18 research outputs found

    Atypical regressive corneal endothelial cysts in long-term confocal follow-up

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    Corneal endothelium is formed of 1 layer of mitochondria-rich cubic cells whose main role is to maintain corneal transparency. Corneal endothelial disorders represent group of both inherited and noninherited and may affect proper vision. A 36-year-old male patient with suspicion of corneal endothelial dystrophy underwent visual acuity, intraocular pressure, the basic slit-lamp examination, anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) (Visante, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, CA), and corneal confocal microscopy in vivo (Rostock Cornea Module, Heidelberg Engineering Retina Tomograph III, Heidelberg, Germany). During the 3-year observation the patient reported symptoms mainly in the right eye. Slit-lamp examination revealed endothelial changes, much more pronounced in the right eye. Examination by the AS-OCT Visante showed hyperreflective dots within the right corneal endothelium. In order to assess endothelial cell morphology, analysis using corneal confocal microscopy in vivo was performed. Scans revealed presence of single endothelial deposits and severe cell changes of different morphology in both eyes. In the right eye, less pronounced changes of the polymorphic structure-polygonal guttas in different stages, linear and branched loss with "nuclear-like" formations and accompanying sediments. In the left eye, severe homomorphous polygonal "guttas-like" changes with "nuclear-like" formations were observed. Endothelial cysts' features were dynamically changing during follow-up time with different effects on the patient's clinical state. Corneal confocal microscopy allows accurate imaging of the endothelial cells and their detailed characteristics. Structural changes within the endothelial cells are not always proportional to visual acuity and slit-lamp image. The presented case is an example of an unusual corneal endothelial syndrome with probably nondystrophic background due to observed dynamic state with regressive tendency

    Effect of mild oxidation on the surface chemistry of bituminous coals under different humidity conditions

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    The influence of humidity conditions on the oxidation of four coals has been studied on the basis of their surface chemistry. A systematic study was carried out in which four coals of different rank were oxidised at 50 °C in two conditions of humidity (20 and 90% moisture levels) and in an air atmosphere. The changes in the surface functional groups were measured by means of diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The lowest rank coals were the most affected by oxidation in all the humidity conditions applied. In the case of the higher rank coals, higher moisture levels promoted the oxidation process. The number of oxygen-containing structures increased after oxidation, the most abundant being the carbonyl and carboxyl groups

    The influence of plastic properties of coal blends on evolution of reflectance indicating surface (RIS) parameters of cokes

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    The aim of this work was to characterize cokes optical texture influence of plastic properties of coal blends on degree of cokes optical texture ordering. Three samples of coal blend characterized by different composition and properties were pyrolysed in Karbotest furnace (laboratory scale). To characterize plastic properties of the blends studied, temperatures at the beginning, maximum and at the end of plasticity (t1, tmax and t3, respectively) were determined as well as maximum fluidity Fmax. Texture of resultant cokes was determined by means of optical microscopy. As the result of these studies a set of optical parameters that describe reflectance indicating surface such as maximum, intermediate and minimum reflectance (RMAX, RINT, RMIN respectively) as well as values of Killby’ transformates (Rst, Ram, Rev) were determined for each sample. The optical texture parameters of the cokes were discussed in relationship to plastic properties of coals blends. Correlation between cokes anisotropy and fluidity of initial blends was detected.Celem niniejszej pracy było scharakteryzowanie tekstury optycznej koksów oraz wpływu właściwości plastycznych wyjściowych mieszanek na parametry opisujące teksturę. Trzy mieszanki węglowe o zróżnicowanym składzie i właściwościach plastycznych zostały skoksowane w instalacji Karbotest. Właściwości plastyczne określono wartościami temperatur: początku, maksimum i końca plastyczności (odpowiednio: t1, tmax and t3) oraz wskaźnikiem maksymalnej plastyczności Fmax. Tekstura tak otrzymanych koksów została zbadana z zastosowaniem mikroskopii optycznej. W wyniku badań określono wartości maksymalnej, pośredniej i minimalnej refleksyjności (odpowiednio: RMAX, RINT, RMIN) oraz wartości parametrów transformacji Killby’ego (Rst, Ram, Rev). Parametry optyczne charakteryzujące teksturę zostały skorelowane z parametrami określającymi właściwości plastyczne. Stwierdzono występowanie zależności pomiędzy anizotropią koksu i maksymalną plastycznością mieszanki wejściowej

    The Influence of Plastic Properties of Coal Blends on Evolution of Reflectance Indicating Surface (RIS) Parameters of Cokes

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    The aim of this work was to characterize cokes optical texture influence of plastic properties of coal blends on degree of cokes optical texture ordering. Three samples of coal blend characterized by different composition and properties were pyrolysed in Karbotest furnace (laboratory scale). To characterize plastic properties of the blends studied, temperatures at the beginning, maximum and at the end of plasticity (t1, tmax and t3, respectively) were determined as well as maximum fluidity Fmax. Texture of resultant cokes was determined by means of optical microscopy. As the result of these studies a set of optical parameters that describe reflectance indicating surface such as maximum, intermediate and minimum reflectance (RMAX, RINT, RMIN respectively) as well as values of Killby’ transformates (Rst, Ram, Rev) were determined for each sample. The optical texture parameters of the cokes were discussed in relationship to plastic properties of coals blends. Correlation between cokes anisotropy and fluidity of initial blends was detected.Celem niniejszej pracy było scharakteryzowanie tekstury optycznej koksów oraz wpływu właściwości plastycznych wyjściowych mieszanek na parametry opisujące teksturę. Trzy mieszanki węglowe o zróżnicowanym składzie i właściwościach plastycznych zostały skoksowane w instalacji Karbotest. Właściwości plastyczne określono wartościami temperatur: początku, maksimum i końca plastyczności (odpowiednio: t1, tmax and t3) oraz wskaźnikiem maksymalnej plastyczności Fmax. Tekstura tak otrzymanych koksów została zbadana z zastosowaniem mikroskopii optycznej. W wyniku badań określono wartości maksymalnej, pośredniej i minimalnej refleksyjności (odpowiednio: RMAX, RINT, RMIN) oraz wartości parametrów transformacji Killby’ego (Rst, Ram, Rev). Parametry optyczne charakteryzujące teksturę zostały skorelowane z parametrami określającymi właściwości plastyczne. Stwierdzono występowanie zależności pomiędzy anizotropią koksu i maksymalną plastycznością mieszanki wejściowej

    Application of multivariate data analysis in the construction of predictive model for the chemical properties of coke

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    The aim of this work was to develop a statistical model which can predict values describing chemical composition of cokes performed in industrial scale. This model was developed on the basis of data that were taken from the production system used in the one of Polish coking plant. Elaborated equation include quality parameters of initial coals that form coal blends as well as contribution of additions such as coke and petrochemical coke. These equations allow to predict chemical composition of coke, e.g. contributions of: sulphur, ash, phosphorus and chlorine within the coke. A model was elaborated with use of STATISTICA 10 program and it is based on factor and multiply regression analyses. These analyses were chosen from among few kinds of regression analyses. They allowed to develop prediction model with the required goodness of fit between calculated and actual values. Goodness of fit was elaborated with: - residuals analyses, - residues normality and predicted normality - mean absolute error - Pearson correlation confidence

    Application of multivariate data analysis in the construction of predictive model for the chemical properties of coke

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    The aim of this work was to develop a statistical model which can predict values describing chemical composition of cokes performed in industrial scale. This model was developed on the basis of data that were taken from the production system used in the one of Polish coking plant. Elaborated equation include quality parameters of initial coals that form coal blends as well as contribution of additions such as coke and petrochemical coke. These equations allow to predict chemical composition of coke, e.g. contributions of: sulphur, ash, phosphorus and chlorine within the coke. A model was elaborated with use of STATISTICA 10 program and it is based on factor and multiply regression analyses. These analyses were chosen from among few kinds of regression analyses. They allowed to develop prediction model with the required goodness of fit between calculated and actual values. Goodness of fit was elaborated with: - residuals analyses, - residues normality and predicted normality - mean absolute error - Pearson correlation confidence

    Characteristic features of carcinoids diagnosed in Department of Pathomorphology SUM in Zabrze

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    INTRODUCTION Argentaffinoma (Carcinoid) is neuroendocrine neoplasm being able to develop in different organs of the body. The morbidity rate is taking out about 1 - 2 cases to 100 000 persons per year. MATERIAL AND METHODS The aim of this study was to describe characteristic features of carcinoids’ group diagnosed in Institute of Pathomorphology in Zabrze. This research was based on analysis of 61 histopatological slides. In preparations a type of carcinoids were being assessed. RESULTS • 61 cases were analysed (43 from women, 18 from men) • In the examination there were recognised 34 typical and 16 atypical carcinoids of bronchi and 9 invasive and 1 noninvasive carcinoid within the scope of the digestive system • The medium age of patients amounted to 52.5 ± 13.6 • In studied cases a relation is appearing between the type of the carcinoid and the location and with presence of metastases and also the location and the district blood count CONCLUSIONS Carcinoid is a rarely recognised type of neoplasm. Histologic type, location in the body and the age and sex of the patient determine the clinic features of this neoplasm.WSTĘP Rakowiak (carcinoid) jest nowotworem neuroendokrynnym rozwijającym się w różnych narządach organizmu. Zachorowalność na rakowiaka wynosi około 1-2 przypadki na 100 000 osób na rok. MATERIAŁ I METODY Celem pracy była charakterystyka grupy rakowiaków, rozpoznanych w Katedrze i Zakładzie Patomorfologii SUM w Zabrzu w latach 1993- 2008, pod względem podtypów histopatologicznych. W przygotowaniu pracy wykorzystano analizę preparatów histopatologicznych, oceniając typ rakowiaków. WYNIKI • Przeanalizowano 61 przypadków rakowiaków • Średni wiek pacjentów wynosił 52,5 ± 13,6 (43 kobiety, 18 mężczyzn) • W badaniu histopatologicznym rozpoznano 34 typowe i 16 atypowych rakowiaków oskrzeli oraz 9 inwazyjnych i 1 nieinwazyjny rakowiak w zakresie układu pokarmowego • W badanych przypadkach występuje zależność pomiędzy typem rakowiaka a lokalizacją oraz zdolnością do dawania przerzutów, jak również pomiędzy lokalizacją a parametrami morfologii krwi obwodowej WNIOSKI Rakowiak jest rzadko rozpoznawanym typem nowotworu. Typ histologiczny, lokalizacja w organizmie oraz wiek i płeć pacjenta determinują klinikę tego nowotworu

    An effect of igneous intrusion on the structure, texture and microtexture of coal from the Sośnica coal mine, Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland

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    Two coal samples from the Sośnica coal mine, Poland, were analysed in this study. One sample was the natural char collected at the contact of magmatic intrusion, and another sample was the raw coal that was pyrolised in a laboratory furnace. Temperature of pyrolysis was similar to that calculated for the intrusion. The obtained char was analysed to compare its features with those characterizing a natural char sample. Optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy studies show that the char from unaltered coal is characterized by the least developed structure, texture and microtexture compared to the natural char. Hence, it can be concluded that geological pressure generated by both the intrusion and the overburden, strongly affects the process of molecular ordering that took place during the heating of coal. The textural, structural or microtextural parameters of coal cannot be used as a geo-thermometer, because they are strongly dependent not only on the temperature but also on other factors

    Metallothioneins, a Part of the Retinal Endogenous Protective System in Various Ocular Diseases

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    Metallothioneins are the metal-rich proteins that play important roles in metal homeostasis and detoxification. Moreover, these proteins protect cells against oxidative stress, inhibit proapoptotic mechanisms and enhance cell differentiation and survival. Furthermore, MTs, mainly MT-1/2 and MT-3, play a vital role in protecting the neuronal retinal cells in the eye. Expression disorders of these proteins may be responsible for the development of various age-related eye diseases, including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and retinitis pigmentosa. In this review, we focused on the literature reports suggesting that these proteins may be a key component of the endogenous protection system of the retinal neurons, and, when the expression of MTs is disrupted, this system becomes inefficient. Moreover, we described the location of different MT isoforms in ocular tissues. Then we discussed the changes in MT subtypes’ expression in the context of the common eye diseases. Finally, we highlighted the possibility of the use of MTs as biomarkers for cancer diagnosis