5,830 research outputs found

    Enhanced tunneling across nanometer-scale metal-semiconductor interfaces

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    We have measured electrical transport across epitaxial, nanometer-sized metal-semiconductor interfaces by contacting CoSi2-islands grown on Si(111) with an STM-tip. The conductance per unit area was found to increase with decreasing diode area. Indeed, the zero-bias conductance was found to be about 10^4 times larger than expected from downscaling a conventional diode. These observations are explained by a model, which predicts a narrower barrier for small diodes and therefore a greatly increased contribution of tunneling to the electrical transport.Comment: 3 pages, 2 EPS-figures; accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Let

    Scaling of nano-Schottky-diodes

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    A generally applicable model is presented to describe the potential barrier shape in ultra small Schottky diodes. It is shown that for diodes smaller than a characteristic length lcl_c (associated with the semiconductor doping level) the conventional description no longer holds. For such small diodes the Schottky barrier thickness decreases with decreasing diode size. As a consequence, the resistance of the diode is strongly reduced, due to enhanced tunneling. Without the necessity of assuming a reduced (non-bulk) Schottky barrier height, this effect provides an explanation for several experimental observations of enhanced conduction in small Schottky diodes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett., some minor additions and correction

    The Hartree ensemble approximation revisited: The "symmetric phase"

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    The Hartree ensemble approximation is studied in the ``symmetric phase'' of 1+1 dimensional lambda phi^4 theory. In comparison with the ``broken phase'' studied previously, it is shown that the dynamical evolution of observables such as the particle distribution, energy exchange and auto-correlation functions, is substantially slower. Approximate thermalization is found only for relatively large energy densities and couplings.Comment: 17 pages RevTeX, 16 figures, 3 tables, uses amsmath and feynmp. Extended some sections, reordered Sec.IV, added 3 refs, numerical typo corrected, published versio

    Spin Hall effect of conserved current: Conditions for a nonzero spin Hall current

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    We study the spin Hall effect taking into account the impurity scattering effect as general as possible with the focus on the definition of the spin current. The conserved bulk spin current (Shi et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 076604 (2006)]) satisfying the continuity equation of spin is considered in addition to the conventional one defined by the symmetric product of the spin and velocity operators. Conditions for non-zero spin Hall current are clarified. In particular, it is found that (i) the spin Hall current is non-zero in the Rashba model with a finite-range impurity potential, and (ii) the spin Hall current vanishes in the cubic Rashba model with a δ\delta-function impurity potential.Comment: 5 pages, minor change from the previous versio

    Remote sensing and hydrologic models for performance assessment in Sirsa Irrigation Circle, India

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    Irrigation management / Irrigation systems / Irrigation canals / Performance evaluation / Remote sensing / GIS / Models / Irrigated farming / Hydrology / Satellite surveys / Irrigation scheduling / Evapotranspiration / India

    Newly Discovered Bright z~9-10 Galaxies and Improved Constraints on Their Prevalence Using the Full CANDELS Area

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    We report the results of an expanded search for z~9-10 candidates over the ~883 arcmin^2 CANDELS+ERS fields. This study adds 147 arcmin^2 to the search area we consider over the CANDELS COSMOS, UDS, and EGS fields, while expanding our selection to include sources with bluer J_{125}-H_{160} colors than our previous J_{125}-H_{160}>0.5 mag selection. In searching for new z~9-10 candidates, we make full use of all available HST, Spitzer/IRAC, and ground-based imaging data. As a result of our expanded search and use of broader color criteria, 3 new candidate z~9-10 galaxies are identified. We also find again the z=8.683 source previously confirmed by Zitrin+2015. This brings our sample of probable z~9-11 galaxy candidates over the CANDELS+ERS fields to 19 sources in total, equivalent to 1 candidate per 47 arcmin^2 (1 per 10 WFC3/IR fields). To be comprehensive, we also discuss 28 mostly lower likelihood z~9-10 candidates, including some sources that seem to be reliably at z>8 using the HST+IRAC data alone, but which the ground-based data show are much more likely at z<4. One case example is a bright z~9.4 candidate COS910-8 which seems instead to be at z~2. Based on this expanded sample, we obtain a more robust LF at z~9 and improved constraints on the volume density of bright z~9 and z~10 galaxies. Our improved z~9-10 results again reinforce previous findings for strong evolution in the UV LF at z>8, with a factor of ~10 evolution seen in the luminosity density from z~10 to z~8.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Photometric Constraints on the Redshift of z~10 candidate UDFj-39546284 from deeper WFC3/IR+ACS+IRAC observations over the HUDF

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    Ultra-deep WFC3/IR observations on the HUDF from the HUDF09 program revealed just one plausible z~10 candidate UDFj-39546284. UDFj-39546284 had all the properties expected of a galaxy at z~10 showing (1) no detection in the deep ACS+WFC3 imaging data blueward of the F160W band, exhibiting (2) a blue spectral slope redward of the break, and showing (3) no prominent detection in deep IRAC observations. The new, similarly deep WFC3/IR HUDF12 F160W observations over the HUDF09/XDF allow us to further assess this candidate. These observations show that this candidate, previously only detected at ~5.9 sigma in a single band, clearly corresponds to a real source. It is detected at ~5.3 sigma in the new H-band data and at ~7.8 sigma in the full 85-orbit H-band stack. Interestingly, the non-detection of the source (<1 sigma) in the new F140W observations suggests a higher redshift. Formally, the best-fit redshift of the source utilizing all the WFC3+ACS (and IRAC+K-band) observations is 11.8+/-0.3. However, we consider the z~12 interpretation somewhat unlikely, since the source would either need to be ~20x more luminous than expected or show very high-EW Ly-alpha emission (which seems improbable given the extensive neutral gas prevalent early in the reionization epoch). Lower-redshift solutions fail if only continuum models are allowed. Plausible lower-redshift solutions require that the H-band flux be dominated by line emission such as Halpha or [OIII] with extreme EWs. The tentative detection of line emission at 1.6 microns in UDFj-39546284 in a companion paper suggests that such emission may have already been found.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, updated to match the version in pres

    The Bright End of the z~9 and z~10 UV Luminosity Functions using all five CANDELS Fields

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    The deep, wide-area (~800-900 arcmin**2) near-infrared/WFC3/IR + Spitzer/IRAC observations over the CANDELS fields have been a remarkable resource for constraining the bright end of high redshift UV luminosity functions (LFs). However, the lack of HST 1.05-micron observations over the CANDELS fields has made it difficult to identify z~9-10 sources robustly, since such data are needed to confirm the presence of an abrupt Lyman break at 1.2 microns. We report here on the successful identification of many such z~9-10 sources from a new HST program (z9-CANDELS) that targets the highest-probability z~9-10 galaxy candidates with observations at 1.05 microns, to search for a robust Lyman-break at 1.2 microns. The potential z~9-10 candidates are preselected from the full HST, Spitzer/IRAC S-CANDELS observations, and the deepest-available ground-based optical+near-infrared observations. We identified 15 credible z~9-10 galaxies over the CANDELS fields. Nine of these galaxies lie at z~9 and 5 are new identifications. Our targeted follow-up strategy has proven to be very efficient in making use of scarce HST time to secure a reliable sample of z~9-10 galaxies. Through extensive simulations, we replicate the selection process for our sample (both the preselection and follow-up) and use it to improve current estimates for the volume density of bright z~9 and z~10 galaxies. The volume densities we find are 5(-2)(+3)x and 8(-3)(+9)x lower, respectively, than found at z~8. When compared with the best-fit evolution (i.e., dlog_{10} rho(UV)/dz=-0.29+/-0.02) in the UV luminosities densities from z~8 to z~4 integrated to 0.3L*(z=3) (-20 mag), these luminosity densities are 2.6(-0.9)(+1.5)x and 2.2(-1.1)(+2.0)x lower, respectively, than the extrapolated trends. Our new results are broadly consistent with the "accelerated evolution" scenario at z>8, as seen in many theoretical models.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables, updated to match the version in press, including some minor textual corrections identified at the proof stag
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