (NST) with and without foliar applications of Vydate C-LV. In addition there is a need to better understand how new cotton cultivars provide improved growth, development and yield in nematode infested fields. Results from research at Auburn and Mississippi State Universities revealed tested varieties responded positively to NST and improved growth and yield without NST was variety specific especially early in G. hirsutum development (between nodes 1-9). Cutivars Phy 499, FM 1740 and Stv 5458 showed the greatest nematode tolerance while Phy 375 WRF had the least tolerance, benefitting greatly from NST. Trials involving NST with and without Vydate C-LV indicated yield of plants treated with Temik 15G was greater than plants treated with NST treatments. Aeris + Votivo with and without Vydate C-LV provided better plant growth and yield than Aeris alone or with Vydate C-LV. Relative to yield Vydate C-LV treatments increased pounds of lint cotton/acre across all treatments. There were no differences in fruit retention at fruiting site one during the square period with fruit loss primarily occurring between bloom and open boll. Vydate C-LV treatments increased overall fruit retention compared to all nematicide seed treatments making them comparable to Temik 15G

    The Relationship of Behavioral Patterns of Selected Superintendents to the Process of Public School Desegregation

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    The problem in thi s study wa s to attempt to determine the results or effects on desegregation of varying behavioral patterns of school superintendents which developed when selected school systems attempted to bring about racially integrated school systems. An important factor to be considered was the actions of various groups within the community and the effects these actions had on the shaping of the behavioral patterns of the superintendents. It was also necessary to look at various other issues which led up to and followed the desegregation issue in order to get a complete report of the behavioral patterns of the superintendents

    Balance Sheet Audit of Stock Brokers\u27 Accounts

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