169 research outputs found

    Radiosensitizing potential of the selective cyclooygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor meloxicam on human glioma cells

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    The COX-2 protein is frequently overexpressed in human malignant gliomas. This expression has been associated with their aggressive growth characteristics and poor prognosis for patients. Targeting the COX-2 pathway might improve glioma therapy. In this study, the effects of the selective COX-2 inhibitor meloxicam alone and in combination with irradiation were investigated on human glioma cells in vitro. A panel of three glioma cell lines (D384, U87 and U251) was used in the experiments from which U87 cells expressed constitutive COX-2. The response to meloxicam and irradiation (dose-range of 0–6 Gy) was determined by the clonogenic assay, cell proliferation was evaluated by growth analysis and cell cycle distribution by FACS. 24–72 h exposure to 250–750 μM meloxicam resulted in a time and dose dependent growth inhibition with an almost complete inhibition after 24 h for all cell lines. Exposure to 750 μM meloxicam for 24 h increased the fraction of cells in the radiosensitive G2/M cell cycle phase in D384 (18–27%) and U251 (17–41%) cells. 750 μM meloxicam resulted in radiosensitization of D384 (DMF:2.19) and U87 (DMF:1.25) cells, but not U251 cells (DMF:1.08). The selective COX-2 inhibitor meloxicam exerted COX-2 independent growth inhibition and radiosensitization of human glioma cells

    Recruitment, augmentation and apoptosis of rat osteoclasts in 1,25-(OH)2D3 response to short-term treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3in vivo

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    Background Although much is known about the regulation of osteoclast (OC) formation and activity, little is known about OC senescence. In particular, the fate of of OC seen after 1,25-(OH)2D3 administration in vivo is unclear. There is evidence that the normal fate of OC is to undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death). We have investigated the effect of short-term application of high dose 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2D3) on OC apoptosis in an experimental rat model. Methods OC recruitment, augmentation and apoptosis was visualised and quantitated by staining histochemically for tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), double staining for TRAP/ED1 or TRAP/DAPI, in situ DNA fragmentation end labelling and histomorphometric analysis. Results Short-term treatment with high-dose 1,25-(OH)2D3 increased the recruitment of OC precursors in the bone marrow resulting in a short-lived increase in OC numbers. This was rapidly followed by an increase in the number of apoptotic OC and their subsequent removal. The response of OC to 1,25-(OH)2D3 treatment was dose and site dependent; higher doses producing stronger, more rapid responses and the response in the tibiae being consistently stronger and more rapid than in the vertebrae. Conclusions This study demonstrates that (1) after recruitment, OC are removed from the resorption site by apoptosis (2) the combined use of TRAP and ED1 can be used to identify OC and their precursors in vivo (3) double staining for TRAP and DAPI or in situ DNA fragmentation end labelling can be used to identify apoptotic OC in vivo

    Hemócitos de Bradybaena similaris e Megalobulimus abbreviatus (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora)

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    Hemocytes act in the defense system against invading organisms, foreign particles aiding the recognition of what is own to the body of gastropods and what is not. Information and studies on the hemocytes in species of mollusks healthy (no infections), especially in Bradybaena similaris (Fèrussac, 1821) and Megalobulimus abbreviatus (Bequaert, 1948) are scarce. Therefore, this work aims at characterization and quantification of hemocytes present in the hemolymph of these two species. In this work three cell types were identified in the hemolymph of both species: round cells, hyalinocytes and granulocytes. The three types of hemocytes were measured, and the average of total diameter and the nucleus for each was calculated. On B. similaris, the average diameter of round cells was 10.7 μm, of hyalinocytes was 20 μm and of granulocytes was 25.4 μm. On M. abbreviatus, the average diameter of round cells was 11.7 μm, of hyalinocytes was 21.5 μm and of granulocytes was 30.5 μm. Although the hyalinocytes have similar averages between B. similaris and M. abbreviatus, the cells were demonstrated significant differences in their total diameter and size of the nucleus (p<0.0001). The average density of cells per ml without distinction of cellular type was 197,813 cells/ml for M. abbreviatus, and 416,333 cells/ml for B. similaris. The most frequent hemocytes in M. abbreviatus and B. similaris were hyalinocytes, unlike other gastropods.Os hemócitos atuam no sistema de defesa contra organismos invasores e partículas estranhas, auxiliando o reconhecimento do que é próprio do corpo dos grastrópodes e o que não é. São escassas as informações e estudos sobre os hemócitos em espécies de moluscos saudáveis (sem infecções), principalmente em Bradybaena similaris (Fèrussac, 1821) and Megalobulimus abbreviatus (Bequaert, 1948). Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivos a caracterização e quantificação dos hemócitos presentes na hemolinfa destas duas espécies. Neste trabalho, foram identificados três tipos celulares na hemolinfa de ambas espécies: as células redondas, hialinócitos e granulócitos. Os três tipos de hemócitos foram medidos e foi calculada a média do diâmetro total e do núcleo para cada um deles. Para B. similaris, o diâmetro médio das células redondas foi de 10,7 μm, dos hialinócitos foi de 20 μm e dos granulócitos de 25,4 μm. Para M. abbreviatus, o diâmetro médio foi de 11,7 μm para as células redondas, de 21,5 μm para os hialinócitos e de 30,5 μm para os granulócitos. Embora os hialinócitos possuam médias parecidas entre B. similaris e M. abbreviatus, foram detectadas diferenças significativas do diâmetro celular total e diâmetro do núcleo (p<0,0001) dessas células entre as espécies estudadas. A densidade média de células por ml, sem distinção de tipo celular foi de 197.813 células/ml para M. abbreviatus, e de 416.333 células/ml para B. similaris. Diferentemente de outros gastrópodes, os hemócitos mais frequentes em M. abbreviatus e em B. similaris foram os hialinócitos

    Role of the Endogenous Antioxidant System in the Protection of Schistosoma mansoni Primary Sporocysts against Exogenous Oxidative Stress

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    Antioxidants produced by the parasite Schistosoma mansoni are believed to be involved in the maintenance of cellular redox balance, thus contributing to larval survival in their intermediate snail host, Biomphalaria glabrata. Here, we focused on specific antioxidant enzymes, including glutathione-S-transferases 26 and 28 (GST26 and 28), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), peroxiredoxin 1 and 2 (Prx1 and 2) and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), known to be involved in cellular redox reactions, in an attempt to evaluate their endogenous antioxidant function in the early-developing primary sporocyst stage of S. mansoni. Previously we demonstrated a specific and consistent RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of GST26 and 28, Prx1 and 2, and GPx transcripts, and an unexpected elevation of SOD transcripts in sporocysts treated with gene-specific double-stranded (ds)RNA. In the present followup study, in vitro transforming sporocysts were exposed to dsRNAs for GST26 and 28, combined Prx1/2, GPx, SOD or green-fluorescent protein (GFP, control) for 7 days in culture, followed by assessment of the effects of specific dsRNA treatments on protein levels using semi-quantitative Western blot analysis (GST26, Prx1/2 only), and larval susceptibility to exogenous oxidative stress in in vitro killing assays. Significant decreases (80% and 50%) in immunoreactive GST26 and Prx1/2, respectively, were observed in sporocysts treated with specific dsRNA, compared to control larvae treated with GFP dsRNA. Sporocysts cultured with dsRNAs for GST26, GST28, Prx1/2 and GPx, but not SOD dsRNA, were significantly increased in their susceptibility to H2O2 oxidative stress (60–80% mortalities at 48 hr) compared to GFP dsRNA controls (∼18% mortality). H2O2-mediated killing was abrogated by bovine catalase, further supporting a protective role for endogenous sporocyst antioxidants. Finally, in vitro killing of S. mansoni sporocysts by hemocytes of susceptible NMRI B. glabrata snails was increased in larvae treated with Prx1/2, GST26 and GST28 dsRNA, compared to those treated with GFP or SOD dsRNAs. Results of these experiments strongly support the hypothesis that endogenous expression and regulation of larval antioxidant enzymes serve a direct role in protection against external oxidative stress, including immune-mediated cytotoxic reactions. Moreover, these findings illustrate the efficacy of a RNAi-type approach in investigating gene function in larval schistosomes

    Epigenetic change in e-cardherin and COX-2 to predict chronic periodontitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>DNA methylation of certain genes frequently occurs in neoplastic cells. Although the cause remains unknown, many genes have been identified with such atypical methylation in neoplastic cells. The hypermethylation of E-Cadherin and Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) in chronic inflammation such as chronic periodontitis may demonstrate mild lesion/mutation epigenetic level. This study compares the hypermethylation status of E-Cadherin and COX-2 genes which are often found in breast cancer patients with that in chronic periodontitis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Total DNA was extracted from the blood samples of 108 systemically healthy non-periodontitis subjects, and the gingival tissues and blood samples of 110 chronic periodontitis patient as well as neoplastic tissues of 106 breast cancer patients. Methylation-specific PCR for E-Cadherin and COX-2 was performed on these samples and the PCR products were analyzed on 2% agarose gel.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hypermethylation of E-Cadherin and COX-2 was observed in 38% and 35% of the breast cancer samples, respectively. In chronic periodontitis patients the detection rate was 25% and 19% respectively, and none was found in the systemically healthy non-periodontitis control subjects. The hypermethylation status was shown to be correlated among the three groups with statistical significance (p < 0.0001). The methylation of CpG islands in E-Cadherin and COX-2 genes in periodontitis patients occurs more frequently in periodontitis patients than in the control subjects, but occurs less frequently than in the breast cancer patients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This set of data shows that the epigenetic change in E-Cadherin and Cyclooxygenase-2 is associated with chronic periodontitis. The epigenetic changes presented in chronic inflammation patients might demonstrate an irreversible destruction in the tissues or organs similar to the effects of cancer. Chronic periodontitis to some extent might be associated with DNA hypermethylation which is related to cancer risk factors.</p

    Expression of endothelia and lymphocyte adhesion molecules in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) in adult human lung

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    BACKGROUND: Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) is the secondary lymphoid tissue in bronchial mucosa and is involved in the development of bronchopulmonary immune responses. Although migration of lymphocytes from blood vessels into secondary lymphoid tissues is critical for the development of appropriate adaptive immunity, the endothelia and lymphocyte adhesion molecules that recruit specific subsets of lymphocytes into human BALT are not known. The aim of this study was to determine which adhesion molecules are expressed on lymphocytes and high endothelial venules (HEVs) in human BALT. METHODS: We immunostained frozen sections of BALT from lobectomy specimens from 17 patients with lung carcinoma with a panel of monoclonal antibodies to endothelia and lymphocyte adhesion molecules. RESULTS: Sections of BALT showed B cell follicles surrounded by T cells. Most BALT CD4+ T cells had a CD45RO+ memory phenotype. Almost all BALT B cells expressed alpha4 integrin and L-selectin. In contrast, 43% of BALT T cells expressed alpha4 integrin and 20% of BALT T cells expressed L-selectin. Almost all BALT lymphocytes expressed LFA-1. HEVs, which support the migration of lymphocytes from the bloodstream into secondary lymphoid tissues, were prominent in BALT. All HEVs expressed peripheral node addressin, most HEVs expressed vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, and no HEVs expressed mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1. CONCLUSION: Human BALT expresses endothelia and lymphocyte adhesion molecules that may be important in recruiting naive and memory/effector lymphocytes to BALT during protective and pathologic bronchopulmonary immune responses

    Exploring adaptive small and medium enterprises through the lens of open strategy

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    This chapter aims to develop a conceptual framework to probe evidence of open strategy phenomenon as being practiced by adaptive small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in manufacturing industry. Specifically, this study focuses on the act and doing of strategy communications, based on a set of readying and entrepreneuring practices, involving a plurality of internal and external actors (i.e. owner manager/ entrepreneur, middle managers, shop floor employees, suppliers). The empirical study is based on a deep collaboration with a Scottish SME that supplies outsourced bottling and packaging services to the Scotch Whisky industry through a seven-year longitudinal qualitative inquiry. This study finds that open strategy phenomenon is classified into transparent, participatory and inclusive practices. These nested open strategy practices are enacted progressively as particular events are unfolding during organizational lifecycle and renewal processes. Sustaining temporal openness in strategy is underpinned by important boundary readying practices in SMEs