1,481 research outputs found

    The regional airline industry

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    How is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Taught in Graduate Counseling Programs?

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how OCD is taught in graduate counseling programs. A quantitative approach with a qualitative element was used to explore the experiences of master’s-level counseling students learning about OCD as well as to examine specific information taught about OCD in graduate counseling programs. Participants completed the OCD Counselor Education Questionnaire to assess how OCD was taught in their diagnosis coursework. Quantitative survey questions were analyzed using a frequency analysis, and qualitative answers were analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed significant gaps in graduate counseling curriculum related to OCD symptomology, misdiagnosis, and evidence-based treatments, as well as an overall lack of education on OCD. This dissertation is available in open access at AURA (https://aura.antioch.edu) and OhioLINK ETD Center (https://etd.ohiolink.edu)

    Sektoriell konjunkturømfintlighet i det norske arbeidsmarkedet : en empirisk analyse av sammenhengen mellom aggregert produksjon og bransjespesifikk sysselsetting

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    Målsetningen for denne utredningen har vært å belyse bransjemessige ulikheter i norsk arbeidsliv vedrørende konjunkturfølsomhet. I den teoretiske delen redegjør vi for mulige opphav til disse forskjellene, samt presenterer relevant konjunkturteori. I den empiriske tilnærmingen ser vi på samvariasjonen mellom realøkonomien og sysselsetting i ulike deler av norsk næringsliv. Til dette benyttes aggregert BNP for fastlands Norge og antall utførte timeverk for 12 ulike enkelt-næringer. Sammenligningen tar utgangspunkt i en dekomponering av de aktuelle tidsseriene, der sykelkomponenten benyttes til å anslå næringsspesifikke konjunkturegenskaper. Analysen baserer seg på data for nyere norsk økonomi, hentet fra perioden 1978 til 2008. Resultatene viser en gjennomgående høy korrelasjon mellom sysselsetting og konjunkturutvikling. Vi finner imidlertid store forskjeller mellom næringer med hensyn til når den sterkeste korrelasjonen inntreffer. Industri, varehandel og hotell og restaurant viser den mest sammenfallende utviklingen med BNP, mens offentlig sektor og helse og sosialtjenester har en langt mer etterslepende tendens. Med hensyn til hvilke næringer som svinger mest ved konjunkturendring finner vi at bygg og anleggssektoren har høyest volatilitet. Samlet sett finner vi tydelige skiller mellom offentlig og privat sektor, og mellom skjermet og konkurranseutsatt virksomhet. For å måle bransjespesifikk treghet i arbeidsmarkedet har vi avslutningsvis gjort en tilnærming til estimeringen av Okuns koeffisient. Resultatene viser at sammenhengen i Okuns lov holder på aggregert nivå for total Norge, men at koeffisientene gir lite verdifull informasjon når det benyttes en bransjemessig tilnærming

    Structural and metabolic studies of carbohydrates in algae

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    Investigation of the Carbohydrates synthesised by the marine green alga Ace tabulara a crenulata. By means of sequential extractions with different solvents the following carbohydrates were isolated and characterised. 1. From an alcoholic extract D-glucose, D-fructose, allulose, myo-inositol and an alcohol tentatively identified as allo-quercitol. This is only the second time allulose has been found in Nature and the first time in any alga. An homologous series of fructose-containing oligosaccharides were also separated and characterised as 2,1 linked units terminated by a molecule of sucrose at the potential reducing end.2, Aqueous extraction gave a mixture of a fructan (major) and a sulphated heteropolysaccharide.a) These two polysaccharides were separated on a column of DEAE-cellulose. Using the classical techniques the fructan was characterised as an inulin type polysaccharide,b) (i) The sulphated polysaccharide contained D-glucuronic acid, B-galactose, L-rhamnose and small proportions of xylose and 4-0-methylgalactose. Each of the sugars were separated and characterised. The presence of the last sugar has not been reported as a constituent of any green algal polysaccharide before,(ii) By extraction of stalks and caps separately with cold and hot water and elution from the DEAE-cellulose with 0.5 and 1.0 M potassium chloride similar sulphated polysaccharideswith variable proportions of the different sugars and portions of sulphate were separated.(iii) Structural studies by partial desulphation, methylation, periodate oxidation and partial hydrolysis established the essential similarity of these fractions and that the main structural features are: highly branched molecules containing1,3-linked D-galactose 4-sulphate (major) and 6-sulphate, 1,2-linked Larhamnose and glucuronic acid, galactose and rhamnose all present as end groups. Glucuronic acid is linked to both rhamnose and galactose and galactose units are mutually linked in the macromoiecule. 3. linked mannan was extracted with alkali. Methylation,periodate oxidation and gel filtration studies proved this structure and indicated some degree of branching and a higher molecular weight than those of previously reported for mannans from green algae.PART IIPhotosynthetic studies on 1. Acetabularia mediterranea, 2. Fucusvesiculosus and 3. Ulva lactuca1. Pulse labelling experiments with C0 on A.mediterraneafollowed by ethanolic extraction led to the separation of labelled sucrose, glucose, fructose and the first three oligosaccharides characterised in Part 1 (l). A possible biosynthetic inter-conversion of these carbohydrates is described from the results of these experiments. 2. a) Pulse labelling experiments with C0 on Fucus vesiculosas a marine bcrown alga, show that of the low molecular weight carbohydrates formed by photosynthesis, mannitol is formed first The possible conversion of mannitol into laminaran via mono-and di- glucosylmannitol is discussed*b) The polysaccharides, laminaran, xylogalactofucoglucuronan (A), xylogluouronogalactofucan (B), fucoidan (C) and alginic acid were extracted and separated by various fractionation techniques. The radioactivity in each was measured as was the radioactivity in the constituent sugars of the fucose-containing polysaccharides (all of which are sulphated). From the changes in the radioactivity of these polysaccharides in different samples it is postulated that (a) is synthesised first and transformed into (C) via (B).Low molecular weight carbohydrates present in the acid extract are suggested as precursors for the acid polysaccharides. The residual material after acid and alkali extraction was hydrolysed and the radioactivity of the sugars in the hydrolysate wasivmeasured. Glucose was the major radioactive sugar.3. Ulva lactuca, a marine green alga. Similar experiments on U.lactuca were carried out.a) Examination of the 80% ethanol extracts showed that sucrose is the first sugar to be synthesised and this is followed by glucose and fructose. Xylose, ribose(?) and myo-inositol also incorporated radioactivity.b) Starch and a sulphated glucuronoxylcrharrman were extractedand their radioactivities were measured. The former appears to be synthesised most rapidly and to be an active metabolite and the sulphated polysaccharide is laid down as a long term storage product or as part of the skeletal structure of the alga.c) The residual material after ethanolic and aqueous extractions was examined in the same way. Glucose is again the major sugar and the results indicate that the carbohydrate is laid down in the cell wall after other constituents.<p

    Ethnopharmacological survey of six medicinal plants from Mali, West-Africa

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    An ethnopharmacological survey was carried out to collect information about the use of six medicinal plants in the regions around Siby and Dioila, Mali. The plants investigated were Biopyhtum petersianum, Cola cordifolia, Combretum molle, Opilia celtidifolia, Parkia biglobosa and Ximenia americana

    LGBT Issues in Norwegian Textbooks

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    In Norway, a model for schools’ teaching about LGBT issues is chosen where the responsibility is divided between different school subjects: social science, natural science, RLE2 (religion, philosophies of life and ethics), Norwegian and English. This article looks at how this is implemented in the textbooks. 129 text-books in Norwegian primary and lower secondary education (grades 1–10) are analysed. Of these, 246 textbook pages included LGBT issues. In this article, I discuss how LGBT issues are included in Norwegian textbooks and how the divided responsibility between school subjects work. The most striking finding is that of the five subjects, English and Norwegian have the least demanding curriculum goals, but still the largest number of pages related to LGBT issues. The inclusion of fictional voices makes possible a nomadic perspective (observing issues from multiple perspectives). It is also striking that about half of the textbook pages are in 10th grade textbooks. Heteronormativity is still a problem, and bisexual and transgendered people are far less visible than lesbian and gay people are.

    Særlig viktig for barn med atferdsvansker? - en evaluering av LP-modellen 2012-2014, med fokus på barns atferd i et kontekstperspektiv.

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    Mastergradsoppgave i tilpasset opplæring, avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Høgskolen i Hedmark, 2015.Norsk: Denne oppgaven bygger på en evaluering av LP-modellen, prosjekt læringsmiljø og pedagogisk analyse, 2012 - 2014. Datamaterialet er samlet inn av SePU (Senter for praksisrettet utdanningsforskning) ved Høgskolen i Hedmark på til sammen 39 skoler. SePU har også bistått meg i klargjøring av mitt materiale, der jeg har anvendt det kvantitative dataanalyseverktøyet SPSS. Utvalget jeg har plukket ut er de elevene som melder om atferdsvansker før implementering av LP-modellen i 2012. Så har jeg funnet igjen de samme elevene etter to år, og sammenlignet deres utvikling med hensyn til atferd, trivsel, relasjon lærer – elev og skolefaglige resultater med resten av utvalget. Mitt utgangspunkt er at vi i skolen har et for sterkt individperspektiv på å forstå og håndtere atferdsvansker i skolen. Jeg har tro på at tettere lærersamarbeid i analysegrupper etter LP-modellen kan bidra til et sterkere fokus på at atferdsvansker oppstår i en kontekst, og at tiltak for å endre atferd må ta utgangspunkt i å sette inn tiltak i denne konteksten. I dette ligger også et fokus på teorien om rasjonelle valg, der elevene er aktører og deres atferd er rasjonelle valg som bygger på deres virkelighetsoppfatning (Nordahl, 2006). Dette er grunnlaget for følgende hypotese: Barn som viser problematferd i skolen vil i større grad enn andre profitere på et systematisk arbeid på skolene bygd på LP-modellen. Ut fra dette har jeg formulert følgende problemstilling: Vil arbeidet etter LP-modellen bidra til å utjevne forskjeller og være til hjelp for barn som viser atferdsvansker i skolen? Jeg er opptatt av den sterke sammenhengen i Norge mellom sosial og kulturell bakgrunn, atferd og læringsutbytte. I dette perspektivet er Bourdies kulturteori og Honneth sine teorier om anerkjennelse sentrale. Disse teoriene er også viktige for analysen i masteroppgava. Jeg har også vært opptatt av hva nyere teori og empiri forteller oss om hva som kjennetegner skoler som lykkes godt. Gjennom oppgava har jeg prøvd å vise at kulturteori bør ha en sterkere posisjon i LP-modellen gjennom å knytte dette opp mot anerkjennelsesbegrepet. Sosial anerkjennelse henger sammen med i hvilken grad de egenskaper eller det som karakteriserer oss som individ eller gruppe blir tillagt positiv betydning, særlig på de områder som skiller oss fra andre (Gitz-Johansen, 2009). Mine resultater viser en meget positiv utvikling når det gjelder hvordan barn med atferdsvansker vurderer endring av egen atferd fra 2012 – 2014. Det er ikke like store funn på de andre elevvurderte områdene, men vi kan ane en positiv utvikling også når det gjelder trivsel og relasjon lærer – elev sammenlignet med resten av elevene. Når det gjelder skolefaglige resultater viser kontaktlærernes svar en tendens til at man har stanset en negativ utvikling for barna med atferdsvansker.English: This master thesis is an implementation of the LP-model (project learning environment and pedagogic analyse) from 2012 – 2014. The material has been collected by SePU (The Centre for Studies of Educational Practice) from 39 schools all together. SePU has also assisted me to elucidate my material by using the analyse tool SPSS. I have chosen to focus on pupils who have announced behaviour disorder before the implementation of the LP-model in 2012. Thereafter I compared the same pupils two years later, regarding behaviour, well-being, teacher-pupil relation and learning outcome, with the rest of the selection from the same study in 2012. My origin for this master thesis is a perception of a large focus on behavioural disorder as individual problems. I believe that a closer cooperation between teachers in analyse groups may contribute to a larger focus on behavioural disorder as something that happens in a context, and that efforts to change behaviour needs to take this context as a starting point. In this way of thinking, you implement the theory of rational choices, where the pupils’ behaviour reflects their reality. This was also the origin of the following hypothesis: Children that show behavioural problems in schools will profit on a systematic work in schools that focus on the LP-model. I want to find out if the LP-model will contribute to compensate differences and to help “the vulnerable children” that shows behaviour disorder in school. Furthermore, I want to emphasize the strong relation between social and cultural background, behaviour and learning outcome, in Norway. In this perspective I have used Bourdie´s theory of cultural capital and Honneth´s theory of recognition. I have used these theories as a background when I have studied what newer theory and empiric material tells us about what characterize schools that succeed. In this master thesis I have tried to show why cultural theory should have a stronger position in the LP-model. My results show a very positive development when it comes to vulnerable children´s behaviour from 2012 – 2014. The results show less development on some of the other areas, but we can suspect a positive development regarding well-being and teacher-pupil relations, compared to rest of the pupils. When it comes to learning outcome, the most important feature is how it has avoided a negative development

    A Tripartite Cooperation? The Challenges of School-University Collaboration in Mathematics Teacher Education in Norway

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    One goal of Norway’s new primary teacher education programme of 2010 was improved school placement: the relationship between the teacher education institution, practice schools and pre-service teachers was to be formalized as a tripartite cooperation. However, in the area of mathematics education, cooperation is not straightforward: tensions arise because of pre-service teachers’ prior experience and beliefs, and differences between university college training and school practice. This paper reports on questionnaire data and focus group interviews with first-year pre-service teachers and their mentors following school placement. It illustrates the complexity of the partners hip and its impact on pre-service teachers’ professional development in the area of mathematics.Norges forskningsråd 21226