32 research outputs found

    Measurement of an individual entrepreneur's social capital: a multidimensional model

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    The aim of this paper is twofold. First of all, we participate in the open discussion on the nature of social capital and we show that the one-dimensional approach is not enough to capture the complex nature of social capital. Second, we present, implement and validate a specific three-dimensional measurement tool that can be used to analyze the role of social capital in further entrepreneurship research. The measurement tool is implemented through a Structural Equation Model, which is estimated and validated from a database including information from 282 Argentinean entrepreneurs who answered a questionnaire specifically designed for this research. Our measurement model considers the dimensions proposed by Koka and Prescott (Strategic Management Journal, 23:795-816, 2002), i.e. relational, resources and structural.Fil: Fornoni, Mariel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Arribas, Iván. Universitat de València; España.Fil: Vila, José E. Universitat de València; España

    O estilo de vida do cliente com hipertensão arterial e o cuidado com a saúde El estilo de vida del cliente con hipertensión y el cuidado con la salud The arterial hypertension patient's life style and the health care

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    Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo descrever os componentes da história de vida do sujeito que influenciam o cuidado com a saúde. A pesquisa é quantitativa, e sua amostragem é de 220 clientes adultos e idosos de uma Unidade de Saúde de Niterói-RJ. Quatro temáticas foram analisadas: características do grupo, hábitos de vida, comportamentos aditivos e estado emocional. 50% dos clientes tinham entre 50 e 70 anos; 38%, mais de 70 anos. 81% eram do sexo feminino. 65% possuíam o 1º grau incompleto. 54% não praticavam atividades físicas. 46% dos sujeitos já fizeram uso de tabaco. 37% fizeram uso de bebida alcoólica. 41% dos sujeitos consideravam-se tranqüilos, e 59% apresentavam transtornos emocionais. 27% não realizavam atividades de lazer. O estilo de vida é fundamental para a promoção e manutenção da qualidade de saúde, e isso requer estratégias de trabalhos adequadas aos aspectos psicossociais do sujeito.<br>Esta pesquisa ten como objectivos describir los componentes de la história de vida del sujeito que influencian el cuidado con la salud. La investigación és cuantitativa. La muestra fué 220 clientes adultos y ancianos de una Unidad de Salud de Niterói-RJ. Cuatro temáticas fueron analisadas: característica del grupo, hábitos de vida, comportamientos adictivos y estado emocional. 50% de los clientes tenían entre 50 a 70 años, 38% con más de 70 años. 81% era del sexo femenino. 65% tenían el 1º grado incompleto. 54% no praticaban actividades físicas. 46% de los sujeitos habían usado tabaco. 37% usó bebida alcohólica. 41% de los sujetos considéranse tranquilos y 59% presentan transtornos emocionales. 27% no practican actividades de lazer. El estilo de vida és fundamental para la promoción y manutención de la cualidad de salud y eso requiere estrategias de trabajo adecuadas aos aspectos psicosociales del sujeto.<br>The goal is: to research the life history components' patient that influences the care with health. This is a quantitative research. The sample was 220 adult and elder patients in a Health Unit at Niterói-RJ. Four themes were analyzed: group feature, life habit, additional behavior and emotional state. 50% of the patients were from 50 until 70 years old, 38% were more than 70 years old, 81% were feminine sex, 65% have been not completed the first degree, 54% don't practice exercises, 46% have already used tobacco, 37% have been used booze, 41% profess to be peaceful, 59% reports emotional disarrays and 27% don't practice leisure activities. The life style is fundamental to promote and maintain health quality and it necessitate job strategy in keeping with patient psychosocial aspects

    A classification system based on a new wrapper feature selection algorithm for the diagnosis of primary and secondary polycythemia

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    Primary and Secondary Polycythemia are diseases of the bone marrow that affect the blood's composition and prohibit patients from becoming blood donors. Since these diseases may become fatal, their early diagnosis is important. In this paper, a classification system for the diagnosis of Primary and Secondary Polycythemia is proposed. The proposed system classifies input data into three classes; Healthy, Primary Polycythemic (PP) and Secondary Polycythemic (SP) and is implemented using two separate binary classification levels. The first level performs the Healthy/non-Healthy classification and the second level the PP/SP classification. To this end, a novel wrapper feature selection algorithm, called the LM-FM algorithm, is presented in order to maximize the classifier's performance. The algorithm is comprised of two stages that are applied sequentially: the Local Maximization (LM) stage and the Floating Maximization (FM) stage. The LM stage finds the best possible subset of a fixed predefined size, which is then used as an input for the next stage. The FM stage uses a floating size technique to search for an even better solution by varying the initially provided subset size. Then, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used for the discrimination of the data at each classification level. The proposed classification system is compared with various well-established feature selection techniques such as the Sequential Floating Forward Selection (SFFS) and the Maximum Output Information (MOI) wrapper schemes, and with standalone classification techniques such as the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and SVM classifier. The proposed LM-FM feature selection algorithm combined with the SVM classifier increases the overall performance of the classification system, scoring up to 98.9% overall accuracy at the first classification level and up to 96.6% at the second classification level. Moreover, it provides excellent robustness regardless of the size of the input feature subset used. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A problemática do cuidador familiar do portador de acidente vascular cerebral La problemática del cuidador familiar con el portador de accidente cerebral vascular The problematic aspects of the family caregiver of people who suffered strokes

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    Objetivou-se identificar a problemática da família de pessoas acometidas de acidente vascular cerebral hospitalizadas e discutir as dificuldades do cuidador familiar para o cuidado no âmbito domiciliar. A amostra constou de 154 famílias de pacientes internados em um hospital da rede pública de saúde, Fortaleza-CE. Conforme os resultados denotam, a maioria dos cuidadores são mulheres, 104 (67,5%); 122 casos (79,2%) apresentam comprometimento familiar e alterações na vida diária em 115 dos acompanhantes (74,7%); 150 (97,4%) não receberam orientações acerca dos cuidados, mas 143 (92,9%) sentem-se seguros para acompanhá-los. O sentimento predominante foi a tristeza, 125 (81,2%), e as dúvidas principais foram: alimentação, 64 (41,6%), administração de medicamentos, 49 (29,9%), e possíveis complicações clínicas após a alta, 49 (29,9%). Estes resultados alertam para o papel do enfermeiro como educador, não somente na prevenção das doenças crônico-degenerativas, mas, também, na orientação aos cuidadores familiares sobre os cuidados dispensados após a alta hospitalar.<br>El objetivo fue identificar la problemática de la familia de personas acometidas de accidente vascular cerebral hospitalizadas y discutir las dificultades del cuidador familiar en el ámbito domiciliar. La muestra fue constituida por 154 familias de pacientes internados en un hospital de la red pública de salud, en Fortaleza, CE. Conforme los resultados denotan, la mayoría de los cuidadores son mujeres, 104 (67,5%), 122 casos (79,2%) presentan comprometimiento familiar y alteraciones en la vida diaria en 115 de los acompañantes (74,7%); 150 (97,4%) no recibieron orientaciones acerca de los cuidados; sin embargo 143 (92,9%) se sienten seguros para acompañarlos. El sentimiento predominante fue la tristeza, 125 (81,2%), y las dudas principales fueron: alimentación, 64 (41,6%), administración de medicamentos, 49 (29,9%), y posibles complicaciones clínicas después del alta hospitalaria, 49 (29,9%). Estos resultados alertan sobre el papel del enfermero como educador, en la prevención de las enfermedades crónico degenerativas, y también la orientación dada a los cuidadores familiares sobre los cuidados a ser realizados después del alta hospitalaria.<br>The purpose of this study was to identify the problematic aspects of the families of people who were hospitalized because of strokes, and discuss the difficulties of the family caregiver toward household care. The sample consisted of 154 families of patients admitted in a public hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará state, Brazil. The results showed that most caregivers are women, 104 (67.5%); 122 cases (79.2%) showed family commitment and changes in the daily life of 115 accompanying partners (74.7%); 150 (97.4%) were not instructed about the care, but 143 (92.9%) felt safe to provide care. The predominant feeling was sadness, in 125 (81.2%) of the subjects, and the main doubts were: eating habits, 64 (41.6%); administering medication, 49 (29.9%); and possible clinical complications after discharge, 49 (29.9%). These results are worth noting for the nurse's role as an educator, not only regarding the prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases, but also concerning delivering instructions to family caregivers about providing care after hospital discharge