13 research outputs found


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    Dynamiku v obsahu anorganického dusíka (Nan = N-NH4 + + N-NO3 -) pôdy sme sledovali v rámci ekologickej a integrovanej sústavy hospodárenia v rokoch 1991-1993 v teplej klimatickej oblasti na hlinitej hnedozemi. Pôdu sme obrábali konvenčne (orba do 0,24 m) a minimálne (orba do 0,12-0,15 m). Dynamiku Nan sme sledovali do hĺbky 0,60 m v dvoch vrstvách: 0,00-0,30 m a 0,30-0,60 m. Sledované hĺbky orby (0,24 m a 0,12-0,15 m) nemali výraznejší vplyv na obsah anorganického dusíka v pôde, preto vhodnosť minimalizácie cestou zmenšovania hĺbky orby nevylučujeme, naopak, takáto minimalizácia môže mať vysoko pozitívny vplyv na ekonomiku hospodárenia – šetrenia energiou, pracovnými nákladmi a pod. Potvrdili sme rozhodujúci vplyv agroklimatických faktorov na dynamiku obsahu oboch anorganických foriem dusíka v pôde, ako aj primárny význam organickej hmoty pre ich uvoľňovanie.During the period of 1991-1993 in the field experiment, the effect of different soil management (tillage 0,24 m and tillage 0,12-0,15 m) in ecological and integration management system on changes of inorganic nitrogen (Nan = N-NH4 + + N-NO3 -) content in the soil layer from 0 up to 0,6 m of the soil depth (0,00-0,30 m and 0,30- 0,60 m) were studied. Trials were held in a warm climatic zone of the South – Western Slovakia on the brown soil. Different soil management systems (tillage 0,24 m and tillage 0,12-0,15 m) considerably did not affected ammonification and nitrification processes in the soil. The sustainability of minimalization via shallow ploughing is not excluded, on the contrary this minimalization may have high a positive influence on economic saving the energy, labour costs, etc. The quantitative and qualitative changes of studied form of N were significantly effected by weather and soil depth. Soil content of N-NH4 + and N-NO3 - was in negative correlation with soil depth


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    The development of a transparent cold-shook-resistant epoxy casting resin is discussed. Physical and electrical properties are presented. A simple inexpensive test method for determining cold-shock-resistance is described. (auth

    Evaluation of Microbiome-Host Relationships in the Zebrafish Gastrointestinal System Reveals Adaptive Immunity Is a Target of Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) Exposure

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    To improve physical characteristics of plastics such as flexibility and durability, producers enrich materials with phthalates such as di-2-(ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). DEHP is a high production volume chemical associated with metabolic and immune disruption in animals and humans. To reveal mechanisms implicated in phthalate-related disruption in the gastrointestinal system, male and female zebrafish were fed DEHP (3 ppm) daily for two months. At the transcriptome level, DEHP significantly upregulated gene networks in the intestine associated with helper T cells' (Th1, Th2, and Th17) specific pathways. The activation of gene networks associated with adaptive immunity was linked to the suppression of networks for tight junction, gap junctional intercellular communication, and transmembrane transporters, all of which are precursors for impaired gut integrity and performance. On a class level, DEHP exposure increased Bacteroidia and Gammaproteobacteria and decreased Verrucomicrobiae in both the male and female gastrointestinal system. Further, in males there was a relative increase in Fusobacteriia and Betaproteobacteria and a relative decrease in Saccharibacteria. Predictive algorithms revealed that the functional shift in the microbiome community, and the metabolites they produce, act to modulate intestinal adaptive immunity. This finding suggests that the gut microbiota may contribute to the adverse effects of DEHP on the host by altering metabolites sensed by both intestinal and immune Th cells. Our results suggest that the microbiome-gut-immune axis can be modified by DEHP and emphasize the value of multiomics approaches to study microbiome-host interactions following chemical perturbations

    The uncertain and differentiated impact of EU law on national (private) health insurance regulations

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    The present chapter seeks to analyze the impact of EU law on private health insurance at national level. Does EU law have a vertical impact leading to a rather standardized situation or can we observe a more contrasted landscape? The chapter proposes a two-sided approach: on the one hand, a study of EU internal market law that frames and aims to regulate the health insurance market; on the other hand, a comparative overview of various national arrangements as far as health insurance marketization is concerned. Two main results are brought out. First, though EU law appears to be a "matrix" for private health insurance activity, it is actually rather flexible so that there is latitude for national regulation of the PHI market. This generates some uncertainty. Second, there are various forms of arrangements at national level relating to health coverage, and this is why the impact of EU law is differentiated.Marché du risque santé : construction, gouvernance, innovation social