3,245 research outputs found
Empirical explorations into biblical theologies of grace : employing the SIFT approach among Anglican clergy
This qualitative study was positioned within an emerging scientific field concerned with empirical explorations into theologies of grace. The theoretical framework was provided by the SIFT (sensing, intuition, thinking, and feeling) approach to biblical hermeneutics, an approach rooted in reader-perspective hermeneutical theory and in Jungian psychological type theory, that explores the distinctive readings of sensing perception and intuitive perception and the distinctive readings of thinking evaluation and feeling evaluation. The empirical methodology was provided by developing a research tradition concerned with applying the SIFT approach to biblical text. In this study, a group of 32 Anglican clergy were invited to work in type-alike groups to explore biblical theologies of grace. Dividing into three workshops according to their preferences for sensing and intuition, the clergy explored the messages of grace in Matthew 6: 25-30 (birds and lilies). Dividing into three workshops according to their preferences for thinking and feeling, the clergy explored the messages of grace in Matthew 20: 1-15 (labourers in the vineyard). The rich data gathered from these workshops generated insight into contemporary theologies of grace and also confirmed the hypothesis that scriptural reading and interpretation may be shaped by the reader’s psychological type preference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved
A Reduced–Cost Mechanized System for Handling and Curing Mechanically–Harvested Burley Tobacco
An experimental system was tested in which mechanically harvested burley tobacco plants placed onto steel slotted receivers were retrieved from a field, transported to a field curing structure, and placed onto the structure for air curing by a single worker. The system consisted of a tractor–towed, trailer mechanism that engaged and hoisted loads of approximately 360 burley plants of approximately 1 Mg mass. Ten slotted steel rails, 3.05 m long, holding 36 notched plants were placed onto parallel wooden beams suspended at a height of 2.13 m by wooden posts set in the ground. Burley tobacco was cured in this configuration covered by polyethylene.
Time–and–motion experiments showed that the system could retrieve tobacco from the field and place it onto a curing structure adjacent to the field at the rate of 0.1 to 0.18 ha/h. Replicated experiments also showed that the system operated with negligible leaf loss due to handling. Finally, experimental results showed that leaf grade index decreased with time that filled tobacco rails were left lying on the ground after being harvested and prior to being retrieved. This study further indicated that the estimated cost of the proposed harvesting system compares favorably with systems that require several manual laborers
Public Health Surveillance for Australian bat lyssavirus in Queensland, Australia, 2000–2001
From February 1, 2000, to December 4, 2001, a total of 119 bats (85 Megachiroptera and 34 Microchiroptera) were tested for Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) infection. Eight Megachiroptera were positive by immunofluorescence assay that used cross-reactive antibodies to rabies nucleocapsid protein. A case study of cross-species transmission of ABLV supports the conclusion that a bat reservoir exists for ABLV in which the virus circulates across Megachiroptera species within mixed communities
On the Lessons Learned from the Operations of the ERBE Nonscanner Instrument in Space and the Production of the Nonscanner TOA Radiation Budget Dataset
Monitoring the flow of radiative energy at top-of-atmosphere (TOA) is essential for understanding the Earths climate and how it is changing with time. The determination of TOA global net radiation budget using broadband nonscanner instruments has received renewed interest recently due to advances in both instrument technology and the availability of small satellite platforms. The use of such instruments for monitoring Earths radiation budget was attempted in the past from satellite missions such as the Nimbus 7 and the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). This paper discusses the important lessons learned from the operation of the ERBE nonscanner instrument and the production of the ERBE nonscanner TOA radiation budget data set that have direct relevance to current nonscanner instrument efforts
Public Health Surveillance for Australian bat lyssavirus in Queensland, Australia, 2000–2001
From February 1, 2000, to December 4, 2001, a total of 119 bats (85 Megachiroptera and 34 Microchiroptera) were tested for Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) infection. Eight Megachiroptera were positive by immunofluorescence assay that used cross-reactive antibodies to rabies nucleocapsid protein. A case study of cross-species transmission of ABLV supports the conclusion that a bat reservoir exists for ABLV in which the virus circulates across Megachiroptera species within mixed communities
Supplementary data and analysis for estimating walleye selectivity
This document has been issued as VIMS Data Report 61 and provides data tables and results of exploratory analyses conducted as part of the complete data analysis for Myers et al. 2014 published in the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Estimates of size- and sex-specific selectivity of fishing gear are important for making informed management decisions. We distinguish between capture selectivity – the relative catchability of the components of the population – and harvest selectivity, which is the combined effects of capture selectivity and the decision to retain or release a fish of a given population component. We used short-term recaptures from three extensive tagging programs in Minnesota and Wisconsin to estimate directly the size- and sex- specific selectivity of angling for captured and for harvested walleye Sander vitreus, and of spear fishing for harvested walleye. Estimates were obtained using generalized linear models with an information-theoretic approach to determining the significance of individual and interactive effects of length and sex on selectivity. The primary conclusions of this research are presented in Myers et al. 2014. Residual analyses for the models presented in the manuscript, results of unpublished exploratory analyses, and the complete data set used to conduct the analyses are presented in this supplementary document. Through this data report, interested readers can repeat the analyses conducted in Myers et al. 2014, as well as see the results of additional analyses not presented in the primary publication
S4S8-RPA phosphorylation as an indicator of cancer progression in oral squamous cell carcinomas.
Oral cancers are easily accessible compared to many other cancers. Nevertheless, oral cancer is often diagnosed late, resulting in a poor prognosis. Most oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas that predominantly develop from cell hyperplasias and dysplasias. DNA damage is induced in these tissues directly or indirectly in response to oncogene-induced deregulation of cellular proliferation. Consequently, a DNA Damage response (DDR) and a cell cycle checkpoint is activated. As dysplasia transitions to cancer, proteins involved in DNA damage and checkpoint signaling are mutated or silenced decreasing cell death while increasing genomic instability and allowing continued tumor progression. Hyperphosphorylation of Replication Protein A (RPA), including phosphorylation of Ser4 and Ser8 of RPA2, is a well-known indicator of DNA damage and checkpoint activation. In this study, we utilize S4S8-RPA phosphorylation as a marker for cancer development and progression in oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC). S4S8-RPA phosphorylation was observed to be low in normal cells, high in dysplasias, moderate in early grade tumors, and low in late stage tumors, essentially supporting the model of the DDR as an early barrier to tumorigenesis in certain types of cancers. In contrast, overall RPA expression was not correlative to DDR activation or tumor progression. Utilizing S4S8-RPA phosphorylation to indicate competent DDR activation in the future may have clinical significance in OSCC treatment decisions, by predicting the susceptibility of cancer cells to first-line platinum-based therapies for locally advanced, metastatic and recurrent OSCC
Transcriptional profiling of C57 and DBA strains of mice in the absence and presence of morphine
BACKGROUND: The mouse C57BL/6 (C57) and DBA/2J (DBA) inbred strains differ substantially in many aspects of their response to drugs of abuse. The development of microarray analyses represents a genome-wide method for measuring differences across strains, focusing on expression differences. In the current study, we carried out microarray analysis in C57 and DBA mice in the nucleus accumbens of drug-naĂŻve and morphine-treated animals. RESULTS: We identified mRNAs with altered expression between the two strains. We validated the mRNA expression changes of several such mRNAs, including Gnb1, which has been observed to be regulated by several drugs of abuse. In addition, we validated alterations in the enzyme activity of one mRNA product, catechol-O-methyltransferase (Comt). Data mining of expression and behavioral data indicates that both Gnb1 and Comt expression correlate with aspects of drug response in C57/DBA recombinant inbred strains. Pathway analysis was carried out to identify pathways showing significant alterations as a result of treatment and/or due to strain differences. These analyses identified axon guidance genes, particularly the semaphorins, as showing altered expression in the presence of morphine, and plasticity genes as showing altered expression across strains. Pathway analysis of genes showing strain by treatment interaction suggest that the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway may represent an important difference between the strains as related to morphine exposure. CONCLUSION: mRNAs with differing expression between the two strains could potentially contribute to strain-specific responses to drugs of abuse. One such mRNA is Comt and we hypothesize that altered expression of Comt may represent a potential mechanism for regulating the effect of, and response to, multiple substances of abuse. Similarly, a role for Gnb1 in responses to multiple drugs of abuse is supported by expression data from our study and from other studies. Finally, the data support a role for semaphorin signaling in morphine effects, and indicate that altered expression of genes involved in phosphatidylinositol signaling and plasticity might also affect the altered drug responses in the two strains
A Demonstration of using Partnerships and Private Lands Conservation to Evaluate Livestock Grazing as a Management Tool for Greater Sage Grouse in Central Montana
Partnerships across agencies and land ownerships established to maintain wildlife-compatible “working landscapes” are critical for conserving and managing wildlife in the West. Preliminary results from the first three years of a 10-yr study in central Montana demonstrate this management approach. We are evaluating prescribed grazing systems implemented by NRCS’s Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI) that are designed to improve hiding cover and food availability for Greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) during critical life stages via voluntary, incentive-based modifications of livestock grazing management. Extensive vegetation sampling across 8 SGI-enrolled ranches and 20 non-enrolled ranches in 2013 revealed significant increases in residual grass height, live grass height, and herbaceous vegetation cover on SGI-enrolled lands. In 2011-2013, we monitored adult female sage-grouse and chicks with radiotelemetry to measure vital rates and habitat use. Annual hen survival ranged from 57-74 percent, nest success ranged from 12-61 percent, and chick survival ranged from 9-23 percent. Using an information theoretic approach in program MARK, the top-ranked nest success model showed that grass height was positively correlated with nest success.  During late nesting to early brood rearing periods of 2012 and 2013 we used pitfall traps to collected ground-dwelling arthropods from cattle grazed and rest-rotation phase pastures enrolled in the SGI program. Collected arthropods were identified and appropriate specimens were classified as sage grouse chick food items. During both years of study, food item catches were greatest (P < 0.03) in rested versus grazed pastures indicating that strategic pasture rest may increase the availability of sage grouse chick food resources
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