71 research outputs found

    Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome in critically ill patients:A narrative review of past, present, and future steps

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Intra-abdominal hypertension is frequently present in critically ill patients and is an independent predictor for mortality. In this narrative review, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of current insights into intra-abdominal pressure monitoring, intra-abdominal hypertension, and abdominal compartment syndrome. The focus of this review is on the pathophysiology, risk factors and outcome of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome, and on therapeutic strategies, such as non-operative management, surgical decompression, and management of the open abdomen. Finally, future steps are discussed, including propositions of what a future guideline should focus on. CONCLUSIONS: Pathological intra-abdominal pressure is a continuum ranging from mild intra-abdominal pressure elevation without clinically significant adverse effects to substantial increase in intra-abdominal pressure with serious consequences to all organ systems. Intra-abdominal pressure monitoring should be performed in all patients at risk of intra-abdominal hypertension. Although continuous intra-abdominal pressure monitoring is feasible, this is currently not standard practice. There are a number of effective non-operative medical interventions that may be performed early in the patient's course to reduce intra-abdominal pressure and decrease the need for surgical decompression. Abdominal decompression can be life-saving when abdominal compartment syndrome is refractory to non-operative treatment and should be performed expeditiously. The objectives of open abdomen management are to prevent fistula and to achieve delayed fascial closure at the earliest possible time. There is still a lot to learn and change. The 2013 World Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome guidelines should be updated and multicentre studies should evaluate the effect of intra-abdominal hypertension treatment on patient outcome

    Cardiogenic shock due to probable SARS-CoV-2 myocarditis:a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many case reports have been presented describing different cardiac symptoms due to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, severe cardiac failure due to COVID-19 seems to be rare.CASE SUMMARY: A 30-year-old woman presented with COVID-19 and cardiogenic shock due to a lymphocytic myocarditis. Since she deteriorated under treatment with inotropes, she was referred to our centre, and veno-arterial extracorporeal life support was started. Subsequently, the aortic valve only opened sporadically, and spontaneous contrast appeared in the left ventricle (LV), pointing towards difficulties with unloading LV. Therefore, an Impella for venting the LV was implanted. After 6 days of mechanical circulatory support, her heart function recovered. All support could be weaned, and 2 months later, she had made a full recovery.DISCUSSION: We presented a patient with severe cardiogenic shock due to an acute virus-negative lymphocytic myocarditis associated with a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Since the precise aetiology of SARS-CoV-2-related myocarditis remains to be elucidated and no virus could be detected in the heart, a causal relationship remains speculative.</p

    In vivo biofilm formation on stainless steel bonded retainers during different oral health-care regimens

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    Retention wires permanently bonded to the anterior teeth are used after orthodontic treatment to prevent the teeth from relapsing to pre-treatment positions. A disadvantage of bonded retainers is biofilm accumulation on the wires, which produces a higher incidence of gingival recession, increased pocket depth and bleeding on probing. This study compares in vivo biofilm formation on single-strand and multi-strand retention wires with different oral health-care regimens. Two-centimetre wires were placed in brackets that were bonded to the buccal side of the first molars and second premolars in the upper arches of 22 volunteers. Volunteers used a selected toothpaste with or without the additional use of a mouthrinse containing essential oils. Brushing was performed manually. Regimens were maintained for 1 week, after which the wires were removed and the oral biofilm was collected to quantify the number of organisms and their viability, determine the microbial composition and visualize the bacteria by electron microscopy. A 6-week washout period was employed between regimens. Biofilm formation was reduced on single-strand wires compared with multi-strand wires; bacteria were observed to adhere between the strands. The use of antibacterial toothpastes marginally reduced the amount of biofilm on both wire types, but significantly reduced the viability of the biofilm organisms. Additional use of the mouthrinse did not result in significant changes in biofilm amount or viability. However, major shifts in biofilm composition were induced by combining a stannous fluoride- or triclosan-containing toothpaste with the mouthrinse. These shifts can be tentatively attributed to small changes in bacterial cell surface hydrophobicity after the adsorption of the toothpaste components, which stimulate bacterial adhesion to the hydrophobic oil, as illustrated for a Streptococcus mutans strain

    Supervisión del desempeño técnico en tenis cuando la intensidad física es cada vez mayor mediante la prueba PTTF

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    Monitoring technical skills under increasing physical intensity is important for determining a player’s performance level in tennis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine to what extent the new Physical Technical Tennis-specific Field test (PTTF-test) was able to capture fluctuations in technical skill under increasing physical intensity in adolescent talented tennis players. Forty adolescent players (21 males, 19 females, mean age = 15.4 years) performed the PTTF-test until exhaustion (i.e., when they were not able to hit two subsequent oncoming balls with an adequate technique). Technical skills (stroke velocity, stroke accuracy, VA-index and percentage errors) were compared between physical intensity levels, age categories and genders. For all age categories and genders, physical intensity (heart rate) increased between the ‘BASELINE’-situation and the ‘FINAL’-situation (p<.001). All technical skills, i.e. stroke velocity, stroke accuracy, VA-index and percentage errors, decreased when comparing the FINAL intensity level to the BASELINE intensity level (p<.001). Players in older age categories (16+) reached a higher PTTFlevel and exhibited lower mean heart rates than players in the youngest age category (U14) in both the ‘BASELINE’-situation and the ‘FINAL’-situation depending on the level players reached (p<.010). These findings show that the PTTF-test is able to analyse and monitor the performance of technical skills under increasing physical intensity in adolescent talented tennis players.Supervisar las habilidades técnicas cuando la intensidad física es cada vez mayor es importante para determinar el nivel de desempeño de un jugador en tenis. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar hasta qué punto la nueva prueba de campo físico-técnica específica para el tenis (prueba PTTF) puede capturar las variaciones en la habilidad técnica en jugadores talentosos de tenis adolescentes cuando la intensidad física es cada vez mayor. Cuarenta jugadores adolescentes (21 hombres, 19 mujeres, edad media = 15,4 años) completaron la prueba PTTF hasta el fallo (cuando en recepción no eran capaces de golpear dos pelotas sucesivas con una técnica adecuada). Las habilidades técnicas (velocidad del golpe, precisión del golpe, velocidad y precisión de la pelota y el porcentaje de error) fueron comparadas entre los niveles de intensidad física, las categorías por edad y el sexo. Para todas las categorías de edad y sexos, la intensidad física (frecuencia cardíaca) aumentó entre la situación BASE y la situación FINAL (p<.001). Todas las habilidades técnicas, i.e. velocidad del golpe, precisión del golpe, velocidad y precisión de la pelota y porcentaje de error, disminuyeron al comparar el nivel de intensidad FINAL con el nivel de intensidad de BASE (p<.001). Los jugadores en las categorías de mayor edad (16+) alcanzaron un nivel PTTF más alto y mostraron frecuencias cardíacas menores que los jugadores en la categoría más joven (U14) tanto en la situación BASE como en la FINAL dependiendo del nivel que los jugadores alcanzaban (p<.010). Estos hallazgos muestran que la prueba PTTF es capaz de analizar y supervisar el desempeño de las habilidades técnicas cuando la intensidad física es cada vez mayor en jugadores adolescentes de tenis talentosos

    Inter-hospital transport of critically ill patients; expect surprises

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    INTRODUCTION: Inter-hospital transport of critically ill patients is increasing. When performed by specialized retrieval teams there are less adverse events compared to transport by ambulance. These transports are performed with technical equipment also used in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). As a consequence technical problems may arise and have to be dealt with on the road. In this study, all technical problems encountered while transporting patients with our mobile intensive care unit service (MICU) were evaluated. METHODS: From March 2009 until August 2011 all transports were reviewed for technical problems. The cause, solution and, where relevant, its influence on protocol were stated. RESULTS: In this period of 30 months, 353 patients were transported. In total 55 technical problems were encountered. We provide examples of how they influenced transport and how they may be resolved. CONCLUSION: The use of technical equipment is part of intensive care medicine. Wherever this kind of equipment is used, technical problems will occur. During inter-hospital transports, without extra personnel or technical assistance, the transport team is dependent on its own ability to resolve these problems. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of having some technical understanding of the equipment used and the importance of training to anticipate, prevent and resolve technical problems. Being an outstanding intensivist on the ICU does not necessarily mean being qualified for transporting the critically ill as well. Although these are lessons derived from inter-hospital transport, they may also apply to intra-hospital transport

    How central obesity influences intra-abdominal pressure:a prospective, observational study in cardiothoracic surgical patients

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    Background: Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is frequently present in critically ill patients and is an independent predictor for mortality. Better recognition of clinically important thresholds is necessary. Increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is associated with renal dysfunction, and renal failure is one of the most consistently described organ dysfunctions associated with IAH. Obesity is also associated with kidney injury. The underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Increased IAP may be a link in this association. The aim of this study was firstly to find the range in values of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) in cardiothoracic surgery patients a secondly to investigate the relationship between central obesity, body mass index (BMI) and IAP and thirdly to investigate the relationship between IAP, inflammation and renal function in this population. Methods: Consecutive adult patients admitted to the cardiothoracic unit of the intensive care unit (ICU) after undergoing elective cardiothoracic surgery were included in this prospective, observational study. C-reactive protein (CRP) as a marker of inflammation and serum creatinine as a marker of renal function were measured pre- and postoperatively. Estimated glomerular filtration rates were calculated pre-and postoperatively. BMI was calculated. Waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC) and transvesical IAP were measured once directly after admission to the ICU postoperatively. Waist/ hip ratio (WHR) was calculated (WC divided by HC). Three definitions of central obesity were used. Central obesity was defined according to WC, WHR or median WHR. Results: In total, 186 patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery were included. Mean IAP was 9.1 mmHg (SD 4.4). IAP = 12 mmHg was observed in 50 patients (26.9 %). IAP > 20 mmHg was measured in 4 patients (2.2 %). There was a positive correlation between IAP and BMI (r(2) = 0.05, p = 0.003). Correlations between IAP and WC (r(2) = 0.02, p = 0.054) and between IAP and WHR (r(2) = 0.01, p = 0.173) were not significant. There were no correlations between pre-or postoperative CRP and IAP (r(2) = 2.3 x 10(-4), p = 0.839 and r(2) = 0.013, p = 0.117, respectively). In obese patients postoperative CRP was significantly higher than in non-obese patients (p = 0.034). There were no correlations between pre-operative serum creatinine and IAP (r(2) = 3.3 x 10(-5), p = 0.938) or postoperative serum creatinine and IAP (r(2) = 0.003, p = 0.491). Conclusions: The range in IAP in patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery was wide. There was a positive correlation between IAP and BMI. Correlations between IAP and indices for central obesity were not significant. In a multiple regression model BMI was a better predictor of IAP than WHR in this population. There were no correlations between pre- or postoperative CRP and IAP. Furthermore, this study did not find evidence for a relation between IAP and pre- and postoperative serum creatinine

    Innovatieproject Hondsbossche Duinen : Eindrapportage, definitief 01

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    In 2015 is de Hondsbossche en Pettemer Zeewering (HPZ) versterkt met 35 miljoen kubieke meter zand. Dit gebied heet nu de ‘Hondsbossche Duinen (HD)’. Het ontwerp bestaat uit een zachte ondiepe vooroever (strand) met verschillende soorten duinhabitats. Deze gekoppelde systemen voorzien in de primaire veiligheid en realiseren tegelijkertijd de gevraagde ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Hiermee is de aanleg van de Hondsbossche Duinen een mooi voorbeeld van ‘Bouwen met Natuur’. Deze methode is niet vanzelfsprekend, en het is daarom van belang om te meten of de werking van het ontwerp overeenkomt met de verwachtingen. Het opzetten van een aan de HPZ gekoppeld innovatieproject heeft ons in staat gesteld om te leren in hoeverre we in staat zijn vooraf geformuleerde (natuurlijke) ontwerpdoelstellingen daadwerkelijk te realiseren. Dit type inzichten is onontbeerlijk voor een snellere, betere en goedkopere uitvoering van volgende versterkingsprojecten en het beheer van gerealiseerde projecte

    Clinical experience with severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2-related illness in children : hospital experience in Cape Town, South Africa

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    CITATION: van der Zalm, M. M. et al. 2021. Clinical Experience With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2-Related Illness in Children: Hospital Experience in Cape Town, South Africa. Clinical infectious diseases, 72(12):e938–e944. doi:10.1093/cid/ciaa1666The original publication is available at https://academic.oup.com/cid/Background: Children seem relatively protected from serious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-related disease, but little is known about children living in settings with high tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) burden. This study reflects clinical data on South African children with SARS-CoV-2. Methods: We collected clinical data of children aged <13 years with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 presenting to Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, between 17 April and 24 July 2020. Results: One hundred fifty-nine children (median age, 48.0 months [interquartile range {IQR}, 12.0-106.0 months]) were included. Hospitalized children (n = 62), with a median age of 13.5 months (IQR, 1.8-43.5 months) were younger than children not admitted (n = 97; median age, 81.0 months [IQR, 34.5-120.5 months]; P < .01.). Thirty-three of 159 (20.8%) children had preexisting medical conditions. Fifty-one of 62 (82.3%) hospitalized children were symptomatic; lower respiratory tract infection was diagnosed in 21 of 51 (41.2%) children, and in 11 of 16 (68.8%) children <3 months of age. Respiratory support was required in 25 of 51 (49.0%) children; 13 of these (52.0%) were <3 months of age. One child was HIV infected and 11 of 51 (21.2%) were HIV exposed but uninfected, and 7 of 51 (13.7%) children had a recent or new diagnosis of tuberculosis. Conclusions: Children <1 year of age hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 in Cape Town frequently required respiratory support. Access to oxygen may be limited in some low- and middle-income countries, which could potentially drive morbidity and mortality. HIV infection was uncommon but a relationship between HIV exposure, tuberculosis, and SARS-CoV-2 should be explored.https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciac266/6591403Publishers versio

    Contribution of SARS-CoV-2 infection preceding COVID-19 mRNA vaccination to generation of cellular and humoral immune responses in children

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    Primary COVID-19 vaccination for children, 5-17 years of age, was offered in the Netherlands at a time when a substantial part of this population had already experienced a SARS-CoV-2 infection. While vaccination has been shown effective, underlying immune responses have not been extensively studied. We studied immune responsiveness to one and/or two doses of primary BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination and compared the humoral and cellular immune response in children with and without a preceding infection. Antibodies targeting the original SARS-CoV-2 Spike or Omicron Spike were measured by multiplex immunoassay. B-cell and T-cell responses were investigated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assays. The activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was studied by flowcytometry. Primary vaccination induced both a humoral and cellular adaptive response in naive children. These responses were stronger in those with a history of infection prior to vaccination. A second vaccine dose did not further boost antibody levels in those who previously experienced an infection. Infection-induced responsiveness prior to vaccination was mainly detected in CD8+ T cells, while vaccine-induced T-cell responses were mostly by CD4+ T cells. Thus, SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to vaccination enhances adaptive cellular and humoral immune responses to primary COVID-19 vaccination in children. As most children are now expected to contract infection before the age of five, the impact of infection-induced immunity in children is of high relevance. Therefore, considering natural infection as a priming immunogen that enhances subsequent vaccine-responsiveness may help decision-making on the number and timing of vaccine doses