9,900 research outputs found

    Sphaleron transition rate in the classical 1+1 dimensional abelian Higgs model at finite temperature

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    We compute the sphaleron transition rate in the 1+1 dimensional abelian Higgs model at finite temperature, by real time simulation using the classical canonical ensemble.Comment: 3 pages to appear in the Proceedings of Lattice '93, Dallas, Texas, 12-16 October 1993, comes as a single postscript file (LaTeX source available from the authors), ITFA 93-3

    Impact and extinction signatures in complete Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary sections

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    The Zumaya, Caravaca and Agost sections in Spain, the El Kef section in Tunisia and the Negev (Nahal Avdat) sections in Israel are among the most continuous, expanded and complete K-T boundary sections. The distribution patterns of the planktic faunas were quantitatively analyzed in closely spaced samples across the K-T boundary in these sections, in conjuction with the geochemistry, stable isotopes, mineralogy and magnetostratigraphy. Three hundred foraminiferal specimens were randomly selected and determined. Reliable estimates for the foraminiferal productivity changes across the K-T boundary and for the 1 to 2 Ma interval preceding the K-T boundary were made from the numbers of individuals/gram of sediment corrected for the sedimentation rates (calculated from magnetic reversals and lithology). No gradual or stepwise extinction is seen below the K-T boundary nor any productivity decrease. Stable isotope analyses show a warming just after deposition of the ejecta layer, not cooling as predicted by nuclear winter scenarios, although the duration of such cooling may be too short to be observed even in these complete sections. Low REE values and cpx spherules with quench textures idential to quench-textures in diagenetically altered spherules, strongly indicate an oceanic site of (one of) the impactor(s)

    Modelling of the diffusion of carbon dioxide in polyimide matrices by computer simulation

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    Computer aided molecular modelling is used to visualize the motion of CO2 gas molecules inside a polyimide polymer matrix. The polymers simulated are two 6FDA-bases polyimides, 6FDA-4PDA and 6FDA-44ODA. These polymers have also been synthesized in our laboratory, and thus the simulated properties could directly be compared with “real-world” data. The simulation experiments have been performed using the GROMOS1 package. The polymer boxes were created using the soft-core method, with short (11 segments) chains. This results in highly relaxed and totally amorphous polyimide matrices. The motion of randomly placed CO2 molecules in the boxes during molecular dynamics runs was followed, revealing three types of motion: jumping, continuous- and trapped motion. The calculated diffusivities are unrealistic, but possible shortcomings in our model are given

    The fate of the Wilson-Fisher fixed point in non-commutative \phi^4

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    In this article we study non-commutative vector sigma model with the most general \phi^4 interaction on Moyal-Weyl spaces. We compute the 2- and 4-point functions to all orders in the large N limit and then apply the approximate Wilson renormalization group recursion formula to study the renormalized coupling constants of the theory. The non-commutative Wilson-Fisher fixed point interpolates between the commutative Wilson-Fisher fixed point of the Ising universality class which is found to lie at zero value of the critical coupling constant a_* of the zero dimensional reduction of the theory, and a novel strongly interacting fixed point which lies at infinite value of a_* corresponding to maximal non-commutativity beyond which the two-sheeted structure of a_* as a function of the dilation parameter disappears.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, v2:one reference adde

    Probing the Light Pseudoscalar Window

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    Very light pseudoscalars can arise from the symmetry-breaking sector in many extensions of the Standard Model. If their mass is below 200 MeV, they can be long-lived and have interesting phenomenology. We discuss the experimental constraints on several models with light pseudoscalars, including one in which the pseudoscalar is naturally fermiophobic. Taking into account the stringent bounds from rare K and B decays, we find allowed parameter space in each model that may be accessible in direct production experiments. In particular, we study the photoproduction of light pseudoscalars at Jefferson Lab and conclude that a beam dump experiment could explore some of the allowed parameter space of these models.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous Hall effect as a probe of the chiral order in spin glasses

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    Anomalous Hall effect arising from the noncoplanar spin configuration (chirality) is discussed as a probe of the chiral order in spin glasses. It is shown that the Hall coefficient yields direct information about the linear and nonlinear chiral susceptibilities of the spin sector, which has been hard to obtain experimentally from the standard magnetic measurements. Based on the chirality scenario of spin-glass transition, predictions are given on the behavior of the Hall resistivity of canonical spin glasses.Comment: Order estimate of the effect given, one reference added. To appear in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Investigation of the Domain Wall Fermion Approach to Chiral Gauge Theories on the Lattice

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    We investigate a recent proposal to construct chiral gauge theories on the lattice using domain wall fermions. We restrict ourselves to the finite volume case, in which two domain walls are present, with modes of opposite chirality on each of them. We couple the chiral fermions on only one of the domain walls to a gauge field. In order to preserve gauge invariance, we have to add a scalar field, which gives rise to additional light mirror fermion and scalar modes. We argue that in an anomaly free model these extra modes would decouple if our model possesses a so-called strong coupling symmetric phase. However, our numerical results indicate that such a phase most probably does not exist. ---- Note: 9 Postscript figures are appended as uuencoded compressed tar file.Comment: 27p. Latex; UCSD/PTH 93-28, Wash. U. HEP/93-6

    First Principles Calculation of Anomalous Hall Conductivity in Ferromagnetic bcc Fe

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    We perform a first principles calculation of the anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic bcc Fe. Our theory identifies an intrinsic contribution to the anomalous Hall conductivity and relates it to the k-space Berry phase of occupied Bloch states. The theory is able to account for both dc and magneto-optical Hall conductivities with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, author list correcte

    Isolation of a peptide in guinea pig liver homogenate and its turnover of leucine

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    Leucine was synthesized with C14 in the carboxyl group. 10 mg. of the radioactive amino acid (DL) and 0.66 gm. (wet weight) of guinea pig liver homogenate were added to a reaction mixture containing 1.3 per cent of an amino acid mixture corresponding to the composition of casein and 0.005 M fumarate, all in a final volume of 4 ml. of isotonic saline solution(1) at pH 7.4. The reaction was carried out under oxygen for 6 hours at 38°
