16 research outputs found

    Active Transportation Research at Northern Arizona University

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    Dr. Smaglik is currently working on three separate transportation research projects at Northern Arizona University. This talk will touch briefly on each of the three projects, the concepts behind them, workplans, and expected deliverables. The projects include work with the Oregon DOT on the impact of less than optimal vehicle detection on adaptive control algorithms, development of a ped priority algorithm through a NITC project (as a Portland State subcontractor), and internally funded work on a power harvesting traffic sensor.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/trec_seminar/1087/thumbnail.jp

    Vendor Comparison of Video Detection Systems

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    Video detection has become increasingly popular for presence detection at signalized intersections because of its versatility. However, several reports have documented performance problems in specific systems. This paper quantifies the performance of three different commercially available video detection systems. The systems were tested in May and September 2005 for presence detection accuracy. Prior to the May 2005 test, a representative from each vendor configured the video detection zones to match the loop detection zone as closely as possible. The outputs from the loop detection for the through-right and left-turn lane groups were compared with the corresponding output from each of the video detection systems. Whenever there was a discrepancy between the loop and video, a digital video was observed to determine the cause of the discrepancy. Missed calls and false calls were categorized for each system. The errors were also categorized according to the impact that they would have on signal operations. During a 24hr test on two separate days, the number of missed detections longer than 5 seconds ranged from 9 to 147, and the number of false calls longer than 5 seconds ranged from 16 to 149

    Evaluation of Sidewalk Autonomous Delivery Robot Interactions with Pedestrians and Bicyclists [Research Brief]

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    69A3551747109Information and communication technology advancements and an increased demand for contactless deliveries following the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak resulted in the growing adoption of automated delivery services. In this research project, we examine the impacts that sidewalk autonomous delivery robots (SADRs) have on the objective safety and perceived comfort of pedestrians and bicyclists who share pathways with this last-mile food delivery service that has been deployed on college campuses

    Evaluation of Sidewalk Autonomous Delivery Robot Interactions with Pedestrians and Bicyclists

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    69A3551747109Information and communication technology advancements and an increased demand for contactless deliveries after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak have resulted in the growing adoption of automated delivery services. Across university campuses, the deployment of sidewalk autonomous delivery robots (SADRs) has provided students, staff, and faculty a convenient last-mile delivery option. However, SADRs traverse campuses on paths designed for pedestrians and bicyclists, which could potentially result in conflicts among different pathway users and unsafe travel conditions. This report\u2014comprising two studies\u2014offers evidence on the objective safety and perceived comfort experienced by pedestrians and bicyclists interacting with SADRs on multi-use paths. In the first study, SADR interactions with human pathway users observed via field-recorded video collected at Northern Arizona University (NAU) campus were examined by employing the surrogate safety measure of post-encroachment time. The second study analyzed the reported comfort of SADR-involved interactions filmed from pedestrian and bicyclist perspectives and collected via the administration of a survey instrument to an NAU population with experience in the adoption of automated food delivery services and SADR-involved interactions. This report\u2019s findings are intended to help inform new facility management strategies that support the safe introduction of SADRs on shared-use facilities in current and future settings

    Enhanced tactical and strategic control methods for traffic signal operation

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    State of the practice signal timing techniques used at isolated actuated controlled intersections often result in sub-optimal operation. This thesis proposes two new tactical control algorithms and two new strategic procedures. The first tactical control algorithm implements gap out logic on a lane by lane basis. In comparison with traditional movement based detection, observed green times were reduced by 5% with a 51&feet; stop bar detection zone and 2.4% with a 6&feet; advance detector. A second tactical control algorithm integrated real time stop bar presence detection with real-time flow rate information to identify a downstream flow restriction. If a flow restriction was identified, a phase with a constant call could be terminated earlier than the specified maximum or split time. This algorithm was validated by using the real-time data to predict downstream bottleneck conditions and then viewing the archived video for confirmation of the condition. In 88% of the cases, visual inspection confirmed the algorithm made the appropriate choice. The real-time flow rate information was also used to estimate real-time volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratios that could be used as input into a strategic control algorithm. Data was collected to confirm public reports of a short left turn phase and identify during which time periods this occurred. As a result, a 5 second split reallocation was implemented. Graphs illustrating before and after performance document the impact of this change.* *This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following system requirements: Windows MediaPlayer or RealPlayer

    Pilot Study on Real-Time Calculation of Arrival Type for Assessment of Arterial Performance

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    The Highway Capacity Manual uses the arrival type (AT) as a mechanism to account for the quality of traffic signal coordination in the calculation of delay at a signalized intersection. Although there is much discussion in the literature regarding the accuracy and precision of this approach, the AT parameter provides a simple mechanism for grading the performance of traffic signal coordination. This paper describes data collection limitations of current traffic signal controllers and proposes a procedure where the AT parameter can be calculated by traffic signal controllers in real time. Given that the nation received a score of 61 out of a possible 100 points for coordinated systems on the National Traffic Signal Report Card, this method is particularly timely as it provides an easily obtainable quantitative measure of traffic signal coordination. Data from a coordinated system in Noblesville, Ind., is analyzed and presented in a format that can be used to assess arterial performance. Results from the test site show that the quality of progression of the northbound approach was “favorable” to “highly favorable” during the p.m. coordinated period (peak direction) and “random” to “favorable” during the a.m. coordinated period (off-peak direction). As expected, the quality of progression for the northbound approach during noncoordinated periods and the southbound approach (which is approximately 1.6 km from the nearest upstream signal) during all periods was generally found to be “random.

    Health Monitoring Procedures for Freeway Traffic Sensors, Volume 1: Research Report

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    An important component of any ITS system is the network of sensors used to monitor the traffic performance throughout the freeway system. These freeway sensors are used to alert Traffic Management Center (TMC) dispatchers to incidents and to predict travel times for roadway users. Data quality is essential to maintain peak TMC operational efficiency and to maintain the public’s confidence in the information. The large number of sensors and data produced on a daily basis makes the use of human groundtruthing nearly impossible. Therefore an automated ongoing sensor data quality monitoring process must be implemented to identify the sensors in most need of attention. This project proposes a system-wide heuristic approach to station health monitoring based on the principles of the “Six Sigma Process” and DMAIC Model for error identification and control. A test location on I-65 was outfitted with three different sensors; two side-fire radar sensors and 3M Microloop sensors. Data was collected and analyzed to assess the quality of sensor data, using performance metrics based on volume, speed, occupancy and Average Effective Vehicle Length comparison. This study recommends combining sensor outputs into the single Average Effective Vehicle Length (AEVL) metric. Combined with the use of historical values and heuristic site knowledge the AEVL metric can provide a good tool for initial data quality control monitoring. Additional control efforts involve the use of portable side-fire radar units for temporarysensor co-location

    Improving Walkability Through Control Strategies at Signalized Intersections

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    As cities and communities nationwide seek to develop Complete Streets that foster livability and accommodate all modes, signal timing control strategies that include pedestrians in the operational decision process are gaining importance. This research tested several efficiency-focused pedestrian treatments – coordination, actuated-coordination, free operation, short cycle lengths – and safety-focused treatment including leading pedestrian intervals and Barnes Dance. Using a software-in-the-loop simulation, the operational impacts of these treatments on all users (vehicles, heavy vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians) at an intersection were evaluated. Results showed that among the efficiency-based treatments, free operation was most beneficial for reducing minor-street pedestrian delays. Both safety treatments increased major-street vehicle delays. A new pedestrian priority algorithm is proposed and developed, which is designed to prioritize pedestrian service under certain traffic conditions. The algorithm is designed to analyze field data and change the user-defined operational strategy to match the conditions in the field. The developed algorithm was deployed at three separate locations, two of which used a Raspberry Pi device and one used the onboard logic processor of the ASC/3 controller. Before-and-after data analysis showed that the algorithm was successful in reducing pedestrian delay. While this research provides field-implementable solutions for reducing pedestrian delays, there is no one right solution . Ultimately, choice of a control strategy may rest on operational objectives and geometric characteristics of an intersection. The findings from this research may benefit cities that are looking to create safe, sustainable streets capable of accommodating multiple modes

    Webinar: Improving Walkability at Signalized Intersections with Signal Control Strategies

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    The goal of signal timing at an intersection should be to maximize efficiency for all users. In many jurisdictions, however, traffic signals are timed mostly with the goal of reducing vehicular delay. Other road users, such as pedestrians, deserve similar focus. In legacy transportation systems, pedestrians experience delays much in excess of those that would be deemed acceptable for a motor vehicle at the same location. Excessive delay can lead to pedestrian frustration, non-compliance and ultimately decreased safety. In the North American context, implementation of strategies to address pedestrian service varies greatly across jurisdictions, and there has been limited research on incorporating alternative pedestrian treatments at signalized intersections. Recent updates to the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010) have included specific multimodal delay modeling techniques offering a bit more accommodation to pedestrians, but still remain heavily vehicle-centric. While strategies such as an exclusive pedestrian phase and leading pedestrian intervals can help improve the safety of pedestrian operations, legacy service of pedestrians requires that they still must wait for their turn. This webinar will present the details of alternative pedestrian strategies, as well as the results of recent research into the impact on delay that these treatments have on all users. At the conclusion, practitioner recommendations will be presented developed from the results of a user survey, field implementations of strategies, and software-in-the-loop (SITL).https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/trec_webinar/1016/thumbnail.jp