146 research outputs found

    Maximal Plurifinely Plurisubharmonic functions

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    The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and study the notion of plurifinely-maximal plurifinely plurisubharmonic functions, which extends the notion of maximal plurisubharmonic functions on a Euclidean domain to a plurifine domain of C^n in a natural way. Our main result is that a finite plurifinely plurisubharmonic function u on a plurifine domain U satisfies (dd^c u)^n=0 if and only if u is plurifinely-locally plurifinely-maximal outside some pluripolar set. In particular, a finite plurifinely-maximal plurisubharmonic function u satisfies (dd^c u)^n=0.Comment: 20 pages, manuscript as accepted by publisher. To appear in Potential Analysi

    BMI and Waist Circumference; Cross-Sectional and Prospective Associations with Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in 12-Year-Olds

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    Objective: Childhood and adolescent overweight, defined by body mass index (BMI) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease in later life. Abdominal adiposity may be more important in associations with cardiovascular diseases but waist circumference (WC) has been rarely studied in children. We studied associations between BMI and WC and blood pressure (BP) and cholesterol in 12-year-old children and prospectively changes in BMI or WC status between age 8 and 12 years and BP and cholesterol at age 12. Study Design: Weight, height, WC, BP and cholesterol concentrations were measured in 1432 children at age 12 years. Linear regression was used to study the associations between high BMI and large WC (>90th percentile) and BP and cholesterol. Results: Systolic BP was 4.9 mmHg higher (95% (CI 2.5, 7.2) in girls and 4.2 mmHg (95%CI 1.9, 6.5) in boys with a high BMI. Large WC was also associated with higher systolic BP in girls (3.7 mmHg (95%CI 1.3, 6.1)) and boys (3.5 mmHg (95%CI 1.2, 5.8)). Diastolic BP and cholesterol concentrations were significantly positively (HDL cholesterol negatively) associated with high BMI and large WC, too. Normal weight children with a history of overweight did not have higher blood pressure levels or adverse cholesterol concentrations than children that were normal weight at both ages. Conclusion: A high BMI and large WC were associated with higher BP levels and adverse cholesterol concentrations. WC should be taken into account when examining cardiovascular risk factors in children

    М.К. Янгель біля витоків вітчизняного ракетобудування

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    Висвітлено життєвий шлях академіка М.К.Янгеля, його внесок у розвиток вітчизняного ракетобудування, забезпечення обороноздатності СРСР.Освещены жизненный путь академика М.К.Янгеля и его вклад в развитие отечественного ракетостроения, обеспечение обороноспособности СССР.An account of the life path of the academician М. К. Yangel, his contribution in the national spacecraft and of defense capacity building of the USSR is contained

    Mite and pet allergen levels in homes of children born to allergic and nonallergic parents: the PIAMA study.

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    The Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) study is a birth cohort study that investigates the influence of allergen exposure on the development of allergy and asthma in the first several years of life. The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship between a family history of allergy and/or asthma and exposure of newborn children to mite and pet allergen and to study the influence of different home and occupant characteristics on mite allergen exposure. Dust was sampled from the child's mattress and the parental mattress at 3 months after birth of the index child and analyzed for mite and pet allergens. Subjects were divided in groups according to history of asthma and allergy in their parents, and allergen exposure was studied in the different groups. Cat allergen exposure was significantly lower on parental mattresses in families with allergic mothers, but dog allergen exposure was not different. Mite allergen exposure was lower on parental mattresses in families with allergic mothers. Use of mite allergen-impermeable mattress covers reduced mite allergen exposure. Some other characteristics such as age of home and mattress were also found to influence mite allergen exposure. Parental mattresses in homes of allergic mothers had lower cat and mite (but not dog) allergen loadings than mattresses in homes of nonallergic parents. Paternal (as opposed to maternal) allergy seemed to have little influence

    The impact of emerging sustainable technologies on existing electrical infrastructure in Ontario

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    Sustainable energy sources are urgently required, as traditional non-renewable energy sources are increasing in scarcity and subsequently in cost. Significant innovation and investment is required to incorporate newly developed sustainable energy technologies into the existing energy infrastructure network. This presentation will review how emerging sustainable technologies are interacting with existing energy infrastructure. Specifically it will review the existing electrical grid in Ontario, Canada, and the impact of sustainable technologies such as electric cars and distributed generation. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3107

    Early respiratory and skin symptoms in relation to ethnic background: the importance of socioeconomic status; the PIAMA study

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    AIMS: To evaluate ethnic differences in the prevalence of respiratory and skin symptoms in the first two years of life. METHODS: A total of 4146 children participated in the Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) study. Parents completed questionnaires on respirato

    Метаморфозы философской иронии: от Сократа к постмодерну

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    В статье исследуется генезис иронии как специфического метода философствования в контексте смены социокультурных парадигм. Показана связь между конкретно-историческими условиями развития философских идей и характером и направленностью иронизирования. Выявляются эвристическая, гносеологическая, аналитическая, медиационная и другие функции иронии в философском дискурсе.У статті досліджується генезис іронії як специфічного методу філософування в контексті зміни соціокультурних парадигм. Показано зв’язок між конкретно-історичними умовами розвитку філософських ідей і характером й спрямованістю іронізування. Виявляються евристична, гносеологічна, аналітична, медіаційна та інші функції іронії у філософському дискурсі.In the article genesis of irony is probed as a specific method of philosophizing in the context of changing of sociocultural paradigms. Intercommunication is shown between the concretely-historical terms of development of philosophical ideas and character and orientation of mocking. The heuristic, gnosiological, critical, analytical, mediational function of irony in philosophical discourse are revealed